Commit 57a3fb8a by Őry Máté

paper: remove [new repo: cloud-papers]

parent 3c786fcb
\title{Harnessing Wasted Computing Power for Scientific Computing}
\author{S\'andor Guba, M\'at\'e \H{O}ry and Imre Szeber\'enyi\\
Budapest University of Technology and Economics, %\\
%Magyar Tud\'osok k\"or\'utja 2, H-1117 Budapest,
Nowadays more and more general purpose workstations installed in a student
laboratory have built in multi-core CPU and graphics card providing significant
computing power. In most cases the utilization of these resources is low, and
limited to lecture hours. The concept of utility computing plays an important
role in nowadays technological development. As part of utility computing, cloud
computing offers greater flexibility and responsiveness to ICT users at lower
In  this paper, we introduce a cloud management system which enables the
simultaneous use of both dedicated resources and opportunistic environment. All
the free workstations (powered or not) are automatically added to a resource
pool, and can be used like ordinary cloud resources. Researchers can launch
various virtualized software appliances. Our solution leverages the advantages
of HTCondor and OpenNebula systems.
Modern graphics processing units (GPUs) with many-core architectures have
emerged as general-purpose parallel computing platforms that can dramatically
accelerate  scientific applications used for various simulations. Our business
model harnesses computing power of GPUs as well, using the needed amount of
unused machines. This makes the infrastructure flexible and power efficient.
Our pilot infrastructure consist of a high performance cluster and 28
workstations with dual-core CPUs and dedicated graphics cards. Altogether we
can use 10,752 CUDA cores through the network.
title={Analysis of virtualization technologies for high performance computing environments},
author={Younge, Andrew J and Henschel, Robert and Brown, James T and von Laszewski, Gregor and Qiu, Judy and Fox, Geoffrey C},
booktitle={Cloud Computing (CLOUD), 2011 IEEE International Conference on},
title={The origin of the VM/370 time-sharing system},
author={Creasy, Robert J.},
journal={IBM Journal of Research and Development},
title={A New Approach to rCUDA},
author={Duato, Jos{\'e} and Pena, Antonio J and Silla, Federico and Fern{\'a}ndez, Juan C and Mayo, Rafael and Quintana-Ort{\i}, Enrique S}
title={The Definitive Guide to Django: Web Development Done Right},
author={Holovaty, Adrian and Kaplan-Moss, Jacob},
title={Introduction to NX technology},
author={Pinzari, Gian Filippo},
institution={NoMachine Technical Report 309}
title={Creating and Controlling KVM Guests using libvirt},
author={Victoria, B},
journal={University of Victoria},
title={Non-intrusive virtualization management using libvirt},
author={Bolte, Matthias and Sievers, Michael and Birkenheuer, Georg and Nieh{\"o}rster, Oliver and Brinkmann, Andr{\'e}},
booktitle={Proceedings of the Conference on Design, Automation and Test in Europe},
organization={European Design and Automation Association}
title={Extending networking into the virtualization layer},
author={Pfaff, Ben and Pettit, Justin and Koponen, Teemu and Amidon, Keith and Casado, Martin and Shenker, Scott},
journal={Proc. HotNets (October 2009)},
title={Sshfs: super easy file access over ssh},
author={Hoskins, Matthew E},
journal={Linux Journal},
publisher={Belltown Media}
title={FUSE: Filesystem in userspace},
author={M. Szeredi},
journal={Accessed on},
title={On implementation of GPU virtualization using PCI pass-through},
author={Yang, Chao-Tung and Wang, Hsien-Yi and Ou, Wei-Shen and Liu, Yu-Tso and Hsu, Ching-Hsien},
booktitle={Cloud Computing Technology and Science (CloudCom), 2012 IEEE 4th International Conference on},
title={Enabling CUDA acceleration within virtual machines using rCUDA},
author={Duato, Jos{\'e} and Pena, Antonio J and Silla, Federico and Fern{\'a}ndez, Juan C and Mayo, Rafael and Quintana-Orti, ES},
booktitle={High Performance Computing (HiPC), 2011 18th International Conference on},
title={Nfs over rdma},
author={Callaghan, Brent and Lingutla-Raj, Theresa and Chiu, Alex and Staubach, Peter and Asad, Omer},
booktitle={Proceedings of ACM SIGCOMM Summer 2003 NICELI Workshop},
title={Advanced message queuing protocol},
author={Vinoski, Steve},
journal={Internet Computing, IEEE},
% clmomu01.ind
% CLMoMu01 1.0: LaTeX style files for books
% Sample index file for User's guide
% (c) Springer-Verlag HD
\item Absorption\idxquad 327
\item Absorption of radiation \idxquad 289--292,\, 299,\,300
\item Actinides \idxquad 244
\item Aharonov-Bohm effect\idxquad 142--146
\item Angular momentum\idxquad 101--112
\subitem algebraic treatment\idxquad 391--396
\item Angular momentum addition\idxquad 185--193
\item Angular momentum commutation relations\idxquad 101
\item Angular momentum quantization\idxquad 9--10,\,104--106
\item Angular momentum states\idxquad 107,\,321,\,391--396
\item Antiquark\idxquad 83
\item $\alpha$-rays\idxquad 101--103
\item Atomic theory\idxquad 8--10,\,219--249,\,327
\item Average value\newline ({\it see also\/} Expectation value)
\item Baker-Hausdorff formula\idxquad 23
\item Balmer formula\idxquad 8
\item Balmer series\idxquad 125
\item Baryon\idxquad 220,\,224
\item Basis\idxquad 98
\item Basis system\idxquad 164,\,376
\item Bell inequality\idxquad 379--381,\,382
\item Bessel functions\idxquad 201,\,313,\,337
\subitem spherical\idxquad 304--306,\, 309,\, 313--314,\,322
\item Bound state\idxquad 73--74,\,78--79,\,116--118,\,202,\, 267,\,
\item Boundary conditions\idxquad 59,\, 70
\item Bra\idxquad 159
\item Breit-Wigner formula\idxquad 80,\,84,\,332
\item Brillouin-Wigner perturbation theory\idxquad 203
\item Cathode rays\idxquad 8
\item Causality\idxquad 357--359
\item Center-of-mass frame\idxquad 232,\,274,\,338
\item Central potential\idxquad 113--135,\,303--314
\item Centrifugal potential\idxquad 115--116,\,323
\item Characteristic function\idxquad 33
\item Clebsch-Gordan coefficients\idxquad 191--193
\item Cold emission\idxquad 88
\item Combination principle, Ritz's\idxquad 124
\item Commutation relations\idxquad 27,\,44,\,353,\,391
\item Commutator\idxquad 21--22,\,27,\,44,\,344
\item Compatibility of measurements\idxquad 99
\item Complete orthonormal set\idxquad 31,\,40,\,160,\,360
\item Complete orthonormal system, {\it see}\newline
Complete orthonormal set
\item Complete set of observables, {\it see\/} Complete
set of operators
\item Eigenfunction\idxquad 34,\,46,\,344--346
\subitem radial\idxquad 321
\subsubitem calculation\idxquad 322--324
\item EPR argument\idxquad 377--378
\item Exchange term\idxquad 228,\,231,\,237,\,241,\,268,\,272
\item $f$-sum rule\idxquad 302
\item Fermi energy\idxquad 223
\item H$^+_2$ molecule\idxquad 26
\item Half-life\idxquad 65
\item Holzwarth energies\idxquad 68
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