Commit 194e697b by Szeberényi Imre

rsyslogd config fix (easier syntax)

parent 721e1dd0
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# #
# dhcpd_rsyslog.conf # dhcpd_rsyslog.conf (in /etc/rsyslog.d)
# #
# - rsyslog config to generate separate dhcp.log owned by dhcpd user, # - rsyslog config to generate separate dhcp.log owned by dhcpd user,
# allowing fwdriver to process it # allowing fwdriver to process it
# #
# 1. UMask=0027 should be set in rsyslog.service # fw group should be added to dhcpd group in /etc/group
# 2. fw group should be added to dhcpd group
# #
$FileCreateMode 0644 $umask 0027
$fileOwner dhcpd if ($programname == 'dhcpd')
$fileGroup dhcpd then {
$umask 027 action(type="omfile" file="/var/log/dhcp.log" FileCreateMode="0640" fileOwner="dhcpd" fileGroup="dhcpd")
if $programname == 'dhcpd' then /var/log/dhcp.log stop
$fileOwner root }
$fileGroup root $mask 0077
$umask 077
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