Commit 9b8d6f51 by Őry Máté

common: extract check_perms from Operation.check_auth

parent 2158c32e
......@@ -143,14 +143,24 @@ class Operation(object):
def check_precond(self):
def check_auth(self, user):
if self.required_perms is None:
def check_perms(cls, user):
"""Check if user is permitted to run this operation on any instance
if cls.required_perms is None:
raise ImproperlyConfigured(
"Set required_perms to () if none needed.")
if not user.has_perms(self.required_perms):
if not user.has_perms(cls.required_perms):
raise PermissionDenied("%s doesn't have the required permissions."
% user)
def check_auth(self, user):
"""Check if user is permitted to run this operation on this instance
def create_activity(self, parent, user, kwargs):
raise NotImplementedError
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