Commit fc553851 by Bach Dániel

Merge remote-tracking branch 'origin/master' into feature-port-operations

parents c4872897 833d5490
......@@ -64,6 +64,13 @@ CACHES = {
if get_env_variable('DJANGO_TOOLBAR', 'FALSE') == 'TRUE':
......@@ -18,9 +18,11 @@
from django.conf.urls import patterns, include, url
from django.views.generic import TemplateView
from django.conf import settings
from django.contrib import admin
from django.shortcuts import redirect
from django.core.urlresolvers import reverse
from django.shortcuts import redirect
from circle.settings.base import get_env_variable
from dashboard.views import circle_login, HelpView
......@@ -71,6 +73,13 @@ urlpatterns = patterns(
if 'rosetta' in settings.INSTALLED_APPS:
urlpatterns += patterns(
url(r'^rosetta/', include('rosetta.urls')),
if get_env_variable('DJANGO_SAML', 'FALSE') == 'TRUE':
urlpatterns += patterns(
......@@ -216,7 +216,7 @@ html {
#vm-list-rename-name, #node-list-rename-name, #group-list-rename-name {
max-width: 100px;
max-width: 150px;
.label-tag {
......@@ -1042,3 +1042,12 @@ textarea[name="new_members"] {
#vm-migrate-node-list li {
cursor: pointer;
.group-list-table .actions,
.group-list-table .admin,
.group-list-table .number_of_users,
.group-list-table .pk {
width: 1px;
white-space: nowrap;
text-align: center;
......@@ -50,6 +50,21 @@ $(function () {
return false;
$('.tx-tpl-ownership').click(function(e) {
type: 'GET',
url: $('.tx-tpl-ownership').attr('href'),
success: function(data) {
$('#confirmation-modal').on('', function() {
return false;
$('.template-choose').click(function(e) {
type: 'GET',
......@@ -428,7 +443,7 @@ function generateVmHTML(pk, name, host, icon, _status, fav, is_last) {
return '<a href="/dashboard/vm/' + pk + '/" class="list-group-item' +
(is_last ? ' list-group-item-last' : '') + '">' +
'<span class="index-vm-list-name">' +
'<i class="fa ' + icon + '" title="' + _status + '"></i> ' + name +
'<i class="fa ' + icon + '" title="' + _status + '"></i> ' + safe_tags_replace(name) +
'</span>' +
'<small class="text-muted"> ' + host + '</small>' +
'<div class="pull-right dashboard-vm-favourite" data-vm="' + pk + '">' +
......@@ -441,14 +456,14 @@ function generateVmHTML(pk, name, host, icon, _status, fav, is_last) {
function generateGroupHTML(url, name, is_last) {
return '<a href="' + url + '" class="list-group-item real-link' + (is_last ? " list-group-item-last" : "") +'">'+
'<i class="fa fa-users"></i> '+ name +
'<i class="fa fa-users"></i> '+ safe_tags_replace(name) +
function generateNodeHTML(name, icon, _status, url, is_last) {
return '<a href="' + url + '" class="list-group-item real-link' + (is_last ? ' list-group-item-last' : '') + '">' +
'<span class="index-node-list-name">' +
'<i class="fa ' + icon + '" title="' + _status + '"></i> ' + name +
'<i class="fa ' + icon + '" title="' + _status + '"></i> ' + safe_tags_replace(name) +
'</span>' +
'<div style="clear: both;"></div>' +
......@@ -456,7 +471,7 @@ function generateNodeHTML(name, icon, _status, url, is_last) {
function generateNodeTagHTML(name, icon, _status, label , url) {
return '<a href="' + url + '" class="label ' + label + '" >' +
'<i class="fa ' + icon + '" title="' + _status + '"></i> ' + name +
'<i class="fa ' + icon + '" title="' + _status + '"></i> ' + safe_tags_replace(name) +
'</a> ';
......@@ -678,3 +693,18 @@ function getParameterByName(name) {
results = regex.exec(;
return results == null ? "" : decodeURIComponent(results[1].replace(/\+/g, " "));
var tagsToReplace = {
'&': '&amp;',
'<': '&lt;',
'>': '&gt;'
function replaceTag(tag) {
return tagsToReplace[tag] || tag;
function safe_tags_replace(str) {
return str.replace(/[&<>]/g, replaceTag);
$(function() {
$(".disk-list-disk-percentage").each(function() {
var disk = $(this).data("disk-pk");
var element = $(this);
refreshDisk(disk, element);
function refreshDisk(disk, element) {
$.get("/dashboard/disk/" + disk + "/status/", function(result) {
if(result.percentage == null || result.failed == "True") {
} else {
var diff = result.percentage - parseInt(element.html());
var refresh = 5 - diff;
refresh = refresh < 1 ? 1 : (result.percentage == 0 ? 1 : refresh);
if(isNaN(refresh)) refresh = 2; // this should not happen
setTimeout(function() {refreshDisk(disk, element)}, refresh * 1000);
......@@ -14,7 +14,7 @@
data: {'new_name': name},
headers: {"X-CSRFToken": getCookie('csrftoken')},
success: function(data, textStatus, xhr) {
// addMessage(data['message'], "success");
......@@ -3,6 +3,7 @@ $(function() {
$("#group-list-rename-button, .group-details-rename-button").click(function() {
$("#group-list-column-name", $(this).closest("tr")).hide();
$("#group-list-rename", $(this).closest("tr")).css('display', 'inline');
/* rename ajax */
......@@ -15,7 +15,7 @@ $(function() {
data: {'new_name': name},
headers: {"X-CSRFToken": getCookie('csrftoken')},
success: function(data, textStatus, xhr) {
// addMessage(data['message'], "success");
......@@ -12,40 +12,6 @@ $(function() {
/* rename */
$("#node-list-rename-button, .node-details-rename-button").click(function() {
$("#node-list-column-name", $(this).closest("tr")).hide();
$("#node-list-rename", $(this).closest("tr")).css('display', 'inline');
/* rename ajax */
$('.node-list-rename-submit').click(function() {
var row = $(this).closest("tr")
var name = $('#node-list-rename-name', row).val();
var url = '/dashboard/node/' + row.children("td:first-child").text().replace(" ", "") + '/';
method: 'POST',
url: url,
data: {'new_name': name},
headers: {"X-CSRFToken": getCookie('csrftoken')},
success: function(data, textStatus, xhr) {
$("#node-list-column-name", row).html(
$("<a/>", {
'class': "real-link",
href: "/dashboard/node/" + data['node_pk'] + "/",
text: data['new_name']
$('#node-list-rename', row).hide();
// addMessage(data['message'], "success");
error: function(xhr, textStatus, error) {
addMessage("Error during renaming!", "danger");
return false;
function statuschangeSuccess(tr){
var tspan=tr.children('.enabled').children();
......@@ -88,18 +88,21 @@ class GroupListTable(Table):
number_of_users = TemplateColumn(
verbose_name=_("Number of users"),
attrs={'th': {'class': 'group-list-table-admin'}},
admin = TemplateColumn(
attrs={'th': {'class': 'group-list-table-admin'}},
actions = TemplateColumn(
attrs={'th': {'class': 'group-list-table-thin'}},
template_code=('{% include "dashboard/group-list/column-'
'actions.html" with btn_size="btn-xs" %}'),
{% extends "dashboard/base.html" %}
{% load i18n %}
{% block content %}
<div class="body-content">
<div class="panel panel-default">
<div class="panel-heading">
<h3 class="no-margin">
{% trans "Ownership transfer" %}
<div class="panel-body">
{% blocktrans with owner=instance.owner}
<strong>{{ owner }}</strong> offered to take the ownership of
template <strong>{{name}} ({{id}})</strong>.
Do you accept the responsility of being the template's owner?
{% endblocktrans %}
<div class="pull-right">
<form action="" method="POST">
{% csrf_token %}
<a class="btn btn-default" href="{% url "dashboard.index" %}">{% trans "No" %}</a>
<input type="hidden" name="key" value="{{ key }}"/>
<button class="btn btn-danger" type="submit">{% trans "Yes" %}</button>
{% endblock %}
{% extends "dashboard/base.html" %}
{% load crispy_forms_tags %}
{% load i18n %}
{% load static %}
{% block title-page %}{{ }} | {% trans "group" %}{% endblock %}
......@@ -8,9 +9,15 @@
<div class="body-content">
<div class="page-header">
<div class="pull-right" style="padding-top: 15px;">
<a title="{% trans "Rename" %}" href="#" class="btn btn-default btn-xs group-details-rename-button"><i class="fa fa-pencil"></i></a>
<a title="{% trans "Delete" %}" data-group-pk="{{ }}" class="btn btn-default btn-xs real-link group-delete" href="{% url "dashboard.views.delete-group" %}"><i class="fa fa-trash-o"></i></a>
<a title="{% trans "Help" %}" href="#" class="btn btn-default btn-xs group-details-help-button"><i class="fa fa-question"></i></a>
<a title="{% trans "Rename" %}" href="#" class="btn btn-default btn-xs group-details-rename-button">
<i class="fa fa-pencil"></i>
<a title="{% trans "Delete" %}" data-group-pk="{{ }}" class="btn btn-default btn-xs real-link group-delete" href="{% url "dashboard.views.delete-group" %}">
<i class="fa fa-trash-o"></i>
<a title="{% trans "Help" %}" href="#" class="btn btn-default btn-xs group-details-help-button">
<i class="fa fa-question"></i>
<div id="group-details-rename">
......@@ -39,21 +46,18 @@
</div><!-- .page-header -->
<div class="row">
<div class="col-md-12" id="group-detail-pane">
<div class="panel panel-default" id="group-detail-panel">
<div class="tab-content panel-body" id="group-form-body">
<div class="panel panel-default panel-body" id="group-detail-panel">
<form method="POST" action="{% url "" %}">
{% csrf_token %}
{% crispy group_profile_form %}
<hr />
{% csrf_token %}
{% crispy group_profile_form %}
<hr />
<h3>{% trans "Available objects for this group" %}</h3>
<ul class="dashboard-profile-vm-list fa-ul">
<h3>{% trans "Available objects for this group" %}</h3>
<ul class="dashboard-profile-vm-list fa-ul">
{% for i in vm_objects %}
<a href="{{ i.get_absolute_url }}">
......@@ -78,17 +82,19 @@
{% endfor %}
<hr />
<hr />
<h3>{% trans "User list"|capfirst %}
{% trans "User list" %}
{% if perms.auth.add_user %}
<a href="{% url "dashboard.views.create-user" %}" class="btn btn-success pull-right">{% trans "Create user" %}</a>
<a href="{% url "dashboard.views.create-user" %}" class="btn btn-success pull-right">
{% trans "Create user" %}
{% endif %}
<form action="" method="post">{% csrf_token %}
<table class="table table-striped table-with-form-fields table-bordered" id="group-detail-user-table">
<form action="" method="post">{% csrf_token %}
<table class="table table-striped table-with-form-fields table-bordered" id="group-detail-user-table">
<thead><tr><th></th><th>{% trans "Who" %}</th><th>{% trans "Remove" %}</th></tr></thead>
{% for i in users %}
......@@ -101,7 +107,9 @@
>{% include "dashboard/_display-name.html" with user=i show_org=True %}</a>
<a data-group_pk="{{ }}" data-member_pk="{{}}" href="{% url "dashboard.views.remove-user" %}" class="real-link delete-from-group btn btn-link btn-xs"><i class="fa fa-times"><span class="sr-only">{% trans "remove" %}</span></i></a>
<a data-group_pk="{{ }}" data-member_pk="{{}}" href="{% url "dashboard.views.remove-user" %}" class="real-link delete-from-group btn btn-link btn-xs"><i class="fa fa-times">
<span class="sr-only">{% trans "remove" %}</span></i>
{% endfor %}
......@@ -132,29 +140,31 @@
<button type="submit" class="btn btn-success">{% trans "Save" %}</button>
<hr />
<h3 id="group-detail-perm-header">{% trans "Access permissions"|capfirst %}</h3>
{% include "dashboard/_manage_access.html" with table_id="group-detail-perm-table" %}
{% if user.is_superuser %}
<hr />
<h3 id="group-detail-perm-header">{% trans "Access permissions" %}</h3>
{% include "dashboard/_manage_access.html" with table_id="group-detail-perm-table" %}
<script type="text/javascript" src="/static/admin/js/jquery.min.js"></script>
<script type="text/javascript" src="/static/admin/js/jquery.init.js"></script>
{{ }}
{% if user.is_superuser %}
<hr />
<h3>{% trans "Group permissions" %}</h3>
<script type="text/javascript" src="/static/admin/js/jquery.min.js"></script>
<script type="text/javascript" src="/static/admin/js/jquery.init.js"></script>
{{ }}
<div id="group-detail-permissions">
{% crispy group_perm_form %}
<h3>{% trans "Group permissions" %}</h3>
<link rel="stylesheet" type="text/css" href="/static/admin/css/widgets.css" />
{% endif %}
<div id="group-detail-permissions">
{% crispy group_perm_form %}
<link rel="stylesheet" type="text/css" href="/static/admin/css/widgets.css" />
{% endif %}
{% endblock %}
{% block extra_js %}
<script type="text/javascript" src="{% static "dashboard/group-details.js" %}"></script>
{% endblock %}
......@@ -10,7 +10,7 @@
<div class="col-md-12">
<div class="panel panel-default">
<div class="panel-heading">
<h3 class="no-margin"><i class="fa fa-group"></i> Your groups</h3>
<h3 class="no-margin"><i class="fa fa-group"></i> {% trans "Groups" %}</h3>
<div class="panel-body">
<div id="table_container">
......@@ -74,9 +74,11 @@
{% trans "list" %}
{% endif %}
{% if request.user.is_superuser %}
<a class="btn btn-success btn-xs node-create" href="{% url "dashboard.views.node-create" %}">
<i class="fa fa-plus-circle"></i> {% trans "new" %}
{% endif %}
......@@ -35,7 +35,7 @@
{% endif %}
{% if user.is_superuser %}
{% if perms.vm.view_statistics %}
<div class="col-lg-4 col-sm-6">
{% include "dashboard/index-nodes.html" %}
......@@ -6,6 +6,7 @@
{% block content %}
<div class="body-content">
<div class="page-header">
{% if request.user.is_superuser %}
<div class="pull-right" id="ops">
{% include "dashboard/vm-detail/_operations.html" %}
......@@ -13,6 +14,7 @@
<a title="{% trans "Rename" %}" href="#" class="btn btn-default btn-xs node-details-rename-button"><i class="fa fa-pencil"></i></a>
<a title="{% trans "Delete" %}" data-node-pk="{{ }}" class="btn btn-default btn-xs real-link node-delete" href="{% url "dashboard.views.delete-node" %}"><i class="fa fa-trash-o"></i></a>
{% endif %}
<div id="node-details-rename">
<form action="" method="POST" id="node-details-rename-form">
......@@ -16,16 +16,19 @@
{% endif %}
{% load crispy_forms_tags %}
.row {
margin-bottom: 15px;
{% if request.user.is_superuser %}
<form action="{% url "dashboard.views.node-addtrait" %}" method="POST">
{% csrf_token %}
{% crispy trait_form %}
{% endif %}
</div><!-- id:node-details-traits -->
<div class="col-md-8">
......@@ -10,6 +10,16 @@
<dt>{% trans "Enabled" %}:</dt><dd>{{ node.enabled }}</dd>
<dt>{% trans "Host online" %}:</dt><dd> {{ }}</dd>
<dt>{% trans "Priority" %}:</dt><dd>{{ node.priority }}</dd>
<dt>{% trans "Driver Version:" %}</dt>
{% if node.driver_version %}
{{ node.driver_version.branch }} at
{{ node.driver_version.commit }} ({{ node.driver_version.commit_text }})
{% if node.driver_version.is_dirty %}
<span class="label label-danger">{% trans "with uncommitted changes!" %}</span>
{% endif %}
{% endif %}
<dt>{% trans "Host owner" %}:</dt>
{% include "dashboard/_display-name.html" with show_org=True %}
......@@ -18,10 +28,12 @@
<dt>{% trans "Host name" %}:</dt>
{{ }}
{% if request.user.is_superuser %}
<a href="{{ }}" class="btn btn-default btn-xs">
<i class="fa fa-pencil"></i>
{% trans "Edit host" %}
{% endif %}
......@@ -81,6 +81,26 @@
<div class="panel panel-default">
<div class="panel-heading">
<h4 class="no-margin"><i class="fa fa-user"></i> {% trans "Owner" %}</h4>
<div class="panel-body">
{% if user == object.owner %}
{% blocktrans %}You are the current owner of this template.{% endblocktrans %}
{% else %}
{% url "dashboard.views.profile" username=object.owner.username as url %}
{% blocktrans with owner=object.owner name=object.owner.get_full_name%}
The current owner of this template is <a href="{{url}}">{{name}} ({{owner}})</a>.
{% endblocktrans %}
{% endif %}
{% if user == object.owner or user.is_superuser %}
<a href="{% url "dashboard.views.template-transfer-ownership" %}"
class="btn btn-link tx-tpl-ownership">{% trans "Transfer ownership..." %}</a>
{% endif %}
<div class="panel panel-default">
<div class="panel-heading">
<h4 class="no-margin"><i class="fa fa-group"></i> {% trans "Manage access" %}</h4>
<div class="panel-body">
{% load i18n %}
<div class="pull-right">
<form action="{% url "dashboard.views.template-transfer-ownership" %}" method="POST" style="max-width: 400px;">
{% csrf_token %}
{{ }}
<div class="input-group">
<div class="input-group-btn">
<input type="submit" value="{% trans "Save" %}" class="btn btn-primary">
......@@ -121,7 +121,14 @@
<dd style="font-size: 10px; text-align: right; padding-top: 8px;">
<div id="vm-details-pw-reset">
{% with op=op.password_reset %}{% if op %}
<a href="{% if op.disabled %}#{% else %}{{op.get_url}}{% endif %}" class="operation operation-{{op.op}}" data-disabled="{% if op.disabled %}true" title="{% trans "Start the VM to change the password." %}"{% else %}false" {% endif %}>{% trans "Generate new password!" %}</a>
<a href="{% if op.disabled %}#{% else %}{{op.get_url}}{% endif %}"
class="operation operation-{{op.op}}"
{% if op.disabled %}
title="{% if instance.has_agent %}{% trans "Start the VM to change the password." %}{% else %}{% trans "This machine has no agent installed." %}{% endif %}"
{% endif %}>
{% trans "Generate new password!" %}
{% endif %}{% endwith %}
......@@ -4,8 +4,9 @@
{% if user == instance.owner %}
{% blocktrans %}You are the current owner of this instance.{% endblocktrans %}
{% else %}
{% blocktrans with owner=instance.owner %}
The current owner of this instance is {{owner}}.
{% url "dashboard.views.profile" username=instance.owner.username as url %}
{% blocktrans with owner=instance.owner name=instance.owner.get_full_name%}
The current owner of this instance is <a href="{{url}}">{{name}} ({{owner}})</a>.
{% endblocktrans %}
{% endif %}
{% if user == instance.owner or user.is_superuser %}
......@@ -637,7 +637,7 @@ class NodeDetailTest(LoginMixin, TestCase):
c = Client()
self.login(c, 'user1')
response = c.get('/dashboard/node/25555/')
self.assertEqual(response.status_code, 302)
self.assertEqual(response.status_code, 403)
def test_anon_node_page(self):
c = Client()
......@@ -667,7 +667,7 @@ class NodeDetailTest(LoginMixin, TestCase):
node = Node.objects.get(pk=1)
old_name =
response ="/dashboard/node/1/", {'new_name': 'test1235'})
self.assertEqual(response.status_code, 302)
self.assertEqual(response.status_code, 403)
self.assertEqual(Node.objects.get(pk=1).name, old_name)
def test_permitted_set_name(self):
......@@ -721,7 +721,7 @@ class NodeDetailTest(LoginMixin, TestCase):
c = Client()
self.login(c, "user2")
response ="/dashboard/node/1/", {'to_remove': traitid})
self.assertEqual(response.status_code, 302)
self.assertEqual(response.status_code, 403)
self.assertEqual(Node.objects.get(pk=1).traits.count(), trait_count)
def test_permitted_remove_trait(self):
......@@ -27,8 +27,8 @@ from .views import (
MyPreferencesView, NodeAddTraitView, NodeCreate, NodeDelete,
NodeDetailView, NodeList, NodeStatus,
NotificationView, TemplateAclUpdateView, TemplateCreate,
TemplateDelete, TemplateDetail, TemplateList, TransferOwnershipConfirmView,
TransferOwnershipView, vm_activity, VmCreate, VmDetailView,
TemplateDelete, TemplateDetail, TemplateList,
vm_activity, VmCreate, VmDetailView,
VmDetailVncTokenView, VmList,
DiskRemoveView, get_disk_download_status, InterfaceDeleteView,
......@@ -48,6 +48,8 @@ from .views import (
ClientCheck, TokenLogin,
VmGraphView, NodeGraphView, NodeListGraphView,
TransferInstanceOwnershipView, TransferInstanceOwnershipConfirmView,
TransferTemplateOwnershipView, TransferTemplateOwnershipConfirmView,
from .views.vm import vm_ops, vm_mass_ops
from .views.node import node_ops
......@@ -78,13 +80,15 @@ urlpatterns = patterns(
url(r"^template/delete/(?P<pk>\d+)/$", TemplateDelete.as_view(),
url(r'^template/(?P<pk>\d+)/tx/$', TransferTemplateOwnershipView.as_view(),
url(r'^vm/(?P<pk>\d+)/$', VmDetailView.as_view(),
url(r'^vm/(?P<pk>\d+)/vnctoken/$', VmDetailVncTokenView.as_view(),
url(r'^vm/(?P<pk>\d+)/acl/$', AclUpdateView.as_view(model=Instance),
url(r'^vm/(?P<pk>\d+)/tx/$', TransferOwnershipView.as_view(),
url(r'^vm/(?P<pk>\d+)/tx/$', TransferInstanceOwnershipView.as_view(),
url(r'^vm/list/$', VmList.as_view(), name='dashboard.views.vm-list'),
url(r'^vm/create/$', VmCreate.as_view(),
......@@ -106,8 +110,12 @@ urlpatterns = patterns(
url(r'^node/(?P<pk>\d+)/add-trait/$', NodeAddTraitView.as_view(),
url(r'^tx/(?P<key>.*)/?$', TransferOwnershipConfirmView.as_view(),
url(r'^node/delete/(?P<pk>\d+)/$', NodeDelete.as_view(),
url(r'^node/status/(?P<pk>\d+)/$', NodeStatus.as_view(),
......@@ -26,7 +26,7 @@ from django.http import HttpResponse, Http404
from django.utils.translation import ugettext_lazy as _
from django.views.generic import View
from braces.views import LoginRequiredMixin, SuperuserRequiredMixin
from braces.views import LoginRequiredMixin
from vm.models import Instance, Node
......@@ -142,22 +142,28 @@ class VmGraphView(GraphViewBase):
base = VmMetric
class NodeGraphView(SuperuserRequiredMixin, GraphViewBase):
class NodeGraphView(GraphViewBase):
model = Node
base = NodeMetric
def get_object(self, request, pk):
if not self.request.user.has_perm('vm.view_statistics'):
raise PermissionDenied()
return self.model.objects.get(id=pk)
class NodeListGraphView(SuperuserRequiredMixin, GraphViewBase):
class NodeListGraphView(GraphViewBase):
model = Node
base = Metric
def get_object(self, request, pk):
if not self.request.user.has_perm('vm.view_statistics'):
raise PermissionDenied()
return Node.objects.filter(enabled=True)
def get(self, request, metric, time, *args, **kwargs):
if not self.request.user.has_perm('vm.view_statistics'):
raise PermissionDenied()
return super(NodeListGraphView, self).get(request, None, metric, time)
......@@ -62,7 +62,7 @@ class IndexView(LoginRequiredMixin, TemplateView):
# nodes
if user.is_superuser:
if user.has_perm('vm.view_statistics'):
nodes = Node.objects.all()
'nodes': nodes[:5],
......@@ -75,13 +75,18 @@ node_ops = OrderedDict([
class NodeDetailView(LoginRequiredMixin, SuperuserRequiredMixin,
class NodeDetailView(LoginRequiredMixin,
GraphMixin, DetailView):
template_name = "dashboard/node-detail.html"
model = Node
form = None
form_class = TraitForm
def get(self, *args, **kwargs):
if not self.request.user.has_perm('vm.view_statistics'):
raise PermissionDenied()
return super(NodeDetailView, self).get(*args, **kwargs)
def get_context_data(self, form=None, **kwargs):
if form is None:
form = self.form_class()
......@@ -98,6 +103,8 @@ class NodeDetailView(LoginRequiredMixin, SuperuserRequiredMixin,
return context
def post(self, request, *args, **kwargs):
if not request.user.is_superuser:
raise PermissionDenied()
if request.POST.get('new_name'):
return self.__set_name(request)
if request.POST.get('to_remove'):
......@@ -145,13 +152,14 @@ class NodeDetailView(LoginRequiredMixin, SuperuserRequiredMixin,
return redirect(self.object.get_absolute_url())
class NodeList(LoginRequiredMixin, SuperuserRequiredMixin,
GraphMixin, SingleTableView):
class NodeList(LoginRequiredMixin, GraphMixin, SingleTableView):
template_name = "dashboard/node-list.html"
table_class = NodeListTable
table_pagination = False
def get(self, *args, **kwargs):
if not self.request.user.has_perm('vm.view_statistics'):
raise PermissionDenied()
if self.request.is_ajax():
nodes = Node.objects.all()
nodes = [{
......@@ -26,7 +26,7 @@ from django.core.urlresolvers import reverse, reverse_lazy
from django.core.exceptions import PermissionDenied, SuspiciousOperation
from django.http import HttpResponse, HttpResponseRedirect
from django.shortcuts import redirect, get_object_or_404
from django.utils.translation import ugettext as _
from django.utils.translation import ugettext as _, ugettext_noop
from django.views.generic import (
TemplateView, CreateView, DeleteView, UpdateView,
......@@ -44,7 +44,10 @@ from ..forms import (
from ..tables import TemplateListTable, LeaseListTable
from .util import AclUpdateView, FilterMixin
from .util import (
AclUpdateView, FilterMixin,
TransferOwnershipConfirmView, TransferOwnershipView,
logger = logging.getLogger(__name__)
......@@ -488,3 +491,20 @@ class LeaseDelete(LoginRequiredMixin, DeleteView):
messages.success(request, success_message)
return HttpResponseRedirect(success_url)
class TransferTemplateOwnershipConfirmView(TransferOwnershipConfirmView):
template = "dashboard/confirm/transfer-template-ownership.html"
model = InstanceTemplate
class TransferTemplateOwnershipView(TransferOwnershipView):
confirm_view = TransferTemplateOwnershipConfirmView
model = InstanceTemplate
notification_msg = ugettext_noop(
'%(user)s offered you to take the ownership of '
'his/her template called %(instance)s. '
'<a href="%(token)s" '
'class="btn btn-success btn-small">Accept</a>')
token_url = 'dashboard.views.template-transfer-ownership-confirm'
template = "dashboard/template-tx-owner.html"
......@@ -24,14 +24,15 @@ from urlparse import urljoin
from django.conf import settings
from django.contrib.auth.models import User, Group
from django.core.exceptions import PermissionDenied
from django.core import signing
from django.core.exceptions import PermissionDenied, SuspiciousOperation
from django.core.urlresolvers import reverse
from django.contrib import messages
from django.contrib.auth.views import redirect_to_login
from django.db.models import Q
from django.http import HttpResponse, HttpResponseRedirect
from django.shortcuts import redirect
from django.utils.translation import ugettext_lazy as _
from django.http import HttpResponse, Http404, HttpResponseRedirect
from django.shortcuts import redirect, render
from django.utils.translation import ugettext_lazy as _, ugettext_noop
from django.views.generic import DetailView, View
from django.views.generic.detail import SingleObjectMixin
......@@ -40,7 +41,8 @@ from braces.views._access import AccessMixin
from celery.exceptions import TimeoutError
from common.models import HumanReadableException, HumanReadableObject
from ..models import GroupProfile
from ..models import GroupProfile, Profile
from ..forms import TransferOwnershipForm
logger = logging.getLogger(__name__)
saml_available = hasattr(settings, "SAML_CONFIG")
......@@ -563,3 +565,132 @@ class GraphMixin(object):
def absolute_url(url):
return urljoin(settings.DJANGO_URL, url)
class TransferOwnershipView(CheckedDetailView, DetailView):
def get_template_names(self):
if self.request.is_ajax():
return ['dashboard/_modal.html']
return ['dashboard/nojs-wrapper.html']
def get_context_data(self, *args, **kwargs):
context = super(TransferOwnershipView, self).get_context_data(
*args, **kwargs)
context['form'] = TransferOwnershipForm()
'box_title': _("Transfer ownership"),
'ajax_title': True,
'template': self.template,
return context
def post(self, request, *args, **kwargs):
form = TransferOwnershipForm(request.POST)
if not form.is_valid():
return self.get(request)
new_owner = search_user(request.POST['name'])
except User.DoesNotExist:
messages.error(request, _('Can not find specified user.'))
return self.get(request, *args, **kwargs)
except KeyError:
raise SuspiciousOperation()
obj = self.get_object()
if not (obj.owner == request.user or
raise PermissionDenied()
token = signing.dumps(
token_path = reverse(self.token_url, args=[token])
ugettext_noop('Ownership offer'),
{'instance': obj, 'token': token_path})
except Profile.DoesNotExist:
messages.error(request, _('Can not notify selected user.'))
_('User %s is notified about the offer.') % (
unicode(new_owner), ))
return redirect(obj.get_absolute_url())
class TransferOwnershipConfirmView(LoginRequiredMixin, View):
"""User can accept an ownership offer."""
max_age = 3 * 24 * 3600
success_message = _("Ownership successfully transferred to you.")
def get_salt(cls):
return unicode(cls) + unicode(cls.model)
def get(self, request, key, *args, **kwargs):
"""Confirm ownership transfer based on token.
logger.debug('Confirm dialog for token %s.', key)
instance, new_owner = self.get_instance(key, request.user)
except PermissionDenied:
messages.error(request, _('This token is for an other user.'))
except SuspiciousOperation:
messages.error(request, _('This token is invalid or has expired.'))
raise PermissionDenied()
return render(request, self.template,
dictionary={'instance': instance, 'key': key})
def change_owner(self, instance, new_owner):
instance.owner = new_owner
def post(self, request, key, *args, **kwargs):
"""Really transfer ownership based on token.
instance, owner = self.get_instance(key, request.user)
old = instance.owner
self.change_owner(instance, request.user)
messages.success(request, self.success_message)'Ownership of %s transferred from %s to %s.',
unicode(instance), unicode(old), unicode(request.user))
if old.profile:
ugettext_noop('Ownership accepted'),
ugettext_noop('Your ownership offer of %(instance)s has been '
'accepted by %(user)s.'),
{'instance': instance})
return redirect(instance.get_absolute_url())
def get_instance(self, key, user):
"""Get object based on signed token.
instance, new_owner = (
signing.loads(key, max_age=self.max_age,
except (signing.BadSignature, ValueError, TypeError) as e:
logger.error('Tried invalid token. Token: %s, user: %s. %s',
key, unicode(user), unicode(e))
raise SuspiciousOperation()
instance = self.model.objects.get(id=instance)
except self.model.DoesNotExist as e:
logger.error('Tried token to nonexistent instance %d. '
'Token: %s, user: %s. %s',
instance, key, unicode(user), unicode(e))
raise Http404()
if new_owner !=
logger.error('%s (%d) tried the token for %s. Token: %s.',
unicode(user),, new_owner, key)
raise PermissionDenied()
return (instance, new_owner)
......@@ -29,7 +29,7 @@ from django.core import signing
from django.core.exceptions import PermissionDenied, SuspiciousOperation
from django.core.urlresolvers import reverse, reverse_lazy
from django.http import HttpResponse, Http404, HttpResponseRedirect
from django.shortcuts import redirect, get_object_or_404, render
from django.shortcuts import redirect, get_object_or_404
from django.template import RequestContext
from django.template.loader import render_to_string
from django.utils.translation import (
......@@ -37,7 +37,7 @@ from django.utils.translation import (
from django.views.decorators.http import require_GET
from django.views.generic import (
UpdateView, ListView, TemplateView, DeleteView, DetailView, View,
UpdateView, ListView, TemplateView, DeleteView
from braces.views import SuperuserRequiredMixin, LoginRequiredMixin
......@@ -54,17 +54,18 @@ from vm.models import (
from .util import (
CheckedDetailView, AjaxOperationMixin, OperationView, AclUpdateView,
FormOperationMixin, FilterMixin, search_user, GraphMixin,
FormOperationMixin, FilterMixin, GraphMixin,
TransferOwnershipConfirmView, TransferOwnershipView,
from ..forms import (
AclUserOrGroupAddForm, VmResourcesForm, TraitsForm, RawDataForm,
VmAddInterfaceForm, VmCreateDiskForm, VmDownloadDiskForm, VmSaveForm,
VmRenewForm, VmStateChangeForm, VmListSearchForm, VmCustomizeForm,
TransferOwnershipForm, VmDiskResizeForm, RedeployForm, VmDiskRemoveForm,
VmDiskResizeForm, RedeployForm, VmDiskRemoveForm,
VmMigrateForm, VmDeployForm,
VmPortRemoveForm, VmPortAddForm,
from ..models import Favourite, Profile
from ..models import Favourite
logger = logging.getLogger(__name__)
......@@ -1284,139 +1285,29 @@ class FavouriteView(TemplateView):
return HttpResponse("Added.")
class TransferOwnershipView(CheckedDetailView, DetailView):
class TransferInstanceOwnershipConfirmView(TransferOwnershipConfirmView):
template = "dashboard/confirm/transfer-instance-ownership.html"
model = Instance
def get_template_names(self):
if self.request.is_ajax():
return ['dashboard/_modal.html']
return ['dashboard/nojs-wrapper.html']
def get_context_data(self, *args, **kwargs):
context = super(TransferOwnershipView, self).get_context_data(
*args, **kwargs)
context['form'] = TransferOwnershipForm()
'box_title': _("Transfer ownership"),
'ajax_title': True,
'template': "dashboard/vm-detail/tx-owner.html",
return context
def change_owner(self, instance, new_owner):
with instance.activity(
readable_name=ugettext_noop("transfer ownership"),
concurrency_check=False, user=new_owner):
super(TransferInstanceOwnershipConfirmView, self).change_owner(
instance, new_owner)
def post(self, request, *args, **kwargs):
form = TransferOwnershipForm(request.POST)
if not form.is_valid():
return self.get(request)
new_owner = search_user(request.POST['name'])
except User.DoesNotExist:
messages.error(request, _('Can not find specified user.'))
return self.get(request, *args, **kwargs)
except KeyError:
raise SuspiciousOperation()
obj = self.get_object()
if not (obj.owner == request.user or
raise PermissionDenied()
token = signing.dumps((,,
token_path = reverse(
'dashboard.views.vm-transfer-ownership-confirm', args=[token])
ugettext_noop('Ownership offer'),
ugettext_noop('%(user)s offered you to take the ownership of '
class TransferInstanceOwnershipView(TransferOwnershipView):
confirm_view = TransferInstanceOwnershipConfirmView
model = Instance
notification_msg = ugettext_noop(
'%(user)s offered you to take the ownership of '
'his/her virtual machine called %(instance)s. '
'<a href="%(token)s" '
'class="btn btn-success btn-small">Accept</a>'),
{'instance': obj, 'token': token_path})
except Profile.DoesNotExist:
messages.error(request, _('Can not notify selected user.'))
_('User %s is notified about the offer.') % (
unicode(new_owner), ))
return redirect(reverse_lazy("dashboard.views.detail",
class TransferOwnershipConfirmView(LoginRequiredMixin, View):
"""User can accept an ownership offer."""
max_age = 3 * 24 * 3600
success_message = _("Ownership successfully transferred to you.")
def get_salt(cls):
return unicode(cls)
def get(self, request, key, *args, **kwargs):
"""Confirm ownership transfer based on token.
logger.debug('Confirm dialog for token %s.', key)
instance, new_owner = self.get_instance(key, request.user)
except PermissionDenied:
messages.error(request, _('This token is for an other user.'))
except SuspiciousOperation:
messages.error(request, _('This token is invalid or has expired.'))
raise PermissionDenied()
return render(request,
dictionary={'instance': instance, 'key': key})
def post(self, request, key, *args, **kwargs):
"""Really transfer ownership based on token.
instance, owner = self.get_instance(key, request.user)
old = instance.owner
with instance.activity(code_suffix='ownership-transferred',
concurrency_check=False, user=request.user):
instance.owner = request.user
messages.success(request, self.success_message)'Ownership of %s transferred from %s to %s.',
unicode(instance), unicode(old), unicode(request.user))
if old.profile:
ugettext_noop('Ownership accepted'),
ugettext_noop('Your ownership offer of %(instance)s has been '
'accepted by %(user)s.'),
{'instance': instance})
return redirect(instance.get_absolute_url())
def get_instance(self, key, user):
"""Get object based on signed token.
instance, new_owner = (
signing.loads(key, max_age=self.max_age,
except (signing.BadSignature, ValueError, TypeError) as e:
logger.error('Tried invalid token. Token: %s, user: %s. %s',
key, unicode(user), unicode(e))
raise SuspiciousOperation()
instance = Instance.objects.get(id=instance)
except Instance.DoesNotExist as e:
logger.error('Tried token to nonexistent instance %d. '
'Token: %s, user: %s. %s',
instance, key, unicode(user), unicode(e))
raise Http404()
if new_owner !=
logger.error('%s (%d) tried the token for %s. Token: %s.',
unicode(user),, new_owner, key)
raise PermissionDenied()
return (instance, new_owner)
'class="btn btn-success btn-small">Accept</a>')
token_url = 'dashboard.views.vm-transfer-ownership-confirm'
template = "dashboard/vm-detail/tx-owner.html"
......@@ -6,8 +6,8 @@ msgid ""
msgstr ""
"Project-Id-Version: \n"
"Report-Msgid-Bugs-To: \n"
"POT-Creation-Date: 2014-09-24 13:16+0200\n"
"PO-Revision-Date: 2014-09-24 13:18+0200\n"
"POT-Creation-Date: 2014-10-20 12:09+0200\n"
"PO-Revision-Date: 2014-10-20 13:01+0200\n"
"Last-Translator: Mate Ory <>\n"
"Language-Team: Hungarian <>\n"
"Language: hu\n"
......@@ -25,90 +25,90 @@ msgstr "Angol"
msgid "Hungarian"
msgstr "Magyar"
#: common/
#: common/
msgid "Failure."
msgstr "Hiba."
#: common/
#: common/
#, python-format
msgid "Unhandled exception: %(error)s"
msgstr "Kezeletlen kivétel: %(error)s"
#: common/
#: common/
#: dashboard/templates/dashboard/instanceactivity_detail.html:28
msgid "activity code"
msgstr "tevékenységkód"
#: common/
#: common/
msgid "human readable name"
msgstr "olvasható név"
#: common/
#: common/
msgid "Human readable name of activity."
msgstr "A tevékenység neve olvasható formában."
#: common/
#: common/
msgid "Celery task unique identifier."
msgstr "Celery feladat egyedi azonosítója."
#: common/
#: common/
msgid "task_uuid"
msgstr "feladat uuid"
#: common/
#: common/
#: dashboard/templates/dashboard/instanceactivity_detail.html:37
#: firewall/ vm/models/ vm/models/
#: vm/models/
#: firewall/ vm/models/ vm/models/
#: vm/models/
msgid "user"
msgstr "felhasználó"
#: common/
#: common/
msgid "The person who started this activity."
msgstr "A tevékenységet indító felhasználó."
#: common/
#: common/
msgid "started at"
msgstr "indítás ideje"
#: common/
#: common/
msgid "Time of activity initiation."
msgstr "A tevékenység megkezdésének időpontja."
#: common/
#: common/
msgid "finished at"
msgstr "befejezés ideje"
#: common/
#: common/
msgid "Time of activity finalization."
msgstr "A tevékenység befejeztének ideje."
#: common/
#: common/
msgid "True, if the activity has finished successfully."
msgstr "Igaz, ha a tevékenység sikeresen befejeződött."
#: common/
#: common/
#: dashboard/templates/dashboard/instanceactivity_detail.html:56
msgid "result"
msgstr "eredmény"
#: common/
#: common/
msgid "Human readable result of activity."
msgstr "A tevékenység eredménye olvasható formában."
#: common/
#: common/
msgid "Permission Denied"
msgstr "Hozzáférés megtagadva"
#: common/
#: common/
msgid "Unknown error"
msgstr "Ismeretlen hiba"
#: common/
#: common/
#, python-format
msgid "Unknown error: %(ex)s"
msgstr "Ismeretlen hiba: %(ex)s"
#: common/
#: common/
msgid "Superuser privileges are required."
msgstr "Rendszergazdai jogosultság szükséges."
......@@ -121,24 +121,24 @@ msgstr "%s (csoport)"
msgid "no matches found"
msgstr "nincs találat"
#: dashboard/
#: dashboard/
msgid "idle"
msgstr "üresjáratban"
#: dashboard/
#: dashboard/
msgid "normal"
msgstr "normál"
#: dashboard/
#: dashboard/
msgid "server"
msgstr "szerver"
#: dashboard/
#: dashboard/
msgid "realtime"
msgstr "valós idejű"
#: dashboard/ dashboard/ dashboard/
#: dashboard/ dashboard/
#: dashboard/ dashboard/ dashboard/
#: dashboard/ dashboard/
#: dashboard/templates/dashboard/_vm-create-2.html:20
#: dashboard/templates/dashboard/vm-list.html:60
#: dashboard/templates/dashboard/vm-detail/home.html:8 firewall/
......@@ -147,20 +147,31 @@ msgstr "valós idejű"
msgid "Name"
msgstr "Név"
#: dashboard/ vm/models/
#: dashboard/ vm/models/
msgid "Human readable name of template."
msgstr "A sablon olvasható neve."
#: dashboard/ dashboard/templates/dashboard/_vm-create-1.html:53
#: dashboard/templates/dashboard/vm-detail/home.html:30
#: dashboard/
msgid "Clone template permissions"
msgstr "Sablon jogosultságainak klónozása"
#: dashboard/
msgid ""
"Clone the access list of parent template. Useful for updating a template."
msgstr ""
"A szülősablon hozzáférési listájának másolása. Sablonok frissítéséhez "
#: dashboard/ dashboard/templates/dashboard/_vm-create-1.html:53
#: dashboard/templates/dashboard/vm-detail/home.html:33
msgid "Description"
msgstr "Leírás"
#: dashboard/ dashboard/
#: dashboard/ dashboard/
msgid "Directory identifier"
msgstr "Címtári azonosító"
#: dashboard/
#: dashboard/
msgid ""
"If you select an item here, the members of this directory group will be "
"automatically added to the group at the time they log in. Please note that "
......@@ -171,7 +182,7 @@ msgstr ""
"kerülnek, ha bejelentkeznek. Vegye figyelembe, hogy más, az önhöz hasonló "
"jogosultságú felhasználók is csoportadminisztrátorrá válhatnak."
#: dashboard/
#: dashboard/
#: dashboard/templates/dashboard/store/_list-box.html:57
#: network/templates/network/blacklist-create.html:8
#: network/templates/network/dashboard.html:25
......@@ -193,13 +204,13 @@ msgstr ""
msgid "Create"
msgstr "Létrehozás"
#: dashboard/ dashboard/ dashboard/
#: dashboard/ dashboard/ dashboard/
#: dashboard/ dashboard/
#: dashboard/ dashboard/ dashboard/
#: dashboard/ dashboard/ dashboard/
#: dashboard/ dashboard/
#: dashboard/templates/dashboard/_manage_access.html:73
#: dashboard/templates/dashboard/connect-command-create.html:37
#: dashboard/templates/dashboard/connect-command-edit.html:37
#: dashboard/templates/dashboard/group-detail.html:102
#: dashboard/templates/dashboard/group-detail.html:132
#: dashboard/templates/dashboard/lease-edit.html:96
#: dashboard/templates/dashboard/vm-detail/tx-owner.html:12
#: network/ network/ network/
......@@ -208,175 +219,226 @@ msgstr "Létrehozás"
msgid "Save"
msgstr "Mentés"
#: dashboard/ dashboard/templates/dashboard/vm-detail.html:78
#: dashboard/ dashboard/templates/dashboard/vm-detail.html:92
msgid "Host"
msgstr "Gép"
#: dashboard/ dashboard/templates/dashboard/node-detail.html:4
#: dashboard/templates/dashboard/vm-list.html:81
#: dashboard/ dashboard/ dashboard/
#: dashboard/templates/dashboard/node-detail.html:4
#: dashboard/templates/dashboard/vm-list.html:85
#: dashboard/templates/dashboard/vm-detail/home.html:116
msgid "Node"
msgstr "Csomópont"
#: dashboard/
#: dashboard/
msgid "Networks"
msgstr "Hálózatok"
#: dashboard/
#: dashboard/
msgid "Suspend in"
msgstr "Felfüggesztés ideje"
#: dashboard/ dashboard/
#: dashboard/ dashboard/
msgid "hours"
msgstr "óra"
#: dashboard/ dashboard/
#: dashboard/ dashboard/
msgid "days"
msgstr "nap"
#: dashboard/ dashboard/
#: dashboard/ dashboard/
msgid "weeks"
msgstr "hét"
#: dashboard/ dashboard/
#: dashboard/ dashboard/
msgid "months"
msgstr "hónap"
#: dashboard/
#: dashboard/
msgid "Delete in"
msgstr "Törlés ideje"
#: dashboard/ dashboard/templates/dashboard/template-edit.html:64
#: dashboard/ dashboard/templates/dashboard/template-edit.html:63
#: network/
msgid "Save changes"
msgstr "Változások mentése"
#: dashboard/
#: dashboard/
msgid "Set expiration times even if they are shorter than the current value."
msgstr ""
"Akkor is állítsa át a lejárati időket, ha rövidebbek lesznek a jelenleginél."
#: dashboard/
#: dashboard/
msgid "Save selected lease."
msgstr "Kiválasztott bérlet mentése."
#: dashboard/
#: dashboard/
msgid "Length"
msgstr "Hossz"
#: dashboard/
#: dashboard/
msgid "Live migration"
msgstr "Live migration"
#: dashboard/
msgid ""
"Live migration is a way of moving virtual machines between hosts with a "
"service interruption of at most some seconds. Please note that it can take "
"very long and cause much network traffic in case of busy machines."
msgstr ""
"A live migration lehetővé teszi virtuális gépek csomópontok közti mozgatását "
"legfeljebb néhány másodperces szolgáltatáskimaradással. Vegye figyelembe, "
"hogy ez terhelt gépek esetén sokáig tarthat és nagy hálózati forgalommal jár."
#: dashboard/
msgid "Forcibly interrupt all running activities."
msgstr "Futó tevékenységek erőltetett befejezése."
#: dashboard/
#: dashboard/
msgid "Set all activities to finished state, but don't interrupt any tasks."
msgstr ""
"Minden tevékenység befejezettre állítása (a feladatok megszakítása nélkül)."
#: dashboard/
#: dashboard/
msgid "New status"
msgstr "Új állapot"
#: dashboard/
#: dashboard/
msgid "Reset node"
msgstr "Csomópont visszaállítása"
#: dashboard/
msgid "use emergency state change"
msgstr "vész-állapotváltás használata"
#: dashboard/ dashboard/
#: dashboard/templates/dashboard/store/_list-box.html:117
msgid "Size"
msgstr "Méret"
#: dashboard/
#: dashboard/
msgid "Size of disk to create in bytes or with units like MB or GB."
msgstr "Létrehozandó lemez mérete byte-okban vagy mértékegységgel (MB, GB)."
#: dashboard/
#: dashboard/ dashboard/
msgid "Invalid format, you can use GB or MB!"
msgstr "Érvénytelen formátum. „GB” és „MB” is használható."
#: dashboard/
#: dashboard/
msgid "Size to resize the disk in bytes or with units like MB or GB."
msgstr "A lemez kívánt mérete byte-okban vagy mértékegységgel (MB, GB)."
#: dashboard/ dashboard/
msgid "Disk"
msgstr "Lemez"
#: dashboard/
msgid "Disk size must be greater than the actual size."
msgstr "A lemez mérete nagyobb kell legyen a jelenleginél."
#: dashboard/ dashboard/
#, python-format
msgid "<label>Disk:</label> %s"
msgstr "<label>Lemez:</label> %s"
#: dashboard/
msgid "URL"
msgstr "URL"
#: dashboard/
#: dashboard/
msgid "Could not find filename in URL, please specify a name explicitly."
msgstr "Az URL-ben nem található fájlnév. Kérem adja meg explicite."
#: dashboard/
#: dashboard/templates/dashboard/node-detail/resources.html:17
msgid "Vlan"
msgstr "Vlan"
#: dashboard/
#: dashboard/
msgid "No more networks."
msgstr "Nincs több hálózat."
#: dashboard/ dashboard/templates/dashboard/profile.html:31
#: dashboard/templates/dashboard/vm-detail.html:94
#: dashboard/
msgid ""
"Deploy virtual machine to this node (blank allows scheduling automatically)."
msgstr ""
"A virtuális gép elindítása ezen a csomóponton (üresen hagyva automatikus "
#: dashboard/ dashboard/templates/dashboard/profile.html:31
#: dashboard/templates/dashboard/vm-detail.html:108
msgid "Username"
msgstr "Felhasználónév"
#: dashboard/ dashboard/templates/dashboard/vm-detail.html:96
#: dashboard/ dashboard/templates/dashboard/vm-detail.html:110
msgid "Password"
msgstr "Jelszó"
#: dashboard/
#: dashboard/
msgid "Sign in"
msgstr "Bejelentkezés"
#: dashboard/ dashboard/templates/dashboard/profile.html:37
#: dashboard/ dashboard/templates/dashboard/profile.html:37
msgid "Email address"
msgstr "E-mail cím"
#: dashboard/
#: dashboard/
msgid "Reset password"
msgstr "Új jelszó"
#: dashboard/ dashboard/
#: dashboard/ dashboard/
msgid "Change password"
msgstr "Jelszóváltoztatás"
#: dashboard/
#: dashboard/
msgid "Add trait"
msgstr "Jellemző hozzáadása"
#: dashboard/ dashboard/templates/dashboard/lease-edit.html:86
#: dashboard/ dashboard/templates/dashboard/lease-edit.html:86
msgid "Name of group or user"
msgstr "Csoport vagy felhasználó neve"
#: dashboard/ dashboard/
#: dashboard/ dashboard/
msgid "Name of user"
msgstr "Felhasználó neve"
#: dashboard/ dashboard/
#: dashboard/ dashboard/
msgid "E-mail address or identifier of user"
msgstr "A felhasználó e-mail címe vagy azonosítója"
#: dashboard/
#: dashboard/
msgid "Key"
msgstr "Kulcs"
#: dashboard/
#: dashboard/
msgid "For example: ssh-rsa AAAAB3NzaC1yc2ED..."
msgstr "Például: ssh-rsa AAAAB3NzaC1yc2ED…"
#: dashboard/
#: dashboard/
msgid "permissions"
msgstr "jogosultságok"
#: dashboard/
#: dashboard/
msgid "owned"
msgstr "saját"
#: dashboard/
#: dashboard/
msgid "shared"
msgstr "osztott"
#: dashboard/
#: dashboard/
msgid "all"
msgstr "összes"
#: dashboard/ dashboard/
#: dashboard/ dashboard/
#: dashboard/templates/dashboard/index-groups.html:21
#: dashboard/templates/dashboard/index-nodes.html:34
#: dashboard/templates/dashboard/index-nodes.html:61
#: dashboard/templates/dashboard/index-vm.html:57
msgid "Search..."
msgstr "Keresés..."
#: dashboard/ dashboard/templates/dashboard/index-groups.html:39
#: dashboard/templates/dashboard/index-nodes.html:48
#: dashboard/templates/dashboard/index-nodes.html:73
#: dashboard/templates/dashboard/index-nodes.html:78
#: dashboard/templates/dashboard/index-templates.html:38
#: dashboard/templates/dashboard/index-vm.html:76
#: dashboard/templates/dashboard/store/_list-box.html:101
......@@ -391,7 +453,7 @@ msgstr "kézbesített"
msgid "read"
msgstr "olvasott"
#: dashboard/ vm/models/
#: dashboard/ vm/models/
msgid "access method"
msgstr "elérés módja"
......@@ -402,8 +464,8 @@ msgstr "Távoli elérési mód típusa."
#: dashboard/ firewall/ firewall/
#: firewall/ firewall/ firewall/
#: storage/ storage/ vm/models/
#: vm/models/ vm/models/ vm/models/
#: vm/models/ vm/models/
#: vm/models/ vm/models/ vm/models/
#: vm/models/ vm/models/
msgid "name"
msgstr "név"
......@@ -468,14 +530,14 @@ msgid "Can use autocomplete."
msgstr "Használhat automatikus kiegészítést."
#: dashboard/ firewall/ vm/models/
#: vm/models/ vm/models/
#: vm/models/ vm/models/
msgid "operator"
msgstr "operátor"
#: dashboard/ firewall/ firewall/
#: firewall/ firewall/ firewall/
#: firewall/ firewall/ vm/models/
#: vm/models/ vm/models/
#: vm/models/ vm/models/
msgid "owner"
msgstr "tulajdonos"
......@@ -501,12 +563,12 @@ msgstr "Állapot"
#: dashboard/ dashboard/templates/dashboard/_vm-create-2.html:38
#: dashboard/templates/dashboard/node-detail.html:69
#: dashboard/templates/dashboard/vm-detail.html:163
#: dashboard/templates/dashboard/vm-detail.html:177
msgid "Resources"
msgstr "Erőforrások"
#: dashboard/ dashboard/templates/dashboard/vm-list.html:72
#: vm/models/
#: vm/models/
msgid "Lease"
msgstr "Bérlet"
......@@ -545,7 +607,7 @@ msgid "Access method"
msgstr "Elérés módja"
#: dashboard/
#: dashboard/templates/dashboard/vm-detail/home.html:94
#: dashboard/templates/dashboard/vm-detail/home.html:129
msgid "Template"
msgstr "Sablon"
......@@ -659,33 +721,37 @@ msgstr ""
msgid "I have the Client installed"
msgstr "Már telepítve van"
#: dashboard/templates/dashboard/_disk-list-element.html:10
#: dashboard/templates/dashboard/node-detail/_activity-timeline.html:28
#: dashboard/templates/dashboard/vm-detail/_activity-timeline.html:45
msgid "failed"
msgstr "meghiúsult"
#: dashboard/templates/dashboard/_disk-list-element.html:16
#: dashboard/templates/dashboard/_disk-list-element.html:18
#: dashboard/templates/dashboard/_disk-list-element.html:12
#: dashboard/templates/dashboard/_manage_access.html:34
#: dashboard/templates/dashboard/_manage_access.html:56
#: dashboard/templates/dashboard/group-detail.html:63
#: dashboard/templates/dashboard/group-detail.html:93
#: dashboard/templates/dashboard/lease-edit.html:60
#: dashboard/templates/dashboard/lease-edit.html:80
#: dashboard/templates/dashboard/template-edit.html:107
#: dashboard/templates/dashboard/template-edit.html:108
#: dashboard/templates/dashboard/confirm/base-remove.html:12
#: dashboard/templates/dashboard/store/_list-box.html:133
#: dashboard/templates/dashboard/store/remove.html:36
#: dashboard/templates/dashboard/vm-detail/network.html:79
#: dashboard/templates/dashboard/vm-detail/network.html:111
#: dashboard/templates/dashboard/vm-detail/network.html:81
#: dashboard/templates/dashboard/vm-detail/network.html:113
msgid "Remove"
msgstr "Eltávolítás"
#: dashboard/templates/dashboard/_disk-list-element.html:21
msgid "Resize"
msgstr "Átméretezés"
#: dashboard/templates/dashboard/_disk-list-element.html:28
#: dashboard/templates/dashboard/store/remove.html:20
msgid "File name"
msgstr "Fájlnév"
#: dashboard/templates/dashboard/_display-name.html:10
msgid "username"
msgstr "felhasználónév"
#: dashboard/templates/dashboard/_manage_access.html:7
#: dashboard/templates/dashboard/group-detail.html:63
#: dashboard/templates/dashboard/group-detail.html:93
#: dashboard/templates/dashboard/lease-edit.html:35
msgid "Who"
msgstr "Ki"
......@@ -746,17 +812,17 @@ msgid "Next"
msgstr "Tovább"
#: dashboard/templates/dashboard/_template-create.html:15
#: dashboard/templates/dashboard/template-edit.html:40
#: dashboard/templates/dashboard/template-edit.html:39
msgid "Resource configuration"
msgstr "Erőforrásbeállítások"
#: dashboard/templates/dashboard/_template-create.html:21
#: dashboard/templates/dashboard/template-edit.html:46
#: dashboard/templates/dashboard/template-edit.html:45
msgid "Virtual machine settings"
msgstr "Virtuális gépek beállításai"
#: dashboard/templates/dashboard/_template-create.html:31
#: dashboard/templates/dashboard/template-edit.html:57
#: dashboard/templates/dashboard/template-edit.html:56
msgid "External resources"
msgstr "Külső erőforrások"
......@@ -780,20 +846,21 @@ msgid "CPU"
msgstr "CPU"
#: dashboard/templates/dashboard/_vm-create-1.html:23
#: dashboard/templates/dashboard/vm-list.html:76
#: dashboard/templates/dashboard/node-list/column-monitor.html:20
msgid "Memory"
msgstr "Memória"
#: dashboard/templates/dashboard/_vm-create-1.html:33
#: dashboard/templates/dashboard/_vm-create-2.html:49
#: dashboard/templates/dashboard/vm-detail/resources.html:28
#: dashboard/templates/dashboard/vm-detail/resources.html:25
msgid "Disks"
msgstr "Lemezek"
#: dashboard/templates/dashboard/_vm-create-1.html:40
#: dashboard/templates/dashboard/_vm-create-2.html:65
#: dashboard/templates/dashboard/base.html:46
#: dashboard/templates/dashboard/vm-detail.html:177
#: dashboard/templates/dashboard/vm-detail.html:191
#: dashboard/views/ dashboard/views/
#: network/ network/templates/network/base.html:7
msgid "Network"
......@@ -826,6 +893,7 @@ msgid "Amount"
msgstr "Mennyiség"
#: dashboard/templates/dashboard/_vm-create-2.html:56
#: dashboard/templates/dashboard/vm-detail/resources.html:34
msgid "No disks are added."
msgstr "Egy lemez sincs hozzáadva."
......@@ -833,25 +901,25 @@ msgstr "Egy lemez sincs hozzáadva."
msgid "Not added to any network."
msgstr "Egy hálózathoz sincs hozzáadva."
#: dashboard/templates/dashboard/_vm-mass-migrate.html:12
#: dashboard/templates/dashboard/_vm-mass-migrate.html:13
msgid "Reschedule"
msgstr "Újraütemezés"
#: dashboard/templates/dashboard/_vm-mass-migrate.html:16
#: dashboard/templates/dashboard/_vm-mass-migrate.html:17
msgid "This option will reschedule each virtual machine to the optimal node."
msgstr "Ez a lehetőség minden virtuális gépet az optimális csomópontra migrál."
#: dashboard/templates/dashboard/_vm-mass-migrate.html:28
#: dashboard/templates/dashboard/_vm-migrate.html:27
#: dashboard/templates/dashboard/_vm-mass-migrate.html:29
#: dashboard/templates/dashboard/_vm-migrate.html:31
msgid "CPU load"
msgstr "CPU-terhelés"
#: dashboard/templates/dashboard/_vm-mass-migrate.html:29
#: dashboard/templates/dashboard/_vm-migrate.html:28
#: dashboard/templates/dashboard/_vm-mass-migrate.html:30
#: dashboard/templates/dashboard/_vm-migrate.html:33
msgid "RAM usage"
msgstr "RAM-használat"
#: dashboard/templates/dashboard/_vm-migrate.html:7
#: dashboard/templates/dashboard/_vm-migrate.html:8
#, python-format
msgid ""
......@@ -860,11 +928,11 @@ msgstr ""
"Válasszon csomópontot %(obj)s migrálásához.\n"
#: dashboard/templates/dashboard/_vm-migrate.html:21
#: dashboard/templates/dashboard/_vm-migrate.html:24
msgid "current"
msgstr "jelenlegi"
#: dashboard/templates/dashboard/_vm-migrate.html:22
#: dashboard/templates/dashboard/_vm-migrate.html:25
msgid "recommended"
msgstr "javasolt"
......@@ -914,7 +982,7 @@ msgstr "Parancssablon létrehozása"
#: dashboard/templates/dashboard/lease-create.html:13
#: dashboard/templates/dashboard/lease-edit.html:12
#: dashboard/templates/dashboard/profile.html:19
#: dashboard/templates/dashboard/template-edit.html:14
#: dashboard/templates/dashboard/template-edit.html:15
#: dashboard/templates/dashboard/userkey-create.html:13
#: dashboard/templates/dashboard/userkey-edit.html:14
#: dashboard/templates/dashboard/confirm/base-renew.html:26
......@@ -956,10 +1024,10 @@ msgstr "csoport"
#: dashboard/templates/dashboard/group-detail.html:33
#: dashboard/templates/dashboard/node-detail.html:13
#: dashboard/templates/dashboard/node-detail.html:21
#: dashboard/templates/dashboard/vm-detail.html:50
#: dashboard/templates/dashboard/vm-detail.html:63
#: dashboard/templates/dashboard/group-list/column-name.html:7
#: dashboard/templates/dashboard/node-list/column-name.html:7
#: dashboard/templates/dashboard/vm-detail/home.html:22
#: dashboard/templates/dashboard/vm-detail/home.html:24
#: dashboard/templates/dashboard/vm-list/column-name.html:7
msgid "Rename"
msgstr "Átnevezés"
......@@ -967,6 +1035,7 @@ msgstr "Átnevezés"
#: dashboard/templates/dashboard/group-detail.html:12
#: dashboard/templates/dashboard/group-detail.html:37
#: dashboard/templates/dashboard/node-detail.html:14
#: dashboard/templates/dashboard/template-edit.html:75
#: dashboard/templates/dashboard/confirm/ajax-delete.html:18
#: dashboard/templates/dashboard/confirm/mass-delete.html:12
#: dashboard/templates/dashboard/connect-command-list/column-command-actions.html:5
......@@ -985,28 +1054,32 @@ msgid "Delete group."
msgstr "Csoport törlése."
#: dashboard/templates/dashboard/group-detail.html:55
msgid "Available objects for this group"
msgstr "Csoport számára elérhető objektumok"
#: dashboard/templates/dashboard/group-detail.html:85
msgid "User list"
msgstr "Felhasználók"
#: dashboard/templates/dashboard/group-detail.html:57
#: dashboard/templates/dashboard/group-detail.html:87
msgid "Create user"
msgstr "Új felhasználó"
#: dashboard/templates/dashboard/group-detail.html:74
#: dashboard/templates/dashboard/group-detail.html:87
#: dashboard/templates/dashboard/vm-detail/network.html:27
#: dashboard/templates/dashboard/group-detail.html:104
#: dashboard/templates/dashboard/group-detail.html:117
#: dashboard/templates/dashboard/vm-detail/network.html:28
msgid "remove"
msgstr "eltávolítás"
#: dashboard/templates/dashboard/group-detail.html:100
#: dashboard/templates/dashboard/group-detail.html:130
msgid "Add multiple users at once (one identifier per line)."
msgstr "Több felhasználó hozzáadása (egy azonosító soronként)."
#: dashboard/templates/dashboard/group-detail.html:107
#: dashboard/templates/dashboard/group-detail.html:137
msgid "Access permissions"
msgstr "Hozzáférési jogosultságok"
#: dashboard/templates/dashboard/group-detail.html:116
#: dashboard/templates/dashboard/group-detail.html:146
msgid "Group permissions"
msgstr "Csoportjogosultságok"
......@@ -1024,7 +1097,7 @@ msgstr "Azon csoportok, amelyekhez hozzáférése van."
#: dashboard/templates/dashboard/index-groups.html:7
#: dashboard/templates/dashboard/profile.html:56
#: dashboard/templates/dashboard/vm-detail/network.html:37
#: dashboard/templates/dashboard/vm-detail/network.html:39
#: network/templates/network/host-edit.html:32 templates/info/help.html:192
msgid "Groups"
msgstr "Csoportok"
......@@ -1049,12 +1122,12 @@ msgstr[1] ""
" "
#: dashboard/templates/dashboard/index-groups.html:36
#: dashboard/templates/dashboard/index-nodes.html:45
#: dashboard/templates/dashboard/index-nodes.html:74
#: dashboard/templates/dashboard/index-vm.html:73
msgid "list"
msgstr "felsorolás"
#: dashboard/templates/dashboard/index-nodes.html:12
#: dashboard/templates/dashboard/index-nodes.html:11
msgid ""
"List of compute nodes, also called worker nodes or hypervisors, which run "
"the virtual machines."
......@@ -1062,13 +1135,16 @@ msgstr ""
"A virtuális gépeket futtató számítási csomópontok (más néven worker node-ok, "
"hypervisorok) listája."
#: dashboard/templates/dashboard/index-nodes.html:15
#: dashboard/templates/dashboard/index-nodes.html:16
#: dashboard/templates/dashboard/node-list.html:5
msgid "Nodes"
msgstr "Csomópontok"
#: dashboard/templates/dashboard/index-nodes.html:43
#: dashboard/templates/dashboard/index-nodes.html:70
#: dashboard/templates/dashboard/index-nodes.html:63
msgid "Search"
msgstr "Keresés"
#: dashboard/templates/dashboard/index-nodes.html:72
#, python-format
msgid "<strong>%(count)s</strong> more"
msgstr "még <strong>%(count)s</strong>"
......@@ -1132,7 +1208,7 @@ msgid "Mark as favorite"
msgstr "Kedvencnek jelölés"
#: dashboard/templates/dashboard/index-vm.html:43
#: dashboard/templates/dashboard/vm-list.html:124
#: dashboard/templates/dashboard/vm-list.html:135
msgid "You have no virtual machines."
msgstr "Még nincs virtuális gépe."
......@@ -1195,14 +1271,14 @@ msgstr "Nincs jogosultsága virtuális gépek indítására vagy kezelésére."
#: dashboard/templates/dashboard/instanceactivity_detail.html:25
#: dashboard/templates/dashboard/node-detail.html:82
#: dashboard/templates/dashboard/vm-detail.html:182
#: dashboard/templates/dashboard/vm-detail.html:196
#: dashboard/templates/dashboard/node-detail/activity.html:3
#: dashboard/templates/dashboard/vm-detail/activity.html:3
msgid "Activity"
msgstr "Tevékenységek"
#: dashboard/templates/dashboard/instanceactivity_detail.html:31
#: vm/models/ vm/models/ vm/models/
#: vm/models/ vm/models/ vm/models/
msgid "instance"
msgstr "példány"
......@@ -1242,6 +1318,20 @@ msgstr "állapot"
msgid "resultant state"
msgstr "új állapot"
#: dashboard/templates/dashboard/instanceactivity_detail.html:62
msgid "subactivities"
msgstr "altevékenységek"
#: dashboard/templates/dashboard/instanceactivity_detail.html:74
#: dashboard/templates/dashboard/node-detail/_activity-timeline.html:28
#: dashboard/templates/dashboard/vm-detail/_activity-timeline.html:48
msgid "failed"
msgstr "meghiúsult"
#: dashboard/templates/dashboard/instanceactivity_detail.html:78
msgid "none"
msgstr "nincs"
#: dashboard/templates/dashboard/lease-create.html:5
#: dashboard/templates/dashboard/lease-create.html:14
msgid "Create lease"
......@@ -1253,7 +1343,7 @@ msgid "Edit lease"
msgstr "Bérlési mód szerkesztése"
#: dashboard/templates/dashboard/lease-edit.html:27
#: dashboard/templates/dashboard/template-edit.html:73
#: dashboard/templates/dashboard/template-edit.html:84
#: network/templates/network/vlan-edit.html:26
msgid "Manage access"
msgstr "Jogosultságok kezelése"
......@@ -1307,7 +1397,7 @@ msgid "Offline"
msgstr "Offline"
#: dashboard/templates/dashboard/node-detail.html:63
#: dashboard/templates/dashboard/vm-detail.html:158
#: dashboard/templates/dashboard/vm-detail.html:172
msgid "Home"
msgstr "Kezdőoldal"
......@@ -1431,24 +1521,27 @@ msgid "Command templates"
msgstr "Parancssablonok"
#: dashboard/templates/dashboard/template-edit.html:6
#: vm/models/ vm/models/ vm/models/
#: vm/models/ vm/models/ vm/models/
msgid "template"
msgstr "sablon"
#: dashboard/templates/dashboard/template-edit.html:15
#: dashboard/templates/dashboard/template-edit.html:17
msgid "Edit template"
msgstr "Sablon szerkesztése"
#: dashboard/templates/dashboard/template-edit.html:32
msgid "Visit"
msgstr "Megtekintés"
#: dashboard/templates/dashboard/template-edit.html:29
msgid "Parent template"
msgstr "Szülősablon"
#: dashboard/templates/dashboard/template-edit.html:83
#: dashboard/templates/dashboard/template-edit.html:77
msgid "Delete template"
msgstr "Sablon törlése"
#: dashboard/templates/dashboard/template-edit.html:94
msgid "Disk list"
msgstr "Lemezek"
#: dashboard/templates/dashboard/template-edit.html:88
#: dashboard/templates/dashboard/vm-detail/resources.html:39
#: dashboard/templates/dashboard/template-edit.html:99
msgid "No disks are added!"
msgstr "Egy lemez sincs hozzáadva!"
......@@ -1478,131 +1571,135 @@ msgstr "SSH publikus kulcs létrehozása"
msgid "Edit SSH public key"
msgstr "SSH publikus kulcs módosítása"
#: dashboard/templates/dashboard/vm-detail.html:10
msgid "This is the master vm of your new template"
msgstr "Ez a mesterpéldány egy új sablonhoz"
#: dashboard/templates/dashboard/vm-detail.html:18
msgid "Toggle tutorial panel"
msgstr "Kalauz engedélyezése/tiltása"
#: dashboard/templates/dashboard/vm-detail.html:13
#: dashboard/templates/dashboard/vm-detail.html:23
msgid "Start template tutorial"
msgstr "Sablon-kalauz indítása"
#: dashboard/templates/dashboard/vm-detail.html:17
#: dashboard/templates/dashboard/vm-detail.html:26
msgid "This is the master vm of your new template"
msgstr "Ez a mesterpéldány egy új sablonhoz"
#: dashboard/templates/dashboard/vm-detail.html:28
msgid ""
"Modify the virtual machine to suit your needs <strong>(optional)</strong>"
msgstr "Módosítsa a virtuális gépet <strong>(igény szerint)</strong>"
#: dashboard/templates/dashboard/vm-detail.html:19
#: dashboard/templates/dashboard/vm-detail.html:30
msgid "Change the description"
msgstr "Változtassa meg a leírást"
#: dashboard/templates/dashboard/vm-detail.html:20
#: dashboard/templates/dashboard/vm-detail.html:31
msgid "Change resources (CPU and RAM)"
msgstr "Állítsa be az erőforrásokat (CPU és memória)"
#: dashboard/templates/dashboard/vm-detail.html:21
#: dashboard/templates/dashboard/vm-detail.html:32
msgid "Attach or detach disks"
msgstr "Csatoljon vagy válasszon le lemezeket"
#: dashboard/templates/dashboard/vm-detail.html:22
#: dashboard/templates/dashboard/vm-detail.html:33
msgid "Add or remove network interfaces"
msgstr "Adjon hozz vagy törljön hálózati interfészeket"
#: dashboard/templates/dashboard/vm-detail.html:25
#: dashboard/templates/dashboard/vm-detail.html:36
msgid "Deploy the virtual machine"
msgstr "Indítsa el a virtuális gépet"
#: dashboard/templates/dashboard/vm-detail.html:26
#: dashboard/templates/dashboard/vm-detail.html:37
msgid "Connect to the machine"
msgstr "Csatlakozzon a géphez"
#: dashboard/templates/dashboard/vm-detail.html:27
#: dashboard/templates/dashboard/vm-detail.html:38
msgid "Do all the needed installations/customizations"
msgstr "Végezze el a szükséges telepítéseket, testreszabásokat"
#: dashboard/templates/dashboard/vm-detail.html:28
#: dashboard/templates/dashboard/vm-detail.html:39
msgid "Log off from the machine"
msgstr "Jelentkezzen ki a gépből"
#: dashboard/templates/dashboard/vm-detail.html:30
#: dashboard/templates/dashboard/vm-detail.html:41
msgid "Press the Save as template button"
msgstr "Kattintson a Mentés sablonként gombra"
#: dashboard/templates/dashboard/vm-detail.html:33
#: dashboard/templates/dashboard/vm-detail.html:44
msgid "Delete this virtual machine <strong>(optional)</strong>"
msgstr "Törölje a virtális gépet <strong>(ha szükséges)</strong>"
#: dashboard/templates/dashboard/vm-detail.html:74
#: dashboard/templates/dashboard/vm-detail.html:88
msgid "Connection details"
msgstr "Kapcsolat részletei"
#: dashboard/templates/dashboard/vm-detail.html:76
#: dashboard/templates/dashboard/vm-detail.html:90
msgid "Protocol"
msgstr "Protokoll"
#: dashboard/templates/dashboard/vm-detail.html:83
#: dashboard/templates/dashboard/vm-detail.html:97
msgid "The VM doesn't have any network interface."
msgstr "A VM-nek nincs hálózati interfésze."
#: dashboard/templates/dashboard/vm-detail.html:85
#: dashboard/templates/dashboard/vm-detail.html:99
msgid "The required port for this protocol is not forwarded."
msgstr "A csatlakozáshoz szükséges port nincs továbbítva."
#: dashboard/templates/dashboard/vm-detail.html:90
#: dashboard/templates/dashboard/vm-detail.html:104
msgid "Host (IPv6)"
msgstr "Gép (IPv6)"
#: dashboard/templates/dashboard/vm-detail.html:102
#: dashboard/templates/dashboard/vm-detail.html:116
msgid "Show password"
msgstr "Jelszó megjelenítése"
#: dashboard/templates/dashboard/vm-detail.html:110
#: dashboard/templates/dashboard/vm-detail.html:124
msgid "Start the VM to change the password."
msgstr "Jelszóváltoztatáshoz el kell indítani a gépet."
#: dashboard/templates/dashboard/vm-detail.html:110
#: dashboard/templates/dashboard/vm-detail.html:124
msgid "Generate new password!"
msgstr "Új jelszó generálása"
#: dashboard/templates/dashboard/vm-detail.html:117
#: dashboard/templates/dashboard/vm-detail.html:129
#: dashboard/templates/dashboard/vm-detail.html:131
#: dashboard/templates/dashboard/vm-detail.html:143
msgid "Command"
msgstr "Parancs"
#: dashboard/templates/dashboard/vm-detail.html:122
#: dashboard/templates/dashboard/vm-detail.html:133
#: dashboard/templates/dashboard/vm-detail.html:136
#: dashboard/templates/dashboard/vm-detail.html:147
#: dashboard/templates/dashboard/vm-list.html:22
msgid "Select all"
msgstr "Összes kiválasztása"
#: dashboard/templates/dashboard/vm-detail.html:130
#: dashboard/templates/dashboard/vm-detail.html:144
msgid "Connection is not possible."
msgstr "A csatlakozás nem lehetséges."
#: dashboard/templates/dashboard/vm-detail.html:140
#: dashboard/templates/dashboard/vm-detail.html:154
msgid "Connect via the CIRCLE Client"
msgstr "Csatlakozás CIRCLE klienssel"
#: dashboard/templates/dashboard/vm-detail.html:141
#: dashboard/templates/dashboard/vm-detail.html:155
msgid "Connect"
msgstr "Csatlakozás"
#: dashboard/templates/dashboard/vm-detail.html:143
#: dashboard/templates/dashboard/vm-detail.html:157
msgid "Download client"
msgstr "Kliens letöltése"
#: dashboard/templates/dashboard/vm-detail.html:145
#: dashboard/templates/dashboard/vm-detail.html:159
msgid "Download the CIRCLE Client"
msgstr "A CIRCLE kliens letöltése"
#: dashboard/templates/dashboard/vm-detail.html:146
#: dashboard/templates/dashboard/vm-detail.html:160
msgid "Connect (download client)"
msgstr "Csatlakozás (kliens letöltése)"
#: dashboard/templates/dashboard/vm-detail.html:168
#: dashboard/templates/dashboard/vm-detail.html:182
msgid "Console"
msgstr "Konzol"
#: dashboard/templates/dashboard/vm-detail.html:172
#: dashboard/templates/dashboard/vm-detail.html:186
msgid "Access"
msgstr "Hozzáférés"
......@@ -1626,15 +1723,15 @@ msgstr "ID"
msgid "State"
msgstr "Állapot"
#: dashboard/templates/dashboard/vm-list.html:77
#: dashboard/templates/dashboard/vm-list.html:81
msgid "IP address"
msgstr "IP cím"
#: dashboard/templates/dashboard/vm-list.html:122
#: dashboard/templates/dashboard/vm-list.html:133
msgid "No result."
msgstr "Nincs eredmény."
#: dashboard/templates/dashboard/vm-list.html:141
#: dashboard/templates/dashboard/vm-list.html:152
msgid ""
"You can select multiple vm instances while holding down the <strong>CTRL</"
"strong> key."
......@@ -1642,7 +1739,7 @@ msgstr ""
"Több virtuális gépet is kiválaszthat a <strong>CTRL</strong> billentyű "
#: dashboard/templates/dashboard/vm-list.html:142
#: dashboard/templates/dashboard/vm-list.html:153
msgid ""
"If you want to select multiple instances by one click select an instance "
"then hold down <strong>SHIFT</strong> key and select another one!"
......@@ -1990,7 +2087,7 @@ msgstr "Felsorolás"
#: dashboard/templates/dashboard/store/list.html:4
#: dashboard/templates/dashboard/store/upload.html:4
#: dashboard/templates/dashboard/vm-detail/home.html:111
#: dashboard/templates/dashboard/vm-detail/home.html:146
msgid "Store"
msgstr "Tárhely"
......@@ -2025,10 +2122,6 @@ msgstr "Fájl törlésének megerősítése"
msgid "File directory"
msgstr "Fájl helye"
#: dashboard/templates/dashboard/store/remove.html:20
msgid "File name"
msgstr "Fájlnév"
#: dashboard/templates/dashboard/store/remove.html:22
#, python-format
msgid ""
......@@ -2077,19 +2170,19 @@ msgstr[1] ""
" %(num_cores)s CPU mag\n"
#: dashboard/templates/dashboard/vm-detail/_activity-timeline.html:29
#: dashboard/templates/dashboard/vm-detail/_activity-timeline.html:31
msgid "Abort"
msgstr "Megszakítás"
#: dashboard/templates/dashboard/vm-detail/_activity-timeline.html:59
#: dashboard/templates/dashboard/vm-detail/_activity-timeline.html:62
msgid "Show less activities"
msgstr "Kevesebb tevékenység megjelenítése"
#: dashboard/templates/dashboard/vm-detail/_activity-timeline.html:61
#: dashboard/templates/dashboard/vm-detail/_activity-timeline.html:64
msgid "Show all activities"
msgstr "Összes tevékenység megjelenítése"
#: dashboard/templates/dashboard/vm-detail/_network-port-add.html:14
#: dashboard/templates/dashboard/vm-detail/_network-port-add.html:15
msgid "Add"
msgstr "Hozzáadás"
......@@ -2137,35 +2230,35 @@ msgstr "Bezárás"
msgid "System"
msgstr "Rendszer"
#: dashboard/templates/dashboard/vm-detail/home.html:42
#: dashboard/templates/dashboard/vm-detail/home.html:48
msgid "Update"
msgstr "Frissítés"
#: dashboard/templates/dashboard/vm-detail/home.html:49
#: dashboard/templates/dashboard/vm-detail/home.html:57
msgid "Expiration"
msgstr "Lejárat"
#: dashboard/templates/dashboard/vm-detail/home.html:60
#: dashboard/templates/dashboard/vm-detail/home.html:69
msgid "Suspended at:"
msgstr "Felfüggesztve:"
#: dashboard/templates/dashboard/vm-detail/home.html:62
#: dashboard/templates/dashboard/vm-detail/home.html:75
msgid "Destroyed at:"
msgstr "Megsemmisítve:"
#: dashboard/templates/dashboard/vm-detail/home.html:66
#: dashboard/templates/dashboard/vm-detail/home.html:84
msgid "Tags"
msgstr "Címkék"
#: dashboard/templates/dashboard/vm-detail/home.html:77
msgid "No tag added!"
#: dashboard/templates/dashboard/vm-detail/home.html:97
msgid "No tag added."
msgstr "Nincs címke."
#: dashboard/templates/dashboard/vm-detail/home.html:88
#: dashboard/templates/dashboard/vm-detail/home.html:109
msgid "Add tag"
msgstr "Címke hozzáadása"
#: dashboard/templates/dashboard/vm-detail/network.html:8 vm/
#: dashboard/templates/dashboard/vm-detail/network.html:8 vm/
msgid "add interface"
msgstr "új interfész"
......@@ -2181,35 +2274,35 @@ msgstr "nem menedzselt"
msgid "edit"
msgstr "szerkesztés"
#: dashboard/templates/dashboard/vm-detail/network.html:34
#: dashboard/templates/dashboard/vm-detail/network.html:36
#: firewall/
msgid "IPv4 address"
msgstr "IPv4 cím"
#: dashboard/templates/dashboard/vm-detail/network.html:35
#: dashboard/templates/dashboard/vm-detail/network.html:37
#: firewall/
msgid "IPv6 address"
msgstr "IPv6 cím"
#: dashboard/templates/dashboard/vm-detail/network.html:36
#: dashboard/templates/dashboard/vm-detail/network.html:38
msgid "DNS name"
msgstr "DNS név"
#: dashboard/templates/dashboard/vm-detail/network.html:49
#: dashboard/templates/dashboard/vm-detail/network.html:51
#: network/
msgid "IPv4"
msgstr "IPv4"
#: dashboard/templates/dashboard/vm-detail/network.html:50
#: dashboard/templates/dashboard/vm-detail/network.html:52
#: network/
msgid "IPv6"
msgstr "IPv6"
#: dashboard/templates/dashboard/vm-detail/network.html:52
#: dashboard/templates/dashboard/vm-detail/network.html:54
msgid "Port access"
msgstr "Portok elérése"
#: dashboard/templates/dashboard/vm-detail/network.html:119
#: dashboard/templates/dashboard/vm-detail/network.html:121
msgid "This VM doesn't have an IPv6 address!"
msgstr "A VM-nek nincs IPv6 címe."
......@@ -2226,11 +2319,11 @@ msgstr "Erőforrások mentése"
msgid "Stop your VM to change resources."
msgstr "Állítsa le a VM-et az erőforrások módosításához."
#: dashboard/templates/dashboard/vm-detail/resources.html:57
#: dashboard/templates/dashboard/vm-detail/resources.html:51
msgid "Required traits"
msgstr "Elvárt jellemzők"
#: dashboard/templates/dashboard/vm-detail/resources.html:69
#: dashboard/templates/dashboard/vm-detail/resources.html:63
msgid "Raw data"
msgstr "Nyers adat"
......@@ -2254,121 +2347,146 @@ msgstr "példányok száma"
msgid "Allocated memory (bytes)"
msgstr "Foglalt memória (byte)"
#: dashboard/views/
#: dashboard/views/
#, python-format
msgid "User \"%s\" not found."
msgstr "Nem található „%s” felhasználó."
#: dashboard/views/
#: dashboard/views/
msgid "Group successfully renamed."
msgstr "A csoport átnevezésre került."
#: dashboard/views/
#: dashboard/views/
msgid "Member successfully removed from group."
msgstr "A csoporttag eltávolításra került."
#: dashboard/views/
#: dashboard/views/
msgid "Future user successfully removed from group."
msgstr "A leendő csoporttag eltávolításra került."
#: dashboard/views/
#: dashboard/views/
msgid "Group successfully deleted."
msgstr "A csoport törlésre került."
#: dashboard/views/
#: dashboard/views/
msgid "Create a Group"
msgstr "Csoport létrehozása"
#: dashboard/views/
#: dashboard/views/
msgid "Group successfully created."
msgstr "A csoport létrehozásra került."
#: dashboard/views/
#: dashboard/views/
msgid "Group is successfully updated."
msgstr "A csoport frissítésre került."
#: dashboard/views/
#: dashboard/views/
msgid "Node successfully renamed."
msgstr "A csomópont átnevezésre került."
#: dashboard/views/
#: dashboard/views/
msgid "Node successfully created."
msgstr "A csomópont létrehozásra került."
#: dashboard/views/
#: dashboard/views/
msgid "Node successfully deleted."
msgstr "A csomópont törlésre került."
#: dashboard/views/
#: dashboard/views/
msgid "Trait successfully added to node."
msgstr "A csomópontjellemző hozzáadásra került."
#: dashboard/views/
#: dashboard/views/
msgid "Node successfully changed status."
msgstr "A csomópont állapota megváltoztatásra került."
#: dashboard/views/
#: dashboard/views/
msgid "No store."
msgstr "Nincs tárhely."
#: dashboard/views/
#: dashboard/views/
msgid "Store has some problems now. Try again later."
msgstr "A tárhely nem működik. Próbálja később."
#: dashboard/views/
#: dashboard/views/
msgid "Unknown store error."
msgstr "Ismeretlen tárhelyhiba."
#: dashboard/views/
#: dashboard/views/
msgid "Something went wrong during download."
msgstr "Hiba a letöltésben."
#: dashboard/views/ dashboard/views/
#: dashboard/views/ dashboard/views/
msgid "Unable to upload file."
msgstr "Fájl feltöltése sikertelen."
#: dashboard/views/
#: dashboard/views/
#, python-format
msgid "Unable to remove %s."
msgstr "%s törlése sikertelen."
#: dashboard/views/
#: dashboard/views/
msgid "Unable to create folder."
msgstr "Mappa létrehozása sikertelen."
#: dashboard/views/
#: dashboard/views/
msgid "Choose template"
msgstr "Válasszon sablont"
#: dashboard/views/
#: dashboard/views/
msgid "Select an option to proceed."
msgstr "Válasszon a folytatáshoz."
#: dashboard/views/
#: dashboard/views/
msgid "Create a new base VM"
msgstr "Alap VM létrehozása"
#: dashboard/views/
#: dashboard/views/
msgid "Error during filtering."
msgstr "A szűrés sikertelen."
#: dashboard/views/
#: dashboard/views/
msgid "Only the owners can delete the selected template."
msgstr "A kiválasztott sablont csak a tulajdonosok törölhetik."
#: dashboard/views/
msgid "Template successfully deleted."
msgstr "A sablon törlésre került."
#: dashboard/views/
#: dashboard/views/
msgid "Successfully modified template."
msgstr "A sablon módosításra került."
#: dashboard/views/
#: dashboard/views/
msgid "Disk remove confirmation"
msgstr "Lemez törlésének megerősítése"
#: dashboard/views/
#, python-format
msgid ""
"Are you sure you want to remove <strong>%(disk)s</strong> from <strong>"
msgstr ""
"Biztosan eltávolítja a(z) <strong>%(disk)s</strong> lemezt a következőből: "
#: dashboard/views/
msgid "Disk successfully removed."
msgstr "A lemez eltávolításra került."
#: dashboard/views/
msgid "Successfully created a new lease."
msgstr "Új bérlési mód létrehozásra került."
#: dashboard/views/
#: dashboard/views/
msgid "Successfully modified lease."
msgstr "A bérlési mód megváltoztatásra került."
#: dashboard/views/
#: dashboard/views/
msgid "Only the owners can modify the selected lease."
msgstr "Csak a tulajdonosai törölhetik a kiválasztott bérleti módot."
#: dashboard/views/
msgid ""
"You can't delete this lease because some templates are still using it, "
"modify these to proceed: "
......@@ -2376,7 +2494,11 @@ msgstr ""
"Nem törölhető a bérleti mód, mivel az alábbi sablonok még használják. A "
"folytatáshoz módosítsa őket: "
#: dashboard/views/
#: dashboard/views/
msgid "Only the owners can delete the selected lease."
msgstr "Csak a tulajdonos törölheti a kiválasztott bérleti módot."
#: dashboard/views/
msgid "Lease successfully deleted."
msgstr "A bérlési mód törlésre került."
......@@ -2393,27 +2515,27 @@ msgstr "Nincs profilja."
msgid "Successfully modified subscription."
msgstr "A feliratkozás módosításra került."
#: dashboard/views/
#: dashboard/views/
msgid "Successfully modified SSH key."
msgstr "Az SSH kulcs módosításra került."
#: dashboard/views/
#: dashboard/views/
msgid "SSH key successfully deleted."
msgstr "Az SSH kulcs törlésre került."
#: dashboard/views/
#: dashboard/views/
msgid "Successfully created a new SSH key."
msgstr "Az új SSH kulcs hozzáadásra került."
#: dashboard/views/
#: dashboard/views/
msgid "Successfully modified command template."
msgstr "A parancssablon módosításra került."
#: dashboard/views/
#: dashboard/views/
msgid "Command template successfully deleted."
msgstr "A parancssablon törlésre került."
#: dashboard/views/
#: dashboard/views/
msgid "Successfully created a new command template."
msgstr "A parancssablon létrehozásra került."
......@@ -2448,170 +2570,153 @@ msgstr "A(z) %(w)s ACL felhasználó/csoport hozzáadásra került."
msgid "Acl user/group %(w)s successfully removed."
msgstr "A(z) %(w)s ACL felhasználó/csoport törlésre került."
#: dashboard/views/
#: dashboard/views/
msgid ""
"The original owner cannot be removed, however you can transfer ownership."
msgstr "Az eredeti tulajdonos nem törölhető, azonban a tulajdon átruházható."
#: dashboard/views/
#: dashboard/views/
#, python-format
msgid "User \"%s\" has already access to this object."
msgstr "„%s” felhasználó már hozzáfér az objektumhoz."
#: dashboard/views/
#: dashboard/views/
#, python-format
msgid "Group \"%s\" has already access to this object."
msgstr "„%s” csoport már hozzáfér az objektumhoz."
#: dashboard/views/
#: dashboard/views/
#, python-format
msgid "User or group \"%s\" not found."
msgstr "Nem található „%s” felhasználó vagy csoport."
#: dashboard/views/
#: dashboard/views/
msgid "1 hour"
msgstr "1 óra"
#: dashboard/views/
#: dashboard/views/
msgid "6 hours"
msgstr "6 óra"
#: dashboard/views/
#: dashboard/views/
msgid "1 day"
msgstr "1 nap"
#: dashboard/views/
#: dashboard/views/
msgid "1 week"
msgstr "1 hét"
#: dashboard/views/
#: dashboard/views/
msgid "1 month"
msgstr "1 hónap"
#: dashboard/views/
#: dashboard/views/
msgid "6 months"
msgstr "6 hónap"
#: dashboard/views/
#: dashboard/views/
msgid "Bad graph time format, available periods are: h, d, w, and y."
msgstr "Hibás grafikon időformátum. Lehetséges egységek: h, d, w és y."
#: dashboard/views/
#: dashboard/views/
msgid "console access"
msgstr "konzolhozzáférés"
#: dashboard/views/
#: dashboard/views/
msgid "VM successfully renamed."
msgstr "A virtuális gép átnevezésre került."
#: dashboard/views/
#: dashboard/views/
msgid "VM description successfully updated."
msgstr "A VM leírása megváltoztatásra került."
#: dashboard/views/
#: dashboard/views/
msgid "There is a problem with your input."
msgstr "A megadott érték nem megfelelő."
#: dashboard/views/
#: dashboard/views/
msgid "Unknown error."
msgstr "Ismeretlen hiba."
#: dashboard/views/
#: dashboard/views/
msgid "The token has expired."
msgstr "A token lejárt."
#: dashboard/views/
#: dashboard/views/
#, python-format
msgid "Failed to execute %(op)s operation on instance %(instance)s."
msgstr "%(op)s végrehajtása meghiúsult a következőn: %(instance)s."
#: dashboard/views/
#: dashboard/views/
#, python-format
msgid "You are not permitted to execute %(op)s on instance %(instance)s."
msgstr "Nem engedélyezett a(z) %(op)s végrehajtása a(z) %(instance)s gépen."
#: dashboard/views/
#: dashboard/views/
msgid "Customize VM"
msgstr "VM testreszabása"
#: dashboard/views/
#: dashboard/views/
msgid "Create a VM"
msgstr "VM létrehozása"
#: dashboard/views/
#: dashboard/views/
#, python-format
msgid "Successfully created %(count)d VM."
msgid_plural "Successfully created %(count)d VMs."
msgstr[0] "%(count)d VM létrehozásra került."
msgstr[1] "%(count)d VM létrehozásra került."
#: dashboard/views/
#: dashboard/views/
msgid "VM successfully created."
msgstr "VM létrehozásra került."
#: dashboard/views/
#: dashboard/views/
#, python-format
msgid "Instance limit (%d) exceeded."
msgstr "A példányok létrehozási korlátját (%d) túllépte."
#: dashboard/views/
#: dashboard/views/
#, python-format
msgid ""
"Are you sure you want to remove this interface from <strong>%(vm)s</strong>?"
msgstr ""
"Biztosan eltávolítja az interfészt a(z) <strong>%(vm)s</strong> gépből?"
#: dashboard/views/
#: dashboard/views/
msgid "Interface successfully deleted."
msgstr "Az interfész törlésre került."
#: dashboard/views/
msgid "Disk remove confirmation"
msgstr "Lemez törlésének megerősítése"
#: dashboard/views/
#, python-format
msgid ""
"Are you sure you want to remove <strong>%(disk)s</strong> from <strong>"
msgstr ""
"Biztosan eltávolítja a(z) <strong>%(disk)s</strong> lemezt a következőből: "
#: dashboard/views/
msgid "Disk successfully removed."
msgstr "A lemez eltávolításra került."
#: dashboard/views/
#: dashboard/views/
msgid "Port delete confirmation"
msgstr "Porteltávolítás megerősítése"
#: dashboard/views/
#: dashboard/views/
#, python-format
msgid "Are you sure you want to close %(port)d/%(proto)s on %(vm)s?"
msgstr "Biztosan bezárja a(z) %(port)d/%(proto)s portot a következőn: %(vm)s?"
#: dashboard/views/
#: dashboard/views/
msgid "Port successfully removed."
msgstr "A port eltávolításra került."
#: dashboard/views/
#: dashboard/views/
msgid "About CIRCLE Client"
msgstr "A CIRCLE kliensről"
#: dashboard/views/
#: dashboard/views/
msgid "Transfer ownership"
msgstr "Tulajdon átruházása"
#: dashboard/views/
#: dashboard/views/
msgid "Can not find specified user."
msgstr "Nem található a megadott felhasználó."
#: dashboard/views/
#: dashboard/views/
msgid "Ownership offer"
msgstr "Átruházási ajánlat"
#: dashboard/views/
#: dashboard/views/
#, python-format
msgid ""
"%(user)s offered you to take the ownership of his/her virtual machine called "
......@@ -2621,32 +2726,32 @@ msgstr ""
"%(user)s át kívánja ruházni %(instance)s nevű virtuális gépét Önre. <a href="
"\"%(token)s\" class=\"btn btn-success btn-small\">Elfogadás</a>"
#: dashboard/views/
#: dashboard/views/
msgid "Can not notify selected user."
msgstr "A kiválaszott felhasználó értesítése sikertelen."
#: dashboard/views/
#: dashboard/views/
#, python-format
msgid "User %s is notified about the offer."
msgstr "%s felhasználó értesítésre került az ajánlatról."
#: dashboard/views/
#: dashboard/views/
msgid "Ownership successfully transferred to you."
msgstr "A tulajdon átruházásra került."
#: dashboard/views/
#: dashboard/views/
msgid "This token is for an other user."
msgstr "A token más felhasználó nevére szól."
#: dashboard/views/
#: dashboard/views/
msgid "This token is invalid or has expired."
msgstr "A token érvénytelen vagy lejárt."
#: dashboard/views/
#: dashboard/views/
msgid "Ownership accepted"
msgstr "Átruházás elfogadva"
#: dashboard/views/
#: dashboard/views/
#, python-format
msgid "Your ownership offer of %(instance)s has been accepted by %(user)s."
msgstr "%(instance)s gépre vonatkozó átruházási ajánlatát elfogadta %(user)s."
......@@ -2728,8 +2833,8 @@ msgstr "A szabály kimenő vagy bejövő csomagokra illeszkedik."
#: firewall/ firewall/ firewall/
#: firewall/ firewall/ firewall/
#: firewall/ firewall/ vm/models/
#: vm/models/
#: firewall/ firewall/ vm/models/
#: vm/models/
msgid "description"
msgstr "leírás"
......@@ -2828,8 +2933,8 @@ msgstr "módosítva"
#: firewall/ firewall/
#: network/templates/network/vlan-create.html:8
#: network/templates/network/vlan-edit.html:8 vm/models/
#: vm/models/
#: network/templates/network/vlan-edit.html:8 vm/models/
#: vm/models/
msgid "vlan"
msgstr "vlan"
......@@ -2848,7 +2953,7 @@ msgstr "Erre a vlan-csoportra vonatkozik a szabály (ha a típus vlan)."
#: firewall/ firewall/ firewall/
#: network/templates/network/host-create.html:8
#: network/templates/network/host-edit.html:8 vm/models/
#: network/templates/network/host-edit.html:8 vm/models/
#: vm/models/
msgid "host"
msgstr "gép"
......@@ -2968,7 +3073,7 @@ msgstr ""
msgid "network type"
msgstr "hálózat típusa"
#: firewall/ vm/models/
#: firewall/ vm/models/
msgid "managed"
msgstr "menedzselt"
......@@ -3788,7 +3893,7 @@ msgstr "eszközazonosító"
msgid "disk"
msgstr "lemez"
#: storage/ vm/models/ vm/models/
#: storage/ vm/models/ vm/models/
msgid "disks"
msgstr "lemezek"
......@@ -3800,77 +3905,81 @@ msgstr "Létrehozhat új lemezt."
msgid "Can download a disk."
msgstr "Letölthet lemezt."
#: storage/
#: storage/
msgid "Can resize a disk."
msgstr "Átméretezhet lemezt."
#: storage/
#, python-format
msgid "Operation can't be invoked on disk '%(name)s' of type '%(type)s'."
msgstr ""
"A kér művelet nem hajtható végre a(z) %(type)s típusú „%(name)s” lemezen."
"A kért művelet nem hajtható végre a(z) %(type)s típusú „%(name)s” lemezen."
#: storage/
#: storage/
#, python-format
msgid ""
"Operation can't be invoked on disk '%(name)s' (%(pk)s) of type '%(type)s'."
msgstr ""
"A kér művelet nem hajtható végre a(z) %(type)s típusú „%(name)s” (%(pk)s) "
"A kért művelet nem hajtható végre a(z) %(type)s típusú „%(name)s” (%(pk)s) "
#: storage/
#: storage/
#, python-format
msgid ""
"The requested operation can't be performed on disk '%(name)s' because it is "
"in use."
msgstr ""
"A kér művelet nem hajtható végre a(z) „%(name)s” lemezen, mivel használatban "
"A kért művelet nem hajtható végre a(z) „%(name)s” lemezen, mivel használatban "
#: storage/
#: storage/
#, python-format
msgid ""
"The requested operation can't be performed on disk '%(name)s' (%(pk)s) "
"because it is in use."
msgstr ""
"A kér művelet nem hajtható végre a(z) „%(name)s” (%(pk)s) lemezen, mivel "
"A kért művelet nem hajtható végre a(z) „%(name)s” (%(pk)s) lemezen, mivel "
"használatban van."
#: storage/
#: storage/
#, python-format
msgid ""
"The requested operation can't be performed on disk '%(name)s' because it has "
"never been deployed."
msgstr ""
"A kér művelet nem hajtható végre a(z) „%(name)s” lemezen, mivel nem volt még "
"A kért művelet nem hajtható végre a(z) „%(name)s” lemezen, mivel nem volt még "
#: storage/
#: storage/
#, python-format
msgid ""
"The requested operation can't be performed on disk '%(name)s' (%(pk)s) "
"[%(filename)s] because it has never beendeployed."
msgstr ""
"A kér művelet nem hajtható végre a(z) „%(name)s” (%(pk)s) [%(filename)s] "
"A kért művelet nem hajtható végre a(z) „%(name)s” (%(pk)s) [%(filename)s] "
"lemezen, mivel nem volt még csatolva."
#: storage/
#: storage/
#, python-format
msgid ""
"The requested operation can't be performed on disk '%(name)s' because its "
"base has never been deployed."
msgstr ""
"A kér művelet nem hajtható végre a(z) „%(name)s” lemezen, mivel az alapja "
"A kért művelet nem hajtható végre a(z) „%(name)s” lemezen, mivel az alapja "
"nem volt még csatolva."
#: storage/
#: storage/
#, python-format
msgid ""
"The requested operation can't be performed on disk '%(name)s' (%(pk)s) "
"[%(filename)s] because its base '%(b_name)s' (%(b_pk)s) [%(b_filename)s] has "
"never beendeployed."
msgstr ""
"A kér művelet nem hajtható végre a(z) „%(name)s” (%(pk)s) [%(filename)s] "
"A kért művelet nem hajtható végre a(z) „%(name)s” (%(pk)s) [%(filename)s] "
"lemezen, mivel az alapja, „%(b_name)s” (%(b_pk)s) [%(b_filename)s] nem "
"volt még csatolva."
#: storage/ storage/ vm/models/
#: storage/ storage/ vm/
msgid "Operation aborted by user."
msgstr "A műveletet a felhasználó megszakította."
......@@ -4518,59 +4627,68 @@ msgstr "Jelszó visszaállítása"
msgid "Enter your email address to reset your password."
msgstr "Adja meg e-mail címét a jelszó visszaállításához."
#: vm/
#: vm/
#, python-format
msgid "%(acl_level)s level is required for this operation."
msgstr "%(acl_level)s jogosultság szükséges a művelethez."
#: vm/
#: vm/
msgid "Add a new network interface for the specified VLAN to the VM."
msgstr "Új hálózati interfész hozzáadása a megadott VLAN-ba."
#: vm/
#: vm/
msgid "destroy network (rollback)"
msgstr "hálózat megsemmisítése (visszagörgetés)"
#: vm/
#: vm/
#, python-format
msgid "User acces to vlan %(vlan)s is required."
msgstr "Használói jogosultság szükséges a(z) %(vlan)s vlan-hoz."
#: vm/
msgid "attach network"
msgstr "hálózat csatolása"
#: vm/
#: vm/
#, python-format
msgid "add %(vlan)s interface"
msgstr "új %(vlan)s interfész"
#: vm/
#: vm/
msgid "create disk"
msgstr "lemez létrehozása"
#: vm/
#: vm/
msgid "Create and attach empty disk to the virtual machine."
msgstr "Üres lemez létehozása és virtuális géphez csatolása."
#: vm/
#: vm/
msgid "deploying disk"
msgstr "lemez létrehozása"
#: vm/ vm/
msgid "attach disk"
msgstr "lemez csatolása"
#: vm/
#: vm/
#, python-format
msgid "create disk %(name)s (%(size)s)"
msgstr "%(name)s lemez létrehozása (%(size)s)"
#: vm/
#: vm/
msgid "resize disk"
msgstr "lemez átméretezése"
#: vm/
msgid ""
"Resize the virtual disk image. Size must be greater value than the actual "
msgstr ""
"Virtuális lemezkép átméretezése. Az új méret meg kell haladja "
"a jelenlegit."
#: vm/
#, python-format
msgid "resize disk %(name)s to %(size)s"
msgstr "%(name)s lemez átméretezése (%(size)s)"
#: vm/
msgid "download disk"
msgstr "lemez letöltése"
#: vm/
#: vm/
msgid ""
"Download and attach disk image (ISO file) for the virtual machine. Most "
"operating systems do not detect a new optical drive, so you may have to "
......@@ -4580,16 +4698,21 @@ msgstr ""
"operációs rendszer nem érzékeli az új optikai meghajtót, így valószínűleg "
"újra kell indítania a virtuális gépet."
#: vm/
#: vm/
#, python-format
msgid "download %(name)s"
msgstr "%(name)s letöltése"
#: vm/
#: vm/
#, python-format
msgid "Downloading %(url)s is finished. The file md5sum is: '%(checksum)s'."
msgstr "%(url)s letöltése sikeres. A fájl md5sum összege: '%(checksum)s'."
#: vm/
msgid "deploy"
msgstr "indítás"
#: vm/
#: vm/
msgid ""
"Deploy and start the virtual machine (including storage and network "
......@@ -4597,101 +4720,117 @@ msgstr ""
"Virtuális gép elhelyezése és indítása (valamint a lemezek és a hálózat "
#: vm/
#: vm/
#, python-format
msgid "virtual machine successfully deployed to node: %(node)s"
msgstr "a virtuális gép sikeresen elindítva a következő csomóponton: %(node)s"
#: vm/
msgid "deploy disks"
msgstr "lemez létrehozása"
#: vm/ vm/ vm/
msgid "deploy network"
msgstr "hálózati kapcsolat létrehozása"
#: vm/ vm/ vm/
msgid "wait operating system loading"
msgstr "várakozás az operációs rendszer betöltésére"
#: vm/
msgid "deploy vm"
msgstr "vm indítása"
#: vm/
msgid "Deploy virtual machine."
msgstr "Virtuális gép létrehozása."
#: vm/
#: vm/
msgid "deploy virtual machine"
msgstr "virtuális gép létrehozása"
#: vm/
#: vm/
#, python-format
msgid "deploy vm to %(node)s"
msgstr "vm létrehozása: %(node)s"
#: vm/ vm/ vm/
msgid "deploy network"
msgstr "hálózati kapcsolat létrehozása"
#: vm/
msgid "deploy disks"
msgstr "lemez létrehozása"
#: vm/
msgid "Deploy all associated disks."
msgstr "Csatolt lemezek létrehozása."
#: vm/
#: vm/
msgid "boot virtual machine"
msgstr "virtuális gép indítása"
#: vm/ vm/ vm/
msgid "wait operating system loading"
msgstr "várakozás az operációs rendszer betöltésére"
#: vm/
#: vm/
msgid "destroy"
msgstr "megsemmisítés"
#: vm/
#: vm/
msgid "Permanently destroy virtual machine, its network settings and disks."
msgstr ""
"Virtuális gép és lemezeinek, hálózati beállításainak végleges eltávolítása."
#: vm/
#: vm/
msgid "destroy network"
msgstr "hálózat megsemmisítése"
#: vm/
#: vm/
msgid "destroy disks"
msgstr "lemez megsemmisítése"
#: vm/
msgid "destroy virtual machine"
msgstr "virtuális gép megsemmisítése"
#: vm/
msgid "destroy disks"
msgstr "lemez megsemmisítése"
#: vm/
msgid "removing memory dump"
msgstr "memóriamentés törlése"
#: vm/
#: vm/
msgid "migrate"
msgstr "migrálás"
#: vm/
#: vm/
msgid ""
"Move virtual machine to an other worker node with a few seconds of "
"interruption (live migration)."
"Move a running virtual machine to an other worker node keeping its full "
msgstr ""
"A virtuális gép áthelyezése egy másik számítási csomópontra néhány másodperc "
"kimaradással (live migration)."
"A virtuális gép mozgatása egy másik számítási csomópontra állapotának "
#: vm/
#: vm/
msgid "redeploy network (rollback)"
msgstr "hálózati kapcsolat újraépítése (visszagörgetés)"
#: vm/
#: vm/
msgid "schedule"
msgstr "ütemezés"
#: vm/
#: vm/
#, python-format
msgid "migrate to %(node)s"
msgstr "migrálás %(node)s csomópontra"
#: vm/ vm/
#: vm/ vm/
msgid "shutdown network"
msgstr "hálózati kapcsolat leállítása"
#: vm/
#: vm/
msgid "reboot"
msgstr "újraindítás"
#: vm/
#: vm/
msgid ""
"Warm reboot virtual machine by sending Ctrl+Alt+Del signal to its console."
msgstr ""
"Virtuális gép újraindítása a konzoljára a Ctrl+Alt+Del kombináció küldésével."
#: vm/
#: vm/
msgid "remove interface"
msgstr "interfész törlése"
#: vm/
#: vm/
msgid ""
"Remove the specified network interface and erase IP address allocations, "
"related firewall rules and hostnames."
......@@ -4699,50 +4838,42 @@ msgstr ""
"A kiválasztott hálózati interfész eltávolítása, a foglalt IP címek, "
"tűzfalszabályok és gépnevek törlése."
#: vm/
msgid "detach network"
msgstr "hálózat lecsatolása"
#: vm/
#: vm/
#, python-format
msgid "remove %(vlan)s interface"
msgstr "%(vlan)s interfész törlése"
#: vm/
#: vm/
msgid "remove disk"
msgstr "lemez eltávolítása"
#: vm/
#: vm/
msgid ""
"Remove the specified disk from the virtual machine, and destroy the data."
msgstr "A megadott lemez eltávolítása a virtuális gépből és az adat törlése."
#: vm/
msgid "detach disk"
msgstr "lemez leválasztása"
#: vm/
#: vm/
msgid "destroy disk"
msgstr "lemez megsemmisítése"
#: vm/
#: vm/
#, python-format
msgid "remove disk %(name)s"
msgstr "%(name)s lemez eltávolítása"
#: vm/
#: vm/ vm/
msgid "reset"
msgstr "reset"
#: vm/
#: vm/
msgid "Cold reboot virtual machine (power cycle)."
msgstr "Virtuális gép hideg újraindítása (hálózati tápellátás megszakítása)."
#: vm/
#: vm/
msgid "save as template"
msgstr "mentés sablonként"
#: vm/
#: vm/
msgid ""
"Save virtual machine as a template so they can be shared with users and "
"groups. Anyone who has access to a template (and to the networks it uses) "
......@@ -4752,16 +4883,16 @@ msgstr ""
"felhasználókkal és csoportokkal. Mindenki, aki hozzáférést kap egy sablonhoz "
"(és az általa használt hálózatokhoz), képes lesz egy példányát elindítani."
#: vm/
#: vm/
#, python-format
msgid "saving disk %(name)s"
msgstr "%(name)s lemez mentése"
#: vm/
#: vm/
msgid "shutdown"
msgstr "leállítás"
#: vm/
#: vm/
msgid ""
"Try to halt virtual machine by a standard ACPI signal, allowing the "
"operating system to keep a consistent state. The operation will fail if the "
......@@ -4771,7 +4902,7 @@ msgstr ""
"operációs rendszer számár a szabályos leállást. A művelet meghiúsul, ha a "
"gép nem áll le."
#: vm/
#: vm/
msgid ""
"The virtual machine did not switch off in the provided time limit. Most of "
"the time this is caused by incorrect ACPI settings. You can also try to "
......@@ -4781,11 +4912,11 @@ msgstr ""
"ez a nem megfelelő ACPI beállítások miatt van. Megpróbálhatja a gépet az "
"operációs rendszerből, kézzel leállítani."
#: vm/
#: vm/
msgid "shut off"
msgstr "kikapcsolás"
#: vm/
#: vm/
msgid ""
"Forcibly halt a virtual machine without notifying the operating system. This "
"operation will even work in cases when shutdown does not, but the operating "
......@@ -4798,11 +4929,11 @@ msgstr ""
"rendszer és a fájlrendszer sérülhet, adatvesztés történhet. A művelet hatása "
"hasonló, mint egy fizikai gép tápellátásának megszüntetése."
#: vm/
#: vm/
msgid "sleep"
msgstr "altatás"
#: vm/
#: vm/
msgid ""
"Suspend virtual machine. This means the machine is stopped and its memory is "
"saved to disk, so if the machine is waked up, all the applications will keep "
......@@ -4818,15 +4949,15 @@ msgstr ""
"megállhatnak visszaállítás után. A felfüggesztés ideje alatt a virtuális gép "
"csak tárterületet és hálózati erőforrásokat foglal."
#: vm/
#: vm/
msgid "suspend virtual machine"
msgstr "virtuális gép felfüggesztése"
#: vm/
#: vm/
msgid "wake up"
msgstr "virtuális gép ébresztése"
#: vm/
#: vm/
msgid ""
"Wake up sleeping (suspended) virtual machine. This will load the saved "
"memory of the system and start the virtual machine from this state."
......@@ -4834,15 +4965,15 @@ msgstr ""
"Alvó (felfüggesztett) gép ébresztése: az elmentett memóriatartalom "
"visszatöltése és a virtuális gép indítása ebből a mentett állapotból."
#: vm/
#: vm/
msgid "resume virtual machine"
msgstr "virtuális gép ébresztése"
#: vm/
#: vm/
msgid "renew"
msgstr "megújítás"
#: vm/
#: vm/
msgid ""
"Virtual machines are suspended and destroyed after they expire. This "
"operation renews expiration times according to the lease type. If the "
......@@ -4852,7 +4983,7 @@ msgstr ""
"a művelet megújítja a bérletet a kiválasztott típusnak megfelelően. Ha egy "
"gép közeledik a lejárathoz, a tulajdonost értesítjük."
#: vm/
#: vm/
msgid ""
"Renewing the machine with the selected lease would result in its suspension "
"time get earlier than before."
......@@ -4860,7 +4991,7 @@ msgstr ""
"A gép megújítása a kiválasztott bérleti mód mellett a felfüggesztési időt "
"korábbra állította volna, mint a jelenlegi érték."
#: vm/
#: vm/
msgid ""
"Renewing the machine with the selected lease would result in its delete time "
"get earlier than before."
......@@ -4868,17 +4999,17 @@ msgstr ""
"A gép megújítása a kiválasztott bérleti mód mellett a törlési időt korábbra "
"állította volna, mint a jelenlegi érték."
#: vm/
#: vm/
#, python-format
msgid "Renewed to suspend at %(suspend)s and destroy at %(delete)s."
msgstr ""
"Megújítás után felfüggesztés ideje: %(suspend)s, a törlésé: %(delete)s."
#: vm/
#: vm/
msgid "emergency state change"
msgstr "vész-állapotváltás"
#: vm/
#: vm/
msgid ""
"Change the virtual machine state to NOSTATE. This should only be used if "
"manual intervention was needed in the virtualization layer, and the machine "
......@@ -4889,46 +5020,68 @@ msgstr ""
"rétegben, és úgy szeretné a gépet újból elindítani, hogy ne vesszenek el "
"lemezei vagy hálózati erőforrásai."
#: vm/
#: vm/
msgid "Activity is forcibly interrupted."
msgstr "A tevékenység erőszakos megszakításra került."
#: vm/
#: vm/
msgid "redeploy"
msgstr "újbóli létrehozás"
#: vm/
msgid ""
"Change the virtual machine state to NOSTATE and redeploy the VM. This "
"operation allows starting machines formerly running on a failed node."
msgstr ""
"A virtuális gép állapotának átállítása NOSTATE-re, majd a VM újbóli "
"létrehozása. "
"Ez a művelet lehetővé teszi olyan gépek elindítását, amelyek korábban egy "
"meghibásodott csomóponton futnak."
#: vm/
msgid "You cannot call this operation on an offline node."
msgstr "Nem hívható ez a művelet elérhetetlen csomópontra."
#: vm/
#: vm/
msgid "Disable missing node and redeploy all instances on other ones."
msgstr "Hiányzó csomópont letiltása és az összes példány elindítása a többin."
#: vm/
msgid "You cannot reset a disabled or online node."
msgstr "Tiltott vagy elérhető csomópont resetelése nem lehetséges."
#: vm/ vm/
#, python-format
msgid "migrate %(instance)s (%(pk)s)"
msgstr "%(instance)s (%(pk)s) migrálása"
#: vm/
msgid "flush"
msgstr "ürítés"
#: vm/
#: vm/
msgid "Passivate node and move all instances to other ones."
msgstr ""
"A csomópont passzívra állítása és az összes példány másikakra mozgatása."
#: vm/
#, python-format
msgid "migrate %(instance)s (%(pk)s)"
msgstr "%(instance)s (%(pk)s) migrálása"
#: vm/
#: vm/
msgid "activate"
msgstr "aktiválás"
#: vm/
#: vm/
msgid ""
"Make node active, i.e. scheduler is allowed to deploy virtual machines to it."
msgstr "Csomópont aktívvá tétele: az ütemező indíthat virtuális gépeket rajta."
#: vm/
#: vm/
msgid "You cannot activate an active node."
msgstr "Aktív csomópont aktiválása nem lehetséges."
#: vm/
#: vm/
msgid "passivate"
msgstr "passziválás"
#: vm/
#: vm/
msgid ""
"Make node passive, i.e. scheduler is denied to deploy virtual machines to "
"it, but remaining instances and the ones manually migrated will continue "
......@@ -4937,31 +5090,31 @@ msgstr ""
"Csomópont passzívvá tétele: az ütemező nem indíthat rajta virtuális gépeket, "
"azonban a megmaradt példányok és a kézzel idemigráltak tovább működnek."
#: vm/
#: vm/
msgid "You cannot passivate a passive node."
msgstr "Passzív csomópont passziválása nem lehetséges."
#: vm/
#: vm/
msgid "disable"
msgstr "tiltás"
#: vm/
#: vm/
msgid "Disable node."
msgstr "Csomópont tiltása."
#: vm/
#: vm/
msgid "You cannot disable a disabled node."
msgstr "Tiltott csomópont tiltása nem lehetséges."
#: vm/
#: vm/
msgid "You cannot disable a node which is hosting instances."
msgstr "Nem tiltható le olyan csomópont, amelyen még futnak példányok."
#: vm/
#: vm/
msgid "screenshot"
msgstr "képernyőkép"
#: vm/
#: vm/
msgid ""
"Get a screenshot about the virtual machine's console. A key will be pressed "
"on the keyboard to stop screensaver."
......@@ -4969,11 +5122,11 @@ msgstr ""
"Képernyőkép készítése a virtuális gép konzoljáról. Egy billentyűnyomást "
"követően készül a kép a képernyővédő miatt."
#: vm/
#: vm/
msgid "recover"
msgstr "visszaállítás"
#: vm/
#: vm/
msgid ""
"Try to recover virtual machine disks from destroyed state. Network resources "
"(allocations) are already lost, so you will have to manually add interfaces "
......@@ -4983,15 +5136,15 @@ msgstr ""
"hálózati erőforrások foglalásai már végleg elvesztek, így az interfészeket "
"kézzel kell a visszaállítás után pótolni."
#: vm/
#: vm/
msgid "resources change"
msgstr "erőforrások módosítása"
#: vm/
#: vm/
msgid "Change resources of a stopped virtual machine."
msgstr "Leállított virtuális gép erőforrásainak változtatása."
#: vm/
#: vm/
#, python-format
msgid ""
"Priority: %(priority)s, Num cores: %(num_cores)s, Ram size: %(ram_size)s"
......@@ -4999,11 +5152,11 @@ msgstr ""
"Prioritás: %(priority)s, magok száma: %(num_cores)s, memória mérete: "
#: vm/
#: vm/
msgid "password reset"
msgstr "jelszó visszaállítása"
#: vm/
#: vm/
msgid ""
"Generate and set a new login password on the virtual machine. This operation "
"requires the agent running. Resetting the password is not warranted to allow "
......@@ -5013,11 +5166,52 @@ msgstr ""
"művelet megköveteli az ügynök futását. A jelszó átállítása nem garantálja a "
"sikeres belépést, mivel más beállítások is megakadályozhatják ezt."
#: vm/
#: vm/
msgid "agent"
msgstr "ügynök"
#: vm/
msgid "starting"
msgstr "indítás"
#: vm/
msgid "wait agent restarting"
msgstr "várakozás az ügynök újraindulására"
#: vm/
msgid "cleanup"
msgstr "takarítás"
#: vm/
msgid "set time"
msgstr "óra beállítása"
#: vm/
msgid "set hostname"
msgstr "gépnév beállítása"
#: vm/
msgid "restart networking"
msgstr "hálózat újratöltése"
#: vm/
msgid "change ip"
msgstr "IP cím beállítása"
#: vm/
msgid "update agent"
msgstr "ügynök frissítése"
#: vm/
#, python-format
msgid "update agent to %(version)s"
msgstr "ügynökfrissítés erre: %(version)s"
#: vm/
msgid "mount store"
msgstr "tárhely csatolása"
#: vm/
#: vm/
msgid ""
"This operation attaches your personal file store. Other users who have "
"access to this machine can see these files as well."
......@@ -5025,37 +5219,62 @@ msgstr ""
"Ez a művelet csatolja az ön személyes tárhelyét. A gép más felhasználói is "
"elérhetik fájljait."
#: vm/models/
#: vm/
msgid "attach disk"
msgstr "lemez csatolása"
#: vm/
msgid "Resource was not found."
msgstr "Nem található az erőforrás."
#: vm/
#, python-format
msgid "Resource was not found. %(exception)s"
msgstr "Nem található az erőforrás. %(exception)s"
#: vm/
msgid "detach disk"
msgstr "lemez leválasztása"
#: vm/
msgid "attach network"
msgstr "hálózat csatolása"
#: vm/
msgid "detach network"
msgstr "hálózat lecsatolása"
#: vm/models/
#, python-format
msgid "%(activity)s activity is currently in progress."
msgstr "%(activity)s folyamatban van."
#: vm/models/
#: vm/models/
#, python-format
msgid "%(activity)s (%(pk)s) activity is currently in progress."
msgstr "%(activity)s (%(pk)s) folyamatban van."
#: vm/models/
#: vm/models/
msgid "Instance this activity works on."
msgstr "A tevékenység tárgyát képező példány."
#: vm/models/
#: vm/models/
msgid "Other activities can interrupt this one."
msgstr "Más tevékenységek megszakíthatják ezt."
#: vm/models/
#: vm/models/
msgid "Interrupted by other activity."
msgstr "Egy másik tevékenység megszakította."
#: vm/models/
#: vm/models/
msgid "Node this activity works on."
msgstr "A tevékenység tárgyát képező csomópont."
#: vm/models/
#: vm/models/
msgid "node"
msgstr "csomópont"
#: vm/models/
#: vm/models/
msgid "Manager is restarted, activity is cleaned up. You can try again now."
msgstr ""
"A menedzser újraindítása miatt a tevékenység lezárásra került. Próbálja újra."
......@@ -5125,60 +5344,60 @@ msgstr "soha"
msgid "%(name)s (suspend: %(s)s, remove: %(r)s)"
msgstr "%(name)s (felfüggesztés: %(s)s, törlés: %(r)s)"
#: vm/models/
#: vm/models/
msgid "Primary remote access method."
msgstr "Elsődleges távoli elérési mód."
#: vm/models/
#: vm/models/
msgid "boot menu"
msgstr "rendszerbetöltő menüje"
#: vm/models/
#: vm/models/
msgid "Show boot device selection menu on boot."
msgstr ""
"A rendszerbetöltés eszközének kiválasztását lehetővé tevő menü megjelenítése "
#: vm/models/
#: vm/models/
msgid "Preferred expiration periods."
msgstr "Javasolt bérlési mód."
#: vm/models/
#: vm/models/
msgid "raw_data"
msgstr "nyers adat"
#: vm/models/
#: vm/models/
msgid "Additional libvirt domain parameters in XML format."
msgstr "További libvirt domain-paraméterek XML formátumban."
#: vm/models/
#: vm/models/
msgid ""
"A set of traits required for a node to declare to be suitable for hosting "
"the VM."
msgstr "A VM indításához szükséges csomópontjellemzők halmaza."
#: vm/models/
#: vm/models/
msgid "required traits"
msgstr "elvárt jellemzők"
#: vm/models/
#: vm/models/
msgid "operating system"
msgstr "operációs rendszer"
#: vm/models/
#: vm/models/
#, python-format
msgid "Name of operating system in format like \"%s\"."
msgstr "Az operációs rendszer neve. Például „%s”."
#: vm/models/ vm/models/
#: vm/models/ vm/models/
msgid "tags"
msgstr "címkék"
#: vm/models/
#: vm/models/
msgid "has agent"
msgstr "van ügynöke"
#: vm/models/
#: vm/models/
msgid ""
"If the machine has agent installed, and the manager should wait for its "
......@@ -5186,161 +5405,165 @@ msgstr ""
"A gépre telepítve van-e az ügynökszoftver, vagyis a menedzser várjon-e az "
#: vm/models/
#: vm/models/
msgid "parent template"
msgstr "szülősablon"
#: vm/models/
#: vm/models/
msgid "Template which this one is derived of."
msgstr "Az a sablon, amelyből az aktuális származik."
#: vm/models/
#: vm/models/
msgid "Disks which are to be mounted."
msgstr "A csatolandó lemezek."
#: vm/models/
#: vm/models/
msgid "Can create an instance template."
msgstr "Létrehozhat példánysablont."
#: vm/models/
#: vm/models/
msgid "Can create an instance template (base)."
msgstr "Létrehozhat példánysablont (alapokból)."
#: vm/models/
#: vm/models/
msgid "Can change resources of a template."
msgstr "Változtathatja egy sablon erőforrásait."
#: vm/models/
#: vm/models/
msgid "templates"
msgstr "sablonok"
#: vm/models/
#: vm/models/
msgid "no state"
msgstr "nincs állapot"
#: vm/models/
#: vm/models/
msgid "running"
msgstr "fut"
#: vm/models/
#: vm/models/
msgid "stopped"
msgstr "leállítva"
#: vm/models/
#: vm/models/
msgid "suspended"
msgstr "felfüggesztve"
#: vm/models/
#: vm/models/
msgid "error"
msgstr "hiba"
#: vm/models/
#: vm/models/
msgid "pending"
msgstr "függő"
#: vm/models/
#: vm/models/
msgid "destroyed"
msgstr "megsemmisítve"
#: vm/models/
#: vm/models/
msgid "Human readable name of instance."
msgstr "A példány olvasható neve."
#: vm/models/
#: vm/models/
msgid "Template the instance derives from."
msgstr "Az a sablon, amelyből a példány származik."
#: vm/models/
#: vm/models/
msgid "Original password of the instance."
msgstr "A példány eredeti jelszava."
#: vm/models/
#: vm/models/
msgid "password"
msgstr "jelszó"
#: vm/models/
#: vm/models/
msgid "time of suspend"
msgstr "felfüggesztés ideje"
#: vm/models/
#: vm/models/
msgid "Proposed time of automatic suspension."
msgstr "A felfüggesztés kijelölt ideje."
#: vm/models/
#: vm/models/
msgid "time of delete"
msgstr "törlés ideje"
#: vm/models/
#: vm/models/
msgid "Proposed time of automatic deletion."
msgstr "Automatikus törlés kijelölt ideje."
#: vm/models/
#: vm/models/
msgid "Current hypervisor of this instance."
msgstr "A példány jelenlegi hypervisorja."
#: vm/models/
#: vm/models/
msgid "host node"
msgstr "csomópont"
#: vm/models/
#: vm/models/
msgid "Set of mounted disks."
msgstr "1Csatolt lemezek halmaza."
#: vm/models/
#: vm/models/
msgid "TCP port where VNC console listens."
msgstr "Az a TCP port, amelyen a VNC konzol hallgat."
#: vm/models/
#: vm/models/
msgid "vnc_port"
msgstr "VNC port"
#: vm/models/
#: vm/models/
msgid "The virtual machine's time of destruction."
msgstr "A virtuális gép megsemmisítésének ideje."
#: vm/models/
#: vm/models/
msgid "Can access the graphical console of a VM."
msgstr "Elérheti a VM grafikus konzolját."
#: vm/models/
#: vm/models/
msgid "Can change resources of a running VM."
msgstr "Megváltoztathatja a VM erőforrásait."
#: vm/models/
#: vm/models/
msgid "Can change resources of a new VM."
msgstr "Megválaszthatja egy új VM erőforrásait."
#: vm/models/
#: vm/models/
msgid "Can create a new VM."
msgstr "Létrehozhat új VM-et."
#: vm/models/
#: vm/models/
msgid "Can redeploy a VM."
msgstr "Újból létrehozhat futó VM-et."
#: vm/models/
msgid "Can configure port forwards."
msgstr "Beállíthat porttovábbításokat."
#: vm/models/
#: vm/models/
msgid "Can recover a destroyed VM."
msgstr "Visszaállíthat egy megsemmisített VM-et."
#: vm/models/
#: vm/models/
msgid "Can change VM state to NOSTATE."
msgstr "Átállíthatja a VM állapotát NOSTATE-re."
#: vm/models/
#: vm/models/
msgid "instances"
msgstr "példányok"
#: vm/models/
#: vm/models/
#, python-format
msgid "Instance %(instance)s has already been destroyed."
msgstr "%(instance)s példány már meg van semmisítve."
#: vm/models/
#: vm/models/
#, python-format
msgid "No agent software is running on instance %(instance)s."
msgstr "Nem fut ügynökszoftver a következőn: %(instance)s."
#: vm/models/
#: vm/models/
#, python-format
msgid ""
"Current state (%(state)s) of instance %(instance)s is inappropriate for the "
......@@ -5349,16 +5572,16 @@ msgstr ""
"A(z) %(instance)s példány aktuális állapota (%(state)s) nem megfelelő a "
"választott művelethez."
#: vm/models/
#: vm/models/
msgid "create instance"
msgstr "példány létrehozása"
#: vm/models/
#: vm/models/
#, python-format
msgid "vm state changed to %(state)s on %(node)s"
msgstr "VM állapota erre változott: %(state)s, %(node)s"
msgstr "VM állapota erre változott: %(state)s (ezen: %(node)s)"
#: vm/models/
#: vm/models/
#, python-format
msgid ""
"Your instance <a href=\"%(url)s\">%(instance)s</a> is going to expire. It "
......@@ -5370,7 +5593,7 @@ msgstr ""
"kerül. Kérjük, <a href=\"%(token)s\">újítsa meg</a> vagy <a href=\"%(url)s"
"\">törölje</a> most."
#: vm/models/
#: vm/models/
#, python-format
msgid ""
"%(failed)s notifications failed and %(success) succeeded. Failed ones are: "
......@@ -5379,7 +5602,7 @@ msgstr ""
"%(failed)s értesítés sikertelen és %(success) sikeres. A sikertelenek: "
#: vm/models/
#: vm/models/
#, python-format
msgid ""
"%(failed)s notifications failed and %(success) succeeded. Failed ones are: "
......@@ -5388,49 +5611,49 @@ msgstr ""
"%(failed)s értesítés sikertelen és %(success) sikeres. A sikertelenek: "
#: vm/models/
#: vm/models/
#, python-format
msgid "%(success)s notifications succeeded."
msgstr "%(success)s sikeres értesítés."
#: vm/models/
#: vm/models/
msgid "notify owner about expiration"
msgstr "tulaj értesítése a lejáratról"
#: vm/models/
#: vm/models/
#, python-format
msgid "%(instance)s expiring soon"
msgstr "%(instance)s hamarosan lejár"
#: vm/models/
#: vm/models/
msgid "Network the interface belongs to."
msgstr "Az a hálózat, amelyhez a példány tartozik."
#: vm/models/
#: vm/models/
msgid "If a firewall host (i.e. IP address association) should be generated."
msgstr "Tűzfal host generálása (IP cím hozzárendelése)."
#: vm/models/
#: vm/models/
msgid "Template the interface template belongs to."
msgstr "Sablon, amelyhez az interfészsablon tartozik."
#: vm/models/
#: vm/models/
msgid "interface template"
msgstr "interfészsablon"
#: vm/models/
#: vm/models/
msgid "interface templates"
msgstr "interfészsablonok"
#: vm/models/ vm/models/
#: vm/models/ vm/models/
msgid "allocate IP address"
msgstr "IP cím foglalása"
#: vm/models/
#: vm/models/
msgid "Interface successfully created."
msgstr "Az interfész létrehozásra került."
#: vm/models/
#: vm/models/
#, python-format
msgid ""
"Interface successfully created. New addresses: ipv4: %(ip4)s, ipv6: %(ip6)s, "
......@@ -5503,60 +5726,10 @@ msgstr "passzív"
msgid "active"
msgstr "aktív"
#: vm/tasks/
msgid "cleanup"
msgstr "takarítás"
#: vm/tasks/
msgid "change password"
msgstr "jelszóváltoztatás"
#: vm/tasks/
msgid "set time"
msgstr "óra beállítása"
#: vm/tasks/
msgid "set hostname"
msgstr "gépnév beállítása"
#: vm/tasks/
msgid "change ip"
msgstr "IP cím beállítása"
#: vm/tasks/
msgid "restart networking"
msgstr "hálózat újratöltése"
#: vm/tasks/
msgid "agent"
msgstr "ügynök"
#: vm/tasks/
msgid "starting"
msgstr "indítás"
#: vm/tasks/
msgid "wait agent restarting"
msgstr "várakozás az ügynök újraindulására"
#: vm/tasks/
msgid "start access server"
msgstr "távoli elérés indítása"
#: vm/tasks/
#: vm/tasks/
msgid "stopping"
msgstr "leállítás"
#: vm/tasks/
#, python-format
msgid "update to %(version)s"
msgstr "frissítés erre: %(version)s"
#: vm/tasks/
#, python-format
msgid "update agent to %(version)s"
msgstr "ügynökfrissítés erre: %(version)s"
#: vm/tasks/
#, python-format
msgid "%(instance)s destroyed"
......@@ -5585,19 +5758,28 @@ msgstr ""
"<a href=\"%(url)s\">%(instance)s</a> gépe felfüggesztésre került, mivel "
"lejárt. Felébresztheti vagy megsemmisítheti."
#: vm/tests/
#: vm/tests/
msgid "x"
msgstr "x"
#~ msgid "Visit"
#~ msgstr "Megtekintés"
#~ msgid "change password"
#~ msgstr "jelszóváltoztatás"
#~ msgid "start access server"
#~ msgstr "távoli elérés indítása"
#~ msgid "update to %(version)s"
#~ msgstr "frissítés erre: %(version)s"
#~ msgid "Change the name of the node."
#~ msgstr "Válasszon nevet a csomópontnak."
#~ msgid "Flush"
#~ msgstr "Ürítés"
#~ msgid "Disable node and move all instances to other one."
#~ msgstr "Csomópont letiltása és az összes példány migrálása a többire."
#~ msgid "Enable"
#~ msgstr "Engedélyezés"
......@@ -6,8 +6,8 @@ msgid ""
msgstr ""
"Project-Id-Version: \n"
"Report-Msgid-Bugs-To: \n"
"POT-Creation-Date: 2014-09-24 12:19+0200\n"
"PO-Revision-Date: 2014-09-03 12:51+0200\n"
"POT-Creation-Date: 2014-10-20 12:09+0200\n"
"PO-Revision-Date: 2014-10-20 12:21+0200\n"
"Last-Translator: Mate Ory <>\n"
"Language-Team: Hungarian <>\n"
"Language: en_US\n"
......@@ -88,9 +88,9 @@ msgstr "Válasszon a folytatáshoz."
#: static_collected/dashboard/dashboard.fe0a2f126346.js:258
#: static_collected/dashboard/dashboard.fe0a2f126346.js:306
#: static_collected/dashboard/dashboard.fe0a2f126346.js:316
#: static_collected/dashboard/dashboard.js:258
#: static_collected/dashboard/dashboard.js:306
#: static_collected/dashboard/dashboard.js:316
#: static_collected/dashboard/dashboard.js:259
#: static_collected/dashboard/dashboard.js:307
#: static_collected/dashboard/dashboard.js:317
msgid "No result"
msgstr "Nincs eredmény"
......@@ -128,6 +128,14 @@ msgstr "Nincs jogosultsága a profil módosításához."
msgid "Unknown error."
msgstr "Ismeretlen hiba."
#: dashboard/static/dashboard/template-list.js:103
msgid "Only the owners can delete the selected object."
msgstr "Csak a tulajdonos törölheti a kiválasztott elemet."
#: dashboard/static/dashboard/template-list.js:105
msgid "An error occurred. ("
msgstr "Hiba történt. ("
#: dashboard/static/dashboard/vm-create.js:111
#: dashboard/static/dashboard/vm-create.js:174
#: static_collected/all.047675ebf594.js:4813
......@@ -176,33 +184,17 @@ msgstr "Nincs több hálózat."
msgid "Not added to any network"
msgstr "Nincs hálózathoz adva"
#: dashboard/static/dashboard/vm-details.js:115
#: static_collected/dashboard/vm-details.js:115
#: dashboard/static/dashboard/vm-details.js:116
#: static_collected/dashboard/vm-details.js:116
msgid "Hide password"
msgstr "Jelszó rejtése"
#: dashboard/static/dashboard/vm-details.js:119
#: static_collected/dashboard/vm-details.js:119
#: dashboard/static/dashboard/vm-details.js:120
#: static_collected/dashboard/vm-details.js:120
msgid "Show password"
msgstr "Jelszó megjelenítése"
#: dashboard/static/dashboard/vm-tour.js:20
#: static_collected/vm-detail.09737c69abc3.js:5853
#: static_collected/vm-detail.15d710d8ccf0.js:6389
#: static_collected/vm-detail.234990ca6ec1.js:6962
#: static_collected/vm-detail.47b1d21da259.js:5853
#: static_collected/vm-detail.9e1734ade019.js:5854
#: static_collected/vm-detail.c47949114749.js:6962
#: static_collected/vm-detail.e3f398067c8a.js:6891
#: static_collected/vm-detail.e81fe84bf4c0.js:9
#: static_collected/vm-detail.js:6389
#: static_collected/dashboard/vm-tour.1562cc89a659.js:20
#: static_collected/dashboard/vm-tour.7b4cf596f543.js:20
#: static_collected/dashboard/vm-tour.js:20
msgid "Prev"
msgstr "Vissza"
#: dashboard/static/dashboard/vm-tour.js:22
#: dashboard/static/dashboard/vm-tour.js:6
#: static_collected/vm-detail.09737c69abc3.js:5855
#: static_collected/vm-detail.15d710d8ccf0.js:6391
#: static_collected/vm-detail.234990ca6ec1.js:6964
......@@ -218,7 +210,11 @@ msgstr "Vissza"
msgid "Next"
msgstr "Tovább"
#: dashboard/static/dashboard/vm-tour.js:26
#: dashboard/static/dashboard/vm-tour.js:7
msgid "Previous"
msgstr "Vissza"
#: dashboard/static/dashboard/vm-tour.js:8
#: static_collected/vm-detail.09737c69abc3.js:5859
#: static_collected/vm-detail.15d710d8ccf0.js:6395
#: static_collected/vm-detail.234990ca6ec1.js:6968
......@@ -234,43 +230,19 @@ msgstr "Tovább"
msgid "End tour"
msgstr "Befejezés"
#: dashboard/static/dashboard/vm-tour.js:33
#: static_collected/vm-detail.09737c69abc3.js:5866
#: static_collected/vm-detail.15d710d8ccf0.js:6402
#: static_collected/vm-detail.234990ca6ec1.js:6975
#: static_collected/vm-detail.47b1d21da259.js:5866
#: static_collected/vm-detail.9e1734ade019.js:5867
#: static_collected/vm-detail.c47949114749.js:6975
#: static_collected/vm-detail.e3f398067c8a.js:6904
#: static_collected/vm-detail.e81fe84bf4c0.js:9
#: static_collected/vm-detail.js:6402
#: static_collected/dashboard/vm-tour.1562cc89a659.js:33
#: static_collected/dashboard/vm-tour.7b4cf596f543.js:33
#: static_collected/dashboard/vm-tour.js:33
msgid "Template Tutorial Tour"
msgstr "Sablon-kalauz"
#: dashboard/static/dashboard/vm-tour.js:9
msgid "Done"
msgstr "Kész"
#: dashboard/static/dashboard/vm-tour.js:34
#: static_collected/vm-detail.09737c69abc3.js:5867
#: static_collected/vm-detail.15d710d8ccf0.js:6403
#: static_collected/vm-detail.234990ca6ec1.js:6976
#: static_collected/vm-detail.47b1d21da259.js:5867
#: static_collected/vm-detail.9e1734ade019.js:5868
#: static_collected/vm-detail.c47949114749.js:6976
#: static_collected/vm-detail.e3f398067c8a.js:6905
#: static_collected/vm-detail.e81fe84bf4c0.js:9
#: static_collected/vm-detail.js:6403
#: static_collected/dashboard/vm-tour.1562cc89a659.js:34
#: static_collected/dashboard/vm-tour.7b4cf596f543.js:34
#: static_collected/dashboard/vm-tour.js:34
#: dashboard/static/dashboard/vm-tour.js:56
msgid ""
"Welcome to the template tutorial. In this quick tour, we gonna show you how "
"to do the steps described above."
"Welcome to the template tutorial. In this quick tour, we are going to show "
"you how to do the steps described above."
msgstr ""
"Üdvözöli a sablon-kalauz. A túra során bemutatjuk, hogyan végezze el a fenti "
#: dashboard/static/dashboard/vm-tour.js:35
#: dashboard/static/dashboard/vm-tour.js:57
#: static_collected/vm-detail.09737c69abc3.js:5868
#: static_collected/vm-detail.15d710d8ccf0.js:6404
#: static_collected/vm-detail.234990ca6ec1.js:6977
......@@ -290,111 +262,41 @@ msgstr ""
"A következő lépéshez kattintson a \"Tovább\" gombra vagy használja a "
#: dashboard/static/dashboard/vm-tour.js:36
#: static_collected/vm-detail.09737c69abc3.js:5869
#: static_collected/vm-detail.15d710d8ccf0.js:6405
#: static_collected/vm-detail.234990ca6ec1.js:6978
#: static_collected/vm-detail.47b1d21da259.js:5869
#: static_collected/vm-detail.9e1734ade019.js:5870
#: static_collected/vm-detail.c47949114749.js:6978
#: static_collected/vm-detail.e3f398067c8a.js:6907
#: static_collected/vm-detail.js:6405
#: static_collected/dashboard/vm-tour.1562cc89a659.js:36
#: static_collected/dashboard/vm-tour.7b4cf596f543.js:36
#: static_collected/dashboard/vm-tour.js:36
#: dashboard/static/dashboard/vm-tour.js:61
msgid ""
"During the tour please don't try the functions because it may lead to "
"graphical glitches, however "
msgstr "A túra során még ne próbálja ki a bemutatott funkciókat."
#: dashboard/static/dashboard/vm-tour.js:45
#: static_collected/vm-detail.09737c69abc3.js:5878
#: static_collected/vm-detail.15d710d8ccf0.js:6414
#: static_collected/vm-detail.234990ca6ec1.js:6987
#: static_collected/vm-detail.47b1d21da259.js:5878
#: static_collected/vm-detail.9e1734ade019.js:5879
#: static_collected/vm-detail.c47949114749.js:6987
#: static_collected/vm-detail.e3f398067c8a.js:6916
#: static_collected/vm-detail.e81fe84bf4c0.js:9
#: static_collected/vm-detail.js:6414
#: static_collected/dashboard/vm-tour.1562cc89a659.js:45
#: static_collected/dashboard/vm-tour.7b4cf596f543.js:45
#: static_collected/dashboard/vm-tour.js:45
msgid "Home tab"
msgstr "Kezdőoldal"
"In this tab you can extend the expiration date of your virtual machine, add "
"tags and modify the name and description."
msgstr ""
"Ezen a lapon megújíthatja a virtuális gép lejáratát, címkéket adhat hozzá, "
"vagy módosíthatja a nevét, leírását."
#: dashboard/static/dashboard/vm-tour.js:46
#: static_collected/vm-detail.09737c69abc3.js:5879
#: static_collected/vm-detail.15d710d8ccf0.js:6415
#: static_collected/vm-detail.234990ca6ec1.js:6988
#: static_collected/vm-detail.47b1d21da259.js:5879
#: static_collected/vm-detail.9e1734ade019.js:5880
#: static_collected/vm-detail.c47949114749.js:6988
#: static_collected/vm-detail.e3f398067c8a.js:6917
#: static_collected/vm-detail.e81fe84bf4c0.js:9
#: static_collected/vm-detail.js:6415
#: static_collected/dashboard/vm-tour.1562cc89a659.js:46
#: static_collected/dashboard/vm-tour.7b4cf596f543.js:46
#: static_collected/dashboard/vm-tour.js:46
#: dashboard/static/dashboard/vm-tour.js:65
msgid ""
"In this tab you can tag your virtual machine and modify the name and "
"Please add a meaningful description to the virtual machine. Changing the "
"name is also recommended, however you can choose a new name when saving the "
msgstr ""
"Ezen a lapon címkéket adhat a virtuális géphez, vagy módosíthatja a nevét, "
"Kérjük, adjon meg egy informatív leírást. A név megváltoztatása is "
"ajánlott, azonban a mentéskor is van a sablon nevének "
#: dashboard/static/dashboard/vm-tour.js:55
#: static_collected/vm-detail.09737c69abc3.js:5888
#: static_collected/vm-detail.15d710d8ccf0.js:6424
#: static_collected/vm-detail.234990ca6ec1.js:6997
#: static_collected/vm-detail.47b1d21da259.js:5888
#: static_collected/vm-detail.9e1734ade019.js:5889
#: static_collected/vm-detail.c47949114749.js:6997
#: static_collected/vm-detail.e3f398067c8a.js:6926
#: static_collected/vm-detail.e81fe84bf4c0.js:9
#: static_collected/vm-detail.js:6424
#: static_collected/dashboard/vm-tour.1562cc89a659.js:55
#: static_collected/dashboard/vm-tour.7b4cf596f543.js:55
#: static_collected/dashboard/vm-tour.js:55
msgid "Resources tab"
msgstr "Erőforrások lap"
#: dashboard/static/dashboard/vm-tour.js:69
msgid ""
"You can change the lease to extend the expiration date. This will be the "
"lease of the new template."
msgstr ""
"Megváltoztathatja a bérleti módot is a lejárat bővítéséhez. Az gép "
"bérleti módját örökli majd a sablon is."
#: dashboard/static/dashboard/vm-tour.js:58
#: static_collected/vm-detail.09737c69abc3.js:5891
#: static_collected/vm-detail.15d710d8ccf0.js:6427
#: static_collected/vm-detail.234990ca6ec1.js:7000
#: static_collected/vm-detail.47b1d21da259.js:5891
#: static_collected/vm-detail.9e1734ade019.js:5892
#: static_collected/vm-detail.c47949114749.js:7000
#: static_collected/vm-detail.e3f398067c8a.js:6929
#: static_collected/vm-detail.e81fe84bf4c0.js:9
#: static_collected/vm-detail.js:6427
#: static_collected/dashboard/vm-tour.1562cc89a659.js:58
#: static_collected/dashboard/vm-tour.7b4cf596f543.js:58
#: static_collected/dashboard/vm-tour.js:58
#: dashboard/static/dashboard/vm-tour.js:73
msgid ""
"On the resources tab you can edit the CPU/RAM options and add/remove disks!"
"On the resources tab you can edit the CPU/RAM options and add/remove disks "
"if you have required permissions."
msgstr ""
"Az erőforrások lapon szerkesztheti a CPU/memória-beállításokat, valamint "
"hozzáadhat és törölhet lemezeket."
#: dashboard/static/dashboard/vm-tour.js:68
#: static_collected/vm-detail.09737c69abc3.js:5901
#: static_collected/vm-detail.15d710d8ccf0.js:6437
#: static_collected/vm-detail.234990ca6ec1.js:7010
#: static_collected/vm-detail.47b1d21da259.js:5901
#: static_collected/vm-detail.9e1734ade019.js:5902
#: static_collected/vm-detail.c47949114749.js:7010
#: static_collected/vm-detail.e3f398067c8a.js:6939
#: static_collected/vm-detail.e81fe84bf4c0.js:9
#: static_collected/vm-detail.js:6437
#: static_collected/dashboard/vm-tour.1562cc89a659.js:68
#: static_collected/dashboard/vm-tour.7b4cf596f543.js:68
#: static_collected/dashboard/vm-tour.js:68
msgid "Resources"
msgstr "Erőforrások"
"hozzáadhat és törölhet lemezeket, ha van ehhez jogosultsága."
#: dashboard/static/dashboard/vm-tour.js:69
#: dashboard/static/dashboard/vm-tour.js:81
#: static_collected/vm-detail.09737c69abc3.js:5902
#: static_collected/vm-detail.15d710d8ccf0.js:6438
#: static_collected/vm-detail.234990ca6ec1.js:7011
......@@ -410,7 +312,7 @@ msgstr "Erőforrások"
msgid "CPU priority"
msgstr "CPU prioritás"
#: dashboard/static/dashboard/vm-tour.js:69
#: dashboard/static/dashboard/vm-tour.js:82
#: static_collected/vm-detail.09737c69abc3.js:5902
#: static_collected/vm-detail.15d710d8ccf0.js:6438
#: static_collected/vm-detail.234990ca6ec1.js:7011
......@@ -426,7 +328,7 @@ msgstr "CPU prioritás"
msgid "higher is better"
msgstr "a nagyobb érték a jobb"
#: dashboard/static/dashboard/vm-tour.js:70
#: dashboard/static/dashboard/vm-tour.js:83
#: static_collected/vm-detail.09737c69abc3.js:5903
#: static_collected/vm-detail.15d710d8ccf0.js:6439
#: static_collected/vm-detail.234990ca6ec1.js:7012
......@@ -442,7 +344,7 @@ msgstr "a nagyobb érték a jobb"
msgid "CPU count"
msgstr "CPU-k száma"
#: dashboard/static/dashboard/vm-tour.js:70
#: dashboard/static/dashboard/vm-tour.js:84
#: static_collected/vm-detail.09737c69abc3.js:5903
#: static_collected/vm-detail.15d710d8ccf0.js:6439
#: static_collected/vm-detail.234990ca6ec1.js:7012
......@@ -458,7 +360,7 @@ msgstr "CPU-k száma"
msgid "number of CPU cores."
msgstr "A CPU-magok száma."
#: dashboard/static/dashboard/vm-tour.js:71
#: dashboard/static/dashboard/vm-tour.js:85
#: static_collected/vm-detail.09737c69abc3.js:5904
#: static_collected/vm-detail.15d710d8ccf0.js:6440
#: static_collected/vm-detail.234990ca6ec1.js:7013
......@@ -474,7 +376,7 @@ msgstr "A CPU-magok száma."
msgid "RAM amount"
msgstr "RAM mennyiség"
#: dashboard/static/dashboard/vm-tour.js:71
#: dashboard/static/dashboard/vm-tour.js:86
#: static_collected/vm-detail.09737c69abc3.js:5904
#: static_collected/vm-detail.15d710d8ccf0.js:6440
#: static_collected/vm-detail.234990ca6ec1.js:7013
......@@ -490,23 +392,7 @@ msgstr "RAM mennyiség"
msgid "amount of RAM."
msgstr "a memória mennyisége."
#: dashboard/static/dashboard/vm-tour.js:81
#: static_collected/vm-detail.09737c69abc3.js:5914
#: static_collected/vm-detail.15d710d8ccf0.js:6450
#: static_collected/vm-detail.234990ca6ec1.js:7023
#: static_collected/vm-detail.47b1d21da259.js:5914
#: static_collected/vm-detail.9e1734ade019.js:5915
#: static_collected/vm-detail.c47949114749.js:7023
#: static_collected/vm-detail.e3f398067c8a.js:6952
#: static_collected/vm-detail.e81fe84bf4c0.js:9
#: static_collected/vm-detail.js:6450
#: static_collected/dashboard/vm-tour.1562cc89a659.js:81
#: static_collected/dashboard/vm-tour.7b4cf596f543.js:81
#: static_collected/dashboard/vm-tour.js:81
msgid "Disks"
msgstr "Lemezek"
#: dashboard/static/dashboard/vm-tour.js:82
#: dashboard/static/dashboard/vm-tour.js:96
#: static_collected/vm-detail.09737c69abc3.js:5915
#: static_collected/vm-detail.15d710d8ccf0.js:6451
#: static_collected/vm-detail.234990ca6ec1.js:7024
......@@ -525,23 +411,7 @@ msgstr ""
"Hozzáadhat üres lemezeket, letölthet lemezképeket, vagy törölheti a "
#: dashboard/static/dashboard/vm-tour.js:92
#: static_collected/vm-detail.09737c69abc3.js:5925
#: static_collected/vm-detail.15d710d8ccf0.js:6461
#: static_collected/vm-detail.234990ca6ec1.js:7034
#: static_collected/vm-detail.47b1d21da259.js:5925
#: static_collected/vm-detail.9e1734ade019.js:5926
#: static_collected/vm-detail.c47949114749.js:7034
#: static_collected/vm-detail.e3f398067c8a.js:6963
#: static_collected/vm-detail.e81fe84bf4c0.js:10
#: static_collected/vm-detail.js:6461
#: static_collected/dashboard/vm-tour.1562cc89a659.js:92
#: static_collected/dashboard/vm-tour.7b4cf596f543.js:92
#: static_collected/dashboard/vm-tour.js:92
msgid "Network tab"
msgstr "Hálózat lap"
#: dashboard/static/dashboard/vm-tour.js:93
#: dashboard/static/dashboard/vm-tour.js:105
#: static_collected/vm-detail.09737c69abc3.js:5926
#: static_collected/vm-detail.15d710d8ccf0.js:6462
#: static_collected/vm-detail.234990ca6ec1.js:7035
......@@ -557,23 +427,7 @@ msgstr "Hálózat lap"
msgid "You can add new network interfaces or remove existing ones here."
msgstr "Hozzáadhat új hálózati interfészeket, vagy törölheti a meglévőket."
#: dashboard/static/dashboard/vm-tour.js:102
#: static_collected/vm-detail.09737c69abc3.js:5935
#: static_collected/vm-detail.15d710d8ccf0.js:6471
#: static_collected/vm-detail.234990ca6ec1.js:7044
#: static_collected/vm-detail.47b1d21da259.js:5935
#: static_collected/vm-detail.9e1734ade019.js:5936
#: static_collected/vm-detail.c47949114749.js:7044
#: static_collected/vm-detail.e3f398067c8a.js:6973
#: static_collected/vm-detail.e81fe84bf4c0.js:10
#: static_collected/vm-detail.js:6471
#: static_collected/dashboard/vm-tour.1562cc89a659.js:102
#: static_collected/dashboard/vm-tour.7b4cf596f543.js:102
#: static_collected/dashboard/vm-tour.js:102
msgid "Deploy"
msgstr "Indítás"
#: dashboard/static/dashboard/vm-tour.js:105
#: dashboard/static/dashboard/vm-tour.js:109
#: static_collected/vm-detail.09737c69abc3.js:5938
#: static_collected/vm-detail.15d710d8ccf0.js:6474
#: static_collected/vm-detail.234990ca6ec1.js:7047
......@@ -589,55 +443,15 @@ msgstr "Indítás"
msgid "Deploy the virtual machine."
msgstr "A virtuális gép elindítása."
#: dashboard/static/dashboard/vm-tour.js:110
#: static_collected/vm-detail.09737c69abc3.js:5943
#: static_collected/vm-detail.15d710d8ccf0.js:6479
#: static_collected/vm-detail.234990ca6ec1.js:7052
#: static_collected/vm-detail.47b1d21da259.js:5943
#: static_collected/vm-detail.9e1734ade019.js:5944
#: static_collected/vm-detail.c47949114749.js:7052
#: static_collected/vm-detail.e3f398067c8a.js:6981
#: static_collected/vm-detail.e81fe84bf4c0.js:10
#: static_collected/vm-detail.js:6479
#: static_collected/dashboard/vm-tour.1562cc89a659.js:110
#: static_collected/dashboard/vm-tour.7b4cf596f543.js:110
#: static_collected/dashboard/vm-tour.js:110
msgid "Connect"
msgstr "Csatlakozás"
#: dashboard/static/dashboard/vm-tour.js:113
#: static_collected/vm-detail.09737c69abc3.js:5946
#: static_collected/vm-detail.15d710d8ccf0.js:6482
#: static_collected/vm-detail.234990ca6ec1.js:7055
#: static_collected/vm-detail.47b1d21da259.js:5946
#: static_collected/vm-detail.9e1734ade019.js:5947
#: static_collected/vm-detail.c47949114749.js:7055
#: static_collected/vm-detail.e3f398067c8a.js:6984
#: static_collected/vm-detail.e81fe84bf4c0.js:10
#: static_collected/vm-detail.js:6482
#: static_collected/dashboard/vm-tour.1562cc89a659.js:113
#: static_collected/dashboard/vm-tour.7b4cf596f543.js:113
#: static_collected/dashboard/vm-tour.js:113
msgid "Use the connection string or connect with your choice of client!"
msgstr "Használja a megadott parancsot, vagy kedvenc kliensét."
#: dashboard/static/dashboard/vm-tour.js:120
#: static_collected/vm-detail.09737c69abc3.js:5953
#: static_collected/vm-detail.15d710d8ccf0.js:6489
#: static_collected/vm-detail.234990ca6ec1.js:7062
#: static_collected/vm-detail.47b1d21da259.js:5953
#: static_collected/vm-detail.9e1734ade019.js:5954
#: static_collected/vm-detail.c47949114749.js:7062
#: static_collected/vm-detail.e3f398067c8a.js:6991
#: static_collected/vm-detail.e81fe84bf4c0.js:10
#: static_collected/vm-detail.js:6489
#: static_collected/dashboard/vm-tour.1562cc89a659.js:120
#: static_collected/dashboard/vm-tour.7b4cf596f543.js:120
#: static_collected/dashboard/vm-tour.js:120
msgid "Customize the virtual machine"
msgstr "Szabja testre a gépet"
msgid ""
"Use the CIRCLE client or the connection string to connect to the virtual "
msgstr ""
"Használja a CIRCLE klienst vagy a kapcsolódási adatokat a "
"virtuális géphez való csatlakozáshoz."
#: dashboard/static/dashboard/vm-tour.js:121
#: dashboard/static/dashboard/vm-tour.js:117
#: static_collected/vm-detail.09737c69abc3.js:5954
#: static_collected/vm-detail.15d710d8ccf0.js:6490
#: static_collected/vm-detail.234990ca6ec1.js:7063
......@@ -657,23 +471,7 @@ msgstr ""
"Miután csatlakozott, végezze el a szükséges módosításokat, majd jelentkezzen "
#: dashboard/static/dashboard/vm-tour.js:126
#: static_collected/vm-detail.09737c69abc3.js:5959
#: static_collected/vm-detail.15d710d8ccf0.js:6495
#: static_collected/vm-detail.234990ca6ec1.js:7068
#: static_collected/vm-detail.47b1d21da259.js:5959
#: static_collected/vm-detail.9e1734ade019.js:5960
#: static_collected/vm-detail.c47949114749.js:7068
#: static_collected/vm-detail.e3f398067c8a.js:6997
#: static_collected/vm-detail.e81fe84bf4c0.js:10
#: static_collected/vm-detail.js:6495
#: static_collected/dashboard/vm-tour.1562cc89a659.js:126
#: static_collected/dashboard/vm-tour.7b4cf596f543.js:126
#: static_collected/dashboard/vm-tour.js:126
msgid "Save as"
msgstr "Mentés sablonként"
#: dashboard/static/dashboard/vm-tour.js:129
#: dashboard/static/dashboard/vm-tour.js:121
#: static_collected/vm-detail.09737c69abc3.js:5962
#: static_collected/vm-detail.15d710d8ccf0.js:6498
#: static_collected/vm-detail.234990ca6ec1.js:7071
......@@ -692,39 +490,13 @@ msgstr ""
"Kattintson a „mentés sablonként” gombra, majd várjon, amíg a lemez mentése "
#: dashboard/static/dashboard/vm-tour.js:135
#: static_collected/vm-detail.09737c69abc3.js:5968
#: static_collected/vm-detail.15d710d8ccf0.js:6504
#: static_collected/vm-detail.234990ca6ec1.js:7077
#: static_collected/vm-detail.47b1d21da259.js:5968
#: static_collected/vm-detail.9e1734ade019.js:5969
#: static_collected/vm-detail.c47949114749.js:7077
#: static_collected/vm-detail.e3f398067c8a.js:7006
#: static_collected/vm-detail.e81fe84bf4c0.js:10
#: static_collected/vm-detail.js:6504
#: static_collected/dashboard/vm-tour.1562cc89a659.js:135
#: static_collected/dashboard/vm-tour.7b4cf596f543.js:135
#: static_collected/dashboard/vm-tour.js:135
msgid "Finish"
msgstr "Befejezés"
#: dashboard/static/dashboard/vm-tour.js:138
#: static_collected/vm-detail.09737c69abc3.js:5971
#: static_collected/vm-detail.15d710d8ccf0.js:6507
#: static_collected/vm-detail.234990ca6ec1.js:7080
#: static_collected/vm-detail.47b1d21da259.js:5971
#: static_collected/vm-detail.9e1734ade019.js:5972
#: static_collected/vm-detail.c47949114749.js:7080
#: static_collected/vm-detail.e3f398067c8a.js:7009
#: static_collected/vm-detail.e81fe84bf4c0.js:10
#: static_collected/vm-detail.js:6507
#: static_collected/dashboard/vm-tour.1562cc89a659.js:138
#: static_collected/dashboard/vm-tour.7b4cf596f543.js:138
#: static_collected/dashboard/vm-tour.js:138
#: dashboard/static/dashboard/vm-tour.js:125
msgid ""
"This is the last message, if something is not clear you can do the the tour "
msgstr "A túra véget ért. Ha valami nem érthető, újrakezdheti az útmutatót."
msgstr ""
"A túra véget ért. Ha valami nem érthető, újrakezdheti az "
#: network/static/js/host.js:10 static_collected/all.047675ebf594.js:5239
#: static_collected/all.0aecd87e873a.js:5309
......@@ -834,6 +606,290 @@ msgstr "Eltávolítás"
msgid "Are you sure you want to delete this device?"
msgstr "Biztosan törli ezt az eszközt?"
#: static_collected/vm-detail.09737c69abc3.js:5853
#: static_collected/vm-detail.15d710d8ccf0.js:6389
#: static_collected/vm-detail.234990ca6ec1.js:6962
#: static_collected/vm-detail.47b1d21da259.js:5853
#: static_collected/vm-detail.9e1734ade019.js:5854
#: static_collected/vm-detail.c47949114749.js:6962
#: static_collected/vm-detail.e3f398067c8a.js:6891
#: static_collected/vm-detail.e81fe84bf4c0.js:9
#: static_collected/vm-detail.js:6389
#: static_collected/dashboard/vm-tour.1562cc89a659.js:20
#: static_collected/dashboard/vm-tour.7b4cf596f543.js:20
#: static_collected/dashboard/vm-tour.js:20
msgid "Prev"
msgstr "Vissza"
#: static_collected/vm-detail.09737c69abc3.js:5866
#: static_collected/vm-detail.15d710d8ccf0.js:6402
#: static_collected/vm-detail.234990ca6ec1.js:6975
#: static_collected/vm-detail.47b1d21da259.js:5866
#: static_collected/vm-detail.9e1734ade019.js:5867
#: static_collected/vm-detail.c47949114749.js:6975
#: static_collected/vm-detail.e3f398067c8a.js:6904
#: static_collected/vm-detail.e81fe84bf4c0.js:9
#: static_collected/vm-detail.js:6402
#: static_collected/dashboard/vm-tour.1562cc89a659.js:33
#: static_collected/dashboard/vm-tour.7b4cf596f543.js:33
#: static_collected/dashboard/vm-tour.js:33
msgid "Template Tutorial Tour"
msgstr "Sablon-kalauz"
#: static_collected/vm-detail.09737c69abc3.js:5867
#: static_collected/vm-detail.15d710d8ccf0.js:6403
#: static_collected/vm-detail.234990ca6ec1.js:6976
#: static_collected/vm-detail.47b1d21da259.js:5867
#: static_collected/vm-detail.9e1734ade019.js:5868
#: static_collected/vm-detail.c47949114749.js:6976
#: static_collected/vm-detail.e3f398067c8a.js:6905
#: static_collected/vm-detail.e81fe84bf4c0.js:9
#: static_collected/vm-detail.js:6403
#: static_collected/dashboard/vm-tour.1562cc89a659.js:34
#: static_collected/dashboard/vm-tour.7b4cf596f543.js:34
#: static_collected/dashboard/vm-tour.js:34
msgid ""
"Welcome to the template tutorial. In this quick tour, we gonna show you how "
"to do the steps described above."
msgstr ""
"Üdvözöli a sablon-kalauz. A túra során bemutatjuk, hogyan végezze el a fenti "
#: static_collected/vm-detail.09737c69abc3.js:5869
#: static_collected/vm-detail.15d710d8ccf0.js:6405
#: static_collected/vm-detail.234990ca6ec1.js:6978
#: static_collected/vm-detail.47b1d21da259.js:5869
#: static_collected/vm-detail.9e1734ade019.js:5870
#: static_collected/vm-detail.c47949114749.js:6978
#: static_collected/vm-detail.e3f398067c8a.js:6907
#: static_collected/vm-detail.js:6405
#: static_collected/dashboard/vm-tour.1562cc89a659.js:36
#: static_collected/dashboard/vm-tour.7b4cf596f543.js:36
#: static_collected/dashboard/vm-tour.js:36
msgid ""
"During the tour please don't try the functions because it may lead to "
"graphical glitches, however "
msgstr "A túra során még ne próbálja ki a bemutatott funkciókat."
#: static_collected/vm-detail.09737c69abc3.js:5878
#: static_collected/vm-detail.15d710d8ccf0.js:6414
#: static_collected/vm-detail.234990ca6ec1.js:6987
#: static_collected/vm-detail.47b1d21da259.js:5878
#: static_collected/vm-detail.9e1734ade019.js:5879
#: static_collected/vm-detail.c47949114749.js:6987
#: static_collected/vm-detail.e3f398067c8a.js:6916
#: static_collected/vm-detail.e81fe84bf4c0.js:9
#: static_collected/vm-detail.js:6414
#: static_collected/dashboard/vm-tour.1562cc89a659.js:45
#: static_collected/dashboard/vm-tour.7b4cf596f543.js:45
#: static_collected/dashboard/vm-tour.js:45
msgid "Home tab"
msgstr "Kezdőoldal"
#: static_collected/vm-detail.09737c69abc3.js:5879
#: static_collected/vm-detail.15d710d8ccf0.js:6415
#: static_collected/vm-detail.234990ca6ec1.js:6988
#: static_collected/vm-detail.47b1d21da259.js:5879
#: static_collected/vm-detail.9e1734ade019.js:5880
#: static_collected/vm-detail.c47949114749.js:6988
#: static_collected/vm-detail.e3f398067c8a.js:6917
#: static_collected/vm-detail.e81fe84bf4c0.js:9
#: static_collected/vm-detail.js:6415
#: static_collected/dashboard/vm-tour.1562cc89a659.js:46
#: static_collected/dashboard/vm-tour.7b4cf596f543.js:46
#: static_collected/dashboard/vm-tour.js:46
msgid ""
"In this tab you can tag your virtual machine and modify the name and "
msgstr ""
"Ezen a lapon címkéket adhat a virtuális géphez, vagy módosíthatja a nevét, "
#: static_collected/vm-detail.09737c69abc3.js:5888
#: static_collected/vm-detail.15d710d8ccf0.js:6424
#: static_collected/vm-detail.234990ca6ec1.js:6997
#: static_collected/vm-detail.47b1d21da259.js:5888
#: static_collected/vm-detail.9e1734ade019.js:5889
#: static_collected/vm-detail.c47949114749.js:6997
#: static_collected/vm-detail.e3f398067c8a.js:6926
#: static_collected/vm-detail.e81fe84bf4c0.js:9
#: static_collected/vm-detail.js:6424
#: static_collected/dashboard/vm-tour.1562cc89a659.js:55
#: static_collected/dashboard/vm-tour.7b4cf596f543.js:55
#: static_collected/dashboard/vm-tour.js:55
msgid "Resources tab"
msgstr "Erőforrások lap"
#: static_collected/vm-detail.09737c69abc3.js:5891
#: static_collected/vm-detail.15d710d8ccf0.js:6427
#: static_collected/vm-detail.234990ca6ec1.js:7000
#: static_collected/vm-detail.47b1d21da259.js:5891
#: static_collected/vm-detail.9e1734ade019.js:5892
#: static_collected/vm-detail.c47949114749.js:7000
#: static_collected/vm-detail.e3f398067c8a.js:6929
#: static_collected/vm-detail.e81fe84bf4c0.js:9
#: static_collected/vm-detail.js:6427
#: static_collected/dashboard/vm-tour.1562cc89a659.js:58
#: static_collected/dashboard/vm-tour.7b4cf596f543.js:58
#: static_collected/dashboard/vm-tour.js:58
msgid ""
"On the resources tab you can edit the CPU/RAM options and add/remove disks!"
msgstr ""
"Az erőforrások lapon szerkesztheti a CPU/memória-beállításokat, valamint "
"hozzáadhat és törölhet lemezeket."
#: static_collected/vm-detail.09737c69abc3.js:5901
#: static_collected/vm-detail.15d710d8ccf0.js:6437
#: static_collected/vm-detail.234990ca6ec1.js:7010
#: static_collected/vm-detail.47b1d21da259.js:5901
#: static_collected/vm-detail.9e1734ade019.js:5902
#: static_collected/vm-detail.c47949114749.js:7010
#: static_collected/vm-detail.e3f398067c8a.js:6939
#: static_collected/vm-detail.e81fe84bf4c0.js:9
#: static_collected/vm-detail.js:6437
#: static_collected/dashboard/vm-tour.1562cc89a659.js:68
#: static_collected/dashboard/vm-tour.7b4cf596f543.js:68
#: static_collected/dashboard/vm-tour.js:68
msgid "Resources"
msgstr "Erőforrások"
#: static_collected/vm-detail.09737c69abc3.js:5914
#: static_collected/vm-detail.15d710d8ccf0.js:6450
#: static_collected/vm-detail.234990ca6ec1.js:7023
#: static_collected/vm-detail.47b1d21da259.js:5914
#: static_collected/vm-detail.9e1734ade019.js:5915
#: static_collected/vm-detail.c47949114749.js:7023
#: static_collected/vm-detail.e3f398067c8a.js:6952
#: static_collected/vm-detail.e81fe84bf4c0.js:9
#: static_collected/vm-detail.js:6450
#: static_collected/dashboard/vm-tour.1562cc89a659.js:81
#: static_collected/dashboard/vm-tour.7b4cf596f543.js:81
#: static_collected/dashboard/vm-tour.js:81
msgid "Disks"
msgstr "Lemezek"
#: static_collected/vm-detail.09737c69abc3.js:5925
#: static_collected/vm-detail.15d710d8ccf0.js:6461
#: static_collected/vm-detail.234990ca6ec1.js:7034
#: static_collected/vm-detail.47b1d21da259.js:5925
#: static_collected/vm-detail.9e1734ade019.js:5926
#: static_collected/vm-detail.c47949114749.js:7034
#: static_collected/vm-detail.e3f398067c8a.js:6963
#: static_collected/vm-detail.e81fe84bf4c0.js:10
#: static_collected/vm-detail.js:6461
#: static_collected/dashboard/vm-tour.1562cc89a659.js:92
#: static_collected/dashboard/vm-tour.7b4cf596f543.js:92
#: static_collected/dashboard/vm-tour.js:92
msgid "Network tab"
msgstr "Hálózat lap"
#: static_collected/vm-detail.09737c69abc3.js:5935
#: static_collected/vm-detail.15d710d8ccf0.js:6471
#: static_collected/vm-detail.234990ca6ec1.js:7044
#: static_collected/vm-detail.47b1d21da259.js:5935
#: static_collected/vm-detail.9e1734ade019.js:5936
#: static_collected/vm-detail.c47949114749.js:7044
#: static_collected/vm-detail.e3f398067c8a.js:6973
#: static_collected/vm-detail.e81fe84bf4c0.js:10
#: static_collected/vm-detail.js:6471
#: static_collected/dashboard/vm-tour.1562cc89a659.js:102
#: static_collected/dashboard/vm-tour.7b4cf596f543.js:102
#: static_collected/dashboard/vm-tour.js:102
msgid "Deploy"
msgstr "Indítás"
#: static_collected/vm-detail.09737c69abc3.js:5943
#: static_collected/vm-detail.15d710d8ccf0.js:6479
#: static_collected/vm-detail.234990ca6ec1.js:7052
#: static_collected/vm-detail.47b1d21da259.js:5943
#: static_collected/vm-detail.9e1734ade019.js:5944
#: static_collected/vm-detail.c47949114749.js:7052
#: static_collected/vm-detail.e3f398067c8a.js:6981
#: static_collected/vm-detail.e81fe84bf4c0.js:10
#: static_collected/vm-detail.js:6479
#: static_collected/dashboard/vm-tour.1562cc89a659.js:110
#: static_collected/dashboard/vm-tour.7b4cf596f543.js:110
#: static_collected/dashboard/vm-tour.js:110
msgid "Connect"
msgstr "Csatlakozás"
#: static_collected/vm-detail.09737c69abc3.js:5946
#: static_collected/vm-detail.15d710d8ccf0.js:6482
#: static_collected/vm-detail.234990ca6ec1.js:7055
#: static_collected/vm-detail.47b1d21da259.js:5946
#: static_collected/vm-detail.9e1734ade019.js:5947
#: static_collected/vm-detail.c47949114749.js:7055
#: static_collected/vm-detail.e3f398067c8a.js:6984
#: static_collected/vm-detail.e81fe84bf4c0.js:10
#: static_collected/vm-detail.js:6482
#: static_collected/dashboard/vm-tour.1562cc89a659.js:113
#: static_collected/dashboard/vm-tour.7b4cf596f543.js:113
#: static_collected/dashboard/vm-tour.js:113
msgid "Use the connection string or connect with your choice of client!"
msgstr "Használja a megadott parancsot, vagy kedvenc kliensét."
#: static_collected/vm-detail.09737c69abc3.js:5953
#: static_collected/vm-detail.15d710d8ccf0.js:6489
#: static_collected/vm-detail.234990ca6ec1.js:7062
#: static_collected/vm-detail.47b1d21da259.js:5953
#: static_collected/vm-detail.9e1734ade019.js:5954
#: static_collected/vm-detail.c47949114749.js:7062
#: static_collected/vm-detail.e3f398067c8a.js:6991
#: static_collected/vm-detail.e81fe84bf4c0.js:10
#: static_collected/vm-detail.js:6489
#: static_collected/dashboard/vm-tour.1562cc89a659.js:120
#: static_collected/dashboard/vm-tour.7b4cf596f543.js:120
#: static_collected/dashboard/vm-tour.js:120
msgid "Customize the virtual machine"
msgstr "Szabja testre a gépet"
#: static_collected/vm-detail.09737c69abc3.js:5959
#: static_collected/vm-detail.15d710d8ccf0.js:6495
#: static_collected/vm-detail.234990ca6ec1.js:7068
#: static_collected/vm-detail.47b1d21da259.js:5959
#: static_collected/vm-detail.9e1734ade019.js:5960
#: static_collected/vm-detail.c47949114749.js:7068
#: static_collected/vm-detail.e3f398067c8a.js:6997
#: static_collected/vm-detail.e81fe84bf4c0.js:10
#: static_collected/vm-detail.js:6495
#: static_collected/dashboard/vm-tour.1562cc89a659.js:126
#: static_collected/dashboard/vm-tour.7b4cf596f543.js:126
#: static_collected/dashboard/vm-tour.js:126
msgid "Save as"
msgstr "Mentés sablonként"
#: static_collected/vm-detail.09737c69abc3.js:5968
#: static_collected/vm-detail.15d710d8ccf0.js:6504
#: static_collected/vm-detail.234990ca6ec1.js:7077
#: static_collected/vm-detail.47b1d21da259.js:5968
#: static_collected/vm-detail.9e1734ade019.js:5969
#: static_collected/vm-detail.c47949114749.js:7077
#: static_collected/vm-detail.e3f398067c8a.js:7006
#: static_collected/vm-detail.e81fe84bf4c0.js:10
#: static_collected/vm-detail.js:6504
#: static_collected/dashboard/vm-tour.1562cc89a659.js:135
#: static_collected/dashboard/vm-tour.7b4cf596f543.js:135
#: static_collected/dashboard/vm-tour.js:135
msgid "Finish"
msgstr "Befejezés"
#: static_collected/vm-detail.09737c69abc3.js:5971
#: static_collected/vm-detail.15d710d8ccf0.js:6507
#: static_collected/vm-detail.234990ca6ec1.js:7080
#: static_collected/vm-detail.47b1d21da259.js:5971
#: static_collected/vm-detail.9e1734ade019.js:5972
#: static_collected/vm-detail.c47949114749.js:7080
#: static_collected/vm-detail.e3f398067c8a.js:7009
#: static_collected/vm-detail.e81fe84bf4c0.js:10
#: static_collected/vm-detail.js:6507
#: static_collected/dashboard/vm-tour.1562cc89a659.js:138
#: static_collected/dashboard/vm-tour.7b4cf596f543.js:138
#: static_collected/dashboard/vm-tour.js:138
msgid ""
"This is the last message, if something is not clear you can do the the tour "
msgstr "A túra véget ért. Ha valami nem érthető, újrakezdheti az útmutatót."
#: static_collected/vm-detail.e81fe84bf4c0.js:9
msgid ""
"During the tour please don't try the functions because it may lead to "
......@@ -88,7 +88,9 @@ class Node(OperatedMixin, TimeStampedModel):
class Meta:
app_label = 'vm'
db_table = 'vm_node'
permissions = ()
permissions = (
('view_statistics', _('Can view Node box and statistics.')),
ordering = ('-enabled', 'normalized_name')
def __unicode__(self):
......@@ -288,6 +290,11 @@ class Node(OperatedMixin, TimeStampedModel):
def driver_version(self):
def cpu_usage(self):
return self.monitor_info.get('cpu.percent') / 100
......@@ -717,7 +717,7 @@ class SaveAsTemplateOperation(InstanceOperation):
with_shutdown=True, clone=False, task=None, **kwargs):
self.instance._cleanup(parent_activity=activity, user=user)
except Instance.WrongStateError:
if with_shutdown:
......@@ -1135,6 +1135,7 @@ class ActivateOperation(NodeOperation):
def _operation(self):
self.node.enabled = True
self.node.schedule_enabled = True
......@@ -1156,6 +1157,7 @@ class PassivateOperation(NodeOperation):
def _operation(self):
self.node.enabled = True
self.node.schedule_enabled = False
......@@ -1214,14 +1216,28 @@ class RecoverOperation(InstanceOperation):
except Instance.InstanceDestroyedError:
def _operation(self):
def _operation(self, user, activity):
with activity.sub_activity(
readable_name=ugettext_noop("recover instance")):
self.instance.destroyed_at = None
for disk in self.instance.disks.all():
disk.destroyed = None
self.instance.destroyed_at = None
self.instance.status = 'PENDING'
if self.instance.template:
for net in self.instance.template.interface_set.all():
parent_activity=activity, user=user, vlan=net.vlan)
class ResourcesOperation(InstanceOperation):
......@@ -2,4 +2,5 @@
-r base.txt
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