Commit 2fc29987 by Kálmán Viktor

dashboard: fix doctests (again)

Dict order
parent 9a6fa0e9
......@@ -190,13 +190,18 @@ class FilterMixin(object):
The final dict looks like this: {'name': xy, 'node':1}
>>> f = FilterMixin()
>>> f._parse_get({'s': "hello"}) # doctest: +ELLIPSIS
{u's': u'...', u'name': u'hello'}
>>> f._parse_get({'s': "name:hello owner:test"}) # doctest: +ELLIPSIS
{u'owner': u'test', u's': u'...', u'name': u'hello'}
>>> f._parse_get({'s': "name:hello whitespace node:node 3 oh"})
... # doctest: +ELLIPSIS
{u'node': u'node 3 oh', u's': u'...', u'name': u'hello whitespace'}
>>> o = f._parse_get({'s': "hello"}).items()
>>> o.sort()
>>> o # doctest: +ELLIPSIS
[(u'name', u'hello'), (...)]
>>> o = f._parse_get({'s': "name:hello owner:test"}).items()
>>> o.sort()
>>> o # doctest: +ELLIPSIS
[(u'name', u'hello'), (u'owner', u'test'), (...)]
>>> o = f._parse_get({'s': "name:hello ws node:node 3 oh"}).items()
>>> o.sort()
>>> o # doctest: +ELLIPSIS
[(u'name', u'hello ws'), (u'node', u'node 3 oh'), (...)]
s = GET_dict.get("s")
fake = GET_dict.copy()
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