Commit 059334a1 by Kálmán Viktor

network: disable ordering by fqdn

parent 7f19831c
......@@ -57,12 +57,12 @@ class SmallHostTable(Table):
class RecordTable(Table):
fqdn = LinkColumn('network.record', args=[A('pk')])
fqdn = LinkColumn('network.record', args=[A('pk')], orderable=False)
class Meta:
model = Record
attrs = {'class': 'table table-striped table-condensed'}
fields = ('type', 'fqdn', 'address', 'ttl', 'host',
fields = ('type', 'fqdn', 'host', 'address', 'ttl', 'host',
'owner', )
sequence = ('type', 'fqdn', )
order_by = 'name'
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