Commit 1fcb3b1b by Guba Sándor

Merge branch 'issue-418' into 'master'

Last login fix

Closes #418

See merge request !339
parents c85651ea 9c94a822
......@@ -42,7 +42,7 @@
{% trans "Email address" %}: {{ }}
{% endif %}
<p>{% trans "Last login" %}: <span title="{{ request.user.last_login }}">{{ request.user.last_login|arrowfilter:LANGUAGE_CODE}}</span></p>
<p>{% trans "Last login" %}: <span title="{{ profile.last_login }}">{{ profile.last_login|arrowfilter:LANGUAGE_CODE}}</span></p>
{% if request.user == profile %}
{% trans "Use email address as Gravatar profile image" %}:
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