Commit 5d826b51 by Gregory Nagy

Calvin refactored (envvars added) and vm.models.node.xxx_usage and get_monitor_info added.

parent 0cf29a91
import requests
class GraphiteHandler:
def __init__(self, server_name="localhost", server_port="8080"):
self.__server_name = server_name
self.__server_port = server_port
self.__queries = []
self.__responses = []
def put(self, query):
def cleanUpQueries(self):
self.__queries = []
def cleanUpResponses(self):
self.__responses = []
def isEmpty(self):
return len(self.__queries) is 0
def generateAll(self):
Regenerate the queries before sending.
for query in self.__queries:
def send(self):
Generates the corrent query for the Graphite webAPI and flush all the
queries in the fifo.
Important: After sending queries to the server the fifo will lost its
url_base = "http://%s:%s/render?" % (self.__server_name,
for query in self.__queries:
response = requests.get(url_base + query.getGenerated())
if query.getFormat() is "json":
self.__responses.append(response.json()) # DICT
def pop(self):
Pop the first query has got from the server.
return self.__responses.pop(0) # Transform to dictionary
print("There is no more responses.")
class Query:
def __init__(self):
Query initializaion:
default format is json dictionary
keys: ("target <string>","datapoints <list>")
self.__target = ""
self.__metric = ""
self.__start = ""
self.__end = ""
self.__function = ""
self.__response_format = "json"
self.__generated = ""
def setTarget(self, target):
Hostname of the target we should get the information from.
After the hostname you should use the domain the target is in.
Example: "" where DOMAIN is
the root of the graphite server.
self.__target = '.'.join(target.split('.')[::-1])
def getTarget(self):
return self.__target
def setMetric(self, metric):
self.__metric = metric
def getMetric(self):
return self.__metric
def setAbsoluteStart(self, year, month, day, hour, minute):
Function for setting the time you want to get the reports from.
if(len(year) > 4 or len(year) < 2):
self.__start = hour + ":" + minute + "_" + year + month + day
def setRelativeStart(self, value, scale):
Function for setting the time you want to get the reports from.
if (scale not in ["years",
"months", "days", "hours", "minutes", "seconds"]):
self.__start = "-" + str(value) + scale
def getStart(self):
return self.__start
def setAbsoluteEnd(self, year, month, day, hour, minute):
Function for setting the time until you want to get the reports from.
if(len(year) > 4 or len(year) < 2):
self.__end = hour + ":" + minute + "_" + year + month + day
def setRelativeEnd(self, value, scale):
Function for setting the time until you want to get the reports from.
if (scale not in ["years",
"months", "days", "hours", "minutes", "seconds"]):
self.__end = "-" + str(value) + scale
def getEnd(self):
return self.__end
def setFormat(self, fmat):
Function for setting the format of the response from the server.
Valid values: ["csv", "raw", "json"]
valid_formats = ["csv", "raw", "json"]
if fmat not in valid_formats:
self.__response_format = fmat
def getFormat(self):
return self.__response_format
def generate(self):
You must always call this function before sending the metric to the
server for it generates the valid format that the graphite API can
tmp = "target=" + self.__target + "." + self.__metric
if len(self.__start) is not 0:
tmp = tmp + "&from=" + self.__start
if len(self.__end) is not 0:
tmp = tmp + "&until=" + self.__end
tmp = tmp + "&format=" + self.__response_format
self.__generated = tmp
return self.__generated
def getGenerated(self):
Returns the generated query string.
Throws exception if it haven't been done yet.
if len(self.__generated) is 0:
return self.__generated
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