Commit 20a12af1 by Őry Máté

manager: add logging and exception handling to scheduler

parent fb475b8b
from logging import getLogger
from django.db.models import Sum
logger = getLogger(__name__)
class NotEnoughMemoryException(Exception):
......@@ -24,20 +28,25 @@ def select_node(instance, nodes):
# check required traits
nodes = [n for n in nodes
if n.enabled and has_traits(instance.req_traits.all(), n)]
if n.enabled and
and has_traits(instance.req_traits.all(), n)]
if not nodes:
logger.warning('select_node: no usable node for %s', unicode(instance))
raise TraitsUnsatisfiableException()
# check required RAM
nodes = [n for n in nodes if has_enough_ram(instance.ram_size, n)]
if not nodes:
logger.warning('select_node: no enough RAM for %s', unicode(instance))
raise NotEnoughMemoryException()
# sort nodes first by processor usage, then priority
nodes.sort(key=lambda n: n.priority, reverse=True)
nodes.sort(key=free_cpu_time, reverse=True)
result = nodes[0]
return nodes[0]'select_node: %s for %s', unicode(result), unicode(instance))
return result
def has_traits(traits, node):
......@@ -51,6 +60,7 @@ def has_enough_ram(ram_size, node):
"""True, if the node has enough memory to accomodate a guest requiring
ram_size mebibytes of memory; otherwise, false.
total = node.ram_size
used = (node.ram_usage / 100) * total
unused = total - used
......@@ -60,6 +70,10 @@ def has_enough_ram(ram_size, node):
free = overcommit - reserved
return ram_size < unused and ram_size < free
except TypeError as e:
logger.warning('Got incorrect monitoring data for node %s. %s',
unicode(node), unicode(e))
return False
def free_cpu_time(node):
......@@ -67,7 +81,12 @@ def free_cpu_time(node):
Higher values indicate more idle time.
activity = node.cpu_usage / 100
inactivity = 1 - activity
cores = node.num_cores
return cores * inactivity
except TypeError as e:
logger.warning('Got incorrect monitoring data for node %s. %s',
unicode(node), unicode(e))
return False # monitoring data is incorrect
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