Commit 8cf3e80b by Czémán Arnold

storagedriver: rework delete_dump() with Ceph block device support

parent 4812fcce
......@@ -76,10 +76,16 @@ def delete(disk_desc):
def delete_dump(data_store_type, disk_path):
def delete_dump(data_store_type, dir, filename):
if disk_path.endswith(".dump") and os.path.isfile(disk_path):
if data_store_type == "ceph_block":
with CephConnection(str(dir)) as conn:
rbd_inst = rbd.RBD()
rbd_inst.remove(conn.ioctx, str(filename))
disk_path = dir + "/" + filename
if disk_path.endswith(".dump") and os.path.isfile(disk_path):
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