Commit 0cc67dc3 by Daniel Hahler

Merge branch 'develop' into deconstruct-keep-non-defaults

This probably fixes the travis builds.

parents a979f2ef e6c90946
......@@ -35,7 +35,7 @@ class TaggableRel(ManyToManyRel):
self.limit_choices_to = {}
self.symmetrical = True
self.multiple = True
self.through = through
self.through = None if VERSION < (1, 7) else through
self.field = field
def get_joining_columns(self):
......@@ -97,7 +97,7 @@ class TaggableManager(RelatedField, Field):
name, path, args, kwargs = super(TaggableManager, self).deconstruct()
# Remove forced kwargs.
for kwarg in ['serialize', 'null']:
for kwarg in ('serialize', 'null'):
del kwargs[kwarg]
# Add non-default arguments.
if self.through is not TaggedItem:
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