Commit cbf7078e by Csók Tamás

fix style to better match pep8, solved some compatibility issues

parent 65959e4c
#!/usr/bin/env python
# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
# A cloudban létrehozott virtuális gépekhez történő kapcsolódást segítő program
A cloudban létrehozott virtuális gépekhez történő kapcsolódást segítő
import platform, argparse, sys, time
import platform
import argparse
import sys
import time
from selenium import webdriver
from import By
from import WebDriverWait
from import expected_conditions as EC
except ImporError:
# Paraméterek átadására használt struktúra
# state A virtuális gép állapota, azt figyeljük, hogy fut-e
# protocol SSH, NX és RDP lehetséges
# host A virtuális gép címe
# port Ezen a porton csatlakozunk a virtuális géphez
# user Csatlakozáshoz használt név
# password Csatlakozáshoz használt jelszó
class Struct:
Paraméterek átadására használt struktúra
Keyword arguments:
state -- A virtuális gép állapota, azt figyeljük, hogy fut-e
protocol -- SSH, NX és RDP lehetséges
host -- A virtuális gép címe
port -- Ezen a porton csatlakozunk a virtuális géphez
user -- Csatlakozáshoz használt név
password -- Csatlakozáshoz használt jelszó
# Argument parser, argparse modulon alapszik
# @return args
def pars_arguments():
parser = argparse.ArgumentParser();
parser.add_argument("uri", type=str, help="Specific schema handler", nargs='?', default=None)
def parse_arguments():
Argument parser, argparse modulon alapszik
Keyword arguments:
@return args -- arguments given by console
parser = argparse.ArgumentParser()
"uri", type=str, help="Specific schema handler", nargs='?',
parser.add_argument("-u", "--username", type=str)
parser.add_argument("-p", "--password", type=str)
parser.add_argument("-d", "--driver", help="Select webdriver. Aside from Firefox, you have to install first the proper driver.", \
type=str, choices=['firefox', 'chrome', 'ie', 'opera'], default="firefox")
parser.add_argument("-o", "--old", help="Use old interface", action="store_true")
args = parser.parse_args();
"-d", "--driver",
help="Select webdriver. Aside from Firefox, you have to install "+
"first the proper driver.", type=str,
choices=['firefox', 'chrome', 'ie', 'opera'],
"-o", "--old", help="Use old interface", action="store_true")
args = parser.parse_args()
return args
class Browser:
# Browser inicializálás
# @param args Az args.driver paraméterrel meghatározhatjuk, melyik böngészőt akarjuk használni.
Browser inicializálás
Keyword arguments:
@param args -- Az args.driver paraméterrel meghatározhatjuk,
melyik böngészőt akarjuk használni.
def __init__(self, args):
self.args = args
if args.driver == "firefox":
......@@ -52,10 +78,11 @@ class Browser:
self.driver = webdriver.Opera()
# Címtáras beléptetés a parancssorban megadott paraméterek alapján
def login(self):
Címtáras beléptetés a parancssorban megadott paraméterek
driver = self.driver
args = self.args
if args.username is not None:
......@@ -65,13 +92,17 @@ class Browser:
if args.username is not None and args.password is not None:
# A régi webes felület használata
# @return vm Virtuális gép csatlakozásához szükséges paraméterek
def old_main(self):
A régi webes felület használata
Keyword arguments:
@return vm -- Virtuális gép csatlakozásához szükséges
vm = Struct()
driver = self.driver
......@@ -81,23 +112,36 @@ class Browser:
vm.state, vm.protocol = "", "NONE"
while vm.state.upper()[:3] not in ("FUT", "RUN"):
element = WebDriverWait(driver, 7200).until(EC.presence_of_element_located((By.CSS_SELECTOR, "input.hidden-password.shown[type='text']")))
element = WebDriverWait(driver, 7200).until(
vm.password = element.get_attribute("value")
vm.state = driver.find_element_by_css_selector("#state > div > p").text
vm.protocol = driver.find_element_by_css_selector("#vm-credentials > div > table > tbody > tr:nth-child(1) > td").text,vm.port = driver.find_element_by_css_selector("#vm-credentials > div > table > tbody > tr:nth-child(2) > td").text.split(':')
vm.user = driver.find_element_by_css_selector("#vm-credentials > div > table > tbody > tr:nth-child(4) > td").text
vm.state = driver.find_element_by_css_selector(
"#state > div > p").text
vm.protocol = driver.find_element_by_css_selector(
"#vm-credentials > div > table > tbody > "+
"tr:nth-child(1) > td").text,vm.port = driver.find_element_by_css_selector(
"#vm-credentials > div > table > tbody > "+
"tr:nth-child(2) > td").text.split(':')
vm.user = driver.find_element_by_css_selector(
"#vm-credentials > div > table > tbody > "+
"tr:nth-child(4) > td").text
print "Browser session timed out!"
return vm
# Az új webes felület használata
# @return vm Virtuális gép csatlakozásához szükséges paraméterek
def main(self):
Az új webes felület használata
Keyword arguments:
@return vm -- Virtuális gép csatlakozásához szükséges
vm = Struct()
driver = self.driver
......@@ -107,10 +151,16 @@ class Browser:
vm.state, vm.protocol = "", "NONE"
while vm.state.upper()[:3] not in ("FUT", "RUN"):
element = WebDriverWait(driver,7200).until(EC.presence_of_element_located((By.CSS_SELECTOR, "#vm-details-pw-eye.icon-eye-close")))
vm.state = driver.find_element_by_css_selector("#vm-details-state > span").text
element = WebDriverWait(driver,7200).until(
vm.state = driver.find_element_by_css_selector(
"#vm-details-state > span").text
#cl: connection string converted to list
cl = driver.find_element_by_css_selector("#vm-details-connection-string").get_attribute("value").split()
cl = driver.find_element_by_css_selector(
if cl[0] == "sshpass":
vm.protocol = "SSH"
vm.user, = cl[6].split("@")
......@@ -125,27 +175,26 @@ class Browser:
return vm
# Főprogram
# beolvassuk a paramétereket
# megnyitjuk a kiválasztott böngészőben a weboldalt
# bejelentkezünk a címtárba
# kiválasztjuk a futtatni kívánt klienst
# kapcsolódunk a klienshez
def main():
beolvassuk a paramétereket
megnyitjuk a kiválasztott böngészőben a weboldalt
bejelentkezünk a címtárba
kiválasztjuk a futtatni kívánt klienst
kapcsolódunk a klienshez
args = pars_arguments()
args = parse_arguments()
if args.uri is not None:
vm = Struct()
vm.protocol, vm.user, vm.password,, vm.port = args.uri.split(':',4)
vm.protocol,vm.user,vm.password,,vm.port = \
vm.protocol = vm.protocol.upper()
vm.state = "RUN"
from selenium import webdriver
from import By
from import WebDriverWait
from import expected_conditions as EC
browser = Browser(args)
if args.old:
......@@ -163,5 +212,7 @@ def main():
print "Unknown error occurred! Please contact the developers!"
if __name__ == "__main__":
......@@ -4,7 +4,14 @@
# Távoli klienshez csatlakozás windows OS alól
import sys, os, time, subprocess, glob, nxkey, win32crypt, binascii
import time
import os
import subprocess
import glob
import win32crypt
import binascii
import nxkey
# A távoli klienshez csatlakozás valósítja majd meg windows alól
# @param vm Paraméterek a csatlakozáshoz
......@@ -162,9 +162,9 @@ IF NOT "!output_on_screen!"=="False" (
goto loop
) else (
set test=%install_path:~0,-1%
call %running_directory%inPath test && (IF NOT "!output_on_screen!"=="False" (@echo %test% is already in PATH)) || (call %running_directory%addPath test & setx>nul PATH "%PATH%;%test%" & IF NOT "!output_on_screen!"=="False" ( @echo %test% set to local PATH))
call %running_directory%inPath test && (IF NOT "!output_on_screen!"=="False" (@echo %test% is already in PATH)) || (call %running_directory%addPath test & setx>nul PATH "%PATH%;%test%" /m & IF NOT "!output_on_screen!"=="False" ( @echo %test% set to PATH))
set test=%install_path%Scripts
call %running_directory%inPath test && (IF NOT "!output_on_screen!"=="False" (@echo %test% is already in PATH)) || (call %running_directory%addPath test & setx>nul PATH "%PATH%;%test%" & IF NOT "!output_on_screen!"=="False" ( @echo %test% set to local PATH))
call %running_directory%inPath test && (IF NOT "!output_on_screen!"=="False" (@echo %test% is already in PATH)) || (call %running_directory%addPath test & setx>nul PATH "%PATH%;%test%" /m & IF NOT "!output_on_screen!"=="False" ( @echo %test% set to PATH))
......@@ -395,7 +395,7 @@ if "!browserToUse!"=="None" (
call :Split "%browser_path%" test
set myTest=!test:~0,-1!
rem Set that path in the PATH environment variable
call %running_directory%inPath myTest && (IF NOT "!output_on_screen!"=="False" ( @echo !myTest! is already in PATH)) || (call %running_directory%addPath myTest & setx>nul PATH "%PATH%;!myTest!" & IF NOT "!output_on_screen!"=="False" ( @echo !myTest! set to local PATH) )
call %running_directory%inPath myTest && (IF NOT "!output_on_screen!"=="False" ( @echo !myTest! is already in PATH)) || (call %running_directory%addPath myTest & setx>nul PATH "%PATH%;!myTest!" /m & IF NOT "!output_on_screen!"=="False" ( @echo !myTest! set to PATH) )
IF NOT "%install_selenium%"=="False" (
if NOT "!selenium_driver_name!"=="" (
......@@ -448,7 +448,7 @@ rem Create folder if needed and set it to PATH
IF NOT "!output_on_screen!"=="False" (
@echo Checking wheter ^'%install_location%^\^' exists already
call %running_directory%inPath install_location && (IF NOT "!output_on_screen!"=="False" ( @echo !install_location! is already in PATH)) || (call %running_directory%addPath install_location & setx>nul PATH "%PATH%;!install_location!" & IF NOT "!output_on_screen!"=="False" ( @echo !install_location! set to local PATH))
call %running_directory%inPath install_location && (IF NOT "!output_on_screen!"=="False" ( @echo !install_location! is already in PATH)) || (call %running_directory%addPath install_location & setx>nul PATH "%PATH%;!install_location!" /m & IF NOT "!output_on_screen!"=="False" ( @echo !install_location! set to PATH))
if not exist "%install_location%\" (
mkdir "%install_location%"
#!/usr/bin/env python
# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
# NX Client for Windows installer with RegistryHandler and DecideArchitecture classes
# Checks whether NX Client for Windows is installed in the system, the classes used for this
# process are used for other operations too
NX Client for Windows installer with RegistryHandler and
DecideArchitecture classes.
Checks whether NX Client for Windows is installed in the system, the
classes used for this process are used for other operations too.
import os, sys, argparse, errno, subprocess, time
if sys.hexversion > 0x02070000:
import os
import sys
import argparse
import errno
import subprocess
import time
from _winreg import *
from collections import *
except ImporError:
from OrderedDict import *
from _winreg import *
# Argument parser, based on argparse module
# @return args
def pars_arguments():
parser = argparse.ArgumentParser();
def parse_arguments():
Argument parser, based on argparse module
Keyword arguments:
@return args -- arguments given by console
parser = argparse.ArgumentParser()
if DecideArchitecture.Is64Windows():
local_default = DecideArchitecture.GetProgramFiles64()+"\\CIRCLE\\"
local_default = DecideArchitecture.GetProgramFiles32()+"\\CIRCLE\\"
if not os.path.exists(local_default[:-1]) and os.path.exists(os.environ['APPDATA']+"\\CIRCLE"):
if (not os.path.exists(local_default[:-1])
and os.path.exists(os.environ['APPDATA']+"\\CIRCLE")):
local_default = os.environ['APPDATA']+"\\CIRCLE\\"
parser.add_argument("-l", "--location", help="Location of the client files in the system", default=local_default)
parser.add_argument("-g", "--global", help="Whether we want to edit registry globally or just locally", action="store_true")
parser.add_argument("-d", "--different", help="Only handle the architecture specific registry area", action="store_true")
parser.add_argument("-r", "--registry", help="Which HKEY_* const registry type the program should use", \
type=str, choices=['HKLM', 'HKCR', 'HKCU', 'HKU', 'HKPD', 'HKCC'], default="HKLM")
args = parser.parse_args();
"-l", "--location",
help="Location of the client files in the system",
"-g", "--global",
help="Whether we want to edit registry globally or just locally",
"-d", "--different",
help="Only handle the architecture specific registry area",
"-r", "--registry",
help="Which HKEY_* const registry type the program should use",
type=str, choices=['HKLM', 'HKCR', 'HKCU', 'HKU', 'HKPD', 'HKCC'],
args = parser.parse_args()
return args
# Parameter bypassing struct
class Struct:
Parameter bypassing struct
# Registry handling class, makes registry based queries and manipulations easier
# This class can handle WOW64 based application differently and none differently (default)
class RegistryHandler:
# Initialise RegistryHandler
# @param args The args.registry tells us what registry we need to handle
Registry handling class, makes registry based queries and
manipulations easier.
This class can handle WOW64 based application differently and none
differently (default)
def __init__(self, args = None):
"""Initialise RegistryHandler
Keyword arguments:
@param args -- The arguments that decide how the we should
handle the registry
args.registry -- What base registry should we use
(default: HKLM)
Raises AttributeError if not supported base registry type is
args.different -- Whether we handle registry redirection or not
if args is None:
self.args = Struct()
self.args.different = None
......@@ -77,90 +111,139 @@ class RegistryHandler:
#print "Non supported registry type"
raise AttributeError
# Getting a registry open
# @return connected_registy The registry which we successfully opened
def connect_registry(self):
Getting a registry open
Keyword arguments:
@return connected_registy -- Reference to the newly opened
return ConnectRegistry(None,self.args.registry)
# Create registry key and value multilevel tree by simple chained dictionaries
# Can raise AttributeError if the provided dict chain isn't correct
# @param key_value_chain The dict chain containing all the information
# @param both Whether create the registry in WOW64 node too
# @param architect The current registry view (only change it if we want to fill the
# WOW6432 registry only [both = False], on x64 windows)
# @param needed_rights SAM rights to access the key
def create_registry_from_dict_chain(self, dict_chain, both = False, architect = KEY_WOW64_64KEY, needed_rights = KEY_ALL_ACCESS):
def create_registry_from_dict_chain(
self, dict_chain, both = False, architect = KEY_WOW64_64KEY,
needed_rights = KEY_ALL_ACCESS):
Create registry key and value multilevel tree by chained
Can raise AttributeError if the provided dict chain isn't
Keyword arguments:
@param key_value_chain -- The dict chain containing all the
@param both -- Whether create the registry in WOW64
node too
@param architect -- The current registry view (
only change it if we want to fill the
WOW6432 registry only [both = False],
on x64 windows)
@param needed_rights -- SAM rights to access the key
if both and architect is KEY_WOW64_64KEY:
self.create_registry_from_dict_chain(dict_chain, False, KEY_WOW64_32KEY, needed_rights)
dict_chain, False, KEY_WOW64_32KEY, needed_rights)
if not DecideArchitecture.Is64Windows():
architect = 0
connected_registy = self.connect_registry()
if isinstance(dict_chain, dict) or isinstance(dict_chain, OrderedDict):
if (isinstance(dict_chain, dict)
or isinstance(dict_chain, OrderedDict)):
for key, value in dict_chain.iteritems():
if isinstance(value, dict) or isinstance(value, OrderedDict):
temp_dict = OrderedDict()
for my_key, my_value in value.iteritems():
temp_dict[key+"\\"+my_key] = my_value
self.create_registry_from_dict_chain(temp_dict, False, architect, needed_rights)
temp_dict, False, architect, needed_rights)
if isinstance(value, list):
if len(value)%2 != 0:
#print "Not enough member in the list"
raise AttributeError
new_key = CreateKeyEx(connected_registy, key, 0, needed_rights | architect)
temp_dict = OrderedDict(value[i:i+2] for i in range(0, len(value), 2))
new_key = CreateKeyEx(
connected_registy, key, 0,
needed_rights | architect)
temp_dict = OrderedDict(
value[i:i+2] for i in range(
0, len(value), 2))
for my_key, my_value in temp_dict.iteritems():
SetValueEx(new_key,my_key,0, REG_SZ, my_value)
if my_key == "default":
my_key = None
new_key, my_key, 0, REG_SZ, my_value)
new_key = CreateKeyEx(connected_registy, key, 0, needed_rights | architect)
SetValueEx(new_key,None,0, REG_SZ, value)
new_key = CreateKeyEx(
connected_registy, key, 0,
needed_rights | architect)
SetValueEx(new_key, None, 0, REG_SZ, value)
print "The provided attribute wasn't a dictionary chain"
raise AttributeError
# Getting a registry value by it's key's name
# Can raise KeyError if key is not found in the registry
# @param key_name The specific key name of which value we are interested in
# @param needed_rights SAM rights to access the key
# @return [key, architect]
# key: The reference to the opened key handler
# architect: 0 for x86
# KEY_WOW64_32KEY or KEY_WOW64_64KEY depending where we found the key on x64
def get_key(self, key_name, needed_rights = KEY_ALL_ACCESS):
Getting a registry value by it's key's name
Can raise KeyError if key is not found in the registry
Keyword arguments:
@param key_name -- The specific key name of which value we
are interested in
@param needed_rights -- SAM rights to access the key
@return -- [key, architect]
key -- Reference to the opened
key handler
architect -- 0 for x86
KEY_WOW64_32KEY or
depending where we
found the key on x64
connected_registy = self.connect_registry()
architect = 0
if DecideArchitecture.Is64Windows():
architect = KEY_WOW64_64KEY
key = OpenKey(connected_registy, key_name, 0, needed_rights | architect)
key = OpenKey(connected_registy, key_name, 0,
needed_rights | architect)
except WindowsError:
if DecideArchitecture.Is64Windows() and not self.args.different:
architect = KEY_WOW64_32KEY
key = OpenKey(connected_registy, key_name, 0, needed_rights | architect)
key = OpenKey(connected_registy, key_name,
0, needed_rights | architect)
except WindowsError:
raise KeyError
raise KeyError
return [key, architect]
# Getting registry subkeys value by it's key's name and subkeys name
# Can raise LookupError exception if there are missing data
# Can raise AttributeError exception if depth attribute is wrong
# @param key_name The specific key name of which subkey's we are interested in
# @param subkey_list List containing all the subkeys names which values we are interested in
# @param subroutine Whether suppress exception about not having enough results or not - default False
# @param depth How depth the search should go for (key, subkeys, all) - default: subkeys
# @return results{} Dictionary with the subkey_name - value combinations as keys and values
def get_key_values(self, key_name, subkey_list, subroutine = False, depth = "subkeys"):
def get_key_values(
self, key_name, subkey_list, subroutine = False,
depth = "subkeys"):
Getting registry subkeys value by it's key's name and subkeys
Can raise LookupError exception if there are missing data
Can raise AttributeError exception if depth attribute is wrong
Keyword arguments:
@param key_name -- The specific key name of which subkey's
we are interested in
@param subkey_list -- List containing all the subkeys names
which values we are interested in
@param subroutine -- Whether suppress exception about not
having enough results or not
(default: False)
@param depth -- How depth the search should go for
[options: key, subkeys, all]
(default: subkeys)
@return results{} -- Dictionary with the subkey_name - value
combinations as keys and values
if depth == "key":
int_depth = 0;
elif depth == "subkeys":
......@@ -174,23 +257,26 @@ class RegistryHandler:
key = key_and_architect[0]
architect = key_and_architect[1]
except KeyError:
#print key_name+" doesn't exist in the registry"
#print "%s doesn't exist in the registry" % key_name
raise LookupError
#print key_name+" found in the registry"
#print "%s found in the registry" % key_name
results = {}
if int_depth >= 1:
for i in xrange(0, QueryInfoKey(key)[0]-1):
skey_name = EnumKey(key, i)
skey = OpenKey(key, skey_name, 0, KEY_ALL_ACCESS | architect)
if int_depth == 2 and QueryInfoKey(skey)[0] > 0:
for key, value in self.get_key_values(skey_name, subkey_list, True, depth).iteritems():
for key, value in self.get_key_values(
skey_name, subkey_list, True, depth).iteritems():
results[key] = value
for subkey_name in subkey_list:
results[subkey_name] = QueryValueEx(skey, subkey_name)[0]
results[subkey_name] = QueryValueEx(
skey, subkey_name)[0]
except OSError as e:
if e.errno == errno.ENOENT:
#print subkey_name+" doesn't exist in this subkey"
#print ("%s doesn't exist in this" % subkey_name
# " subkey")
if not results or len(results) != len(subkey_list):
......@@ -201,34 +287,46 @@ class RegistryHandler:
if len(results) != len(subkey_list):
#print We are missing important variables
#print "We are missing important variables"
raise LookupError
return results
# This is a wrapper for the get_key_values to be easier to use for single subkeys
# Getting registry subkey value by it's key's name and subkey name
# @param key_name The specific key name of which subkey's we are interested in
# @param subkey_name The specific subkey name which value we are interested in
# @param subroutine can be found at: get_key_values
# @param depth can be found at: get_key_values
# @return value Value of the specific subkey
def get_key_value(self, key_name, subkey_name, subroutine = None, depth = None):
def get_key_value(
self, key_name, subkey_name, subroutine = None, depth = None):
This is a wrapper for the get_key_values to be easier to use
for single subkeys.
Getting registry subkey value by it's key's name and subkey
Keyword arguments:
@param key_name -- The specific key name of which subkey's
we are interested in
@param subkey_name -- The specific subkey name which value we
are interested in
@param subroutine -- can be found at: get_key_values
@param depth -- can be found at: get_key_values
@return value -- Value of the specific subkey
if subroutine is None:
return self.get_key_values(key_name, [subkey_name])[subkey_name]
return self.get_key_values(key_name,
elif depth is None:
return self.get_key_values(key_name, [subkey_name], subroutine)[subkey_name]
return self.get_key_values(key_name, [subkey_name],
return self.get_key_values(key_name, [subkey_name], subroutine, depth)[subkey_name]
return self.get_key_values(key_name, [subkey_name],
subroutine, depth)[subkey_name]
# Helper class to get the true ProgramFiles directory.
# This class doesn't depend on Phyton or Windows architecture.
class DecideArchitecture:
Helper class to get the true ProgramFiles directory.
This class doesn't depend on Phyton or Windows architecture.
def Is64Windows():
return 'PROGRAMFILES(X86)' in os.environ
......@@ -247,22 +345,31 @@ class DecideArchitecture:
def main():
args = pars_arguments()
args = parse_arguments()
nx_install_location = None
while nx_install_location is None:
print "Checking whether NX Client for Windows is installed"
handler = RegistryHandler()
nx_install_location = handler.get_key_value("SOFTWARE\\Microsoft\\Windows\\CurrentVersion\\Uninstall\\nxclient_is1", "InstallLocation", "key")
print "NX Client for Windows is found at '"+nx_install_location+"'"
process = subprocess.Popen("%s\\nxclient.exe" % nx_install_location)
nx_install_location = handler.get_key_value(
"InstallLocation", "key")
print ("NX Client for Windows is found at "
"'%s'" % nx_install_location)
process = subprocess.Popen(
"%s\\nxclient.exe" % nx_install_location)
print "NX Client for Windows isn't installed on the system."
print "\tCommencing the install"
if __name__ == "__main__":
\ No newline at end of file
#!/usr/bin/env python
# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
# Generating NoMachine NX scrambled key according to
Generating NoMachine NX scrambled key according to
import sys
import random
import re
from xml.sax.saxutils import escape
# NXKeyGen class
# Creates NoMachine NX scrambled keys
class NXKeyGen:
NXKeyGen class
Creates NoMachine NX scrambled keys
numValidCharList = 85
dummyString = "{{{{"
# Initialize the class
# @param password Password that will be scrambled
def __init__(self, password):
Initialize the class
Keyword arguments:
@param password -- Password that will be scrambled
self.password = password
# Encrypt (scramble) the given password
# @return scrambleString Scrambled version of the original password
def getEncrypted(self):
Encrypt (scramble) the given password
Keyword arguments:
@return scrambleString -- Scrambled version of the original
return self.scrambleString(self.password)
# Valid character list
# @return validcharlist List of the valid characters
def getvalidCharList(self, pos):
Valid character list
Keyword arguments:
@return validcharlist -- List of the valid characters
validcharlist = [
"!", "#", "$", "%", "&", "(", ")", "*", "+", "-",
".", "0", "1", "2", "3", "4", "5", "6", "7", "8",
......@@ -47,11 +57,13 @@ class NXKeyGen:
return validcharlist[pos]
# Password encoder
# @return sPass Encoded password
def encodePassword(self, p):
Password encoder
Keyword arguments:
@return sPass -- Encoded password
sPass = ":"
sTmp = ""
if not p:
......@@ -64,12 +76,14 @@ class NXKeyGen:
sTmp = ""
return sPass
# Character position finder
# @param c Character that needs to be matched if valid
# @return i Place where the character is in the valid list
def findCharInList(self, c):
Character position finder
Keyword arguments:
@param c -- Character that needs to be matched if valid
@return i -- Place where the character is in the valid list
i = -1
for j in range(self.numValidCharList):
randchar = self.getvalidCharList(j);
......@@ -78,19 +92,23 @@ class NXKeyGen:
return i
return i
# Random valid character getter
# @return char Valid character placed 0-60 in the valid list
def getRandomValidCharFromList(self):
Random valid character getter
Keyword arguments:
@return char -- Valid character placed 0-60 in the valid list
return self.getvalidCharList(random.randint(0,60))
# Password scrambler
# @param s Password that needs to be scrambled
# @return sRet NoMachine NX scrambled password
def scrambleString(self, s):
Password scrambler
Keyword arguments:
@param s -- Password that needs to be scrambled
@return sRet -- NoMachine NX scrambled password
sRet = ""
if not s:
return s
......@@ -118,10 +136,10 @@ class NXKeyGen:
sRet = sRet + c2
return escape(sRet)
# Replace a character at a special position
def substr_replace(self,in_str,ch,pos,qt):
Replace a character at a special position
clist = list(in_str)
count = 0;
tmp_str = '';
......@@ -134,7 +152,6 @@ class NXKeyGen:
return tmp_str
if __name__ == "__main__":
NXPass = NXKeyGen(sys.argv[1])
print NXPass.password
#!/usr/bin/env python
# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
# Pywin32 installer for CIRCLE client application
Pywin32 installer for CIRCLE client application
import os, sys, subprocess
import os
import sys
import subprocess
from nx_client_installer import DecideArchitecture
# Main program
# Install Pywin32 to the computer
def main():
Main program
Install Pywin32 to the computer
if sys.hexversion < 0x02060000:
print "Not a 2.6+ version Python is running, commencing update"
"%s\\no_root_install.bat" % os.path.dirname(
pywin32_version = str(219)
if sys.hexversion < 0x02070000:
if DecideArchitecture.Is64Windows():
"%s\\x64\\" % (
"%s\\x86\\pywin32-%s.win32-py2.6.exe" % (
elif sys.hexversion < 0x02080000:
if DecideArchitecture.Is64Windows():
"%s\\x64\\" % (
"%s\\x86\\pywin32-%s.win32-py2.7.exe" % (
print "Unsupported Python version is found!"
if __name__ == "__main__":
\ No newline at end of file
#!/usr/bin/env python
# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
# Windows icon installer for CIRCLE client application
Windows icon installer for CIRCLE client application
import os, sys, argparse, subprocess
if sys.hexversion > 0x02070000:
from collections import *
from OrderedDict import *
import os
import argparse
import subprocess
import pythoncom
from import shell, shellcon
from nx_client_installer import DecideArchitecture, RegistryHandler, Struct
from collections import *
except ImporError:
from OrderedDict import *
# Argument parser, based on argparse module
# @return args
def pars_arguments():
parser = argparse.ArgumentParser();
parser.add_argument("-d", "--driver", help="Select webdriver. Aside from Firefox, you have to install first the proper driver.", \
type=str, choices=['firefox', 'chrome', 'iexplore', 'opera'], default="firefox", required=False)
def parse_arguments():
Argument parser, based on argparse module
Keyword arguments:
@return args -- arguments given by console
parser = argparse.ArgumentParser()
"-d", "--driver",
help="Select webdriver. Aside from Firefox, you have to install "+
"first the proper driver.", type=str, default="firefox",
required=False, choices=['firefox', 'chrome',
'iexplore', 'opera'])
if DecideArchitecture.Is64Windows():
local_default = DecideArchitecture.GetProgramFiles64()+"\\CIRCLE\\"
local_default = DecideArchitecture.GetProgramFiles32()+"\\CIRCLE\\"
if not os.path.exists(local_default[:-1]) and os.path.exists(os.environ['APPDATA']+"\\CIRCLE"):
if (not os.path.exists(local_default[:-1])
and os.path.exists(os.environ['APPDATA']+"\\CIRCLE")):
local_default = os.environ['APPDATA']+"\\CIRCLE\\"
parser.add_argument("-l", "--location", help="Location of the client files in the system", default=local_default, required=False)
parser.add_argument("-r", "--remove", help="Remove installed files instead of creating them", action="store_true", required=False)
parser.add_argument("-u", "--url", help="Whether we installed and we want to use selenium or not", action="store_true", required=False)
parser.add_argument("-t", "--target", help="If this is an URL icon, where should it point", default="", required=False)
args = parser.parse_args();
"-l", "--location", help="Location of the client files in the system",
default=local_default, required=False)
"-r", "--remove",
help="Remove installed files instead of creating them",
action="store_true", required=False)
"-u", "--url",
help="Whether we installed and we want to use selenium or not",
action="store_true", required=False)
"-t", "--target",
help="If this is an URL icon, where should it point",
default="", required=False)
args = parser.parse_args()
return args
# Custom protocol register based on RegistryHandler module
# Can raise AttributeError on wrongly provided dictionary chain
# @param dict_chain OrderedDictionary chain of the registry tree
def custom_protocol_register(custom_protocol):
Custom protocol register based on RegistryHandler module
Can raise AttributeError on wrongly provided dictionary chain
Keyword arguments:
@param dict_chain -- OrderedDictionary chain of the registry tree
if not isinstance(custom_protocol, OrderedDict):
raise AttributeError
print "\t"+custom_protocol.iterkeys().next()
......@@ -53,14 +77,18 @@ def custom_protocol_register(custom_protocol):
# Main program
# read the parameters
# create a proper icon with the proper driver
# call the nx_client_installer
def main():
args = pars_arguments()
Main program
read the parameters
create a proper icon with the proper driver (or delete)
call the nx_client_installer
args = parse_arguments()
shortcut = pythoncom.CoCreateInstance (
......@@ -75,7 +103,9 @@ def main():
if os.path.isfile("%s%s" % (location, ".url")):
os.remove("%s%s" % (location, ".url"))
else:"python "+os.path.dirname(os.path.realpath(__file__))+"\\")
"python %s\\" % os.path.dirname(
if args.url:
location = os.path.join(desktop_path, "Cloud GUI.url")
shortcut = file(location, 'w')
......@@ -92,27 +122,44 @@ def main():
shortcut.SetArguments("-d opera")
shortcut.SetDescription ("Tool to use CIRCLE Cloud")
shortcut.SetIconLocation (args.location+"cloud.ico", 0)
desktop_path = shell.SHGetFolderPath (0, shellcon.CSIDL_DESKTOP, 0, 0)
persist_file = shortcut.QueryInterface (pythoncom.IID_IPersistFile)
persist_file.Save (os.path.join (desktop_path, "Cloud GUI.lnk"), 0)
desktop_path = shell.SHGetFolderPath(
0, shellcon.CSIDL_DESKTOP, 0, 0)
persist_file = shortcut.QueryInterface(
os.path.join(desktop_path, "Cloud GUI.lnk"), 0)
print "Icon successfully created on desktop"
print "Creating custom URL protocol handlers"
custom_ssh = OrderedDict([('ssh', "URL:CIRCLE-SSH Protocol"), ('ssh\\URL Protocol', ""),\
('ssh\\DefaultIcon', args.location+"cloud.ico"),\
('ssh\\shell', {'open': {'command': "\"python.exe\" \""+args.location+"\" \"%1\""}})])
custom_ssh = OrderedDict(
[('ssh', ["default", "URL:ssh Protocol", "URL Protocol", ""]),
('ssh\\URL Protocol', ""),
('ssh\\DefaultIcon', args.location+"cloud.ico"),
('ssh\\shell', {'open': {
'command': "\"python.exe\" \"%s" % args.location+
"\" \"%1\""}})])
custom_rdp = OrderedDict([('rdp', "URL:CIRCLE-RDP Protocol"), ('rdp\\URL Protocol', ""),\
('rdp\\DefaultIcon', args.location+"cloud.ico"),\
('rdp\\shell', {'open': {'command': "\"python.exe\" \""+args.location+"\" \"%1\""}})])
custom_rdp = OrderedDict(
[('rdp', ["default", "URL:rdp Protocol", "URL Protocol", ""]),
('rdp\\URL Protocol', ""),
('rdp\\DefaultIcon', args.location+"cloud.ico"),
('rdp\\shell', {'open': {
'command': "\"python.exe\" \"%s" % args.location+
"\" \"%1\""}})])
custom_nx = OrderedDict([('nx', "URL:CIRCLE-NX Protocol"), ('nx\\URL Protocol', ""),\
('nx\\DefaultIcon', args.location+"cloud.ico"),\
('nx\\shell', {'open': {'command': "\"python.exe\" \""+args.location+"\" \"%1\""}})])
custom_nx = OrderedDict(
[('nx', ["default", "URL:nx Protocol", "URL Protocol", ""]),
('nx\\URL Protocol', ""),
('nx\\DefaultIcon', args.location+"cloud.ico"),
('nx\\shell', {'open': {
'command': "\"python.exe\" \"%s" % args.location+
"\" \"%1\""}})])
print "Error! URL Protocol handler installation aborted!"
# print "Unknown error occurred! Please contact the developers!"
print "Unknown error occurred! Please contact the developers!"
if __name__ == "__main__":
\ No newline at end of file
#!/usr/bin/env python
# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
# A cloudban létrehozott virtuális gépekhez történő kapcsolódást segítő program
A cloudban létrehozott virtuális gépekhez történő kapcsolódást segítő
import platform, argparse, sys, time
import platform
import argparse
import sys
import time
from selenium import webdriver
from import By
from import WebDriverWait
from import expected_conditions as EC
except ImporError:
# Paraméterek átadására használt struktúra
# state A virtuális gép állapota, azt figyeljük, hogy fut-e
# protocol SSH, NX és RDP lehetséges
# host A virtuális gép címe
# port Ezen a porton csatlakozunk a virtuális géphez
# user Csatlakozáshoz használt név
# password Csatlakozáshoz használt jelszó
class Struct:
Paraméterek átadására használt struktúra
Keyword arguments:
state -- A virtuális gép állapota, azt figyeljük, hogy fut-e
protocol -- SSH, NX és RDP lehetséges
host -- A virtuális gép címe
port -- Ezen a porton csatlakozunk a virtuális géphez
user -- Csatlakozáshoz használt név
password -- Csatlakozáshoz használt jelszó
# Argument parser, argparse modulon alapszik
# @return args
def pars_arguments():
parser = argparse.ArgumentParser();
parser.add_argument("uri", type=str, help="Specific schema handler", nargs='?', default=None)
def parse_arguments():
Argument parser, argparse modulon alapszik
Keyword arguments:
@return args -- arguments given by console
parser = argparse.ArgumentParser()
"uri", type=str, help="Specific schema handler", nargs='?',
parser.add_argument("-u", "--username", type=str)
parser.add_argument("-p", "--password", type=str)
parser.add_argument("-d", "--driver", help="Select webdriver. Aside from Firefox, you have to install first the proper driver.", \
type=str, choices=['firefox', 'chrome', 'ie', 'opera'], default="firefox")
parser.add_argument("-o", "--old", help="Use old interface", action="store_true")
args = parser.parse_args();
"-d", "--driver",
help="Select webdriver. Aside from Firefox, you have to install "+
"first the proper driver.", type=str,
choices=['firefox', 'chrome', 'ie', 'opera'],
"-o", "--old", help="Use old interface", action="store_true")
args = parser.parse_args()
return args
class Browser:
# Browser inicializálás
# @param args Az args.driver paraméterrel meghatározhatjuk, melyik böngészőt akarjuk használni.
Browser inicializálás
Keyword arguments:
@param args -- Az args.driver paraméterrel meghatározhatjuk,
melyik böngészőt akarjuk használni.
def __init__(self, args):
self.args = args
if args.driver == "firefox":
......@@ -52,10 +78,11 @@ class Browser:
self.driver = webdriver.Opera()
# Címtáras beléptetés a parancssorban megadott paraméterek alapján
def login(self):
Címtáras beléptetés a parancssorban megadott paraméterek
driver = self.driver
args = self.args
if args.username is not None:
......@@ -65,13 +92,17 @@ class Browser:
if args.username is not None and args.password is not None:
# A régi webes felület használata
# @return vm Virtuális gép csatlakozásához szükséges paraméterek
def old_main(self):
A régi webes felület használata
Keyword arguments:
@return vm -- Virtuális gép csatlakozásához szükséges
vm = Struct()
driver = self.driver
......@@ -81,23 +112,36 @@ class Browser:
vm.state, vm.protocol = "", "NONE"
while vm.state.upper()[:3] not in ("FUT", "RUN"):
element = WebDriverWait(driver, 7200).until(EC.presence_of_element_located((By.CSS_SELECTOR, "input.hidden-password.shown[type='text']")))
element = WebDriverWait(driver, 7200).until(
vm.password = element.get_attribute("value")
vm.state = driver.find_element_by_css_selector("#state > div > p").text
vm.protocol = driver.find_element_by_css_selector("#vm-credentials > div > table > tbody > tr:nth-child(1) > td").text,vm.port = driver.find_element_by_css_selector("#vm-credentials > div > table > tbody > tr:nth-child(2) > td").text.split(':')
vm.user = driver.find_element_by_css_selector("#vm-credentials > div > table > tbody > tr:nth-child(4) > td").text
vm.state = driver.find_element_by_css_selector(
"#state > div > p").text
vm.protocol = driver.find_element_by_css_selector(
"#vm-credentials > div > table > tbody > "+
"tr:nth-child(1) > td").text,vm.port = driver.find_element_by_css_selector(
"#vm-credentials > div > table > tbody > "+
"tr:nth-child(2) > td").text.split(':')
vm.user = driver.find_element_by_css_selector(
"#vm-credentials > div > table > tbody > "+
"tr:nth-child(4) > td").text
print "Browser session timed out!"
return vm
# Az új webes felület használata
# @return vm Virtuális gép csatlakozásához szükséges paraméterek
def main(self):
Az új webes felület használata
Keyword arguments:
@return vm -- Virtuális gép csatlakozásához szükséges
vm = Struct()
driver = self.driver
......@@ -107,10 +151,16 @@ class Browser:
vm.state, vm.protocol = "", "NONE"
while vm.state.upper()[:3] not in ("FUT", "RUN"):
element = WebDriverWait(driver,7200).until(EC.presence_of_element_located((By.CSS_SELECTOR, "#vm-details-pw-eye.icon-eye-close")))
vm.state = driver.find_element_by_css_selector("#vm-details-state > span").text
element = WebDriverWait(driver,7200).until(
vm.state = driver.find_element_by_css_selector(
"#vm-details-state > span").text
#cl: connection string converted to list
cl = driver.find_element_by_css_selector("#vm-details-connection-string").get_attribute("value").split()
cl = driver.find_element_by_css_selector(
if cl[0] == "sshpass":
vm.protocol = "SSH"
vm.user, = cl[6].split("@")
......@@ -125,27 +175,26 @@ class Browser:
return vm
# Főprogram
# beolvassuk a paramétereket
# megnyitjuk a kiválasztott böngészőben a weboldalt
# bejelentkezünk a címtárba
# kiválasztjuk a futtatni kívánt klienst
# kapcsolódunk a klienshez
def main():
beolvassuk a paramétereket
megnyitjuk a kiválasztott böngészőben a weboldalt
bejelentkezünk a címtárba
kiválasztjuk a futtatni kívánt klienst
kapcsolódunk a klienshez
args = pars_arguments()
args = parse_arguments()
if args.uri is not None:
vm = Struct()
vm.protocol, vm.user, vm.password,, vm.port = args.uri.split(':',4)
vm.protocol,vm.user,vm.password,,vm.port = \
vm.protocol = vm.protocol.upper()
vm.state = "RUN"
from selenium import webdriver
from import By
from import WebDriverWait
from import expected_conditions as EC
browser = Browser(args)
if args.old:
......@@ -163,5 +212,7 @@ def main():
print "Unknown error occurred! Please contact the developers!"
if __name__ == "__main__":
......@@ -4,7 +4,14 @@
# Távoli klienshez csatlakozás windows OS alól
import sys, os, time, subprocess, glob, nxkey, win32crypt, binascii
import time
import os
import subprocess
import glob
import win32crypt
import binascii
import nxkey
# A távoli klienshez csatlakozás valósítja majd meg windows alól
# @param vm Paraméterek a csatlakozáshoz
#!/usr/bin/env python
# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
# NX Client for Windows installer with RegistryHandler and DecideArchitecture classes
# Checks whether NX Client for Windows is installed in the system, the classes used for this
# process are used for other operations too
NX Client for Windows installer with RegistryHandler and
DecideArchitecture classes.
Checks whether NX Client for Windows is installed in the system, the
classes used for this process are used for other operations too.
import os, sys, argparse, errno, subprocess, time
if sys.hexversion > 0x02070000:
import os
import sys
import argparse
import errno
import subprocess
import time
from _winreg import *
from collections import *
except ImporError:
from OrderedDict import *
from _winreg import *
# Argument parser, based on argparse module
# @return args
def pars_arguments():
parser = argparse.ArgumentParser();
def parse_arguments():
Argument parser, based on argparse module
Keyword arguments:
@return args -- arguments given by console
parser = argparse.ArgumentParser()
if DecideArchitecture.Is64Windows():
local_default = DecideArchitecture.GetProgramFiles64()+"\\CIRCLE\\"
local_default = DecideArchitecture.GetProgramFiles32()+"\\CIRCLE\\"
if not os.path.exists(local_default[:-1]) and os.path.exists(os.environ['APPDATA']+"\\CIRCLE"):
if (not os.path.exists(local_default[:-1])
and os.path.exists(os.environ['APPDATA']+"\\CIRCLE")):
local_default = os.environ['APPDATA']+"\\CIRCLE\\"
parser.add_argument("-l", "--location", help="Location of the client files in the system", default=local_default)
parser.add_argument("-g", "--global", help="Whether we want to edit registry globally or just locally", action="store_true")
parser.add_argument("-d", "--different", help="Only handle the architecture specific registry area", action="store_true")
parser.add_argument("-r", "--registry", help="Which HKEY_* const registry type the program should use", \
type=str, choices=['HKLM', 'HKCR', 'HKCU', 'HKU', 'HKPD', 'HKCC'], default="HKLM")
args = parser.parse_args();
"-l", "--location",
help="Location of the client files in the system",
"-g", "--global",
help="Whether we want to edit registry globally or just locally",
"-d", "--different",
help="Only handle the architecture specific registry area",
"-r", "--registry",
help="Which HKEY_* const registry type the program should use",
type=str, choices=['HKLM', 'HKCR', 'HKCU', 'HKU', 'HKPD', 'HKCC'],
args = parser.parse_args()
return args
# Parameter bypassing struct
class Struct:
Parameter bypassing struct
# Registry handling class, makes registry based queries and manipulations easier
# This class can handle WOW64 based application differently and none differently (default)
class RegistryHandler:
# Initialise RegistryHandler
# @param args The args.registry tells us what registry we need to handle
Registry handling class, makes registry based queries and
manipulations easier.
This class can handle WOW64 based application differently and none
differently (default)
def __init__(self, args = None):
"""Initialise RegistryHandler
Keyword arguments:
@param args -- The arguments that decide how the we should
handle the registry
args.registry -- What base registry should we use
(default: HKLM)
Raises AttributeError if not supported base registry type is
args.different -- Whether we handle registry redirection or not
if args is None:
self.args = Struct()
self.args.different = None
......@@ -77,90 +111,139 @@ class RegistryHandler:
#print "Non supported registry type"
raise AttributeError
# Getting a registry open
# @return connected_registy The registry which we successfully opened
def connect_registry(self):
Getting a registry open
Keyword arguments:
@return connected_registy -- Reference to the newly opened
return ConnectRegistry(None,self.args.registry)
# Create registry key and value multilevel tree by simple chained dictionaries
# Can raise AttributeError if the provided dict chain isn't correct
# @param key_value_chain The dict chain containing all the information
# @param both Whether create the registry in WOW64 node too
# @param architect The current registry view (only change it if we want to fill the
# WOW6432 registry only [both = False], on x64 windows)
# @param needed_rights SAM rights to access the key
def create_registry_from_dict_chain(self, dict_chain, both = False, architect = KEY_WOW64_64KEY, needed_rights = KEY_ALL_ACCESS):
def create_registry_from_dict_chain(
self, dict_chain, both = False, architect = KEY_WOW64_64KEY,
needed_rights = KEY_ALL_ACCESS):
Create registry key and value multilevel tree by chained
Can raise AttributeError if the provided dict chain isn't
Keyword arguments:
@param key_value_chain -- The dict chain containing all the
@param both -- Whether create the registry in WOW64
node too
@param architect -- The current registry view (
only change it if we want to fill the
WOW6432 registry only [both = False],
on x64 windows)
@param needed_rights -- SAM rights to access the key
if both and architect is KEY_WOW64_64KEY:
self.create_registry_from_dict_chain(dict_chain, False, KEY_WOW64_32KEY, needed_rights)
dict_chain, False, KEY_WOW64_32KEY, needed_rights)
if not DecideArchitecture.Is64Windows():
architect = 0
connected_registy = self.connect_registry()
if isinstance(dict_chain, dict) or isinstance(dict_chain, OrderedDict):
if (isinstance(dict_chain, dict)
or isinstance(dict_chain, OrderedDict)):
for key, value in dict_chain.iteritems():
if isinstance(value, dict) or isinstance(value, OrderedDict):
temp_dict = OrderedDict()
for my_key, my_value in value.iteritems():
temp_dict[key+"\\"+my_key] = my_value
self.create_registry_from_dict_chain(temp_dict, False, architect, needed_rights)
temp_dict, False, architect, needed_rights)
if isinstance(value, list):
if len(value)%2 != 0:
#print "Not enough member in the list"
raise AttributeError
new_key = CreateKeyEx(connected_registy, key, 0, needed_rights | architect)
temp_dict = OrderedDict(value[i:i+2] for i in range(0, len(value), 2))
new_key = CreateKeyEx(
connected_registy, key, 0,
needed_rights | architect)
temp_dict = OrderedDict(
value[i:i+2] for i in range(
0, len(value), 2))
for my_key, my_value in temp_dict.iteritems():
SetValueEx(new_key,my_key,0, REG_SZ, my_value)
if my_key == "default":
my_key = None
new_key, my_key, 0, REG_SZ, my_value)
new_key = CreateKeyEx(connected_registy, key, 0, needed_rights | architect)
SetValueEx(new_key,None,0, REG_SZ, value)
new_key = CreateKeyEx(
connected_registy, key, 0,
needed_rights | architect)
SetValueEx(new_key, None, 0, REG_SZ, value)
print "The provided attribute wasn't a dictionary chain"
raise AttributeError
# Getting a registry value by it's key's name
# Can raise KeyError if key is not found in the registry
# @param key_name The specific key name of which value we are interested in
# @param needed_rights SAM rights to access the key
# @return [key, architect]
# key: The reference to the opened key handler
# architect: 0 for x86
# KEY_WOW64_32KEY or KEY_WOW64_64KEY depending where we found the key on x64
def get_key(self, key_name, needed_rights = KEY_ALL_ACCESS):
Getting a registry value by it's key's name
Can raise KeyError if key is not found in the registry
Keyword arguments:
@param key_name -- The specific key name of which value we
are interested in
@param needed_rights -- SAM rights to access the key
@return -- [key, architect]
key -- Reference to the opened
key handler
architect -- 0 for x86
KEY_WOW64_32KEY or
depending where we
found the key on x64
connected_registy = self.connect_registry()
architect = 0
if DecideArchitecture.Is64Windows():
architect = KEY_WOW64_64KEY
key = OpenKey(connected_registy, key_name, 0, needed_rights | architect)
key = OpenKey(connected_registy, key_name, 0,
needed_rights | architect)
except WindowsError:
if DecideArchitecture.Is64Windows() and not self.args.different:
architect = KEY_WOW64_32KEY
key = OpenKey(connected_registy, key_name, 0, needed_rights | architect)
key = OpenKey(connected_registy, key_name,
0, needed_rights | architect)
except WindowsError:
raise KeyError
raise KeyError
return [key, architect]
# Getting registry subkeys value by it's key's name and subkeys name
# Can raise LookupError exception if there are missing data
# Can raise AttributeError exception if depth attribute is wrong
# @param key_name The specific key name of which subkey's we are interested in
# @param subkey_list List containing all the subkeys names which values we are interested in
# @param subroutine Whether suppress exception about not having enough results or not - default False
# @param depth How depth the search should go for (key, subkeys, all) - default: subkeys
# @return results{} Dictionary with the subkey_name - value combinations as keys and values
def get_key_values(self, key_name, subkey_list, subroutine = False, depth = "subkeys"):
def get_key_values(
self, key_name, subkey_list, subroutine = False,
depth = "subkeys"):
Getting registry subkeys value by it's key's name and subkeys
Can raise LookupError exception if there are missing data
Can raise AttributeError exception if depth attribute is wrong
Keyword arguments:
@param key_name -- The specific key name of which subkey's
we are interested in
@param subkey_list -- List containing all the subkeys names
which values we are interested in
@param subroutine -- Whether suppress exception about not
having enough results or not
(default: False)
@param depth -- How depth the search should go for
[options: key, subkeys, all]
(default: subkeys)
@return results{} -- Dictionary with the subkey_name - value
combinations as keys and values
if depth == "key":
int_depth = 0;
elif depth == "subkeys":
......@@ -174,23 +257,26 @@ class RegistryHandler:
key = key_and_architect[0]
architect = key_and_architect[1]
except KeyError:
#print key_name+" doesn't exist in the registry"
#print "%s doesn't exist in the registry" % key_name
raise LookupError
#print key_name+" found in the registry"
#print "%s found in the registry" % key_name
results = {}
if int_depth >= 1:
for i in xrange(0, QueryInfoKey(key)[0]-1):
skey_name = EnumKey(key, i)
skey = OpenKey(key, skey_name, 0, KEY_ALL_ACCESS | architect)
if int_depth == 2 and QueryInfoKey(skey)[0] > 0:
for key, value in self.get_key_values(skey_name, subkey_list, True, depth).iteritems():
for key, value in self.get_key_values(
skey_name, subkey_list, True, depth).iteritems():
results[key] = value
for subkey_name in subkey_list:
results[subkey_name] = QueryValueEx(skey, subkey_name)[0]
results[subkey_name] = QueryValueEx(
skey, subkey_name)[0]
except OSError as e:
if e.errno == errno.ENOENT:
#print subkey_name+" doesn't exist in this subkey"
#print ("%s doesn't exist in this" % subkey_name
# " subkey")
if not results or len(results) != len(subkey_list):
......@@ -201,34 +287,46 @@ class RegistryHandler:
if len(results) != len(subkey_list):
#print We are missing important variables
#print "We are missing important variables"
raise LookupError
return results
# This is a wrapper for the get_key_values to be easier to use for single subkeys
# Getting registry subkey value by it's key's name and subkey name
# @param key_name The specific key name of which subkey's we are interested in
# @param subkey_name The specific subkey name which value we are interested in
# @param subroutine can be found at: get_key_values
# @param depth can be found at: get_key_values
# @return value Value of the specific subkey
def get_key_value(self, key_name, subkey_name, subroutine = None, depth = None):
def get_key_value(
self, key_name, subkey_name, subroutine = None, depth = None):
This is a wrapper for the get_key_values to be easier to use
for single subkeys.
Getting registry subkey value by it's key's name and subkey
Keyword arguments:
@param key_name -- The specific key name of which subkey's
we are interested in
@param subkey_name -- The specific subkey name which value we
are interested in
@param subroutine -- can be found at: get_key_values
@param depth -- can be found at: get_key_values
@return value -- Value of the specific subkey
if subroutine is None:
return self.get_key_values(key_name, [subkey_name])[subkey_name]
return self.get_key_values(key_name,
elif depth is None:
return self.get_key_values(key_name, [subkey_name], subroutine)[subkey_name]
return self.get_key_values(key_name, [subkey_name],
return self.get_key_values(key_name, [subkey_name], subroutine, depth)[subkey_name]
return self.get_key_values(key_name, [subkey_name],
subroutine, depth)[subkey_name]
# Helper class to get the true ProgramFiles directory.
# This class doesn't depend on Phyton or Windows architecture.
class DecideArchitecture:
Helper class to get the true ProgramFiles directory.
This class doesn't depend on Phyton or Windows architecture.
def Is64Windows():
return 'PROGRAMFILES(X86)' in os.environ
......@@ -247,22 +345,31 @@ class DecideArchitecture:
def main():
args = pars_arguments()
args = parse_arguments()
nx_install_location = None
while nx_install_location is None:
print "Checking whether NX Client for Windows is installed"
handler = RegistryHandler()
nx_install_location = handler.get_key_value("SOFTWARE\\Microsoft\\Windows\\CurrentVersion\\Uninstall\\nxclient_is1", "InstallLocation", "key")
print "NX Client for Windows is found at '"+nx_install_location+"'"
process = subprocess.Popen("%s\\nxclient.exe" % nx_install_location)
nx_install_location = handler.get_key_value(
"InstallLocation", "key")
print ("NX Client for Windows is found at "
"'%s'" % nx_install_location)
process = subprocess.Popen(
"%s\\nxclient.exe" % nx_install_location)
print "NX Client for Windows isn't installed on the system."
print "\tCommencing the install"
if __name__ == "__main__":
\ No newline at end of file
#!/usr/bin/env python
# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
# Generating NoMachine NX scrambled key according to
Generating NoMachine NX scrambled key according to
import sys
import random
import re
from xml.sax.saxutils import escape
# NXKeyGen class
# Creates NoMachine NX scrambled keys
class NXKeyGen:
NXKeyGen class
Creates NoMachine NX scrambled keys
numValidCharList = 85
dummyString = "{{{{"
# Initialize the class
# @param password Password that will be scrambled
def __init__(self, password):
Initialize the class
Keyword arguments:
@param password -- Password that will be scrambled
self.password = password
# Encrypt (scramble) the given password
# @return scrambleString Scrambled version of the original password
def getEncrypted(self):
Encrypt (scramble) the given password
Keyword arguments:
@return scrambleString -- Scrambled version of the original
return self.scrambleString(self.password)
# Valid character list
# @return validcharlist List of the valid characters
def getvalidCharList(self, pos):
Valid character list
Keyword arguments:
@return validcharlist -- List of the valid characters
validcharlist = [
"!", "#", "$", "%", "&", "(", ")", "*", "+", "-",
".", "0", "1", "2", "3", "4", "5", "6", "7", "8",
......@@ -47,11 +57,13 @@ class NXKeyGen:
return validcharlist[pos]
# Password encoder
# @return sPass Encoded password
def encodePassword(self, p):
Password encoder
Keyword arguments:
@return sPass -- Encoded password
sPass = ":"
sTmp = ""
if not p:
......@@ -64,12 +76,14 @@ class NXKeyGen:
sTmp = ""
return sPass
# Character position finder
# @param c Character that needs to be matched if valid
# @return i Place where the character is in the valid list
def findCharInList(self, c):
Character position finder
Keyword arguments:
@param c -- Character that needs to be matched if valid
@return i -- Place where the character is in the valid list
i = -1
for j in range(self.numValidCharList):
randchar = self.getvalidCharList(j);
......@@ -78,19 +92,23 @@ class NXKeyGen:
return i
return i
# Random valid character getter
# @return char Valid character placed 0-60 in the valid list
def getRandomValidCharFromList(self):
Random valid character getter
Keyword arguments:
@return char -- Valid character placed 0-60 in the valid list
return self.getvalidCharList(random.randint(0,60))
# Password scrambler
# @param s Password that needs to be scrambled
# @return sRet NoMachine NX scrambled password
def scrambleString(self, s):
Password scrambler
Keyword arguments:
@param s -- Password that needs to be scrambled
@return sRet -- NoMachine NX scrambled password
sRet = ""
if not s:
return s
......@@ -118,10 +136,10 @@ class NXKeyGen:
sRet = sRet + c2
return escape(sRet)
# Replace a character at a special position
def substr_replace(self,in_str,ch,pos,qt):
Replace a character at a special position
clist = list(in_str)
count = 0;
tmp_str = '';
......@@ -134,7 +152,6 @@ class NXKeyGen:
return tmp_str
if __name__ == "__main__":
NXPass = NXKeyGen(sys.argv[1])
print NXPass.password
#!/usr/bin/env python
# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
# Pywin32 installer for CIRCLE client application
Pywin32 installer for CIRCLE client application
import os, sys, subprocess
import os
import sys
import subprocess
from nx_client_installer import DecideArchitecture
# Main program
# Install Pywin32 to the computer
def main():
Main program
Install Pywin32 to the computer
if sys.hexversion < 0x02060000:
print "Not a 2.6+ version Python is running, commencing update"
"%s\\no_root_install.bat" % os.path.dirname(
pywin32_version = str(219)
if sys.hexversion < 0x02070000:
if DecideArchitecture.Is64Windows():
"%s\\x64\\" % (
"%s\\x86\\pywin32-%s.win32-py2.6.exe" % (
elif sys.hexversion < 0x02080000:
if DecideArchitecture.Is64Windows():
"%s\\x64\\" % (
"%s\\x86\\pywin32-%s.win32-py2.7.exe" % (
print "Unsupported Python version is found!"
if __name__ == "__main__":
\ No newline at end of file
#!/usr/bin/env python
# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
# Windows icon installer for CIRCLE client application
Windows icon installer for CIRCLE client application
import os, sys, argparse, subprocess
if sys.hexversion > 0x02070000:
from collections import *
from OrderedDict import *
import os
import argparse
import subprocess
import pythoncom
from import shell, shellcon
from nx_client_installer import DecideArchitecture, RegistryHandler, Struct
from collections import *
except ImporError:
from OrderedDict import *
# Argument parser, based on argparse module
# @return args
def pars_arguments():
parser = argparse.ArgumentParser();
parser.add_argument("-d", "--driver", help="Select webdriver. Aside from Firefox, you have to install first the proper driver.", \
type=str, choices=['firefox', 'chrome', 'iexplore', 'opera'], default="firefox", required=False)
def parse_arguments():
Argument parser, based on argparse module
Keyword arguments:
@return args -- arguments given by console
parser = argparse.ArgumentParser()
"-d", "--driver",
help="Select webdriver. Aside from Firefox, you have to install "+
"first the proper driver.", type=str, default="firefox",
required=False, choices=['firefox', 'chrome',
'iexplore', 'opera'])
if DecideArchitecture.Is64Windows():
local_default = DecideArchitecture.GetProgramFiles64()+"\\CIRCLE\\"
local_default = DecideArchitecture.GetProgramFiles32()+"\\CIRCLE\\"
if not os.path.exists(local_default[:-1]) and os.path.exists(os.environ['APPDATA']+"\\CIRCLE"):
if (not os.path.exists(local_default[:-1])
and os.path.exists(os.environ['APPDATA']+"\\CIRCLE")):
local_default = os.environ['APPDATA']+"\\CIRCLE\\"
parser.add_argument("-l", "--location", help="Location of the client files in the system", default=local_default, required=False)
parser.add_argument("-r", "--remove", help="Remove installed files instead of creating them", action="store_true", required=False)
parser.add_argument("-u", "--url", help="Whether we installed and we want to use selenium or not", action="store_true", required=False)
parser.add_argument("-t", "--target", help="If this is an URL icon, where should it point", default="", required=False)
args = parser.parse_args();
"-l", "--location", help="Location of the client files in the system",
default=local_default, required=False)
"-r", "--remove",
help="Remove installed files instead of creating them",
action="store_true", required=False)
"-u", "--url",
help="Whether we installed and we want to use selenium or not",
action="store_true", required=False)
"-t", "--target",
help="If this is an URL icon, where should it point",
default="", required=False)
args = parser.parse_args()
return args
# Custom protocol register based on RegistryHandler module
# Can raise AttributeError on wrongly provided dictionary chain
# @param dict_chain OrderedDictionary chain of the registry tree
def custom_protocol_register(custom_protocol):
Custom protocol register based on RegistryHandler module
Can raise AttributeError on wrongly provided dictionary chain
Keyword arguments:
@param dict_chain -- OrderedDictionary chain of the registry tree
if not isinstance(custom_protocol, OrderedDict):
raise AttributeError
print "\t"+custom_protocol.iterkeys().next()
......@@ -53,14 +77,18 @@ def custom_protocol_register(custom_protocol):
# Main program
# read the parameters
# create a proper icon with the proper driver
# call the nx_client_installer
def main():
args = pars_arguments()
Main program
read the parameters
create a proper icon with the proper driver (or delete)
call the nx_client_installer
args = parse_arguments()
shortcut = pythoncom.CoCreateInstance (
......@@ -75,7 +103,9 @@ def main():
if os.path.isfile("%s%s" % (location, ".url")):
os.remove("%s%s" % (location, ".url"))
else:"python "+os.path.dirname(os.path.realpath(__file__))+"\\")
"python %s\\" % os.path.dirname(
if args.url:
location = os.path.join(desktop_path, "Cloud GUI.url")
shortcut = file(location, 'w')
......@@ -92,27 +122,44 @@ def main():
shortcut.SetArguments("-d opera")
shortcut.SetDescription ("Tool to use CIRCLE Cloud")
shortcut.SetIconLocation (args.location+"cloud.ico", 0)
desktop_path = shell.SHGetFolderPath (0, shellcon.CSIDL_DESKTOP, 0, 0)
persist_file = shortcut.QueryInterface (pythoncom.IID_IPersistFile)
persist_file.Save (os.path.join (desktop_path, "Cloud GUI.lnk"), 0)
desktop_path = shell.SHGetFolderPath(
0, shellcon.CSIDL_DESKTOP, 0, 0)
persist_file = shortcut.QueryInterface(
os.path.join(desktop_path, "Cloud GUI.lnk"), 0)
print "Icon successfully created on desktop"
print "Creating custom URL protocol handlers"
custom_ssh = OrderedDict([('ssh', "URL:CIRCLE-SSH Protocol"), ('ssh\\URL Protocol', ""),\
('ssh\\DefaultIcon', args.location+"cloud.ico"),\
('ssh\\shell', {'open': {'command': "\"python.exe\" \""+args.location+"\" \"%1\""}})])
custom_ssh = OrderedDict(
[('ssh', ["default", "URL:ssh Protocol", "URL Protocol", ""]),
('ssh\\URL Protocol', ""),
('ssh\\DefaultIcon', args.location+"cloud.ico"),
('ssh\\shell', {'open': {
'command': "\"python.exe\" \"%s" % args.location+
"\" \"%1\""}})])
custom_rdp = OrderedDict([('rdp', "URL:CIRCLE-RDP Protocol"), ('rdp\\URL Protocol', ""),\
('rdp\\DefaultIcon', args.location+"cloud.ico"),\
('rdp\\shell', {'open': {'command': "\"python.exe\" \""+args.location+"\" \"%1\""}})])
custom_rdp = OrderedDict(
[('rdp', ["default", "URL:rdp Protocol", "URL Protocol", ""]),
('rdp\\URL Protocol', ""),
('rdp\\DefaultIcon', args.location+"cloud.ico"),
('rdp\\shell', {'open': {
'command': "\"python.exe\" \"%s" % args.location+
"\" \"%1\""}})])
custom_nx = OrderedDict([('nx', "URL:CIRCLE-NX Protocol"), ('nx\\URL Protocol', ""),\
('nx\\DefaultIcon', args.location+"cloud.ico"),\
('nx\\shell', {'open': {'command': "\"python.exe\" \""+args.location+"\" \"%1\""}})])
custom_nx = OrderedDict(
[('nx', ["default", "URL:nx Protocol", "URL Protocol", ""]),
('nx\\URL Protocol', ""),
('nx\\DefaultIcon', args.location+"cloud.ico"),
('nx\\shell', {'open': {
'command': "\"python.exe\" \"%s" % args.location+
"\" \"%1\""}})])
print "Error! URL Protocol handler installation aborted!"
# print "Unknown error occurred! Please contact the developers!"
print "Unknown error occurred! Please contact the developers!"
if __name__ == "__main__":
\ No newline at end of file
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