Commit 6e9397eb by Bach Dániel


parent 44b19dc7
......@@ -12,7 +12,7 @@ from twisted.python import log
from twisted.web.static import File
from twisted.web.server import Site
from twisted.web.websockets import WebSocketsResource, lookupProtocolForFactory
from websockets import WebSocketsResource, lookupProtocolForFactory
from django.core import signing
# -*- test-case-name: twisted.web.test.test_websockets -*-
# Copyright (c) Twisted Matrix Laboratories.
# 2011-2012 Oregon State University Open Source Lab
# 2011-2012 Corbin Simpson
# See LICENSE for details.
The WebSockets protocol (RFC 6455), provided as a resource which wraps a
@since: 13.2
__all__ = ["WebSocketsResource", "IWebSocketsFrameReceiver",
"lookupProtocolForFactory", "WebSocketsProtocol",
"WebSocketsProtocolWrapper", "CONTROLS", "STATUSES"]
import base64
from hashlib import sha1
from struct import pack, unpack
from zope.interface import implementer, providedBy, directlyProvides, Interface
from twisted.python import log
from twisted.python.constants import Values, ValueConstant
from twisted.internet.protocol import Protocol
from twisted.protocols.tls import TLSMemoryBIOProtocol
from twisted.web.resource import IResource
from twisted.web.server import NOT_DONE_YET
class _WSException(Exception):
Internal exception for control flow inside the WebSockets frame parser.
class CONTROLS(Values):
Control frame specifiers.
@since: 13.2
CONTINUE = ValueConstant(0)
TEXT = ValueConstant(1)
BINARY = ValueConstant(2)
CLOSE = ValueConstant(8)
PING = ValueConstant(9)
PONG = ValueConstant(10)
class STATUSES(Values):
Closing status codes.
@since: 13.2
NORMAL = ValueConstant(1000)
GOING_AWAY = ValueConstant(1001)
PROTOCOL_ERROR = ValueConstant(1002)
UNSUPPORTED_DATA = ValueConstant(1003)
NONE = ValueConstant(1005)
ABNORMAL_CLOSE = ValueConstant(1006)
INVALID_PAYLOAD = ValueConstant(1007)
POLICY_VIOLATION = ValueConstant(1008)
MESSAGE_TOO_BIG = ValueConstant(1009)
MISSING_EXTENSIONS = ValueConstant(1010)
INTERNAL_ERROR = ValueConstant(1011)
TLS_HANDSHAKE_FAILED = ValueConstant(1056)
# The GUID for WebSockets, from RFC 6455.
_WS_GUID = "258EAFA5-E914-47DA-95CA-C5AB0DC85B11"
def _makeAccept(key):
Create an B{accept} response for a given key.
@type key: C{str}
@param key: The key to respond to.
@rtype: C{str}
@return: An encoded response.
return sha1("%s%s" % (key, _WS_GUID)).digest().encode("base64").strip()
def _mask(buf, key):
Mask or unmask a buffer of bytes with a masking key.
@type buf: C{str}
@param buf: A buffer of bytes.
@type key: C{str}
@param key: The masking key. Must be exactly four bytes.
@rtype: C{str}
@return: A masked buffer of bytes.
key = [ord(i) for i in key]
buf = list(buf)
for i, char in enumerate(buf):
buf[i] = chr(ord(char) ^ key[i % 4])
return "".join(buf)
def _makeFrame(buf, opcode, fin, mask=None):
Make a frame.
This function always creates unmasked frames, and attempts to use the
smallest possible lengths.
@type buf: C{str}
@param buf: A buffer of bytes.
@type opcode: C{CONTROLS}
@param opcode: Which type of frame to create.
@type fin: C{bool}
@param fin: Whether or not we're creating a final frame.
@type mask: C{int} or C{NoneType}
@param mask: If specified, the masking key to apply on the created frame.
@rtype: C{str}
@return: A packed frame.
bufferLength = len(buf)
if mask is not None:
lengthMask = 0x80
lengthMask = 0
if bufferLength > 0xffff:
length = "%s%s" % (chr(lengthMask | 0x7f), pack(">Q", bufferLength))
elif bufferLength > 0x7d:
length = "%s%s" % (chr(lengthMask | 0x7e), pack(">H", bufferLength))
length = chr(lengthMask | bufferLength)
if fin:
header = 0x80
header = 0x01
header = chr(header | opcode.value)
if mask is not None:
buf = "%s%s" % (mask, _mask(buf, mask))
frame = "%s%s%s" % (header, length, buf)
return frame
def _parseFrames(frameBuffer, needMask=True):
Parse frames in a highly compliant manner. It modifies C{frameBuffer}
removing the parsed content from it.
@param frameBuffer: A buffer of bytes.
@type frameBuffer: C{list}
@param needMask: If C{True}, refuse any frame which is not masked.
@type needMask: C{bool}
start = 0
payload = "".join(frameBuffer)
while True:
# If there's not at least two bytes in the buffer, bail.
if len(payload) - start < 2:
# Grab the header. This single byte holds some flags and an opcode
header = ord(payload[start])
if header & 0x70:
# At least one of the reserved flags is set. Pork chop sandwiches!
raise _WSException("Reserved flag in frame (%d)" % (header,))
fin = header & 0x80
# Get the opcode, and translate it to a local enum which we actually
# care about.
opcode = header & 0xf
opcode = CONTROLS.lookupByValue(opcode)
except ValueError:
raise _WSException("Unknown opcode %d in frame" % opcode)
# Get the payload length and determine whether we need to look for an
# extra length.
length = ord(payload[start + 1])
masked = length & 0x80
if not masked and needMask:
# The client must mask the data sent
raise _WSException("Received data not masked")
length &= 0x7f
# The offset we'll be using to walk through the frame. We use this
# because the offset is variable depending on the length and mask.
offset = 2
# Extra length fields.
if length == 0x7e:
if len(payload) - start < 4:
length = payload[start + 2:start + 4]
length = unpack(">H", length)[0]
offset += 2
elif length == 0x7f:
if len(payload) - start < 10:
# Protocol bug: The top bit of this long long *must* be cleared;
# that is, it is expected to be interpreted as signed.
length = payload[start + 2:start + 10]
length = unpack(">Q", length)[0]
offset += 8
if masked:
if len(payload) - (start + offset) < 4:
# This is not strictly necessary, but it's more explicit so
# that we don't create an invalid key.
key = payload[start + offset:start + offset + 4]
offset += 4
if len(payload) - (start + offset) < length:
data = payload[start + offset:start + offset + length]
if masked:
data = _mask(data, key)
if opcode == CONTROLS.CLOSE:
if len(data) >= 2:
# Gotta unpack the opcode and return usable data here.
code = STATUSES.lookupByValue(unpack(">H", data[:2])[0])
data = code, data[2:]
# No reason given; use generic data.
data = STATUSES.NONE, ""
yield opcode, data, bool(fin)
start += offset + length
if len(payload) > start:
frameBuffer[:] = [payload[start:]]
frameBuffer[:] = []
class IWebSocketsFrameReceiver(Interface):
An interface for receiving WebSockets frames.
@since: 13.2
def makeConnection(transport):
Notification about the connection.
@param transport: A L{WebSocketsTransport} instance wrapping an
underlying transport.
@type transport: L{WebSocketsTransport}.
def frameReceived(opcode, data, fin):
Callback when a frame is received.
@type opcode: C{CONTROLS}
@param opcode: The type of frame received.
@type data: C{bytes}
@param data: The content of the frame received.
@type fin: C{bool}
@param fin: Whether or not the frame is final.
class WebSocketsTransport(object):
A frame transport for WebSockets.
@ivar _transport: A reference to the real transport.
@since: 13.2
_disconnecting = False
def __init__(self, transport):
self._transport = transport
def sendFrame(self, opcode, data, fin):
Build a frame packet and send it over the wire.
@type opcode: C{CONTROLS}
@param opcode: The type of frame to send.
@type data: C{bytes}
@param data: The content of the frame to send.
@type fin: C{bool}
@param fin: Whether or not we're sending a final frame.
packet = _makeFrame(base64.b64encode(data), opcode, fin)
def loseConnection(self, code=STATUSES.NORMAL, reason=""):
Close the connection.
This includes telling the other side we're closing the connection.
If the other side didn't signal that the connection is being closed,
then we might not see their last message, but since their last message
should, according to the spec, be a simple acknowledgement, it
shouldn't be a problem.
@param code: The closing frame status code.
@type code: L{STATUSES}
@param reason: Optionally, a utf-8 encoded text explaining why the
connection was closed.
@param reason: C{bytes}
# Send a closing frame. It's only polite. (And might keep the browser
# from hanging.)
if not self._disconnecting:
data = "%s%s" % (pack(">H", code.value), reason)
frame = _makeFrame(data, CONTROLS.CLOSE, True)
self._disconnecting = True
class WebSocketsProtocol(Protocol):
A protocol parsing WebSockets frames and interacting with a
L{IWebSocketsFrameReceiver} instance.
@ivar _receiver: The L{IWebSocketsFrameReceiver} provider handling the
@type _receiver: L{IWebSocketsFrameReceiver} provider
@ivar _buffer: The pending list of frames not processed yet.
@type _buffer: C{list}
@since: 13.2
_buffer = None
def __init__(self, receiver):
self._receiver = receiver
def connectionMade(self):
Log the new connection and initialize the buffer list.
peer = self.transport.getPeer()
log.msg(format="Opening connection with %(peer)s", peer=peer)
self._buffer = []
def _parseFrames(self):
Find frames in incoming data and pass them to the underlying protocol.
for opcode, data, fin in _parseFrames(self._buffer):
self._receiver.frameReceived(opcode, base64.b64decode(data), fin)
if opcode == CONTROLS.CLOSE:
# The other side wants us to close.
code, reason = data
msgFormat = "Closing connection: %(code)r"
if reason:
msgFormat += " (%(reason)r)"
log.msg(format=msgFormat, reason=reason, code=code)
# Close the connection.
elif opcode == CONTROLS.PING:
# 5.5.2 PINGs must be responded to with PONGs.
# 5.5.3 PONGs must contain the data that was sent with the
# provoking PING.
self.transport.write(_makeFrame(data, CONTROLS.PONG, True))
def dataReceived(self, data):
Append the data to the buffer list and parse the whole.
@type data: C{bytes}
@param data: The buffer received.
except _WSException:
# Couldn't parse all the frames, something went wrong, let's bail.
class _WebSocketsProtocolWrapperReceiver():
A L{IWebSocketsFrameReceiver} which accumulates data frames and forwards
the payload to its C{wrappedProtocol}.
@ivar _wrappedProtocol: The connected protocol
@type _wrappedProtocol: C{IProtocol} provider.
@ivar _transport: A reference to the L{WebSocketsTransport}
@type _transport: L{WebSocketsTransport}
@ivar _messages: The pending list of payloads received.
@types _messages: C{list}
def __init__(self, wrappedProtocol):
self._wrappedProtocol = wrappedProtocol
def makeConnection(self, transport):
Keep a reference to the given C{transport} and instantiate the list of
self._transport = transport
self._messages = []
def frameReceived(self, opcode, data, fin):
For each frame received, accumulate the data (ignoring the opcode), and
forwarding the messages if C{fin} is set.
@type opcode: C{CONTROLS}
@param opcode: The type of frame received.
@type data: C{bytes}
@param data: The content of the frame received.
@type fin: C{bool}
@param fin: Whether or not the frame is final.
if fin:
content = "".join(self._messages)
self._messages[:] = []
class WebSocketsProtocolWrapper(WebSocketsProtocol):
A L{WebSocketsProtocol} which wraps a regular C{IProtocol} provider,
ignoring the frame mechanism.
@ivar _wrappedProtocol: The connected protocol
@type _wrappedProtocol: C{IProtocol} provider.
@ivar defaultOpcode: The opcode used when C{transport.write} is called.
@type defaultOpcode: L{CONTROLS}
@since: 13.2
def __init__(self, wrappedProtocol, defaultOpcode=CONTROLS.TEXT):
self.wrappedProtocol = wrappedProtocol
self.defaultOpcode = defaultOpcode
self, _WebSocketsProtocolWrapperReceiver(wrappedProtocol))
def makeConnection(self, transport):
Upon connection, provides the transport interface, and forwards ourself
as the transport to C{self.wrappedProtocol}.
@type transport: L{twisted.internet.interfaces.ITransport} provider.
@param transport: The transport to use for the protocol.
directlyProvides(self, providedBy(transport))
WebSocketsProtocol.makeConnection(self, transport)
def write(self, data):
Write to the websocket protocol, transforming C{data} in a frame.
@type data: C{bytes}
@param data: Data buffer used for the frame content.
self._receiver._transport.sendFrame(self.defaultOpcode, data, True)
def writeSequence(self, data):
Send all chunks from C{data} using C{write}.
@type data: C{list} of C{bytes}
@param data: Data buffers used for the frames content.
for chunk in data:
def loseConnection(self):
Try to lose the connection gracefully when closing by sending a close
def __getattr__(self, name):
Forward all non-local attributes and methods to C{self.transport}.
return getattr(self.transport, name)
def connectionLost(self, reason):
Forward C{connectionLost} to C{self.wrappedProtocol}.
@type reason: L{twisted.python.failure.Failure}
@param reason: A failure instance indicating the reason why the
connection was lost.
class WebSocketsResource(object):
A resource for serving a protocol through WebSockets.
This class wraps a factory and connects it to WebSockets clients. Each
connecting client will be connected to a new protocol of the factory.
Due to unresolved questions of logistics, this resource cannot have
@param lookupProtocol: A callable returning a tuple of
(protocol instance, matched protocol name or C{None}) when called with
a valid connection. It's called with a list of asked protocols from the
client and the connecting client request. If the returned protocol name
is specified, it is used as I{Sec-WebSocket-Protocol} value. If the
protocol is a L{WebSocketsProtocol} instance, it will be connected
directly, otherwise it will be wrapped by L{WebSocketsProtocolWrapper}.
For simple use cases using a factory, you can use
@type lookupProtocol: C{callable}.
@since: 13.2
isLeaf = True
def __init__(self, lookupProtocol):
self._lookupProtocol = lookupProtocol
def getChildWithDefault(self, name, request):
Reject attempts to retrieve a child resource. All path segments beyond
the one which refers to this resource are handled by the WebSocket
@type name: C{bytes}
@param name: A single path component from a requested URL.
@type request: L{twisted.web.iweb.IRequest} provider
@param request: The request received.
raise RuntimeError(
"Cannot get IResource children from WebSocketsResource")
def putChild(self, path, child):
Reject attempts to add a child resource to this resource. The
WebSocket connection handles all path segments beneath this resource,
so L{IResource} children can never be found.
@type path: C{bytes}
@param path: A single path component.
@type child: L{IResource} provider
@param child: A resource to put underneat this one.
raise RuntimeError(
"Cannot put IResource children under WebSocketsResource")
def render(self, request):
Render a request.
We're not actually rendering a request. We are secretly going to handle
a WebSockets connection instead.
@param request: The connecting client request.
@type request: L{Request<twisted.web.http.Request>}
@return: a string if the request fails, otherwise C{NOT_DONE_YET}.
request.defaultContentType = None
# If we fail at all, we'll fail with 400 and no response.
failed = False
if request.method != "GET":
# GET is required.
failed = True
upgrade = request.getHeader("Upgrade")
if upgrade is None or "websocket" not in upgrade.lower():
# Upgrade: WebSocket is required.
failed = True
connection = request.getHeader("Connection")
if connection is None or "upgrade" not in connection.lower():
# Connection: Upgrade is required.
failed = True
key = request.getHeader("Sec-WebSocket-Key")
if key is None:
# The challenge key is required.
failed = True
version = request.getHeader("Sec-WebSocket-Version")
if version != "13":
# Only version 13 works.
failed = True
# 4.4 Forward-compatible version checking.
request.setHeader("Sec-WebSocket-Version", "13")
if failed:
return ""
askedProtocols = request.requestHeaders.getRawHeaders(
protocol, protocolName = self._lookupProtocol(askedProtocols, request)
# If a protocol is not created, we deliver an error status.
if not protocol:
return ""
# We are going to finish this handshake. We will return a valid status
# code.
# 101 Switching Protocols
# Upgrade: websocket
request.setHeader("Upgrade", "WebSocket")
# Connection: Upgrade
request.setHeader("Connection", "Upgrade")
# Response to the key challenge
request.setHeader("Sec-WebSocket-Accept", _makeAccept(key))
# Optional codec declaration
if not protocolName:
protocolName = 'base64'
if protocolName:
request.setHeader("Sec-WebSocket-Protocol", protocolName)
# Provoke request into flushing headers and finishing the handshake.
# And now take matters into our own hands. We shall manage the
# transport's lifecycle.
transport, request.transport = request.transport, None
if not isinstance(protocol, WebSocketsProtocol):
protocol = WebSocketsProtocolWrapper(protocol)
# Connect the transport to our factory, and make things go. We need to
# do some stupid stuff here; see #3204, which could fix it.
if isinstance(transport.protocol, TLSMemoryBIOProtocol):
transport.protocol.wrappedProtocol = protocol
transport.protocol = protocol
transport.request = request
def lookupProtocolForFactory(factory):
Return a suitable C{lookupProtocol} argument for L{WebSocketsResource}
which ignores the protocol names and just return a protocol instance built
by C{factory}.
@since: 13.2
def lookupProtocol(protocolNames, request):
protocol = factory.buildProtocol(request.transport.getPeer())
return protocol, None
return lookupProtocol
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