Commit 431b7de0 by Your Name

Agent update fix

parent 848ff728
......@@ -532,7 +532,6 @@ LOGIN_REDIRECT_URL = "/"
AGENT_DIR = get_env_variable(
'DJANGO_AGENT_DIR', join(unicode(expanduser("~")), 'agent'))
# AGENT_DIR is the root directory for the agent.
# The directory structure SHOULD be:
# /home/username/agent
......@@ -544,12 +543,13 @@ AGENT_DIR = get_env_variable(
git_env = {'GIT_DIR': join(join(AGENT_DIR, "agent-linux"), '.git')}
git_env = {'GIT_DIR': join(join(AGENT_DIR, "agent"), ".git")}
AGENT_VERSION = check_output(
('git', 'log', '-1', r'--pretty=format:%h', 'HEAD'), env=git_env)
AGENT_VERSION = Non = (join(SITE_ROOT, 'locale'), )
print("LEGACY VERSION: %s ------" % AGENT_VERSION)
#### NEW ####
......@@ -1588,7 +1588,8 @@ class AgentStartedOperation(InstanceOperation):
new_version = settings.GET_AGENT_VERSION_BY_SYSTEM(agent_system)[0]
if agent_system and new_version and (old_version is None or old_version and new_version != old_version):
# if agent_system and new_version and (old_version is None or ("NOAGENTUPDATE" not in old_version and new_version != old_version)) :
if agent_system and new_version and old_version and "NOAGENTUPDATE" not in old_version and new_version != old_version :
parent_activity=activity, agent_system=agent_system)
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