Commit 5a9f2314 by Florian Apolloner

Simplified ExtraJoinRestriction.as_sql

parent 8ef99797
......@@ -56,12 +56,10 @@ class ExtraJoinRestriction(object):
def as_sql(self, qn, connection):
if len(self.content_types) == 1:
extra_where = "%s.%s = %%s" % (qn(self.alias), qn(self.col))
params = [self.content_types[0]]
extra_where = "%s.%s IN (%s)" % (qn(self.alias), qn(self.col),
','.join(['%s'] * len(self.content_types)))
params = self.content_types
return extra_where, params
return extra_where, self.content_types
def relabel_aliases(self, change_map):
self.alias = change_map.get(self.alias, self.alias)
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