Commit c31095cb by tarokkk

vmdriver: adding virtual machine class and network xml dump

parent 7baa88f1
#!/usr/bin/env python
import lxml.etree as ET
# VM Instance class
class VMInstance:
name = None
vcpu = None
cpu_share = None
memory_max = None
network_list = list()
disk_list = list()
context = dict()
class VMNetwork:
''' Virtual Machine network representing class
name -- network device name
mac -- the MAC address of the quest interface
network_type -- need to be "ethernet" by default
model -- available models in libvirt
QoS -- CIRCLE QoS class?
script -- Executable network script /bin/true by default
# Class attributes
name = None
network_type = None
mac = None
model = None
QoS = None
script_exec = '/bin/true'
def __init__(self, name, mac, network_type='ethernet', model='virtio', QoS=None): = name
self.network_type = network_type
self.mac = mac
self.model = model
self.QoS = QoS
# XML dump
def dump_xml(self):
xml_top = ET.Element('interface', attrib={'type' : self.network_type})
ET.SubElement(xml_top, 'target', attrib={ 'dev' : })
ET.SubElement(xml_top, 'mac', attrib={ 'address' : self.mac })
ET.SubElement(xml_top, 'model', attrib={ 'type' : self.model })
ET.SubElement(xml_top, 'script', attrib={ 'path' : self.script_exec })
return ET.tostring(xml_top, encoding='utf8', method='xml', pretty_print=True)
class VMDisk:
disk_type = None
disk_driver = None
source = None
target = None
a = VMNetwork(name="vm-77", mac="010101")
print a.dump_xml()
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