Commit 43e810d2 by Dudás Ádám

vm: refactor old code and add some new bits

* reorder classes
* make context creator method a module level function
* class method for creating an instance from a template
* fix primary host selection code
* use instead of to get timezone aware dates
* remove obsolete methods and implementations (leaving TODOs)
parent fd75f6f9
......@@ -46,6 +46,15 @@ class Disk(TimeStampedModel):
verbose_name = _('disk')
verbose_name_plural = _('disks')
def get_exculsive(self):
"""Get an instance of the disk for exclusive usage.
It might mean copying the disk, creating a snapshot or creating a
symbolic link to a read-only image.
# TODO implement (or call) logic
return self
def to_json(self):
self.base_name = if self.base else None
self.dir = self.datastore.path
from celery import task
def create_instance_task(parameters):
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