Commit bffc08cf by Csók Tamás

client: flake8 correction

parent 4026505c
......@@ -39,7 +39,7 @@ def parse_arguments():
local_default = (windowsclasses.DecideArchitecture.GetProgramFiles32()
+ "\\CIRCLE\\")
if (not os.path.exists(local_default[:-1]) and
os.path.exists(os.environ['APPDATA'] + "\\CIRCLE")):
os.path.exists(os.environ['APPDATA'] + "\\CIRCLE")):
local_default = os.environ['APPDATA'] + "\\CIRCLE\\"
"-l", "--location", help="Location of the client files in the system",
......@@ -136,33 +136,33 @@ def main():
shutil.copy(location, args.location)
print "Creating custom URL protocol handlers"
custom_ssh = OrderedDict(
[('ssh', ["default",
"URL:ssh Protocol",
"URL Protocol",
custom_ssh = OrderedDict([
('ssh', ["default",
"URL:ssh Protocol",
"URL Protocol",
('ssh\\URL Protocol', ""),
('ssh\\DefaultIcon', args.location+"cloud.ico"),
('ssh\\shell', {'open': {
'command': "\"pythonw.exe\" \"%s" % args.location
+ "\" \"%1\""}})])
custom_rdp = OrderedDict(
[('rdp', ["default",
"URL:rdp Protocol",
"URL Protocol",
custom_rdp = OrderedDict([
('rdp', ["default",
"URL:rdp Protocol",
"URL Protocol",
('rdp\\URL Protocol', ""),
('rdp\\DefaultIcon', args.location + "cloud.ico"),
('rdp\\shell', {'open': {
'command': "\"pythonw.exe\" \"%s" % args.location
+ "\" \"%1\""}})])
custom_nx = OrderedDict(
[('nx', ["default",
"URL:nx Protocol",
"URL Protocol",
custom_nx = OrderedDict([
('nx', ["default",
"URL:nx Protocol",
"URL Protocol",
('nx\\URL Protocol', ""),
('nx\\DefaultIcon', args.location + "cloud.ico"),
('nx\\shell', {'open': {
......@@ -39,7 +39,7 @@ def parse_arguments():
local_default = (windowsclasses.DecideArchitecture.GetProgramFiles32()
+ "\\CIRCLE\\")
if (not os.path.exists(local_default[:-1]) and
os.path.exists(os.environ['APPDATA'] + "\\CIRCLE")):
os.path.exists(os.environ['APPDATA'] + "\\CIRCLE")):
local_default = os.environ['APPDATA'] + "\\CIRCLE\\"
"-l", "--location", help="Location of the client files in the system",
......@@ -136,33 +136,33 @@ def main():
shutil.copy(location, args.location)
print "Creating custom URL protocol handlers"
custom_ssh = OrderedDict(
[('ssh', ["default",
"URL:ssh Protocol",
"URL Protocol",
custom_ssh = OrderedDict([
('ssh', ["default",
"URL:ssh Protocol",
"URL Protocol",
('ssh\\URL Protocol', ""),
('ssh\\DefaultIcon', args.location+"cloud.ico"),
('ssh\\shell', {'open': {
'command': "\"pythonw.exe\" \"%s" % args.location
+ "\" \"%1\""}})])
custom_rdp = OrderedDict(
[('rdp', ["default",
"URL:rdp Protocol",
"URL Protocol",
custom_rdp = OrderedDict([
('rdp', ["default",
"URL:rdp Protocol",
"URL Protocol",
('rdp\\URL Protocol', ""),
('rdp\\DefaultIcon', args.location + "cloud.ico"),
('rdp\\shell', {'open': {
'command': "\"pythonw.exe\" \"%s" % args.location
+ "\" \"%1\""}})])
custom_nx = OrderedDict(
[('nx', ["default",
"URL:nx Protocol",
"URL Protocol",
custom_nx = OrderedDict([
('nx', ["default",
"URL:nx Protocol",
"URL Protocol",
('nx\\URL Protocol', ""),
('nx\\DefaultIcon', args.location + "cloud.ico"),
('nx\\shell', {'open': {
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