Commit f4628cc0 by Bence Dányi

firewall_gui: add TODO

parent fece1a96
......@@ -642,9 +642,9 @@ def save_vlan(request):
errors = {}
vlan.vid = data['vid'] = data['name']
vlan.ipv4 = vlan.net4 = data['ipv4'].split('/')[0]
vlan.ipv4 = vlan.net4 = data['ipv4'].split('/')[0] #TODO ez így nem jó!
vlan.prefix4 = data['ipv4'].split('/')[1]
vlan.ipv6 = vlan.net6 = data['ipv6'].split('/')[0]
vlan.ipv6 = vlan.net6 = data['ipv6'].split('/')[0] #TODO ez így nem jó!
vlan.prefix6 = data['ipv6'].split('/')[1]
vlan.snat_ip = data['nat']
vlan.description = data['description']
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