Commit 6172a2f6 by Dudás Ádám

vm: fix doc comments

parent 822167c7
......@@ -503,8 +503,17 @@ class Instance(BaseResourceConfigModel, TimeStampedModel):
def deploy(self, user=None, task_uuid=None):
""" Deploy new virtual machine with network
1. Schedule
"""Deploy new virtual machine with network
:param self: The virtual machine to deploy.
:type self: vm.models.Instance
:param user: The user who's issuing the command.
:type user: django.contrib.auth.models.User
:param task_uuid: The task's UUID, if the command is being executed
:type task_uuid: str
act = InstanceActivity(activity_code='vm.Instance.deploy')
act.instance = self
......@@ -542,7 +551,17 @@ class Instance(BaseResourceConfigModel, TimeStampedModel):
def destroy(self, user=None, task_uuid=None):
""" Remove Instance with its networks.
"""Remove virtual machine and its networks.
:param self: The virtual machine to destroy.
:type self: vm.models.Instance
:param user: The user who's issuing the command.
:type user: django.contrib.auth.models.User
:param task_uuid: The task's UUID, if the command is being executed
:type task_uuid: str
act = InstanceActivity(activity_code='vm.Instance.destroy')
act.instance = self
......@@ -560,7 +579,7 @@ class Instance(BaseResourceConfigModel, TimeStampedModel):
def destroy_async(self, user=None):
"""Execute destroy() asyncrhonusly.
"""Execute destroy asynchronously.
local_tasks.destroy.apply_async(args=[self, user],
......@@ -586,7 +605,7 @@ class Instance(BaseResourceConfigModel, TimeStampedModel):
def sleep_async(self, user=None):
"""Execute suspend() asynchronously.
"""Execute sleep asynchronously.
local_tasks.sleep.apply_async(args=[self, user], queue="")
......@@ -603,7 +622,7 @@ class Instance(BaseResourceConfigModel, TimeStampedModel):
def wake_up_async(self, user=None):
"""Execute resume() asynchronously.
"""Execute wake_up asynchronously.
local_tasks.resume.apply_async(args=[self, user],
......@@ -649,7 +668,7 @@ class Instance(BaseResourceConfigModel, TimeStampedModel):
def reboot(self, user=None, task_uuid=None):
"""Reboot virtual machin with ctr+alt+del signal.
"""Reboot virtual machine with Ctrl+Alt+Del signal.
act = InstanceActivity(activity_code='vm.Instance.reboot')
act.instance = self
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