Commit c294526f by Kálmán Viktor

dashboard: i18n for profile

parent 9298448a
......@@ -22,19 +22,19 @@
<img id="dashboard-profile-avatar" src="{{ avatar_url }}" class="img-rounded"/>
<div class="" style="padding-left: 215px;">
<p>Username: {{ profile.username }}</p>
<p>Organisation ID: {{ profile.profile.org_id|default:"-" }}</p>
<p>First name: {{ profile.first_name|default:"-" }}</p>
<p>Last name: {{ profile.last_name|default:"-" }}</p>
<p>Email address: {{ }}</p>
<p>{% trans "Username" %}: {{ profile.username }}</p>
<p>{% trans "Organisation ID" %}: {{ profile.profile.org_id|default:"-" }}</p>
<p>{% trans "First name" %}: {{ profile.first_name|default:"-" }}</p>
<p>{% trans "Last name" %}: {{ profile.last_name|default:"-" }}</p>
<p>{% trans "Email address" %}: {{ }}</p>
{% if request.user == profile %}
Use email address as Gravatar profile image:
{% trans "Use email address as Gravatar profile image" %}:
<input id="dashboard-profile-use-gravatar" data-user="{{ }}"
{% if profile.profile.use_gravatar %}checked="checked"{% endif %}
type="checkbox"/> <a href="">What's Gravatar?</a>
type="checkbox"/> <a href="">{% trans "What's Gravatar?" %}</a>
<a href="{% url "dashboard.views.profile-preferences" %}">Change password or language</a>
<a href="{% url "dashboard.views.profile-preferences" %}">{% trans "Change password and language" %}</a>
{% endif %}
<div class="clearfix"></div>
......@@ -43,7 +43,7 @@
{% if perm_group_list %}
<hr />
<i class="icon-group"></i> Groups
<i class="icon-group"></i> {% trans "Groups" %}
<ul class="dashboard-profile-group-list">
{% for g in groups %}
......@@ -58,7 +58,7 @@
<i class="icon-desktop"></i>
Virtual machines owned by the user ({{ instances_owned|length }})
{% trans "Virtual machines owned by the user" %} ({{ instances_owned|length }})
<ul class="dashboard-profile-vm-list">
{% for i in instances_owned %}
......@@ -79,7 +79,7 @@
<i class="icon-desktop"></i>
Virtual machines with access ({{ instances_with_access|length }})
{% trans "Virtual machines with access" %} ({{ instances_with_access|length }})
<ul class="dashboard-profile-vm-list">
{% for i in instances_with_access %}
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