Commit 1838f416 by Őry Máté

firewall: refactor magic

parent 85539a1f
......@@ -411,16 +411,22 @@ class Vlan(AclBase, models.Model):
self.ipv6_template = tpl
if not self.host_ipv6_prefixlen:
self.host_ipv6_prefixlen = prefixlen
host4_bytes = self._host_bytes(self.network4.prefixlen, 4)
host6_bytes = self._host_bytes(self.network6.prefixlen, 16)
if host4_bytes > host6_bytes:
raise ValidationError(
_("IPv6 network is too small to map IPv4 addresses to it."))
def _host_bytes(prefixlen, maxbytes):
return int(ceil((maxbytes - prefixlen / 8.0)))
def _append_hexa(s, v, lasthalf):
if lasthalf: # can use last half word
assert s[-1] == "0" or s[-1].endswith("00")
if s[-1].endswith("00"):
s[-1] = s[-1][:-2]
s[-1] += "%({})02x".format(v)
def _magic_ipv6_template(cls, network4, network6, verbose=None):
"""Offer a sensible ipv6_template value.
......@@ -438,6 +444,9 @@ class Vlan(AclBase, models.Model):
host4_bytes = cls._host_bytes(network4.prefixlen, 4)
host6_bytes = cls._host_bytes(network6.prefixlen, 16)
if host4_bytes > host6_bytes:
raise ValidationError(
_("IPv6 network is too small to map IPv4 addresses to it."))
letters = ascii_letters[4-host4_bytes:4]
remove = host6_bytes // 2
ipstr =
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