Commit 21300d42 by Dányi Bence

one: html markup fixed (missing closing </abbr>)

parent c34866ed
......@@ -111,7 +111,7 @@
<div class="softLimit" data-bind="style: {left: quota.softPos}"></div>
<div class="name">
{% trans "File quota" %}: <abbr data-bind="text: quota.used" title="{% trans "Used space" %}"></span>/<abbr data-bind="text: quota.soft" title="{% trans "soft limit" %}"></abbr>
{% trans "File quota" %}: <abbr data-bind="text: quota.used" title="{% trans "Used space" %}"></abbr>/<abbr data-bind="text: quota.soft" title="{% trans "soft limit" %}"></abbr>
(<abbr title="{% trans "hard limit" %}" data-bind="text: quota.hard"></abbr>)
<div class="clear"></div>
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