#!/bin/bash if [ -z "$SSH_AUTH_SOCK" ] then cat <<A Use SSH authentication agent forwarding ("ssh -A cloud@host"). On the client side you can use "ssh-add [filename]" to let the agent know more keys. In .ssh/config you can also use "ForwardAgent yes" setting. A exit 1 fi if ! git config user.name then echo -n "Your name: " read NAME git config --global user.name "$NAME" echo -n "Your e-mail address: " read MAIL git config --global user.email "$MAIL" fi mysql <<A DROP USER webadmin@localhost; A mysql <<A DROP DATABASE webadmin; A set -e mysql <<A CREATE USER webadmin@localhost IDENTIFIED BY 'asjklddfjklqjf'; CREATE DATABASE webadmin CHARACTER SET utf8 COLLATE utf8_general_ci; GRANT ALL ON webadmin.* TO webadmin@localhost; A cd /opt/webadmin/ mv cloud cloud.$(date +%s) || true git clone 'ssh://git@giccero.cloud.ik.bme.hu/cloud' cd cloud miscellaneous/devenv/nextinit.sh