Commit bba88695 by Őry Máté Committed by Bach Dániel

vm: fix ops in different models but the same name

parent 9f91f3a7
...@@ -184,7 +184,7 @@ class OperationView(RedirectToLoginMixin, DetailView): ...@@ -184,7 +184,7 @@ class OperationView(RedirectToLoginMixin, DetailView):
@classmethod @classmethod
def get_urlname(cls): def get_urlname(cls):
return 'dashboard.vm.op.%s' % cls.op return 'dashboard.%s.op.%s' % (cls.model._meta.model_name, cls.op)
@classmethod @classmethod
def get_instance_url(cls, pk, key=None, *args, **kwargs): def get_instance_url(cls, pk, key=None, *args, **kwargs):
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