Commit 902c7b08 by Oláh István Gergely

Modify README - Add Install, Standalone Quickstart

parent 87d95c77
README #Circle Project Salt Installer
## Install Salt
sudo add-apt-repository ppa:saltstack/salt
sudo apt-get update
sudo apt-get install salt-minion
## Configure salt
Open the salt minion configuration
sudo vim /etc/salt/minion
Add these lines:
file_client: local
- /home/cloud/salt/salt
- /home/cloud/salt/pillar
## Get the installer
Clone circle installer git repository into cloud home
git clone
## Change variables
Modify installer.sls file
sudo vim salt/pillar/installer.sls
Most used variables
* **admin_user**: user name to login in as admin on the site
* **admin_pass**: password to login in as admin on the site
* time zone: the server's time zone, format is region/city
* nfs
* server: nfs server's hostname
* network: nfs server's network to access files
* directory: this directory will be shared
* storagedriver:
* **queue_name**<sup>*</sup>: storage host name
* fwdriver
* **queue_name**<sup>*</sup>: the server's hostname
* **gateway**<sup>*</sup>: the server's gateway
* **external_net**<sup>*</sup>: the server's network
* **external_if**: the server's network interface
> <sup>**`*`**</sup> These variables need to be configured. Use `hostname`, `ifconfig`, `route -n` to get network information.
## Install Circle
Run the following installation command:
sudo salt-call state.sls allinone
###Current issues
####`#1` Gateway problem
cd circle/circle/
workon circle
./ firewall_restart
# get eth0 MAC address
sudo -i
ifconfig net hw ether <MAC>
####`#2` Nginx problem
Delete configuration file duplication and restart nginx
sudo rm /etc/nginx/sites-enabled/default
sudo service nginx restart
#### Open firewall
sudo ufw allow 443
sudo ufw allow 80
## Quickstart - Standalone Node
Log in into the Circle website with admin (the site is accessable on the 443 port). Name and password is in the `salt/pillar/installer.sls`.
### Create Node
To run virtual machines, we need to create nodes - and add to the system. Click on the new icon in the dashboard, Nodes menu.
####Configure Node
To standalone configuration, type the current machine's hostname to Host/name, MAC address to Host/MAC, IP to HOST/IP. Choose managed-vm as VLAN.
####Activate Node
Click on the 'Activate' icon to use the Node.
### Start Virtual Machine
To create new Virtual Machine, we use Templates - images based on previously saved VMs. Currently we haven't got any template - so let's create a new one. Click on Templates/new icon and choose 'Create a new base VM without disk'.
#### Configure Template
Set name, CPU and RAM settings, architecture. Check in the boot menu box, select network and lease, write down, which operating system will you use. Finally, create a template.
> The rows marked with astersk need to be filled.
![configure standalone node](images/configure_node.jpg)
#### Add disk
Currently we don't have any disks attached to our VM. To add, click on the Resources menu, 'create disk' icon, set the name and size.
![disk setup](images/disk.jpg)
#### Attach ISO
To install an OS, we can use ISO images, to boot from. Click on 'download disk' and type the ISO's URL.
![download iso](images/iso.jpg)
###Start Virtual Machine
Finally, we can run the machine. Click on 'deploy' and start it. You can choose, on which node do you want to run.
![ubuntu 14.04](images/ubuntu.png)
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