Commit 40e7df8a by Fábián János

Add request to render as parameter

parent 23c66698
......@@ -45,10 +45,10 @@ def handler500(request):
logger.exception("unhandled exception")
ctx = get_context(request, exception)
resp = render("500.html", ctx,
resp = render(request,"500.html", ctx,
resp = render("500.html", ctx)
resp = render(request,"500.html", ctx)
resp.status_code = 500
return resp
......@@ -56,6 +56,6 @@ def handler500(request):
def handler403(request, *args, **argv):
cls, exception, traceback = exc_info()
ctx = get_context(request, exception)
resp = render("403.html", ctx)
resp = render(request,"403.html", ctx)
resp.status_code = 403
return resp(request)
return resp
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