Commit 8ac7e289 by Belákovics Ádám

removed NX from code

parent ed03b793
......@@ -2,8 +2,8 @@ Desktop client for CIRCLE, providing single click connection to the VMs further
Python based application using third party softwares.
Tested and made for:
- Debian based Linux systems. [RDP, NX - Remmina based, SSH - built in console]
- Windows Vista 32/64 or newer. [RDP - windows built in, NX - NoMachine NX Client, SSH - Putty]
- Debian based Linux systems. [RDP, SSH - built in console]
- Windows Vista 32/64 or newer. [RDP - windows built in, SSH - Putty]
To install the client Root rights are necessary.
The installation guide can be found at the CIRCLE running site.
......@@ -184,16 +184,6 @@
LangString STATUS_PythonArchitectNotFound ${LANG_HUNGARIAN} "Nem siker�lt kider�teni a feltelep�tett Python m�dj�t!$\r$\n\
A sikeres telep�t�shez el kell el�bb t�vol�tania a Python-t."
;NX Client (NXClient)
LangString NAME_NXClient ${LANG_ENGLISH} "NX Client"
LangString NAME_NXClient ${LANG_HUNGARIAN} "NX Kliens"
LangString DESC_NXClient ${LANG_ENGLISH} "Check whether you want to install a CIRCLE compatible NX Client by NoMachine.$\r$\n\
Used for [NX] type of connections."
LangString DESC_NXClient ${LANG_HUNGARIAN} "V�lassza ki, ha fel szeretn� telep�teni a NoMachine �ltal gy�rtott NX Klienst.$\r$\n\
[NX] f�le kapcsolatokhoz haszn�lt."
LangString STATUS_ExecutingScript ${LANG_ENGLISH} "Executing setup script. Log files can be found at:"
......@@ -204,7 +194,6 @@
Var /GLOBAL python_version
Var /GLOBAL python_architect
Var /GLOBAL found_python
Var /GLOBAL nx_install
Var /GLOBAL append
Var /GLOBAL running_directory
......@@ -215,7 +204,7 @@ SectionGroup /e '!$(NAME_Install)'
SetOutPath "$INSTDIR"
;ADD OWN FILES HERE----------------------------------------
File /r /x *nxclient-3.5.0-9.exe /x * installer
File /r installer
File /r uninstaller
;Initialize Running Directory
......@@ -242,11 +231,6 @@ SectionGroup /e '!$(NAME_Install)'
CreateShortCut '$SMPROGRAMS\${Company}\${AppName}\Uninstall ${AppName}.lnk' '$INSTDIR\${AppUninstaller}' "" '$INSTDIR\${AppUninstaller}' 0
Section /o $(NAME_NXClient) NXClient
SetOutPath "$INSTDIR\installer"
File 'installer\nxclient-3.5.0-9.exe'
File 'installer\'
SectionGroup /e $(NAME_Functions)
Section /o $(NAME_PythonLookup) PythonLookup
......@@ -357,17 +341,10 @@ Function PythonSearch
Push $6
Function Done
SectionGetFlags ${NXClient} $9
IntOp $9 $9 & ${SF_SELECTED}
IntCmp $9 ${SF_SELECTED} equal
StrCpy $nx_install "False"
Goto done
StrCpy $nx_install "True"
DetailPrint '$(STATUS_ExecutingScript) $INSTDIR\install(_error).log'
Sleep ${LogInformationTime}
ExecWait '"$INSTDIR\installer\install.cmd" "$INSTDIR" "$running_directory" ${Show_output} $nx_install "${AppUrl}" $append >"$INSTDIR\install.log" 2>"$INSTDIR\install_error.log"'
ExecWait '"$INSTDIR\installer\install.cmd" "$INSTDIR" "$running_directory" ${Show_output} "false" "${AppUrl}" $append >"$INSTDIR\install.log" 2>"$INSTDIR\install_error.log"'
RMDir /r "$INSTDIR\installer"
Function CallbackFunction
......@@ -862,7 +839,6 @@ FunctionEnd
;Assign language strings to sections
!insertmacro MUI_DESCRIPTION_TEXT ${SecInstall} $(DESC_SecInstall)
!insertmacro MUI_DESCRIPTION_TEXT ${NXClient} $(DESC_NXClient)
!insertmacro MUI_DESCRIPTION_TEXT ${PythonLookup} $(DESC_PythonLookup)
......@@ -902,8 +878,6 @@ Section "Uninstall"
Delete "$INSTDIR\"
IfFileExists "$INSTDIR\" 0 +2
Delete "$INSTDIR\"
IfFileExists "$INSTDIR\" 0 +2
Delete "$INSTDIR\"
IfFileExists "$INSTDIR\" 0 +2
Delete "$INSTDIR\"
IfFileExists "$INSTDIR\putty.exe" 0 +2
......@@ -21,7 +21,7 @@ class Struct:
Keyword arguments:
state -- State of the Virtual Computer (running, etc..)
protocol -- SSH, NX and RDP possible
protocol -- SSH and RDP possible
host -- Address of the Virtual Computer
port -- The port where we can access the Virtual Computer
user -- Username used for the connection
......@@ -16,7 +16,6 @@ import subprocess
import time
import tempfile
import nxkey
import win32crypt
from windowsclasses import ClientRegistry
......@@ -27,7 +26,7 @@ def connect(vm):
Keyword arguments:
vm.protocol -- SSH, NX and RDP possible
vm.protocol -- SSH and RDP possible -- Address of the Virtual Computer
vm.port -- The port where we can access the Virtual Computer
vm.user -- Username used for the connection
......@@ -49,33 +48,6 @@ def connect(vm):
subprocess.Popen('"%(path)s\\putty.exe" %(arguments)s' % {
'path': directory,
'arguments': arguments}, shell=True)
elif vm.protocol == "NX":'NX protocol received')
listdir = os.path.expanduser("~\\.nx\\config\\*.nxs")
found = False
server = "\"Server host\" value=\"%s\"" %
port = "\"Server port\" value=\"%s\"" % vm.port
for config_file in glob.glob(listdir):
with open(config_file) as f:
file =
if server in file and port in file:
found = True'Config file found: %s', config_file)
if not found:'No config file found, creating new one')
config_file = "%s%s%s" % (os.path.expanduser("~\\.nx\\config\\"),
str(int(time.time() * 1000)), ".nxs")
password = nxkey.NXKeyGen(vm.password).getEncrypted()
config = NX_template % {'USERNAME': vm.user, 'PASSWORD': password,
'HOST':, 'PORT': vm.port}
f = open(config_file, 'w')
f.close()'Config file created: %s', config_file)
logger.debug('Popen the config file: %s', config_file)
subprocess.Popen((u'"%s"' % config_file).encode(
locale.getpreferredencoding()), shell=True)
elif vm.protocol == "RDP":
logger.debug('RDP protocol received')
full_address = "full address:s:%s:%s" % (, vm.port)
......@@ -97,24 +69,6 @@ def connect(vm):
os.remove(config_file)'Client finished working')
NX_template = """<!DOCTYPE NXClientSettings>
<NXClientSettings application="nxclient" version="1.3" >
<group name="General" >
<option key="Remember password" value="true" />
<option key="Resolution" value="fullscreen" />
<option key="Server host" value="%(HOST)s" />
<option key="Server port" value="%(PORT)s" />
<option key="Session" value="unix" />
<group name="Login" >
<option key="Auth" value="%(PASSWORD)s" />
<option key="Guest Mode" value="false" />
<option key="Login Method" value="nx" />
<option key="User" value="%(USERNAME)s" />
RPD_template = """username:s:%(USERNAME)s
full address:s:%(HOST)s:%(PORT)s
authentication level:i:0
......@@ -329,7 +329,6 @@ IF NOT "!output_on_screen!"=="False" (
xcopy "!running_directory!" "!install_location!\" /y
xcopy "!running_directory!" "!install_location!\" /y
xcopy "!running_directory!" "!install_location!\" /y
xcopy "!running_directory!" "!install_location!\" /y
xcopy "!running_directory!" "!install_location!\" /y
xcopy "!running_directory!putty.exe" "!install_location!\" /y
IF NOT "!output_on_screen!"=="False" (
#!/usr/bin/env python
# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
NX Client for Windows installer
Checks whether NX Client for Windows is installed in the system, the
classes used for this process are used for other operations too.
import os
import argparse
import subprocess
import time
import windowsclasses
def parse_arguments():
Argument parser, based on argparse module
Keyword arguments:
@return args -- arguments given by console
parser = argparse.ArgumentParser()
if windowsclasses.DecideArchitecture.Is64Windows():
local_default = (windowsclasses.DecideArchitecture.GetProgramFiles64()
+ "\\CIRCLE\\")
local_default = (windowsclasses.DecideArchitecture.GetProgramFiles32()
+ "\\CIRCLE\\")
if (not os.path.exists(local_default[:-1])
and os.path.exists(os.environ['APPDATA']+"\\CIRCLE")):
local_default = os.environ['APPDATA']+"\\CIRCLE\\"
"-l", "--location",
help="Location of the client files in the system",
args = parser.parse_args()
return args
def main():
nx_install_location = None
while nx_install_location is None:
print "Checking whether NX Client for Windows is installed"
handler = windowsclasses.RegistryHandler()
nx_install_location = handler.get_key_value(
+ "Uninstall\\nxclient_is1",
"InstallLocation", "key")
print ("NX Client for Windows is found at "
"'%s'" % nx_install_location)
process = subprocess.Popen(
"%s\\nxclient.exe" % nx_install_location)
print "NX Client for Windows isn't installed on the system."
print "\tCommencing the install"
+ "\\nxclient-3.5.0-9.exe").wait()
if __name__ == "__main__":
#!/usr/bin/env python
# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
Generating NoMachine NX scrambled key according to
import sys
import random
from xml.sax.saxutils import escape
class NXKeyGen:
NXKeyGen class
Creates NoMachine NX scrambled keys
numValidCharList = 85
dummyString = "{{{{"
def __init__(self, password):
Initialize the class
Keyword arguments:
@param password -- Password that will be scrambled
self.password = password
def getEncrypted(self):
Encrypt (scramble) the given password
Keyword arguments:
@return scrambleString -- Scrambled version of the original
return self.scrambleString(self.password)
def getvalidCharList(self, pos):
Valid character list
Keyword arguments:
@return validcharlist -- List of the valid characters
validcharlist = [
"!", "#", "$", "%", "&", "(", ")", "*", "+", "-",
".", "0", "1", "2", "3", "4", "5", "6", "7", "8",
"9", ":", ";", "<", ">", "?", "@", "A", "B", "C",
"D", "E", "F", "G", "H", "I", "J", "K", "L", "M",
"N", "O", "P", "Q", "R", "S", "T", "U", "V", "W",
"X", "Y", "Z", "[", "]", "_", "a", "b", "c", "d",
"e", "f", "g", "h", "i", "j", "k", "l", "m", "n",
"o", "p", "q", "r", "s", "t", "u", "v", "w", "x",
"y", "z", "{", "|", "}"]
return validcharlist[pos]
def encodePassword(self, p):
Password encoder
Keyword arguments:
@return sPass -- Encoded password
sPass = ":"
sTmp = ""
if not p:
return ""
for i in range(len(p)):
c = p[i:i+1]
a = ord(c)
sTmp = str(a + i + 1) + ":"
sPass += sTmp
sTmp = ""
return sPass
def findCharInList(self, c):
Character position finder
Keyword arguments:
@param c -- Character that needs to be matched if valid
@return i -- Place where the character is in the valid list
i = -1
for j in range(self.numValidCharList):
randchar = self.getvalidCharList(j)
if randchar == c:
i = j
return i
return i
def getRandomValidCharFromList(self):
Random valid character getter
Keyword arguments:
@return char -- Valid character placed 0-60 in the valid list
return self.getvalidCharList(random.randint(0, 60))
def scrambleString(self, s):
Password scrambler
Keyword arguments:
@param s -- Password that needs to be scrambled
@return sRet -- NoMachine NX scrambled password
sRet = ""
if not s:
return s
strp = self.encodePassword(s)
if len(strp) < 32:
sRet += self.dummyString
for iR in reversed(range(len(strp))):
sRet += strp[iR:iR+1]
if len(sRet) < 32:
sRet += self.dummyString
app = self.getRandomValidCharFromList()
k = ord(app)
l = k + len(sRet) - 2
sRet = app + sRet
for i1 in range(1, len(sRet)):
app2 = sRet[i1: i1 + 1]
j = self.findCharInList(app2)
if j == -1:
return sRet
i = (j + l * (i1 + 1)) % self.numValidCharList
car = self.getvalidCharList(i)
sRet = self.substr_replace(sRet, car, i1, 1)
c = (ord(self.getRandomValidCharFromList())) + 2
c2 = chr(c)
sRet = sRet + c2
return escape(sRet)
def substr_replace(self, in_str, ch, pos, qt):
Replace a character at a special position
clist = list(in_str)
count = 0
tmp_str = ''
for key in clist:
if count != pos:
tmp_str += key
tmp_str += ch
count = count+1
return tmp_str
if __name__ == "__main__":
NXPass = NXKeyGen(sys.argv[1])
print NXPass.password
print NXPass.getEncrypted()
......@@ -130,11 +130,6 @@ def main():
print "Error! URL Protocol handler installation aborted!"
if args.nx:
print "Running NX Client install"
'python "%s\\"' % os.path.dirname(
print "Creating icon in the installation folder"
location = os.path.join(desktop_path, "CIRCLE Client.url")
shortcut = open(location, "w")
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