Commit d61fb9f3 by Kálmán Viktor

occi: remove public key creation

parent 9cf1ac9f
......@@ -173,8 +173,6 @@ class Compute(Resource):
if link:
cls.create_public_key(user, attributes)
params = {}
params['owner'] = user
title = attributes.get("occi.core.title")
......@@ -241,23 +239,6 @@ class Compute(Resource):
for sl in storagelinks:
cls.instance.attach_disk(user=user, disk=disk)
def create_public_key(cls, user, attributes):
key_name = attributes.get("")
key_data = attributes.get("")
if key_name and key_data:
if UserKey.objects.filter(name=key_name, user=user):
key_name = "%s via OCCI @ %s" % (
date_format(, "DATETIME_FORMAT")
key = UserKey(name=key_name[:50], key=key_data, user=user)
if not UserKey.objects.filter(key=key.key):
def render_location(self):
return "%s" % self.location
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