Commit 940c9070 by Oláh István Gergely

dashboard: fix node label coloring in index

parent 386b5d3e
......@@ -45,7 +45,11 @@
+ <big>{{ node_num.missing }}</big> missing + <br><big>{{ node_num.disabled }}</big> disabled + <big>{{ node_num.offline }}</big> offline</p>
<ul class="list-inline">
{% for i in nodes %}
<a class="label {% if i.state == 'online' %}label-success{% elif i.state == 'missing' %}label-danger{% else %}label-warning{% endif %}" href="{% url "dashboard.views.node-detail" %}"><i class="icon-{% if i.enabled == True %}play-sign{% else %}pause{% endif %}"></i> {{}}</a>
<a class="label {% if i.state == 'ONLINE' %}label-success
{% elif i.state == 'MISSING' %}label-danger
{% elif i.state == 'DISABLED' %}label-warning
{% elif i.state == 'OFFLINE' %}label-warning
{% endif %}" href="{% url "dashboard.views.node-detail" %}"><i class="icon-{% if i.enabled == True %}play-sign{% else %}pause{% endif %}"></i> {{}}</a>
{% endfor %}
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