Commit 6aa74424 by Estók Dániel

Merge remote-tracking branch 'origin/master' into feature-setty

parents 3eef00f0 9c20e518
......@@ -246,8 +246,8 @@ class AclBase(Model):
def save(self, *args, **kwargs):
super(AclBase, self).save(*args, **kwargs)
if 'owner' in dict(self.ACL_LEVELS) and (hasattr(self, 'owner')
and self.owner):
if 'owner' in dict(self.ACL_LEVELS) and (hasattr(self, 'owner') and
self.set_user_level(self.owner, 'owner')
class Meta:
......@@ -508,6 +508,8 @@ if get_env_variable('DJANGO_SAML', 'FALSE') == 'TRUE':
if get_env_variable('DJANGO_SAML_ORG_ID_ATTRIBUTE', False) is not False:
SAML_ORG_ID_ATTRIBUTE = get_env_variable(
SAML_MAIN_ATTRIBUTE_MAX_LENGTH = int(get_env_variable(
......@@ -71,3 +71,5 @@ STORE_URL = ""
# buildbot doesn't love pipeline
SAML_MAIN_ATTRIBUTE_MAX_LENGTH=0 # doctest on SAML2 backend runs either way
......@@ -46,7 +46,7 @@ os.environ.setdefault("DJANGO_SETTINGS_MODULE", "circle.settings.production")
# This application object is used by any WSGI server configured to use this
# file. This includes Django's development server, if the WSGI_APPLICATION
# setting points here.
from django.core.wsgi import get_wsgi_application
from django.core.wsgi import get_wsgi_application # noqa
_application = get_wsgi_application()
......@@ -17,9 +17,14 @@
# with CIRCLE. If not, see <>.
import re
import logging
import sha
from django.conf import settings
from djangosaml2.backends import Saml2Backend as Saml2BackendBase
logger = logging.getLogger(__name__)
class Saml2Backend(Saml2BackendBase):
......@@ -41,7 +46,14 @@ class Saml2Backend(Saml2BackendBase):
if isinstance(main_attribute, str):
main_attribute = main_attribute.decode('UTF-8')
assert isinstance(main_attribute, unicode)
return re.sub(r'[^\w.@-]', replace, main_attribute)
attr = re.sub(r'[^\w.@-]', replace, main_attribute)
max_length = settings.SAML_MAIN_ATTRIBUTE_MAX_LENGTH
if max_length > 0 and len(attr) > max_length:"Main attribute '%s' is too long." % attr)
hashed =
attr = hashed[:max_length]"New main attribute: %s" % attr)
return attr
def _set_attribute(self, obj, attr, value):
if attr == 'username':
......@@ -97,7 +97,7 @@ def has_prefix(activity_code, *prefixes):
>>> assert has_prefix('', 'foo', 'bar', 'buz')
>>> assert not has_prefix('', 'foo', 'buz')
equal = lambda a, b: a == b
def equal(a, b): return a == b
act_code_parts = split_activity_code(activity_code)
prefixes = chain(*imap(split_activity_code, prefixes))
return all(imap(equal, act_code_parts, prefixes))
......@@ -112,7 +112,7 @@ def has_suffix(activity_code, *suffixes):
>>> assert has_suffix('', 'foo', 'bar', 'buz')
>>> assert not has_suffix('', 'foo', 'buz')
equal = lambda a, b: a == b
def equal(a, b): return a == b
act_code_parts = split_activity_code(activity_code)
suffixes = list(chain(*imap(split_activity_code, suffixes)))
return all(imap(equal, reversed(act_code_parts), reversed(suffixes)))
......@@ -441,8 +441,8 @@ class HumanReadableObject(object):
def create(cls, user_text_template, admin_text_template=None, **params):
return cls(user_text_template=user_text_template,
or user_text_template), params=params)
admin_text_template=(admin_text_template or
user_text_template), params=params)
def set(self, user_text_template, admin_text_template=None, **params):
# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
# Copyright 2014 Budapest University of Technology and Economics (BME IK)
# This file is part of CIRCLE Cloud.
# CIRCLE is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify it under
# the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free
# Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or (at your option)
# any later version.
# CIRCLE is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY
# WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS
# FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License for more
# details.
# You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along
# with CIRCLE. If not, see <>.
from arrow import locales
class HungarianLocale(locales.Locale):
names = ['hu', 'HU']
past = '{0} ezelőtt'
future = '{0} múlva'
timeframes = {
'now': 'éppen most',
'seconds': {
'past': 'másodpercekkel',
'future': 'pár másodperc'},
'minute': {'past': 'egy perccel', 'future': 'egy perc'},
'minutes': {'past': '{0} perccel', 'future': '{0} perc'},
'hour': {'past': 'egy órával', 'future': 'egy óra'},
'hours': {'past': '{0} órával', 'future': '{0} óra'},
'day': {
'past': 'egy nappal',
'future': 'egy nap'
'days': {
'past': '{0} nappal',
'future': '{0} nap'
'month': {'past': 'egy hónappal', 'future': 'egy hónap'},
'months': {'past': '{0} hónappal', 'future': '{0} hónap'},
'year': {'past': 'egy évvel', 'future': 'egy év'},
'years': {'past': '{0} évvel', 'future': '{0} év'},
month_names = ['', 'Január', 'Február', 'Március', 'Április', 'Május',
'Június', 'Július', 'Augusztus', 'Szeptember',
'Október', 'November', 'December']
month_abbreviations = ['', 'Jan', 'Febr', 'Márc', 'Ápr', 'Máj', 'Jún',
'Júl', 'Aug', 'Szept', 'Okt', 'Nov', 'Dec']
day_names = ['', 'Hétfő', 'Kedd', 'Szerda', 'Csütörtök', 'Péntek',
'Szombat', 'Vasárnap']
day_abbreviations = ['', 'Hét', 'Kedd', 'Szer', 'Csüt', 'Pént',
'Szom', 'Vas']
meridians = {
'am': 'de',
'pm': 'du',
'AM': 'DE',
'PM': 'DU',
def _format_timeframe(self, timeframe, delta):
form = self.timeframes[timeframe]
if isinstance(form, dict):
if delta > 0:
form = form['future']
form = form['past']
delta = abs(delta)
return form.format(delta)
......@@ -38,10 +38,10 @@ def highlight(field, q, none_wo_match=True):
match = None
if q and match is not None:
match_end = match + len(q)
return (escape(field[:match])
+ '<span class="autocomplete-hl">'
+ escape(field[match:match_end])
+ '</span>' + escape(field[match_end:]))
return (escape(field[:match]) +
'<span class="autocomplete-hl">' +
escape(field[match:match_end]) +
'</span>' + escape(field[match_end:]))
elif none_wo_match:
return None
......@@ -506,8 +506,8 @@ class TemplateForm(forms.ModelForm):
self.allowed_fields = (
'name', 'access_method', 'description', 'system', 'tags',
'arch', 'lease', 'has_agent')
if (self.user.has_perm('vm.change_template_resources')
or not
if (self.user.has_perm('vm.change_template_resources') or
self.allowed_fields += tuple(set(self.fields.keys()) -
if self.user.is_superuser:
......@@ -523,8 +523,8 @@ class TemplateForm(forms.ModelForm):
self.initial['max_ram_size'] = 512
lease_queryset = (
Lease.get_objects_with_level("operator", self.user).distinct()
| Lease.objects.filter(pk=self.instance.lease_id).distinct())
Lease.get_objects_with_level("operator", self.user).distinct() |
self.fields["lease"].queryset = lease_queryset
......@@ -64,8 +64,8 @@ class Command(BaseCommand):
def handle(self, *args, **options):
self.changed = False
if (DataStore.objects.exists() and Vlan.objects.exists()
and not options['force']):
if (DataStore.objects.exists() and Vlan.objects.exists() and
not options['force']):
return self.print_state()
admin = self.create(User, 'username', username=options['admin_user'],
......@@ -438,10 +438,14 @@ def add_ssh_keys(sender, **kwargs):
userkey = kwargs.get('instance')
instances = Instance.get_objects_with_level(
'user', userkey.user).filter(status='RUNNING')
'user', userkey.user, disregard_superuser=True
for i in instances:'called add_keys(%s, %s)', i, userkey)
i.install_keys(user=userkey.user, keys=[userkey.key])
i.install_keys(user=userkey.user, keys=[userkey.key])
except Instance.NoAgentError:"%s has no agent running", i)
def del_ssh_keys(sender, **kwargs):
......@@ -449,10 +453,14 @@ def del_ssh_keys(sender, **kwargs):
userkey = kwargs.get('instance')
instances = Instance.get_objects_with_level(
'user', userkey.user).filter(status='RUNNING')
'user', userkey.user, disregard_superuser=True
for i in instances:'called del_keys(%s, %s)', i, userkey)
i.remove_keys(user=userkey.user, keys=[userkey.key])
i.remove_keys(user=userkey.user, keys=[userkey.key])
except Instance.NoAgentError:"%s has no agent running", i)
post_save.connect(add_ssh_keys, sender=UserKey)
......@@ -8,7 +8,7 @@
<a class="btn btn-default" href="{{object.get_absolute_url}}" data-dismiss="modal">
{% trans "Cancel" %}
{% if lease_types %}
{% if lease_types and not request.token_user %}
<a class="btn btn-primary" id="vm-renew-request-lease-button"
href="{% url "request.views.request-lease" %}">
<i class="fa fa-forward"></i>
......@@ -42,7 +42,7 @@
{% trans "Email address" %}: {{ }}
{% endif %}
<p>{% trans "Last login" %}: <span title="{{ request.user.last_login }}">{{ request.user.last_login|arrowfilter:LANGUAGE_CODE}}</span></p>
<p>{% trans "Last login" %}: <span title="{{ profile.last_login }}">{{ profile.last_login|arrowfilter:LANGUAGE_CODE}}</span></p>
{% if request.user == profile %}
{% trans "Use email address as Gravatar profile image" %}:
......@@ -166,6 +166,28 @@
{% if show_graph %}
<div class="panel panel-default">
<div class="panel-heading">
<h3 class="no-margin"><i class="fa fa-area-chart"></i> {% trans "Graphs" %}</h3>
<div class="text-center panel-body">
<div class="graph-buttons">
{% include "dashboard/_graph-time-buttons.html" %}
<div class="text-center graph-images">
<img src="{% url "dashboard.views.template-graph" "instances" graph_time %}"/>
{% if request.user.is_superuser %}
<a href="{% url "dashboard.views.vm-list" %}?s=template:{{}}&stype=all">
{% trans "List all template instances" %}
{% endif %}
{% endif %}
</div><!-- .col-md-4 -->
</div><!-- .row -->
......@@ -18,9 +18,6 @@
from django.template import Library
import arrow
from dashboard.arrow_local import HungarianLocale
for name in HungarianLocale.names:
arrow.locales._locales[name] = HungarianLocale
register = Library()
......@@ -601,8 +601,8 @@ class CircleSeleniumMixin(SeleniumMixin):
choices = self.driver.find_elements_by_css_selector(
choice_list = [item for item in choices if (
'test' not in item.get_attribute('value')
and item.get_attribute('value') != 'base_vm')]
'test' not in item.get_attribute('value') and
item.get_attribute('value') != 'base_vm')]
chosen = random.randint(0, len(choice_list) - 1)
......@@ -47,7 +47,7 @@ from .views import (
ClientCheck, TokenLogin,
VmGraphView, NodeGraphView, NodeListGraphView,
VmGraphView, NodeGraphView, NodeListGraphView, TemplateGraphView,
TransferInstanceOwnershipView, TransferInstanceOwnershipConfirmView,
TransferTemplateOwnershipView, TransferTemplateOwnershipConfirmView,
......@@ -152,6 +152,10 @@ urlpatterns = patterns(
url(r'^group/(?P<pk>\d+)/$', GroupDetailView.as_view(),
url(r'^group/(?P<pk>\d+)/update/$', GroupProfileUpdate.as_view(),
......@@ -28,7 +28,7 @@ from django.views.generic import View
from braces.views import LoginRequiredMixin
from vm.models import Instance, Node
from vm.models import Instance, Node, InstanceTemplate
logger = logging.getLogger(__name__)
......@@ -152,6 +152,28 @@ class NodeGraphView(GraphViewBase):
return self.model.objects.get(id=pk)
class TemplateGraphView(GraphViewBase):
model = InstanceTemplate
base = Metric
def get_object(self, request, pk):
instance = super(TemplateGraphView, self).get_object(request, pk)
if not instance.has_level(request.user, 'operator'):
raise PermissionDenied()
return instance
class TemplateVms(object):
metric_name = "instances.running"
title = _("Instance count")
label = _("instance count")
def get_minmax(self):
return (0, None)
register_graph(TemplateVms, 'instances', TemplateGraphView)
class NodeListGraphView(GraphViewBase):
model = Node
base = Metric
......@@ -47,7 +47,8 @@ from ..tables import TemplateListTable, LeaseListTable
from .util import (
AclUpdateView, FilterMixin,
TransferOwnershipConfirmView, TransferOwnershipView,
logger = logging.getLogger(__name__)
......@@ -258,7 +259,8 @@ class TemplateDelete(DeleteViewBase):
class TemplateDetail(LoginRequiredMixin, SuccessMessageMixin, UpdateView):
class TemplateDetail(LoginRequiredMixin, GraphMixin,
SuccessMessageMixin, UpdateView):
model = InstanceTemplate
template_name = "dashboard/template-edit.html"
form_class = TemplateForm
......@@ -300,6 +302,7 @@ class TemplateDetail(LoginRequiredMixin, SuccessMessageMixin, UpdateView):
context['is_owner'] = obj.has_level(self.request.user, 'owner')
context['aclform'] = AclUserOrGroupAddForm()
context['parent'] = obj.parent
context['show_graph'] = obj.has_level(self.request.user, 'operator')
return context
def get_success_url(self):
......@@ -545,8 +545,8 @@ class UserList(LoginRequiredMixin, PermissionRequiredMixin, SingleTableView):
q = self.search_form.cleaned_data.get('s')
if q:
filters = (Q(username__icontains=q) | Q(email__icontains=q)
| Q(profile__org_id__icontains=q))
filters = (Q(username__icontains=q) | Q(email__icontains=q) |
for w in q.split()[:3]:
filters |= (
Q(first_name__icontains=w) | Q(last_name__icontains=w))
......@@ -150,8 +150,8 @@ class VmDetailView(GraphMixin, CheckedDetailView):
# resources forms
can_edit = (
instance.has_level(user, "owner")
and self.request.user.has_perm("vm.change_resources"))
instance.has_level(user, "owner") and
context['resources_form'] = VmResourcesForm(
can_edit=can_edit, instance=instance)
......@@ -174,8 +174,10 @@ class VmDetailView(GraphMixin, CheckedDetailView):
context['is_owner'] = is_owner
# operation also allows RUNNING (if with_shutdown is present)
context['save_resources_enabled'] = instance.status not in ("RUNNING",
context['save_resources_enabled'] = instance.status in (
return context
......@@ -567,8 +569,8 @@ class VmResourcesChangeView(VmOperationView):
return HttpResponseRedirect(instance.get_absolute_url()
+ "#resources")
return HttpResponseRedirect(instance.get_absolute_url() +
extra = form.cleaned_data
extra['max_ram_size'] = extra['ram_size']
......@@ -1259,8 +1261,9 @@ def vm_activity(request, pk):
response['status'] = instance.status
response['icon'] = instance.get_status_icon()
latest = instance.get_latest_activity_in_progress()
response['is_new_state'] = (latest and latest.resultant_state is not None
and instance.status != latest.resultant_state)
response['is_new_state'] = (latest and
latest.resultant_state is not None and
instance.status != latest.resultant_state)
context = {
'instance': instance,
......@@ -58,9 +58,9 @@ def bower(component=None):
"Install bower component"
with cd("~/circle/circle"):
if component:
run("bower install %s" % component)
run("bower install %s --config.interactive=false" % component)
run("bower install")
run("bower install --config.interactive=false")
......@@ -188,11 +188,11 @@ class IPNetworkField(models.Field):
if isinstance(value, IPNetwork):
if self.version == 4:
return ('.'.join("%03d" % x for x in value.ip.words)
+ '/%02d' % value.prefixlen)
return ('.'.join("%03d" % x for x in value.ip.words) +
'/%02d' % value.prefixlen)
return (':'.join("%04X" % x for x in value.ip.words)
+ '/%03d' % value.prefixlen)
return (':'.join("%04X" % x for x in value.ip.words) +
'/%03d' % value.prefixlen)
return value
def formfield(self, **kwargs):
......@@ -21,7 +21,34 @@ from import BaseCommand
from firewall.tasks.local_tasks import reloadtask
from argparse import ArgumentTypeError
class Command(BaseCommand):
def add_arguments(self, parser):
help='synchronous reload')
help='timeout for synchronous reload')
def handle(self, *args, **options):
reloadtask('Vlan', sync=options["sync"], timeout=options["timeout"])
def positive_int(self, val):
if not val.isdigit():
raise ArgumentTypeError("'%s' is not a valid positive int" % val)
return int(val)
......@@ -157,6 +157,10 @@ class Rule(models.Model):
selected_fields = [field for field in fields if field]
if len(selected_fields) > 1:
raise ValidationError(_('Only one field can be selected.'))
elif len(selected_fields) < 1:
raise ValidationError(
_('One of the following fields must be selected: '
'vlan, vlan group, host, host group, firewall.'))
def get_external_ipv4(self):
return (self.nat_external_ipv4
......@@ -696,8 +700,8 @@ class Host(models.Model):
return self.vlan.network_type != 'public'
def clean(self):
if (self.external_ipv4 and not self.shared_ip and self.behind_nat
and Host.objects.exclude(
if (self.external_ipv4 and not self.shared_ip and self.behind_nat and
raise ValidationError(_("If shared_ip has been checked, "
"external_ipv4 has to be unique."))
......@@ -60,7 +60,7 @@ def get_firewall_queues():
return list(retval)
def reloadtask_worker():
from firewall.fw import BuildFirewall, dhcp, dns, ipset, vlan
from remote_tasks import (reload_dns, reload_dhcp, reload_firewall,
......@@ -92,7 +92,7 @@ def reloadtask_worker():
def reloadtask(type='Host', timeout=15):
def reloadtask(type='Host', timeout=15, sync=False):
reload = {
'Host': ['dns', 'dhcp', 'firewall'],
'Record': ['dns'],
......@@ -107,4 +107,6 @@ def reloadtask(type='Host', timeout=15):"Reload %s on next periodic iteration applying change to %s.",
", ".join(reload), type)
if all([cache.add("%s_lock" % i, 'true', 30) for i in reload]):
reloadtask_worker.apply_async(queue='', countdown=5)
res = reloadtask_worker.apply_async(queue='', countdown=5)
if sync:
......@@ -55,8 +55,8 @@ def select_node(instance, nodes):
# check required traits
nodes = [n for n in nodes
if n.schedule_enabled and
and has_traits(instance.req_traits.all(), n)]
if n.schedule_enabled and and
has_traits(instance.req_traits.all(), n)]
if not nodes:
logger.warning('select_node: no usable node for %s', unicode(instance))
raise TraitsUnsatisfiableException()
......@@ -54,7 +54,7 @@ def measure_response_time():
def check_celery_queues():
graphite_string = lambda component, hostname, celery, is_alive, time: (
def graphite_string(component, hostname, celery, is_alive, time): return (
"%s.%s.celery-queues.%s %d %s" % (
component, hostname, celery, 1 if is_alive else 0, time)
......@@ -92,7 +92,7 @@ def check_celery_queues():
def instance_per_template():
graphite_string = lambda pk, state, val, time: (
def graphite_string(pk, state, val, time): return (
"template.%d.instances.%s %d %s" % (
pk, state, val, time)
......@@ -111,7 +111,7 @@ def instance_per_template():
def allocated_memory():
graphite_string = lambda hostname, val, time: (
def graphite_string(hostname, val, time): return (
"circle.%s.memory.allocated %d %s" % (
hostname, val, time)
......@@ -979,8 +979,8 @@ def remove_switch_port_device(request, **kwargs):
def add_switch_port_device(request, **kwargs):
device_name = request.POST.get('device_name')
if (request.method == "POST" and device_name and len(device_name) > 0
and EthernetDevice.objects.filter(name=device_name).count() == 0):
if (request.method == "POST" and device_name and len(device_name) > 0 and
EthernetDevice.objects.filter(name=device_name).count() == 0):
switch_port = SwitchPort.objects.get(pk=kwargs['pk'])
new_device = EthernetDevice(name=device_name, switch_port=switch_port)
......@@ -29,7 +29,7 @@
<h3 id="how-can-i-portforward">{% trans "How can I open ports?" %}</h3>
<h3 id="how-can-i-open-ports">{% trans "How can I open ports?" %}</h3>
......@@ -4,7 +4,7 @@
<li><a href="#how-can-i-create-a-vm-and-give-to-another-user">{% trans "How can I create a VM and give to another user?" %}</a></li>
<li><a href="#how-can-i-portforward">{% trans "How can I portforward?" %}</a></li>
<li><a href="#how-can-i-open-ports">{% trans "How can I open ports?" %}</a></li>
<li><a href="#my-machines-lease-is-short-how-can-i-extend-it">{% trans "My machine’s lease is short. How can I extend it?" %}</a></li>
<li><a href="#how-can-i-have-more-cpumemory">{% trans "How can I have more CPU/memory?" %}</a></li>
......@@ -348,32 +348,34 @@
<h4>{% trans "Architecture" %}</h4>
The user can choose the template's architecture (x86 or x86-64).
{% trans "The user can choose the template's architecture (x86 or x86-64)." %}
<h4>{% trans "Access method" %}</h4>
The default access method is modifiable. Currently SSH, RDP and NX are supported.
{% trans "The default access method is modifiable. Currently SSH, RDP and NX are supported." %}
<h4>{% trans "Boot menu" %} </h4>
Check it to turn on the boot menu.
{% trans "Check it to turn on the boot menu." %}
<h4>{% trans "Traits" %}</h4>
By adding or removing traits we can guarantee specific features the host node will have (like <em>GPU</em>) for the virtual machine.
{% trans "By adding or removing traits we can guarantee specific features the host node will have (like <em>GPU</em>) for the virtual machine." %}
<h4>{% trans "Operating system" %}</h4>
The name of the operating system.
{% trans "The name of the operating system." %}
<h4>{% trans "Agent" %}</h4>
Check this if the machine has agent installed and the manager should wait for its start.
{% trans "Check this if the machine has agent installed and the manager should wait for its start." %}
<h4>{% trans "Raw data" %}</h4>
The CIRCLE Cloud is using libvirt, so the owner can customize the running VM's options here by
<a href="">libvirt domain parameters</a>.
{% blocktrans %}
The CIRCLE Cloud is using libvirt, so the owner can customize the running VM's options here by
<a href="">libvirt domain parameters</a>.
{% endblocktrans %}
......@@ -387,7 +389,7 @@
<h4 id="how-can-i-give-access-to-users-or-groups-to-the-template">{% trans "How can I grant access for users or groups to the template?" %}</h4>
<h4 id="how-can-i-grant-access-for-users-or-groups-to-the-template">{% trans "How can I grant access for users or groups to the template?" %}</h4>
{% blocktrans %}
......@@ -10,10 +10,8 @@
<li><a href="#how-can-i-create-a-vm">{% trans "How can I create a VM?" %}</a></li>
<li><a href="#how-can-i-mark-frequently-used-vms">{% trans "How can I mark frequently used VMs?" %}</a></li>
<li><a href="#how-can-i-search-for-vms">{% trans "How can I search for VMs?" %}</a></li>
<li><a href="#templates-box">{% trans "Templates box" %}</a></li>
......@@ -37,8 +35,7 @@
<ul><a href="#home">{% trans "Home" %}</a>
<li><a href="#expiration">{% trans "Expiration" %}</a></li>
<li><a href="#how-can-i-expand-the-vms-expiration-date">{% trans "How can I expand the VM’s expiration date?" %}</a></li>
<li><a href="#file-management">{% trans "File management" %}</a></li>
<li><a href="#how-can-i-extend-the-vms-expiration-date">{% trans "How can I extend the VM's expiration date?" %}</a></li>
<li><a href="#how-can-i-share-previously-uploaded-files-with-the-vm">{% trans "How can I share previously uploaded files with the VM?" %}</a></li>
......@@ -68,9 +65,7 @@
<ul><a href="#templates">{% trans "Templates" %}</a>
<li><a href="#how-can-i-create-templates">{% trans "How can I create templates?" %}</a></li>
<li><a href="#what-kind-of-options-are-customizable-in-the-template">{% trans "What kind of options are customizable in the template?" %}</a></li>
<li><a href="#how-can-i-change-the-expiration-of-the-templates-vms">{% trans "How can I change the expiration of the tempalte's VMs" %}</a></li>
<li><a href="#how-can-i-give-the-template-to-other-user">{% trans "How can I give the template to other user?" %}</a></li>
<li><a href="#how-can-i-give-access-to-users-or-groups-to-the-template">{% trans "How can I give access to users or groups to the template?"%}</a></li>
<li><a href="#how-can-i-grant-access-for-users-or-groups-to-the-template">{% trans "How can I grant access for users or groups to the template?"%}</a></li>
......@@ -92,7 +87,6 @@
<ul><a href="#profile">{% trans "Profile" %}</a>
<li><a href="#how-can-i-change-my-password">{% trans "How can I change my password?" %}</a></li>
<li><a href="#how-can-i-store-public-keys-on-the-vms">{% trans "How can I store public keys on the VMs?" %}</a></li>
<li><a href="#how-can-i-change-connection-template">{% trans "How can I change connection template?" %}</a></li>
......@@ -145,8 +145,8 @@ class InstanceActivity(ActivityModel):
def has_percentage(self):
op = self.instance.get_operation_from_activity_code(self.activity_code)
return (self.task_uuid and op and op.has_percentage
and not self.finished)
return (self.task_uuid and op and op.has_percentage and
not self.finished)
def get_percentage(self):
"""Returns the percentage of the running operation if available.
......@@ -174,6 +174,6 @@ class Trait(Model):
def in_use(self):
return (
self.instance_set.exists() or self.node_set.exists()
or self.instancetemplate_set.exists()
self.instance_set.exists() or self.node_set.exists() or
......@@ -200,6 +200,10 @@ class InstanceTemplate(AclBase, VirtualMachineDescModel, TimeStampedModel):
def get_running_instances(self):
return, status="RUNNING")
def metric_prefix(self):
return 'template.%d' %
class Instance(AclBase, VirtualMachineDescModel, StatusModel, OperatedMixin,
......@@ -848,8 +852,8 @@ class Instance(AclBase, VirtualMachineDescModel, StatusModel, OperatedMixin,
def is_in_status_change(self):
latest = self.get_latest_activity_in_progress()
return (latest and latest.resultant_state is not None
and self.status != latest.resultant_state)
return (latest and latest.resultant_state is not None and
self.status != latest.resultant_state)
def metric_prefix(self):
......@@ -133,8 +133,8 @@ class InstanceOperation(Operation):
super(InstanceOperation, self).check_auth(user=user)
if (self.instance.node and not
and not user.is_superuser):
if (self.instance.node and not and
not user.is_superuser):
raise self.instance.WrongStateError(self.instance)
def create_activity(self, parent, user, kwargs):
......@@ -191,7 +191,8 @@ class EnsureAgentMixin(object):
started__gt=last_boot_time, instance=self.instance
except InstanceActivity.DoesNotExist: # no agent since last boot
raise self.instance.NoAgentError(self.instance)
......@@ -533,8 +534,8 @@ class MigrateOperation(RemoteInstanceOperation):
remote_timeout = 1000
def _get_remote_args(self, to_node, live_migration, **kwargs):
return (super(MigrateOperation, self)._get_remote_args(**kwargs)
+ [, live_migration])
return (super(MigrateOperation, self)._get_remote_args(**kwargs) +
[, live_migration])
def rollback(self, activity):
with activity.sub_activity(
......@@ -907,8 +908,8 @@ class SleepOperation(InstanceOperation):
def _get_remote_args(self, **kwargs):
return (super(SleepOperation.SuspendVmOperation, self)
+ [self.instance.mem_dump['path']])
._get_remote_args(**kwargs) +
......@@ -961,8 +962,8 @@ class WakeUpOperation(InstanceOperation):
def _get_remote_args(self, **kwargs):
return (super(WakeUpOperation.WakeUpVmOperation, self)
+ [self.instance.mem_dump['path']])
._get_remote_args(**kwargs) +
......@@ -1407,9 +1408,9 @@ class PasswordResetOperation(RemoteAgentOperation):
task = agent_tasks.change_password
required_perms = ()
def _get_remote_args(self, password, **kwargs):
return (super(PasswordResetOperation, self)._get_remote_args(**kwargs)
+ [password])
def _get_remote_args(self, password, **kwrgs):
return (super(PasswordResetOperation, self)._get_remote_args(**kwrgs) +
def _operation(self, password=None):
if not password:
......@@ -1432,8 +1433,8 @@ class InstallKeysOperation(RemoteAgentOperation):
def _get_remote_args(self, user, keys=None, **kwargs):
if keys is None:
keys = list(user.userkey_set.values_list('key', flat=True))
return (super(InstallKeysOperation, self)._get_remote_args(**kwargs)
+ [keys])
return (super(InstallKeysOperation, self)._get_remote_args(**kwargs) +
......@@ -1445,8 +1446,8 @@ class RemoveKeysOperation(RemoteAgentOperation):
required_perms = ()
def _get_remote_args(self, user, keys, **kwargs):
return (super(RemoveKeysOperation, self)._get_remote_args(**kwargs)
+ [keys])
return (super(RemoveKeysOperation, self)._get_remote_args(**kwargs) +
......@@ -1540,8 +1541,8 @@ class AgentStartedOperation(InstanceOperation):
def _get_remote_args(self, **kwargs):
cls = AgentStartedOperation.SetTimeOperation
return (super(cls, self)._get_remote_args(**kwargs)
+ [time.time()])
return (super(cls, self)._get_remote_args(**kwargs) +
class SetHostnameOperation(SubOperationMixin, RemoteAgentOperation):
......@@ -1551,8 +1552,8 @@ class AgentStartedOperation(InstanceOperation):
def _get_remote_args(self, **kwargs):
cls = AgentStartedOperation.SetHostnameOperation
return (super(cls, self)._get_remote_args(**kwargs)
+ [self.instance.short_hostname])
return (super(cls, self)._get_remote_args(**kwargs) +
class RestartNetworkingOperation(SubOperationMixin, RemoteAgentOperation):
......@@ -1571,8 +1572,8 @@ class AgentStartedOperation(InstanceOperation):
interfaces = {str(host.mac): host.get_network_config()
for host in hosts}
cls = AgentStartedOperation.ChangeIpOperation
return (super(cls, self)._get_remote_args(**kwargs)
+ [interfaces, settings.FIREWALL_SETTINGS['rdns_ip']])
return (super(cls, self)._get_remote_args(**kwargs) +
[interfaces, settings.FIREWALL_SETTINGS['rdns_ip']])
......@@ -1696,8 +1697,8 @@ class AbstractDiskOperation(SubOperationMixin, RemoteInstanceOperation):
required_perms = ()
def _get_remote_args(self, disk, **kwargs):
return (super(AbstractDiskOperation, self)._get_remote_args(**kwargs)
+ [disk.get_vmdisk_desc()])
return (super(AbstractDiskOperation, self)._get_remote_args(**kwargs) +
Deploying CIRCLE
This tutorial describes the installation of a production environment. To
have a fully working environment, you have to set up the other components
......@@ -145,4 +145,4 @@ the portal application server::
sudo cp miscellaneous/mancelery.conf /etc/init/
sudo start mancelery
sudo cp miscellaneous/portal-uwsgi.conf /etc/init/
sudo start portal-uwsgi
sudo start portal-uwsgi
\ No newline at end of file
......@@ -31,7 +31,7 @@ python-dateutil==2.4.2
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