Commit ce51d55d by Szeberényi Imre


parent addf5f4d
Dummy palyaers for labs
Dummy players for labs
player.h, player.cpp :
* Player's basic class. Implementing the server communication.
- Player's basic class. Implementing server communication.
main.cpp :
* Implements a simple burglar and cop players.
* They are moving randomly and create log messages in *.log files.
- Implements a simple burglar and cop players.
- They are moving randomly and create log messages in \*.log files. :
* Test script for the simple players version.
- Test script for the simple players version.
mpimain.cpp :
* Simple MPI communication example.
* The silly policeman moving randomly and shouting to his radio, if
he sees the robber.
* The others can hear this, but they don't know where the robber is.
- Simple MPI communication example.
- The silly policeman is moving randomly and shouting to his radio if he sees the robber.
- The others can hear this, but they don't know where the robber is. :
* Test script for the MPI version. Starts a burglar, and starts the
MPI processes.
- Test script for the MPI version. Starts a burglar, and starts the MPI processes.
module load mpi
Starting the clients:
Feltetelezzuk, hogy a laborgepen, amin dolgozunk a szervert elinditottuk. (szerver.bat)
A szerver fixen a 15623-as porton hallgat. Ide kell tunnelezni a klinenseket.
Hogy ne legyen portutkozes, az a javaslat hogy mindeki egyedi portot (RABLO_PORT) hasznaljon.
RABLO_PORT=15000+UID, ahol UID az adott felhasznalo UID-je (id -u)
let RABLO_PORT=15000+`id -u`
A laborgepet es a jatekosokat futtato gepet (pl. ural2) ssh tunnelen keresztuk kapcsoljuk ossze.
./ – simple version
./ – mpi version
Starting the graphical server on the local machine:
1. Creating TCP tunnel between the remote machine (para) and the local host.
a. The server listens on port number 15623.
b. The client uses the unique port number UID+17000, where UID is your user id on host para.
Using putty:
X Local ports accept connection from othrer hosts
Source port: your unique port number (UID+17000). (./ will display the port number)
Destination: localhost:15623
X Remote
X Ipv4
Ha a javas server fut indithato a, vagy az
A *.log-okban lathato a kommunikacio.
Using ssh
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