Commit d1bee728 by Czémán Arnold

common, vm: make operations help() friendly

parent 5ea451a2
Pipeline #103 passed with stage
in 0 seconds
......@@ -38,15 +38,23 @@ class SubOperationMixin(object):
parent, user, kwargs)
class WritableDocMeta(type):
class Operation(object):
"""Base class for VM operations.
__metaclass__ = WritableDocMeta
async_queue = ''
required_perms = None
superuser_required = False
do_not_call_in_templates = True
abortable = False
has_percentage = False
description = None
def get_activity_code_suffix(cls):
......@@ -219,10 +227,12 @@ operation_registry_name = '_ops'
class OperatedMixin(object):
def __getattr__(self, name):
# NOTE: __getattr__ is only called if the attribute doesn't already
# exist in your __dict__
return self.get_operation_class(name)(self)
def __getattribute__(self, name):
ops = getattr(type(self), operation_registry_name, {})
if name in ops:
return type(self).get_operation_class(name)(self)
return object.__getattribute__(self, name)
def get_operation_class(cls, name):
......@@ -261,6 +271,19 @@ class OperatedMixin(object):
return None
def generate_op_doc(op, op_id):
doc = """
Usage: %s(<args>) | %s.async(<args>)
Args: %s
""" % (op_id, op_id,
", ".join(getargspec(op._operation)[0]),
op.__doc__ = doc
def register_operation(op_cls, op_id=None, target_cls=None):
"""Register the specified operation with the target class.
......@@ -297,5 +320,9 @@ def register_operation(op_cls, op_id=None, target_cls=None):
if not hasattr(target_cls, operation_registry_name):
setattr(target_cls, operation_registry_name, dict())
op_cls.__doc__ = op_cls.description or "It has no documentation. :("
op = op_cls(None)
generate_op_doc(op, op_id)
setattr(target_cls, op_id, op)
getattr(target_cls, operation_registry_name)[op_id] = op_cls
return op_cls
......@@ -24,6 +24,7 @@ from django.contrib.auth.models import User, Group, Permission
from django.contrib.auth import authenticate
from common.tests.celery_mock import MockCeleryMixin
from common.operations import operation_registry_name
from dashboard.views import VmAddInterfaceView
from vm.models import Instance, InstanceTemplate, Lease, Node, Trait
from vm.operations import (WakeUpOperation, AddInterfaceOperation,
......@@ -482,7 +483,7 @@ class VmDetailTest(LoginMixin, MockCeleryMixin, TestCase):
patch.object(Instance.WrongStateError, 'send_message') as wro:
inst = Instance.objects.get(pk=1)
new_wake_up.side_effect = inst.wake_up
inst._wake_up_vm = Mock()
getattr(inst, operation_registry_name)["_wake_up_vm"] = Mock()
inst.get_remote_queue_name = Mock(return_value='test')
inst.status = 'SUSPENDED'
inst.set_level(self.u2, 'owner')
......@@ -30,7 +30,9 @@ from urlparse import urlsplit
from django.core.exceptions import PermissionDenied, SuspiciousOperation
from django.core.urlresolvers import reverse
from django.utils import timezone
from django.utils.translation import ugettext_lazy as _, ugettext_noop
from django.utils.translation import (
ugettext_noop, ugettext_noop as _, ugettext_lazy
from django.conf import settings
from django.db.models import Q
......@@ -205,7 +207,7 @@ class RemoteAgentOperation(EnsureAgentMixin, RemoteInstanceOperation):
class AddInterfaceOperation(InstanceOperation):
id = 'add_interface'
name = _("add interface")
name = ugettext_lazy("add interface")
description = _("Add a new network interface for the specified VLAN to "
"the VM.")
required_perms = ()
......@@ -250,7 +252,7 @@ class AddInterfaceOperation(InstanceOperation):
class CreateDiskOperation(InstanceOperation):
id = 'create_disk'
name = _("create disk")
name = ugettext_lazy("create disk")
description = _("Create and attach empty disk to the virtual machine.")
required_perms = ('storage.create_empty_disk', )
accept_states = ('STOPPED', 'PENDING', 'RUNNING')
......@@ -287,7 +289,7 @@ class CreateDiskOperation(InstanceOperation):
class ResizeDiskOperation(RemoteInstanceOperation):
id = 'resize_disk'
name = _("resize disk")
name = ugettext_lazy("resize disk")
description = _("Resize the virtual disk image. "
"Size must be greater value than the actual size.")
required_perms = ('storage.resize_disk', )
......@@ -317,7 +319,7 @@ class ResizeDiskOperation(RemoteInstanceOperation):
class DownloadDiskOperation(InstanceOperation):
id = 'download_disk'
name = _("download disk")
name = ugettext_lazy("download disk")
description = _("Download and attach disk image (ISO file) for the "
"virtual machine. Most operating systems do not detect a "
"new optical drive, so you may have to reboot the "
......@@ -354,7 +356,7 @@ class DownloadDiskOperation(InstanceOperation):
class DeployOperation(InstanceOperation):
id = 'deploy'
name = _("deploy")
name = ugettext_lazy("deploy")
description = _("Deploy and start the virtual machine (including storage "
"and network configuration).")
required_perms = ()
......@@ -417,7 +419,7 @@ class DeployOperation(InstanceOperation):
class DeployVmOperation(SubOperationMixin, RemoteInstanceOperation):
id = "_deploy_vm"
name = _("deploy vm")
name = ugettext_lazy("deploy vm")
description = _("Deploy virtual machine.")
remote_queue = ("vm", "slow")
task = vm_tasks.deploy
......@@ -434,7 +436,7 @@ class DeployOperation(InstanceOperation):
class DeployDisksOperation(SubOperationMixin, InstanceOperation):
id = "_deploy_disks"
name = _("deploy disks")
name = ugettext_lazy("deploy disks")
description = _("Deploy all associated disks.")
def _operation(self):
......@@ -452,7 +454,7 @@ class DeployOperation(InstanceOperation):
class ResumeVmOperation(SubOperationMixin, RemoteInstanceOperation):
id = "_resume_vm"
name = _("boot virtual machine")
name = ugettext_lazy("boot virtual machine")
remote_queue = ("vm", "slow")
task = vm_tasks.resume
......@@ -460,7 +462,7 @@ class DeployOperation(InstanceOperation):
class DestroyOperation(InstanceOperation):
id = 'destroy'
name = _("destroy")
name = ugettext_lazy("destroy")
description = _("Permanently destroy virtual machine, its network "
"settings and disks.")
required_perms = ()
......@@ -503,7 +505,7 @@ class DestroyOperation(InstanceOperation):
class DeleteVmOperation(SubOperationMixin, RemoteInstanceOperation):
id = "_delete_vm"
name = _("destroy virtual machine")
name = ugettext_lazy("destroy virtual machine")
task = vm_tasks.destroy
# if e.libvirtError and "Domain not found" in str(e):
......@@ -511,7 +513,7 @@ class DestroyOperation(InstanceOperation):
class DeleteMemDumpOperation(RemoteOperationMixin, SubOperationMixin,
id = "_delete_mem_dump"
name = _("removing memory dump")
name = ugettext_lazy("removing memory dump")
task = storage_tasks.delete_dump
def _get_remote_queue(self):
......@@ -525,7 +527,7 @@ class DestroyOperation(InstanceOperation):
class MigrateOperation(RemoteInstanceOperation):
id = 'migrate'
name = _("migrate")
name = ugettext_lazy("migrate")
description = _("Move a running virtual machine to an other worker node "
"keeping its full state.")
required_perms = ()
......@@ -585,7 +587,7 @@ class MigrateOperation(RemoteInstanceOperation):
class RebootOperation(RemoteInstanceOperation):
id = 'reboot'
name = _("reboot")
name = ugettext_lazy("reboot")
description = _("Warm reboot virtual machine by sending Ctrl+Alt+Del "
"signal to its console.")
required_perms = ()
......@@ -602,7 +604,7 @@ class RebootOperation(RemoteInstanceOperation):
class RemoveInterfaceOperation(InstanceOperation):
id = 'remove_interface'
name = _("remove interface")
name = ugettext_lazy("remove interface")
description = _("Remove the specified network interface and erase IP "
"address allocations, related firewall rules and "
......@@ -626,7 +628,7 @@ class RemoveInterfaceOperation(InstanceOperation):
class RemovePortOperation(InstanceOperation):
id = 'remove_port'
name = _("close port")
name = ugettext_lazy("close port")
description = _("Close the specified port.")
concurrency_check = False
acl_level = "operator"
......@@ -645,7 +647,7 @@ class RemovePortOperation(InstanceOperation):
class AddPortOperation(InstanceOperation):
id = 'add_port'
name = _("open port")
name = ugettext_lazy("open port")
description = _("Open the specified port.")
concurrency_check = False
acl_level = "operator"
......@@ -663,7 +665,7 @@ class AddPortOperation(InstanceOperation):
class RemoveDiskOperation(InstanceOperation):
id = 'remove_disk'
name = _("remove disk")
name = ugettext_lazy("remove disk")
description = _("Remove the specified disk from the virtual machine, and "
"destroy the data.")
required_perms = ()
......@@ -687,7 +689,7 @@ class RemoveDiskOperation(InstanceOperation):
class ResetOperation(RemoteInstanceOperation):
id = 'reset'
name = _("reset")
name = ugettext_lazy("reset")
description = _("Cold reboot virtual machine (power cycle).")
required_perms = ()
accept_states = ('RUNNING', )
......@@ -703,7 +705,7 @@ class ResetOperation(RemoteInstanceOperation):
class SaveAsTemplateOperation(InstanceOperation):
id = 'save_as_template'
name = _("save as template")
name = ugettext_lazy("save as template")
description = _("Save virtual machine as a template so they can be shared "
"with users and groups. Anyone who has access to a "
"template (and to the networks it uses) will be able to "
......@@ -815,7 +817,7 @@ class SaveAsTemplateOperation(InstanceOperation):
class ShutdownOperation(AbortableRemoteOperationMixin,
id = 'shutdown'
name = _("shutdown")
name = ugettext_lazy("shutdown")
description = _("Try to halt virtual machine by a standard ACPI signal, "
"allowing the operating system to keep a consistent "
"state. The operation will fail if the machine does not "
......@@ -847,7 +849,7 @@ class ShutdownOperation(AbortableRemoteOperationMixin,
class ShutOffOperation(InstanceOperation):
id = 'shut_off'
name = _("shut off")
name = ugettext_lazy("shut off")
description = _("Forcibly halt a virtual machine without notifying the "
"operating system. This operation will even work in cases "
"when shutdown does not, but the operating system and the "
......@@ -873,7 +875,7 @@ class ShutOffOperation(InstanceOperation):
class SleepOperation(InstanceOperation):
id = 'sleep'
name = _("sleep")
name = ugettext_lazy("sleep")
description = _("Suspend virtual machine. This means the machine is "
"stopped and its memory is saved to disk, so if the "
"machine is waked up, all the applications will keep "
......@@ -908,7 +910,7 @@ class SleepOperation(InstanceOperation):
class SuspendVmOperation(SubOperationMixin, RemoteInstanceOperation):
id = "_suspend_vm"
name = _("suspend virtual machine")
name = ugettext_lazy("suspend virtual machine")
task = vm_tasks.sleep
remote_queue = ("vm", "slow")
remote_timeout = 1000
......@@ -922,7 +924,7 @@ class SleepOperation(InstanceOperation):
class WakeUpOperation(InstanceOperation):
id = 'wake_up'
name = _("wake up")
name = ugettext_lazy("wake up")
description = _("Wake up sleeping (suspended) virtual machine. This will "
"load the saved memory of the system and start the "
"virtual machine from this state.")
......@@ -962,7 +964,7 @@ class WakeUpOperation(InstanceOperation):
class WakeUpVmOperation(SubOperationMixin, RemoteInstanceOperation):
id = "_wake_up_vm"
name = _("resume virtual machine")
name = ugettext_lazy("resume virtual machine")
task = vm_tasks.wake_up
remote_queue = ("vm", "slow")
remote_timeout = 1000
......@@ -976,7 +978,7 @@ class WakeUpOperation(InstanceOperation):
class RenewOperation(InstanceOperation):
id = 'renew'
name = _("renew")
name = ugettext_lazy("renew")
description = _("Virtual machines are suspended and destroyed after they "
"expire. This operation renews expiration times according "
"to the lease type. If the machine is close to the "
......@@ -1032,7 +1034,7 @@ class RenewOperation(InstanceOperation):
class ChangeStateOperation(InstanceOperation):
id = 'emergency_change_state'
name = _("emergency state change")
name = ugettext_lazy("emergency state change")
description = _("Change the virtual machine state to NOSTATE. This "
"should only be used if manual intervention was needed in "
"the virtualization layer, and the machine has to be "
......@@ -1061,7 +1063,7 @@ class ChangeStateOperation(InstanceOperation):
class RedeployOperation(InstanceOperation):
id = 'redeploy'
name = _("redeploy")
name = ugettext_lazy("redeploy")
description = _("Change the virtual machine state to NOSTATE "
"and redeploy the VM. This operation allows starting "
"machines formerly running on a failed node.")
......@@ -1125,7 +1127,7 @@ class NodeOperation(Operation):
class ResetNodeOperation(NodeOperation):
id = 'reset'
name = _("reset")
name = ugettext_lazy("reset")
description = _("Disable missing node and redeploy all instances "
"on other ones.")
required_perms = ()
......@@ -1154,7 +1156,7 @@ class ResetNodeOperation(NodeOperation):
class FlushOperation(NodeOperation):
id = 'flush'
name = _("flush")
name = ugettext_lazy("flush")
description = _("Passivate node and move all instances to other ones.")
required_perms = ()
async_queue = ""
......@@ -1174,7 +1176,7 @@ class FlushOperation(NodeOperation):
class ActivateOperation(NodeOperation):
id = 'activate'
name = _("activate")
name = ugettext_lazy("activate")
description = _("Make node active, i.e. scheduler is allowed to deploy "
"virtual machines to it.")
required_perms = ()
......@@ -1195,7 +1197,7 @@ class ActivateOperation(NodeOperation):
class PassivateOperation(NodeOperation):
id = 'passivate'
name = _("passivate")
name = ugettext_lazy("passivate")
description = _("Make node passive, i.e. scheduler is denied to deploy "
"virtual machines to it, but remaining instances and "
"the ones manually migrated will continue running.")
......@@ -1217,7 +1219,7 @@ class PassivateOperation(NodeOperation):
class DisableOperation(NodeOperation):
id = 'disable'
name = _("disable")
name = ugettext_lazy("disable")
description = _("Disable node.")
required_perms = ()
online_required = False
......@@ -1241,7 +1243,7 @@ class DisableOperation(NodeOperation):
class UpdateNodeOperation(NodeOperation):
id = 'update_node'
name = _("update node")
name = ugettext_lazy("update node")
description = _("Upgrade or install node software (vmdriver, agentdriver, "
"monitor-client) with Salt.")
required_perms = ()
......@@ -1314,7 +1316,7 @@ class UpdateNodeOperation(NodeOperation):
class ScreenshotOperation(RemoteInstanceOperation):
id = 'screenshot'
name = _("screenshot")
name = ugettext_lazy("screenshot")
description = _("Get a screenshot about the virtual machine's console. A "
"key will be pressed on the keyboard to stop "
......@@ -1327,7 +1329,7 @@ class ScreenshotOperation(RemoteInstanceOperation):
class RecoverOperation(InstanceOperation):
id = 'recover'
name = _("recover")
name = ugettext_lazy("recover")
description = _("Try to recover virtual machine disks from destroyed "
"state. Network resources (allocations) are already lost, "
"so you will have to manually add interfaces afterwards.")
......@@ -1368,7 +1370,7 @@ class RecoverOperation(InstanceOperation):
class ResourcesOperation(InstanceOperation):
id = 'resources_change'
name = _("resources change")
name = ugettext_lazy("resources change")
description = _("Change resources of a stopped virtual machine.")
acl_level = "owner"
required_perms = ('vm.change_resources', )
......@@ -1405,7 +1407,7 @@ class ResourcesOperation(InstanceOperation):
class PasswordResetOperation(RemoteAgentOperation):
id = 'password_reset'
name = _("password reset")
name = ugettext_lazy("password reset")
description = _("Generate and set a new login password on the virtual "
"machine. This operation requires the agent running. "
"Resetting the password is not warranted to allow you "
......@@ -1430,7 +1432,7 @@ class PasswordResetOperation(RemoteAgentOperation):
class InstallKeysOperation(RemoteAgentOperation):
id = 'install_keys'
name = _("install SSH keys")
name = ugettext_lazy("install SSH keys")
description = _("Copy your public keys to the virtual machines. "
"Only works on UNIX-like operating systems.")
acl_level = "user"
......@@ -1447,7 +1449,7 @@ class InstallKeysOperation(RemoteAgentOperation):
class RemoveKeysOperation(RemoteAgentOperation):
id = 'remove_keys'
name = _("remove SSH keys")
name = ugettext_lazy("remove SSH keys")
acl_level = "user"
task = agent_tasks.del_keys
required_perms = ()
......@@ -1460,7 +1462,7 @@ class RemoveKeysOperation(RemoteAgentOperation):
class AgentStartedOperation(InstanceOperation):
id = 'agent_started'
name = _("agent")
name = ugettext_lazy("agent")
acl_level = "owner"
required_perms = ()
concurrency_check = False
......@@ -1537,13 +1539,13 @@ class AgentStartedOperation(InstanceOperation):
class CleanupOperation(SubOperationMixin, RemoteAgentOperation):
id = '_cleanup'
name = _("cleanup")
name = ugettext_lazy("cleanup")
task = agent_tasks.cleanup
class SetTimeOperation(SubOperationMixin, RemoteAgentOperation):
id = '_set_time'
name = _("set time")
name = ugettext_lazy("set time")
task = agent_tasks.set_time
def _get_remote_args(self, **kwargs):
......@@ -1554,7 +1556,7 @@ class AgentStartedOperation(InstanceOperation):
class SetHostnameOperation(SubOperationMixin, RemoteAgentOperation):
id = '_set_hostname'
name = _("set hostname")
name = ugettext_lazy("set hostname")
task = agent_tasks.set_hostname
def _get_remote_args(self, **kwargs):
......@@ -1565,13 +1567,13 @@ class AgentStartedOperation(InstanceOperation):
class RestartNetworkingOperation(SubOperationMixin, RemoteAgentOperation):
id = '_restart_networking'
name = _("restart networking")
name = ugettext_lazy("restart networking")
task = agent_tasks.restart_networking
class ChangeIpOperation(SubOperationMixin, RemoteAgentOperation):
id = '_change_ip'
name = _("change ip")
name = ugettext_lazy("change ip")
task = agent_tasks.change_ip
def _get_remote_args(self, **kwargs):
......@@ -1586,7 +1588,7 @@ class AgentStartedOperation(InstanceOperation):
class UpdateAgentOperation(RemoteAgentOperation):
id = 'update_agent'
name = _("update agent")
name = ugettext_lazy("update agent")
acl_level = "owner"
required_perms = ()
......@@ -1675,7 +1677,7 @@ class UpdateAgentOperation(RemoteAgentOperation):
class MountStoreOperation(EnsureAgentMixin, InstanceOperation):
id = 'mount_store'
name = _("mount store")
name = ugettext_lazy("mount store")
description = _(
"This operation attaches your personal file store. Other users who "
"have access to this machine can see these files as well."
......@@ -1711,7 +1713,7 @@ class AbstractDiskOperation(SubOperationMixin, RemoteInstanceOperation):
class AttachDisk(AbstractDiskOperation):
id = "_attach_disk"
name = _("attach disk")
name = ugettext_lazy("attach disk")
task = vm_tasks.attach_disk
......@@ -1732,7 +1734,7 @@ class DetachMixin(object):
class DetachDisk(DetachMixin, AbstractDiskOperation):
id = "_detach_disk"
name = _("detach disk")
name = ugettext_lazy("detach disk")
task = vm_tasks.detach_disk
......@@ -1747,12 +1749,12 @@ class AbstractNetworkOperation(SubOperationMixin, RemoteInstanceOperation):
class AttachNetwork(AbstractNetworkOperation):
id = "_attach_network"
name = _("attach network")
name = ugettext_lazy("attach network")
task = vm_tasks.attach_network
class DetachNetwork(DetachMixin, AbstractNetworkOperation):
id = "_detach_network"
name = _("detach network")
name = ugettext_lazy("detach network")
task = vm_tasks.detach_network
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