Commit 04c2f313 by Florian Apolloner

Django 1.4 did not support Python 3 yet ;)

parent 7182fc6c
......@@ -7,11 +7,9 @@ env:
- TOXENV=py27-1.5.x
- TOXENV=py27-1.6.x
- TOXENV=py27-1.7.x
- TOXENV=py33-1.4.x
- TOXENV=py33-1.5.x
- TOXENV=py33-1.6.x
- TOXENV=py33-1.7.x
- TOXENV=py34-1.4.x
- TOXENV=py34-1.5.x
- TOXENV=py34-1.6.x
- TOXENV=py34-1.7.x
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