Commit e185ea3e by Őry Máté

dashboard: test GETs with invalid/expired tokens

parent 6dfa952b
......@@ -408,6 +408,8 @@ class RenewViewTest(LoginMixin, TestCase):
c = Client()
self.login(c, 'user2')
response = c.get(key)
self.assertEquals(response.status_code, 404)
response =
self.assertEquals(response.status_code, 404)
ct2 = Instance.objects.get(pk=1).activity_log.\
......@@ -421,6 +423,8 @@ class RenewViewTest(LoginMixin, TestCase):
c = Client()
self.login(c, 'user2')
response = c.get(key)
self.assertEquals(response.status_code, 302)
response =
self.assertEquals(response.status_code, 403)
ct2 = Instance.objects.get(pk=12).activity_log.\
......@@ -1662,7 +1662,7 @@ class AbstractVmFunctionView(AccessMixin, View):
user = User.objects.get(pk=user)
return user
def do_action(self, instance, user):
def do_action(self, instance, user): # noqa
raise NotImplementedError('Please override do_action(instance, user)')
def get_context(self, instance):
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