Commit 9f1c4d56 by Kálmán Viktor

dashboard: use failed property to detect failed disks

parent cc8c734f
{% load i18n %}
{% load sizefieldtags %}
<i class="{% if d.is_downloading %}icon-refresh icon-spin{% else %}icon-file{% if not d.ready %}" style="color: #d9534f;{% endif %}{% endif %}"></i>
<i class="{% if d.is_downloading %}icon-refresh icon-spin{% else %}icon-file{% if d.failed %}" style="color: #d9534f;{% endif %}{% endif %}"></i>
{{ }} (#{{ }}) -
{% if not d.is_downloading %}
{% if d.ready %}
{{ d.size|filesize }}
{% if not d.failed %}
{% if d.size %}{{ d.size|filesize }}{% endif %}
{% else %}
<div class="label label-danger">failed</div>
<div class="label label-danger"{% if user.is_superuser %} title="{{ d.get_latest_activity_result }}"{% endif %}>failed</div>
{% endif %}
{% else %}<span class="disk-list-disk-percentage" data-disk-pk="{{ }}">{{ d.get_download_percentage }}</span>%{% endif %}
<a href="{% url "dashboard.views.disk-remove" %}?next={{ request.path }}"
......@@ -193,6 +193,9 @@ class Disk(AclBase, TimeStampedModel):
result = celery.AsyncResult(id=task)
def get_latest_activity_result(self):
return self.activity_log.latest("pk").result
def is_deletable(self):
"""True if the associated file can be deleted.
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