Commit 15305aec by Dóbé Péter

Patch /etc/profile in Debian

parent 4c42939b
fwdriver: fwdriver:
repo_name: repo_name:
repo_revision: systemd_feature repo_revision: master
user: fw user: fw
manager: manager:
repo_name: repo_name:
repo_revision: synchronous_reload repo_revision: master
include: include:
- profile
- agentdriver - agentdriver
- manager - manager
- graphite - graphite
include: include:
- profile
- agentdriver - agentdriver
- monitor-client - monitor-client
- vmdriver - vmdriver
{% if grains['os']=='Debian' %}
{# For non-interactive shells, virtualenvwrapper commands
('workon' etc.) are not sourced automatically #}
- text:
- "#Line below added for Debian by CIRCLE Salt installer"
- . /etc/bash_completion
{% endif %}
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