Commit 97505e28 by Bach Dániel Committed by Your Name

improve ovs code

parent 2e48479d
......@@ -15,15 +15,16 @@ class Interface(object):
self.is_veth = data.get('type', 'external') == 'internal'
self.untagged = int(data['tag'])
except (TypeError, KeyError):
self.untagged = None
self.tagged = frozenset(int(i) for i in data['trunks'])
except (TypeError, KeyError):
self.tagged = frozenset()
untagged = data.get('tag')
if (untagged and not self.tagged and unicode(untagged).isdecimal()):
self.untagged = int(untagged)
self.untagged = None
if with_show:
data['addresses'] =
......@@ -41,9 +42,8 @@ class Interface(object):
return self.__dict__ == other.__dict__
def __hash__(self):
r = reduce(lambda acc, x: acc ^ hash(x),
(, self.is_veth, self.untagged, self.tagged), 0)
return r
return reduce(lambda acc, x: acc ^ hash(x),
self.__dict__.values(), 0)
def external_name(self):
......@@ -143,7 +143,7 @@ class Switch(object):
def add_port(self, interface):
params = ['add-port', self.brname, interface.external_name]
if interface.untagged and not interface.tagged:
if interface.untagged:
params.append('tag=%d' % int(interface.untagged))
if interface.tagged:
params.append('trunks=%s' % list(interface.tagged))
......@@ -171,11 +171,6 @@ class Switch(object):
new_interfaces = [Interface(port, data)
for port, data in new_ports.items()]
add = [i for i in new_interfaces
if i not in old_interfaces]
delete = [i for i in old_interfaces
if i not in new_interfaces]
add = list(set(new_interfaces).difference(set(old_interfaces)))
delete = list(set(old_interfaces).difference(set(new_interfaces)))
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