Commit 5a17c366 by Bence Dányi

firewall_gui: update comments

parent a34d2837
......@@ -343,7 +343,6 @@ function EntityController(url, init) {
$scope.errors = newErrors;
} catch (ex) {
......@@ -357,7 +356,9 @@ function EntityController(url, init) {
['vlan', 'vlangroup', 'host', 'hostgroup', 'firewall', 'owner', 'domain', 'record'].forEach(function(t) {
$('.' + t).typeahead({
* Typeahead does AJAX queries
* Typeahead does AJAX queries.
* Pretty messy
* @param {String} query Partial name of the entity
* @param {Function} process Callback function after AJAX returned result
......@@ -381,8 +382,9 @@ function EntityController(url, init) {
return true;
* Typeahead does not trigger proper DOM events, so we have to refresh
* the model manually.
* The DOM is correctly updated, but it doesnt triggers the proper events,
* so the model should be updated manually.
* @param {String} item Selected entity name
* @return {String} Same as `item`, the input value is set to this
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