Commit 1bbbf0ff by Őry Máté

docs: prefer git over https to ssh

parent 87b93cc7
......@@ -15,20 +15,24 @@ To get the project running on a development machine, launch a new Ubuntu
14.04 machine, and log in to it over SSH.
To use *git* over *SSH*, we advise enabling SSH *agent forwarding*.
On your terminal computer check if *ssh-agent* is running (the command
should print a process id)::
.. info::
To use *git* over *SSH*, we advise enabling SSH *agent forwarding*.
On your terminal computer check if *ssh-agent* is running (the command
should print a process id)::
If it is not running, you can configure your dektop environment to
automatically launch it.
If it is not running, you can configure your dektop environment to
automatically launch it.
Add your private key to the agent (if it is not added by your desktop
Add your private key to the agent (if it is not added by your desktop
ssh-add [~/.ssh/path_to_id_rsa]
ssh-add [~/.ssh/path_to_id_rsa]
You can read and write all repositories over https, but you will have to
provide username and password for every push command.
Log in to the new vm. The :kbd:`-A` switch enables agent forwarding::
......@@ -105,7 +109,13 @@ Setting up Circle itself
Clone the git repository::
git clone circle
git clone circle
If you want to push back any modifications, it is possible to set SSH as the
push protocol::
cd circle
git remote set-url --push origin
Set up *virtualenvwrapper* and the *virtual Python environment* for the
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