Commit b560c0d5 by Bálint Máhonfai

Formatting fixes

parent 5179872f
Pipeline #950 passed with stage
in 0 seconds
......@@ -62,7 +62,6 @@ logger = getLogger(__name__)
class RemoteOperationMixin(object):
remote_timeout = 30
def _operation(self, **kwargs):
......@@ -167,7 +166,6 @@ class InstanceOperation(Operation):
class RemoteInstanceOperation(RemoteOperationMixin, InstanceOperation):
remote_queue = ('vm', 'fast')
def _get_remote_queue(self):
......@@ -178,7 +176,7 @@ class RemoteInstanceOperation(RemoteOperationMixin, InstanceOperation):
class EnsureAgentMixin(object):
accept_states = ('RUNNING', )
accept_states = ('RUNNING',)
def check_precond(self):
super(EnsureAgentMixin, self).check_precond()
......@@ -198,7 +196,7 @@ class EnsureAgentMixin(object):
class RemoteAgentOperation(EnsureAgentMixin, RemoteInstanceOperation):
remote_queue = ('agent', )
remote_queue = ('agent',)
concurrency_check = False
......@@ -213,7 +211,7 @@ class AddInterfaceOperation(InstanceOperation):
def rollback(self, net, activity):
with activity.sub_activity(
readable_name=ugettext_noop("destroy network (rollback)")):
......@@ -248,11 +246,10 @@ class AddInterfaceOperation(InstanceOperation):
class CreateDiskOperation(InstanceOperation):
id = 'create_disk'
name = _("create disk")
description = _("Create and attach empty disk to the virtual machine.")
required_perms = ('storage.create_empty_disk', )
required_perms = ('storage.create_empty_disk',)
accept_states = ('STOPPED', 'PENDING', 'RUNNING')
def _operation(self, user, size, activity, name=None):
......@@ -271,8 +268,8 @@ class CreateDiskOperation(InstanceOperation):
if self.instance.is_running:
with activity.sub_activity(
readable_name=ugettext_noop("deploying disk")
readable_name=ugettext_noop("deploying disk")
self.instance._attach_disk(parent_activity=activity, disk=disk)
......@@ -285,13 +282,12 @@ class CreateDiskOperation(InstanceOperation):
class ResizeDiskOperation(RemoteInstanceOperation):
id = 'resize_disk'
name = _("resize disk")
description = _("Resize the virtual disk image. "
"Size must be greater value than the actual size.")
required_perms = ('storage.resize_disk', )
accept_states = ('RUNNING', )
required_perms = ('storage.resize_disk',)
accept_states = ('RUNNING',)
async_queue = ""
remote_queue = ('vm', 'slow')
task = vm_tasks.resize_disk
......@@ -324,7 +320,7 @@ class DownloadDiskOperation(InstanceOperation):
abortable = True
has_percentage = True
required_perms = ('storage.download_disk', )
required_perms = ('storage.download_disk',)
accept_states = ('STOPPED', 'PENDING', 'RUNNING')
async_queue = ""
......@@ -376,7 +372,6 @@ class ExportDiskOperation(InstanceOperation):
class ImportDiskOperation(InstanceOperation):
id = 'import_disk'
name = _('import disk')
description = _('Import and attach a disk image to the virtual machine.')
......@@ -438,8 +433,8 @@ class DeployOperation(InstanceOperation):
# Establish network connection (vmdriver)
with activity.sub_activity(
'deploying_net', readable_name=ugettext_noop(
"deploy network")):
'deploying_net', readable_name=ugettext_noop(
"deploy network")):
......@@ -460,7 +455,8 @@ class DeployOperation(InstanceOperation):
description = _("Deploy virtual machine.")
remote_queue = ("vm", "slow")
task = vm_tasks.deploy
remote_timeout = 120
remote_timeout = 120
def _get_remote_args(self, **kwargs):
return [self.instance.get_vm_desc()]
# intentionally not calling super
......@@ -569,7 +565,7 @@ class MigrateOperation(RemoteInstanceOperation):
"keeping its full state.")
required_perms = ()
superuser_required = True
accept_states = ('RUNNING', )
accept_states = ('RUNNING',)
async_queue = ""
task = vm_tasks.migrate
remote_queue = ("vm", "slow")
......@@ -581,8 +577,8 @@ class MigrateOperation(RemoteInstanceOperation):
def rollback(self, activity):
with activity.sub_activity(
'rollback_net', readable_name=ugettext_noop(
"redeploy network (rollback)")):
'rollback_net', readable_name=ugettext_noop(
"redeploy network (rollback)")):
def _operation(self, activity, to_node=None, live_migration=True):
......@@ -595,8 +591,8 @@ class MigrateOperation(RemoteInstanceOperation):
with activity.sub_activity(
'migrate_vm', readable_name=create_readable(
ugettext_noop("migrate to %(node)s"), node=to_node)):
'migrate_vm', readable_name=create_readable(
ugettext_noop("migrate to %(node)s"), node=to_node)):
super(MigrateOperation, self)._operation(
to_node=to_node, live_migration=live_migration)
except Exception as e:
......@@ -606,8 +602,8 @@ class MigrateOperation(RemoteInstanceOperation):
# Shutdown networks
with activity.sub_activity(
'shutdown_net', readable_name=ugettext_noop(
"shutdown network")):
'shutdown_net', readable_name=ugettext_noop(
"shutdown network")):
# Refresh node information
......@@ -616,8 +612,8 @@ class MigrateOperation(RemoteInstanceOperation):
# Estabilish network connection (vmdriver)
with activity.sub_activity(
'deploying_net', readable_name=ugettext_noop(
"deploy network")):
'deploying_net', readable_name=ugettext_noop(
"deploy network")):
......@@ -628,7 +624,7 @@ class RebootOperation(RemoteInstanceOperation):
description = _("Warm reboot virtual machine by sending Ctrl+Alt+Del "
"signal to its console.")
required_perms = ()
accept_states = ('RUNNING', )
accept_states = ('RUNNING',)
task = vm_tasks.reboot
def _operation(self, activity):
......@@ -669,7 +665,7 @@ class RemovePortOperation(InstanceOperation):
description = _("Close the specified port.")
concurrency_check = False
acl_level = "operator"
required_perms = ('vm.config_ports', )
required_perms = ('vm.config_ports',)
def _operation(self, activity, rule):
interface =
......@@ -688,7 +684,7 @@ class AddPortOperation(InstanceOperation):
description = _("Open the specified port.")
concurrency_check = False
acl_level = "operator"
required_perms = ('vm.config_ports', )
required_perms = ('vm.config_ports',)
def _operation(self, activity, host, proto, port):
if host.interface_set.get().instance != self.instance:
......@@ -712,8 +708,8 @@ class RemoveDiskOperation(InstanceOperation):
if self.instance.is_running and disk.type not in ["iso"]:
self.instance._detach_disk(disk=disk, parent_activity=activity)
with activity.sub_activity(
readable_name=ugettext_noop('destroy disk')
readable_name=ugettext_noop('destroy disk')
return self.instance.disks.remove(disk)
......@@ -729,7 +725,7 @@ class ResetOperation(RemoteInstanceOperation):
name = _("reset")
description = _("Cold reboot virtual machine (power cycle).")
required_perms = ()
accept_states = ('RUNNING', )
accept_states = ('RUNNING',)
task = vm_tasks.reset
def _operation(self, activity):
......@@ -749,7 +745,7 @@ class SaveAsTemplateOperation(InstanceOperation):
"start an instance of it.")
has_percentage = True
abortable = True
required_perms = ('vm.create_template', )
required_perms = ('vm.create_template',)
accept_states = ('RUNNING', 'STOPPED')
async_queue = ""
......@@ -817,10 +813,10 @@ class SaveAsTemplateOperation(InstanceOperation):
self.disks = []
for disk in self.instance.disks.all():
with activity.sub_activity(
ugettext_noop("saving disk %(name)s"),
ugettext_noop("saving disk %(name)s"),
......@@ -861,7 +857,7 @@ class ShutdownOperation(AbortableRemoteOperationMixin,
"turn itself off in a period.")
abortable = True
required_perms = ()
accept_states = ('RUNNING', )
accept_states = ('RUNNING',)
resultant_state = 'STOPPED'
task = vm_tasks.shutdown
remote_queue = ("vm", "slow")
......@@ -922,7 +918,7 @@ class SleepOperation(InstanceOperation):
"resumed. In the meantime, the machine will only use "
"storage resources, and keep network resources allocated.")
required_perms = ()
accept_states = ('RUNNING', )
accept_states = ('RUNNING',)
resultant_state = 'SUSPENDED'
async_queue = ""
......@@ -966,7 +962,7 @@ class WakeUpOperation(InstanceOperation):
"load the saved memory of the system and start the "
"virtual machine from this state.")
required_perms = ()
accept_states = ('SUSPENDED', )
accept_states = ('SUSPENDED',)
resultant_state = 'RUNNING'
async_queue = ""
......@@ -989,8 +985,8 @@ class WakeUpOperation(InstanceOperation):
# Estabilish network connection (vmdriver)
with activity.sub_activity(
'deploying_net', readable_name=ugettext_noop(
"deploy network")):
'deploying_net', readable_name=ugettext_noop(
"deploy network")):
......@@ -1026,7 +1022,7 @@ class RenewOperation(InstanceOperation):
def set_time_of_suspend(self, activity, suspend, force):
with activity.sub_activity(
'renew_suspend', concurrency_check=False,
'renew_suspend', concurrency_check=False,
readable_name=ugettext_noop('set time of suspend')):
if (not force and suspend and self.instance.time_of_suspend and
suspend < self.instance.time_of_suspend):
......@@ -1037,7 +1033,7 @@ class RenewOperation(InstanceOperation):
def set_time_of_delete(self, activity, delete, force):
with activity.sub_activity(
'renew_delete', concurrency_check=False,
'renew_delete', concurrency_check=False,
readable_name=ugettext_noop('set time of delete')):
if (not force and delete and self.instance.time_of_delete and
delete < self.instance.time_of_delete):
......@@ -1078,7 +1074,7 @@ class ChangeStateOperation(InstanceOperation):
"redeployed without losing its storage and network "
acl_level = "owner"
required_perms = ('vm.emergency_change_state', )
required_perms = ('vm.emergency_change_state',)
concurrency_check = False
def _operation(self, user, activity, new_state="NOSTATE", interrupt=False,
......@@ -1105,7 +1101,7 @@ class RedeployOperation(InstanceOperation):
"and redeploy the VM. This operation allows starting "
"machines formerly running on a failed node.")
acl_level = "owner"
required_perms = ('vm.redeploy', )
required_perms = ('vm.redeploy',)
concurrency_check = False
def _operation(self, user, activity, with_emergency_change_state=True):
......@@ -1359,7 +1355,7 @@ class ScreenshotOperation(RemoteInstanceOperation):
acl_level = "owner"
required_perms = ()
accept_states = ('RUNNING', )
accept_states = ('RUNNING',)
task = vm_tasks.screenshot
......@@ -1371,8 +1367,8 @@ class RecoverOperation(InstanceOperation):
"state. Network resources (allocations) are already lost, "
"so you will have to manually add interfaces afterwards.")
acl_level = "owner"
required_perms = ('vm.recover', )
accept_states = ('DESTROYED', )
required_perms = ('vm.recover',)
accept_states = ('DESTROYED',)
resultant_state = 'PENDING'
def check_precond(self):
......@@ -1383,7 +1379,7 @@ class RecoverOperation(InstanceOperation):
def _operation(self, user, activity):
with activity.sub_activity(
readable_name=ugettext_noop("recover instance")):
self.instance.destroyed_at = None
for disk in self.instance.disks.all():
......@@ -1410,7 +1406,7 @@ class ResourcesOperation(InstanceOperation):
name = _("resources change")
description = _("Change resources of a stopped virtual machine.")
acl_level = "owner"
required_perms = ('vm.change_resources', )
required_perms = ('vm.change_resources',)
accept_states = ('STOPPED', 'PENDING', 'RUNNING')
def _operation(self, user, activity,
......@@ -1716,7 +1712,7 @@ class UpdateAgentOperation(RemoteAgentOperation):
index = 0
filename = settings.AGENT_VERSION + ".tar"
while True:
chunk = data[index:index+chunk_size]
chunk = data[index:index + chunk_size]
if chunk:
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