rem We have Python but let's check if it's in the PATH
IF NOT "!output_on_screen!"=="False" (
@echo %version% Python is found, checking PATH variable
@echo %version% Python is found, checking PATH variable>CON
@echo %version% Python is found, checking PATH variable
rem Check Python install path
set install_path=
for /f "tokens=2,*" %%a in ('reg query "hklm\SOFTWARE\%python_registry%Python\PythonCore\%version%\InstallPath"') do (
@@ -161,58 +180,66 @@ IF NOT "!output_on_screen!"=="False" (
rem Check whether python.exe is in the install path (python uninstall doesn't delete registry entrys)
if NOT EXIST "%install_path%python.exe" (
IF NOT "!output_on_screen!"=="False" (
@echo %version% Python was installed but it is NOT now. Restarting the search for python^^!
@echo %version% Python was installed but it is NOT now. Restarting the search for python^^!>CON
@echo %version% Python was installed but it is NOT now. Restarting the search for python^^!
goto loop
) else (
set test=%install_path:~0,-1%
call ^"%running_directory%inPath^" ^"test^" && (IF NOT "!output_on_screen!"=="False" (@echo !test! is already in PATH)) || (call ^"%running_directory%addPath^" ^"test^" & setx>nul PATH "%PATH%;!test!" /m & IF NOT "!output_on_screen!"=="False" ( @echo !test! set to PATH))
call ^"%running_directory%inPath^" ^"test^" && (IF NOT "!output_on_screen!"=="False" (@echo !test! is already in PATH>CON) && @echo !test! is already in PATH) || (call ^"%running_directory%addPath^" ^"test^" & setx>nul PATH "%PATH%;!test!" /m & IF NOT "!output_on_screen!"=="False" ( @echo !test! set to PATH>CON) && @echo !test! set to PATH)
set test=%install_path%Scripts
call ^"%running_directory%inPath^" ^"test^" && (IF NOT "!output_on_screen!"=="False" (@echo !test! is already in PATH)) || (call ^"%running_directory%addPath^" ^"test^" & setx>nul PATH "%PATH%;!test!" /m & IF NOT "!output_on_screen!"=="False" ( @echo !test! set to PATH))
call ^"%running_directory%inPath^" ^"test^" && (IF NOT "!output_on_screen!"=="False" (@echo !test! is already in PATH>CON) && @echo !test! is already in PATH) || (call ^"%running_directory%addPath^" ^"test^" & setx>nul PATH "%PATH%;!test!" /m & IF NOT "!output_on_screen!"=="False" ( @echo !test! set to PATH>CON) && @echo !test! set to PATH)
IF NOT "!output_on_screen!"=="False" (
@echo Failed. Commencing installation of easy_install
for /f tokens^=3^ delims^=^" %%B in ('type "%Temp%\BROW5.reg" ^| find "@"') do (
set "default=%%B"
rem removing double slashes
set "default=!default:\\=\!"
rem removing end slash
set "default=!default:~0,-1!"
rem get the name
for %%D in ("!default!") do (
del /Q /F "%Temp%\BROW5.reg"
) else (
rem Registry location depends of the architecture
if "!architecture!"=="64" (
set "browser_architect=Wow6432Node\"
set "architecture_name=x64"
) else (
if "!architecture!"=="32" (
set "browser_architect="
set "architecture_name=x86"
) else (
rem Registry names for the different browsers out there
if "!browserToUse!"=="firefox" (
set "browser_path_name=FIREFOX.EXE"
set "selenium_driver_name="
if "!browserToUse!"=="chrome" (
set "browser_path_name=Google Chrome"
set "selenium_driver_name=chromedriver.exe"
if "!browserToUse!"=="iexplore" (
set "browser_path_name=IEXPLORE.EXE"
set "selenium_driver_name=IEDriverServer.exe"
rem Opera have to versions (in the registry) Opera and OperaStable, we try to Stable first
if "!browserToUse!"=="opera" (
set "browser_path_name=OperaStable"
set "selenium_driver_name="
set "browser_path="
IF NOT "!output_on_screen!"=="False" (
@echo Check if !browserToUse!.exe is in PATH
set browser_path=
set query="hklm\SOFTWARE\%browser_architect%Clients\StartMenuInternet\%browser_path_name%\shell\open\command"
reg>nul query %query% 2>nul
if "%browser_path%"=="" (
if "%browser_architect%"=="" (
rem If the Stable failed check out the simple Opera
if "%browser_path_name%"=="OperaStable" (
SET "browser_path_name=Opera"
SET "browser_architect=Wow6432Node\"
goto get_browser_path
IF NOT "!output_on_screen!"=="False" (
@echo Location not found^^! Please add !browserToUse!.exe to PATH manually
goto install_driver
) else (
set "browser_architect="
goto get_browser_path
rem Get the installation path for the selected browser
for /f "tokens=2,*" %%a in ('reg query %query%') do (
set browser_path=%%b
set browser_path=%browser_path:"=%
call :Split "%browser_path%" test
set myTest=!test:~0,-1!
rem Set that path in the PATH environment variable
call ^"%running_directory%inPath^" ^"myTest^" && (IF NOT "!output_on_screen!"=="False" ( @echo !myTest! is already in PATH)) || (call ^"%running_directory%addPath^" ^"myTest^" & setx>nul PATH "%PATH%;!myTest!" /m & IF NOT "!output_on_screen!"=="False" ( @echo !myTest! set to PATH) )
IF NOT "%install_selenium%"=="False" (
if NOT "!selenium_driver_name!"=="" (
@echo Installing the !browserToUse! Selenium driver
call ^"%running_directory%inPath^" ^"install_location^" && (IF NOT "!output_on_screen!"=="False" ( @echo !install_location! is already in PATH)) || (call ^"%running_directory%addPath^" ^"install_location^" & setx>nul PATH "%PATH%;!install_location!" /m & IF NOT "!output_on_screen!"=="False" ( @echo !install_location! set to PATH))
call ^"%running_directory%inPath^" ^"install_location^" && (IF NOT "!output_on_screen!"=="False" ( @echo !install_location! is already in PATH>CON) && @echo !install_location! is already in PATH) || (call ^"%running_directory%addPath^" ^"install_location^" & setx>nul PATH "%PATH%;!install_location!" /m & IF NOT "!output_on_screen!"=="False" ( @echo !install_location! set to PATH>CON) && @echo !install_location! set to PATH)
if not exist "%install_location%\" (
mkdir ^"%install_location%^"
@@ -432,52 +275,41 @@ if not exist "%install_location%\.rdp\" (