Commit b2a51255 by Florian Apolloner

Merge pull request #135 from benbacardi/develop

Added names() method to _TaggableManager
parents 57055742 5075638c
......@@ -54,6 +54,22 @@ playing around with the API.
model with its own tagging through table, only other instances of the
same model will be returned.
.. method:: names()
Convenience method, returning a ``ValuesListQuerySet`` (basically
just an iterable) containing the name of each tag as a string::
>>> apple.tags.names()
[u'green and juicy', u'red']
.. method:: slugs()
Convenience method, returning a ``ValuesListQuerySet`` (basically
just an iterable) containing the slug of each tag as a string::
>>> apple.slugs.names()
[u'green-and-juicy', u'red']
......@@ -172,6 +172,14 @@ class _TaggableManager(models.Manager):
self.through.objects.get_or_create(tag=tag, **self._lookup_kwargs())
def names(self):
return self.get_query_set().values_list('name', flat=True)
def slugs(self):
return self.get_query_set().values_list('slug', flat=True)
def set(self, *tags):
......@@ -313,6 +313,18 @@ class TaggableManagerTestCase(BaseTaggingTestCase):
self.assertTrue(hasattr(field, 'related'))
self.assertEqual(self.food_model, field.related.model)
def test_names_method(self):
apple = self.food_model.objects.create(name="apple")
self.assertEqual(list(apple.tags.names()), ['green', 'red'])
def test_slugs_method(self):
apple = self.food_model.objects.create(name="apple")
apple.tags.add('green and juicy')
self.assertEqual(list(apple.tags.slugs()), ['green-and-juicy', 'red'])
class TaggableManagerDirectTestCase(TaggableManagerTestCase):
food_model = DirectFood
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