Commit db50d5b9 by Őry Máté

dashboard: set initial name for VmCreateDiskView

parent 5fcb2d72
......@@ -794,6 +794,12 @@ class VmCreateDiskForm(forms.Form):
help_text=_('Size of disk to create in bytes or with units '
'like MB or GB.'))
def __init__(self, *args, **kwargs):
default = kwargs.pop('default', None)
super(VmCreateDiskForm, self).__init__(*args, **kwargs)
if default:
self.fields['name'].initial = default
def clean_size(self):
size_in_bytes = self.cleaned_data.get("size")
if not size_in_bytes.isdigit() and len(size_in_bytes) > 0:
......@@ -403,6 +403,13 @@ class VmCreateDiskView(FormOperationMixin, VmOperationView):
effect = "success"
is_disk_operation = True
def get_form_kwargs(self):
op = self.get_op()
val = super(VmCreateDiskView, self).get_form_kwargs()
num = op.instance.disks.count() + 1
val['default'] = "%s %d" % (, num)
return val
class VmDownloadDiskView(FormOperationMixin, VmOperationView):
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