Commit 3ca873ac by Carl Meyer

smarter tag-string parsing (from django-tagging)

parent af9f3f3b
...@@ -9,3 +9,4 @@ Alex Gaynor <> ...@@ -9,3 +9,4 @@ Alex Gaynor <>
Rob Hudson <> Rob Hudson <>
Carl Meyer <> Carl Meyer <>
Frank Wiles Frank Wiles
Jonathan Buchanan
from django import forms from django import forms
from taggit.utils import parse_tags from taggit.utils import parse_tags, edit_string_for_tags
class TagWidget(forms.TextInput): class TagWidget(forms.TextInput):
def render(self, name, value, attrs=None): def render(self, name, value, attrs=None):
if value is not None and not isinstance(value, basestring): if value is not None and not isinstance(value, basestring):
value = ", ".join( for o in value.select_related("tag")) value = edit_string_for_tags([o.tag for o in value.select_related("tag")])
return super(TagWidget, self).render(name, value, attrs) return super(TagWidget, self).render(name, value, attrs)
class TagField(forms.CharField): class TagField(forms.CharField):
from unittest import TestCase as UnitTestCase
from django.test import TestCase, TransactionTestCase from django.test import TestCase, TransactionTestCase
from taggit.models import Tag, TaggedItem from taggit.models import Tag, TaggedItem
from taggit.utils import parse_tags, edit_string_for_tags
from taggit.tests.forms import FoodForm, DirectFoodForm, CustomPKFoodForm from taggit.tests.forms import FoodForm, DirectFoodForm, CustomPKFoodForm
from taggit.tests.models import (Food, Pet, HousePet, DirectFood, DirectPet, from taggit.tests.models import (Food, Pet, HousePet, DirectFood, DirectPet,
DirectHousePet, TaggedPet, CustomPKFood, CustomPKPet, CustomPKHousePet, DirectHousePet, TaggedPet, CustomPKFood, CustomPKPet, CustomPKHousePet,
...@@ -208,7 +211,12 @@ class TaggableFormTestCase(BaseTaggingTestCase): ...@@ -208,7 +211,12 @@ class TaggableFormTestCase(BaseTaggingTestCase):
self.assert_tags_equal(raspberry.tags.all(), []) self.assert_tags_equal(raspberry.tags.all(), [])
f = self.form_class(instance=apple) f = self.form_class(instance=apple)
self.assertEqual(str(f), """<tr><th><label for="id_name">Name:</label></th><td><input id="id_name" type="text" name="name" value="apple" maxlength="50" /></td></tr>\n<tr><th><label for="id_tags">Tags:</label></th><td><input type="text" name="tags" value="green, red, yummy, delicious" id="id_tags" /></td></tr>""") self.assertEqual(str(f), """<tr><th><label for="id_name">Name:</label></th><td><input id="id_name" type="text" name="name" value="apple" maxlength="50" /></td></tr>\n<tr><th><label for="id_tags">Tags:</label></th><td><input type="text" name="tags" value="delicious green red yummy" id="id_tags" /></td></tr>""")
f = self.form_class(instance=apple)
self.assertEqual(str(f), """<tr><th><label for="id_name">Name:</label></th><td><input id="id_name" type="text" name="name" value="apple" maxlength="50" /></td></tr>\n<tr><th><label for="id_tags">Tags:</label></th><td><input type="text" name="tags" value="delicious green red yummy &quot;has,comma&quot;" id="id_tags" /></td></tr>""")
class TaggableFormDirectTestCase(TaggableFormTestCase): class TaggableFormDirectTestCase(TaggableFormTestCase):
form_class = DirectFoodForm form_class = DirectFoodForm
...@@ -217,3 +225,79 @@ class TaggableFormDirectTestCase(TaggableFormTestCase): ...@@ -217,3 +225,79 @@ class TaggableFormDirectTestCase(TaggableFormTestCase):
class TaggableFormCustomPKTestCase(TaggableFormTestCase): class TaggableFormCustomPKTestCase(TaggableFormTestCase):
form_class = CustomPKFoodForm form_class = CustomPKFoodForm
food_model = CustomPKFood food_model = CustomPKFood
class TagStringParseTestCase(UnitTestCase):
Ported from Jonathan Buchanan's `django-tagging
def test_with_simple_space_delimited_tags(self):
""" Test with simple space-delimited tags. """
self.assertEquals(parse_tags('one'), [u'one'])
self.assertEquals(parse_tags('one two'), [u'one', u'two'])
self.assertEquals(parse_tags('one two three'), [u'one', u'three', u'two'])
self.assertEquals(parse_tags('one one two two'), [u'one', u'two'])
def test_with_comma_delimited_multiple_words(self):
""" Test with comma-delimited multiple words.
An unquoted comma in the input will trigger this. """
self.assertEquals(parse_tags(',one'), [u'one'])
self.assertEquals(parse_tags(',one two'), [u'one two'])
self.assertEquals(parse_tags(',one two three'), [u'one two three'])
self.assertEquals(parse_tags('a-one, a-two and a-three'),
[u'a-one', u'a-two and a-three'])
def test_with_double_quoted_multiple_words(self):
""" Test with double-quoted multiple words.
A completed quote will trigger this. Unclosed quotes are ignored. """
self.assertEquals(parse_tags('"one'), [u'one'])
self.assertEquals(parse_tags('"one two'), [u'one', u'two'])
self.assertEquals(parse_tags('"one two three'), [u'one', u'three', u'two'])
self.assertEquals(parse_tags('"one two"'), [u'one two'])
self.assertEquals(parse_tags('a-one "a-two and a-three"'),
[u'a-one', u'a-two and a-three'])
def test_with_no_loose_commas(self):
""" Test with no loose commas -- split on spaces. """
self.assertEquals(parse_tags('one two "thr,ee"'), [u'one', u'thr,ee', u'two'])
def test_with_loose_commas(self):
""" Loose commas - split on commas """
self.assertEquals(parse_tags('"one", two three'), [u'one', u'two three'])
def test_tags_with_double_quotes_can_contain_commas(self):
""" Double quotes can contain commas """
self.assertEquals(parse_tags('a-one "a-two, and a-three"'),
[u'a-one', u'a-two, and a-three'])
self.assertEquals(parse_tags('"two", one, one, two, "one"'),
[u'one', u'two'])
def test_with_naughty_input(self):
""" Test with naughty input. """
# Bad users! Naughty users!
self.assertEquals(parse_tags(None), [])
self.assertEquals(parse_tags(''), [])
self.assertEquals(parse_tags('"'), [])
self.assertEquals(parse_tags('""'), [])
self.assertEquals(parse_tags('"' * 7), [])
self.assertEquals(parse_tags(',,,,,,'), [])
self.assertEquals(parse_tags('",",",",",",","'), [u','])
self.assertEquals(parse_tags('a-one "a-two" and "a-three'),
[u'a-one', u'a-three', u'a-two', u'and'])
def test_recreation_of_tag_list_string_representations(self):
plain = Tag.objects.create(name='plain')
spaces = Tag.objects.create(name='spa ces')
comma = Tag.objects.create(name='com,ma')
self.assertEquals(edit_string_for_tags([plain]), u'plain')
self.assertEquals(edit_string_for_tags([plain, spaces]), u'plain, spa ces')
self.assertEquals(edit_string_for_tags([plain, spaces, comma]), u'plain, spa ces, "com,ma"')
self.assertEquals(edit_string_for_tags([plain, comma]), u'plain "com,ma"')
self.assertEquals(edit_string_for_tags([comma, spaces]), u'"com,ma", spa ces')
from django.utils.encoding import force_unicode
from django.utils.functional import wraps from django.utils.functional import wraps
def parse_tags(tags):
if tags is None: def parse_tags(tagstring):
tags = "" """
return [o.strip() for o in tags.split(',') if o.strip()] Parses tag input, with multiple word input being activated and
delineated by commas and double quotes. Quotes take precedence, so
they may contain commas.
Returns a sorted list of unique tag names.
Ported from Jonathan Buchanan's `django-tagging
if not tagstring:
return []
tagstring = force_unicode(tagstring)
# Special case - if there are no commas or double quotes in the
# input, we don't *do* a recall... I mean, we know we only need to
# split on spaces.
if u',' not in tagstring and u'"' not in tagstring:
words = list(set(split_strip(tagstring, u' ')))
return words
words = []
buffer = []
# Defer splitting of non-quoted sections until we know if there are
# any unquoted commas.
to_be_split = []
saw_loose_comma = False
open_quote = False
i = iter(tagstring)
while 1:
c =
if c == u'"':
if buffer:
buffer = []
# Find the matching quote
open_quote = True
c =
while c != u'"':
c =
if buffer:
word = u''.join(buffer).strip()
if word:
buffer = []
open_quote = False
if not saw_loose_comma and c == u',':
saw_loose_comma = True
except StopIteration:
# If we were parsing an open quote which was never closed treat
# the buffer as unquoted.
if buffer:
if open_quote and u',' in buffer:
saw_loose_comma = True
if to_be_split:
if saw_loose_comma:
delimiter = u','
delimiter = u' '
for chunk in to_be_split:
words.extend(split_strip(chunk, delimiter))
words = list(set(words))
return words
def split_strip(string, delimiter=u','):
Splits ``string`` on ``delimiter``, stripping each resulting string
and returning a list of non-empty strings.
Ported from Jonathan Buchanan's `django-tagging
if not string:
return []
words = [w.strip() for w in string.split(delimiter)]
return [w for w in words if w]
def edit_string_for_tags(tags):
Given list of ``Tag`` instances, creates a string representation of
the list suitable for editing by the user, such that submitting the
given string representation back without changing it will give the
same list of tags.
Tag names which contain commas will be double quoted.
If any tag name which isn't being quoted contains whitespace, the
resulting string of tag names will be comma-delimited, otherwise
it will be space-delimited.
Ported from Jonathan Buchanan's `django-tagging
names = []
use_commas = False
for tag in tags:
name =
if u',' in name:
names.append('"%s"' % name)
elif u' ' in name:
if not use_commas:
use_commas = True
if use_commas:
glue = u', '
glue = u' '
return glue.join(names)
def require_instance_manager(func): def require_instance_manager(func):
@wraps(func) @wraps(func)
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