Commit f9768161 by Őry Máté

common: add HumanReadableException.send_message()

parent 8f0c13b8
......@@ -23,6 +23,7 @@ from logging import getLogger
from time import time
from warnings import warn
from django.contrib import messages
from django.contrib.auth.models import User
from django.core.cache import cache
from django.core.serializers.json import DjangoJSONEncoder
......@@ -196,6 +197,10 @@ class ActivityModel(TimeStampedModel):
DeprecationWarning, stacklevel=2)
value = create_readable(user_text_template="",
elif not hasattr(value, "to_dict"):
warn("Use HumanReadableObject.", DeprecationWarning, stacklevel=2)
value = create_readable(user_text_template="",
self.result_data = None if value is None else value.to_dict()
......@@ -361,8 +366,9 @@ class HumanReadableObject(object):
def create(cls, user_text_template, admin_text_template=None, **params):
return cls(user_text_template,
admin_text_template or user_text_template, params)
return cls(user_text_template=user_text_template,
or user_text_template), params=params)
def set(self, user_text_template, admin_text_template=None, **params):
......@@ -407,10 +413,28 @@ create_readable = HumanReadableObject.create
class HumanReadableException(HumanReadableObject, Exception):
"""HumanReadableObject that is an Exception so can used in except clause.
def __init__(self, level=None, *args, **kwargs):
super(HumanReadableException, self).__init__(*args, **kwargs)
if level is not None:
if hasattr(messages, level):
self.level = level
raise ValueError(
"Level should be the name of an attribute of django."
"contrib.messages (and it should be callable with "
"(request, message)). Like 'error', 'warning'.")
self.level = "error"
def send_message(self, request, level=None):
if request.user and request.user.is_superuser:
msg = self.get_admin_text()
msg = self.get_user_text()
getattr(messages, level or self.level)(request, msg)
def humanize_exception(message, exception=None, **params):
def humanize_exception(message, exception=None, level=None, **params):
"""Return new dynamic-class exception which is based on
HumanReadableException and the original class with the dict of exception.
......@@ -419,8 +443,10 @@ def humanize_exception(message, exception=None, **params):
Ex = type("HumanReadable" + type(exception).__name__,
(HumanReadableException, type(exception)),
return Ex.create(message, **params)
ex = Ex.create(message, **params)
if level:
ex.level = level
return ex
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