The API ======= After you've got your ``TaggableManager`` added to your model you can start playing around with the API. .. class:: TaggableManager .. method:: add(*tags) This adds tags to an object. The tags can be either ``Tag`` instances, or strings:: >>> apple.tags.all() [] >>> apple.tags.add("red", "green", "fruit") .. method:: remove(*tags) Removes a tag from an object. No exception is raised if the object doesn't have that tag. .. method:: clear() Removes all tags from an object. .. method:: set(*tags) Removes all the current tags and then adds the specified tags to the object. .. method: most_common() Returns a ``QuerySet`` of all tags, annotated with the number of times they appear, available as the ``num_times`` attribute on each tag. The ``QuerySet``is ordered by ``num_times``, descending. The ``QuerySet`` is lazily evaluated, and can be sliced efficiently. .. method:: similar_objects() Returns a list (not a lazy ``QuerySet``) of other objects tagged similarly to this one, ordered with most similar first. Each object in the list is decorated with a ``similar_tags`` attribute, the number of tags it shares with this object. If the model is using generic tagging (the default), this method searches tagged objects from all classes. If you are querying on a model with its own tagging through table, only other instances of the same model will be returned. Filtering ~~~~~~~~~ To find all of a model with a specific tags you can filter, using the normal Django ORM API. For example if you had a ``Food`` model, whose ``TaggableManager`` was named ``tags``, you could find all the delicious fruit like so:: >>> Food.objects.filter(tags__name__in=["delicious"]) [<Food: apple>, <Food: pear>, <Food: plum>] If you're filtering on multiple tags, it's very common to get duplicate results, because of the way relational databases work. Often you'll want to make use of the ``distinct()`` method on ``QuerySets``:: >>> Food.objects.filter(tags__name__in=["delicious", "red"]) [<Food: apple>, <Food: apple>] >>> Food.objects.filter(tags__name__in=["delicious", "red"]).distinct() [<Food: apple>] You can also filter by the slug on tags. If you're using a custom ``Tag`` model you can use this API to filter on any fields it has. Aggregation ~~~~~~~~~~~ Unfortunately, due to a `bug in Django <>`_, it is not currently possible to use aggregation in conjunction with ``taggit``. This is a `documented interaction <>`_ of generic relations (which ``taggit`` uses internally) and aggregates.