Commit 8b0376e0 by Czémán Arnold

Update with Red Hat linux family install instructions

parent df20b936
# Circle Project for Cent OS 7 - Salt Installer
# Circle Project - Salt Installer
## OS Support
* Red Hat Linux family:
* Red Hat Enterprise Linux 7+ --> work in progress
* Cent OS 7+
* Scientific Linux 7+ --> work in progress
* Debian Linux family:
* Debian linux 8+ --> work in progress
* Ubuntu linux 14.04 LTS
* Ubuntu linux 15.04+ --> work in progress
## Prerequisites
### Red Hat family
Install EPEL repository (if the link is broken, please contact us):
sudo rpm -ivh
Install some important packages:
sudo yum install python-pip gcc vim git
### Debian family
Install some important packages:
sudo apt-get install python-pip git
## Install Salt
sudo add-apt-repository ppa:saltstack/salt
sudo apt-get update
sudo apt-get install salt-minion
sudo pip install salt==2014.7.1
## Configure salt
Open the salt minion configuration
sudo mkdir /etc/salt
sudo vim /etc/salt/minion
......@@ -37,82 +69,74 @@ git clone
## Change variables
Modify installer.sls file
sudo vim salt/pillar/installer.sls
Most used variables
* user: user who will install the software
* proxy_secret: proxy secret key TODO
* secret_key: secret key TODO
* time zone: the server's time zone, format is region/city
* deployment_type: local or ? TODO
* **proxy_secret**: This is used to provide cryptographic signing, and should be set to a unique, unpredictable value.
* **secret_key**: This is used to provide cryptographic signing, and should be set to a unique, unpredictable value.
* **deployment_type**: local (development) or production
* **admin_user**: user name to login in as admin on the site
* **admin_pass**: password to login in as admin on the site
* database:
* name: django database's name
* user: database user
* password: database user's password
* amqp:
* user: amqp user
* password: ampq user's password
* host: amqp server IP - usually runs at localhost
* port: amqp server's port
* vhost: virtual host - specifies the namespace for entities (exchanges and queues) referred to by the protocol
* graphite:
* user: graphite user
* password: graphite user's password
* host: graphite server IP - usually runs at localhost
* port: graphite server's port
* vhost: TODO
* queue: TODO
* secret_key: graphite's secret key
* cache: cache url - usually pylibmc://
* nfs:
* enabled: nfs is enabled
* server: nfs server's hostname
* network: nfs server's network to access files
* directory: this directory will be shared
* storagedriver:
* queue_name: TODO
* fwdriver:
* queue_name: the server's hostname
* gateway: the server's gateway
* EXTERNAL_Net: the server's network
* external_if: the server's network interface
* trunk_if: trunk interface TODO
* management_if: TODO
* **database**:
* **password**: database user’s password
* **amqp**:
* **password**: ampq user’s password
* **host**: amqp server IP - usually runs at localhost
* **graphite**:
* **password**: graphite user’s password
* **host**: graphite server IP - usually runs at localhost
* **nfs**:
* **enabled**: nfs is enabled
* **server**: nfs server’s hostname
* **network**: nfs server’s network to access files
* **directory**: this directory will be shared
* **storagedriver**:
* **queue_name**: the server’s hostname
* **fwdriver**:
* **queue_name**: the server’s hostname
* **gateway**: the server’s gateway
* **external_net**: the server’s network
* **external_if**: the server’s network interface
Other variables
* user: user who will install the software
* time zone: the server’s time zone, format is region/city
* amqp:
* user: amqp user
* port: amqp server’s port
* vhost: virtual host - specifies the namespace for entities (exchanges and queues) referred to by the protocol
* agent:
* repo_name: the agent repository's name
* repo_revision: revision
* agentdriver:
* repo_name: the agentdriver repository's name
* repo_revision: revision
* cache: cache url - usually pylibmc://
* database:
* name: django database’s name
* user: database user
* fwdriver:
* repo_name: the fwdriver repository's name
* repo_revision: revision
* user: fwdriver user name
* vm_if: vm interface
* vm_et: vm network
* management_if: management interface
* graphite:
* user: graphite user
* port: graphite server’s port
* secret_key: graphite’s secret key
* manager:
* repo_name: the manager repository's name
* repo_revision: revision
* monitor-client:
* repo_name: the monitor-client repository's name
* repo_revision: revision
* storage-driver:
* repo_name: the storage-driver repository's name
* repo_revision: revision
* vm-driver:
* repo_name: the vm-driver repository's name
* repo_revision: revision
* vnc-driver:
* repo_name: the vnc-driver repository's name
* repo_revision: revision
## Install Circle
......@@ -121,11 +145,18 @@ Run the following installation command:
sudo salt-call state.sls allinone
After this finished, you have to get "Failed: 0" message.
If installer fails, please visit the [Troubleshooting](#troubleshooting) paragraph.
After install, delete agent.conf file:
After install, delete agent.conf or agent.service file:
If you have upstart:
sudo rm -f /etc/init/agent.conf
Or if you have systemd:
sudo rm /etc/init/agent.conf
sudo rm -f /etc/systemd/system/agent.service
## Quickstart - Standalone Node
......@@ -171,3 +202,6 @@ To install an OS, we can use ISO images, to boot from. Click on 'download disk'
Finally, we can run the machine. Click on 'deploy' and start it. You can choose, on which node do you want to run.
![ubuntu 14.04](_static/images/ubuntu.png)
## Troubleshooting ##
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