Commit 88946e1a by Kálmán Viktor Committed by Bach Dániel

dashboard: fix a weird title issue

parent 1a51d380
......@@ -19,7 +19,7 @@
- {{ a.percentage }}%
{% endif %}
{% endspaceless %}{% if a.times < 2 %} <span title="{{ a.started }}">{{ a.started|arrowfilter:LANGUAGE_CODE }}</span>{% endif %}{% if a.user %},
{% endspaceless %}{% if a.times < 2 %}&nbsp;<span title="{{ a.started }}">{{ a.started|arrowfilter:LANGUAGE_CODE }}</span>{% endif %}{% if a.user %},
<a class="no-style-link" href="{% url "dashboard.views.profile" username=a.user.username %}">
{% include "dashboard/_display-name.html" with user=a.user show_org=True %}
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