Commit a6f7f6ef by Kálmán Viktor

dashboard: fix customize vm sliders

parent 0e806606
......@@ -487,14 +487,19 @@ function addSliderMiscs() {
ram_fire = true;
$(".ram-slider").simpleSlider("setValue", parseInt(val));
$(".cpu-count-input, .ram-input").trigger("input");
$(".cpu-priority-slider").simpleSlider("setDisabled", $(".cpu-priority-input").prop("disabled"));
$(".cpu-count-slider").simpleSlider("setDisabled", $(".cpu-count-input").prop("disabled"));
$(".ram-slider").simpleSlider("setDisabled", $(".ram-input").prop("disabled"));
function setDefaultSliderValues() {
$(".ram-input, .cpu-count-input").trigger("input");
/* deletes the VM with the pk
* if dir is true, then redirect to the dashboard landing page
......@@ -28,6 +28,9 @@ function vmCreateLoaded() {
$('#create-modal').on('', function() {
$("#create-modal").on("", function() {
return false;
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